shit links cause we're all idle cunts
>Coronavirus: Downing Street to give daily TV briefings on outbreak
>Coronavirus: Germany latest country to close borders
shit links cause we're all idle cunts
>Coronavirus: Downing Street to give daily TV briefings on outbreak
>Coronavirus: Germany latest country to close borders
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About to be celebrating the 10th installation of narrowboat's editions, exciting times.
Seriously considering buying about ten chickens and keeping them out the back for eggs.
boris johnson has the blood of millions on his hands
>In the first seven weeks of 2018, over 10,000 (12.4 per cent) more people died in England and Wales than was usual for the time of year.…
10 chickens and a narrowboat mate, you're set for life.
forced memes are shit memes, mate.
The canal boat life does seem proper comfy, I live opposite a canal and you just see people cruising up and down, stopping off for a pint at the pub and stuff.
reminder: if you are american you are probably not white
>How Europe deals with terror offenders when they are freed from jail
It's not a meme, take the narrowboat pill, mate.
does look pretty comfy t b h
>cruising up and down, stopping off for a pint at the pub
sounds comfy to me lad
>all air travel stopped
>all borders closed
>all stock markets in freefall
>years of undermining social cohesion now having consequences
It's just the flu bro
>"I’ve been ill for 3weeks been seen by a doctor and a paramedic who said I won’t be tested as I’m not classed as high priority or high risk. "
just some random guys reply i noticed
but maybe many others are getting told the same thing?
Ironic that our whole lives we're told China cook the books, never give real numbers. The minute a crisis pops up in our own country, and our governments are being just as deceitful.
it fucking scandalous.
i lived in berkhamsted for a bit and that is probably as close to heaven as is possible to find in England in this day and age. there is one house on the canal which is fucking amazing i'll try and find a pic
was walking, saw two 'females' walking towards me/headed my way
as im about to walk past them, but as a i do
one of them says lovely day, to her mate
then i glance and she does some tough blokeish smoking cough
by now/then ive had a good look at 'her' she a fat patent lesbian
im in serious trouble my immune system isnt engineered for one of those fat patent lesbian types with flu
Houses on the canal are comfy as fuck
The projected deaths skyrocket once the UK runs out of ventilators.
Eventually we'll run out of boomers to feed into the fires, and this will all blow over.
and then...
Uk news papers will make this look tame :(
I'm sure only boomers send in obituaries so once they all die that section wont even be relevant.
A party that isn't full of shitlibs or lolberts but actual sane people?
>wealth is the real privilege
only low IQ niggers and NPCs who listen to kikes don't know this reality about the world.
Bowden Scissorhands
where's that? looks a bit like the (sort of) famous one in Bruges
feel like pure shit just want her back
Comfy as fuck mate
Brugge mate
We're reaching levels of flex that shouldn't be possible.
This is about a mile down from where I live, went up for sale and got snapped up in a few days, has its own private mooring and little mill run off stream that joins to the canal.
Afternoon lads
maybe one positive thing will come from all this..
the world ends up red pilled on the holohoax,
once they see the impossibility of ovening 6 million Jews in the span of the war.
This kills the obsessed ADE happooner fag
Why the bongs are so pathetic in dealing with this virus? It’s literally worse than mutts.
kind of hard to "deal" with a virus that has a 24+ day asymptomatic contagious incubation period. your country isn't exactly handling it well either. so much for the "warm weather will stop da virus" meme.
We better not be bailing them out again.
tfw live next to canal
tfw never floods
Mutts are just bongs with even worse ideas.
i just assume everyone on twitter is a bot so i wouldn't rely too much on anecdote tweets.
truth is, right now they don't have sufficient testing capacity. if you're young you're not going to get a test unless you're bad enough to be admitted to hospital.
odds are they won't be enough testing capacity until the tail end of the virus.
Heil Raoul!
Actual doctor here.
From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.
If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.
Funniest pasta so far
already stale
Toryboys have been boasting about 95% employment and how we need more paki workers, so the economy should be able to cope with more unemployment, right?
We’re at least pretending to handle it, Brits just went straight surrender. Why do you call frogs surrender monkeys? They at least started to shut everything down and boil the frogs.
>tfw unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon
Best part of this whole thing is getting some time at home with me stepdad
Post this in cvg they go mental
the europoor fears 'The British Tourist™'
Luv me dad I do
look at all this fucking gibberish
Why Europe allowed Britain to join EU in the first place was a quite mystery.
Wholesome at first
Then it got a bit suspect
Money. obv.
>unfit overweight 50 year olds at benidorm
Yeah, I'm thinking these people going to get rekt by herd immunity when they come back.
Down the pub lads
Don't care about CV