Why is Canada still having hourly flights from china come in?

Why is Canada still having hourly flights from china come in?

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>Why is

Because canada is a cancer.

>Ezra (((Levant)))

And they are coming in to america. I fucking hate chinks so much

This. I hope they get corona'd very bad. Fuck Canada!

Because the jews say it’s racist to ban coronavirus infected chinks from coming to your (formerly) White country but a ban on flights from Europe should be a-ok

It is better to die and not be seen as racist while doing it.

Because Vancouver is basically a part of China.

>Yeah I am dead from the coronavirus, but at least noone ever called ME a racist

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No one gives a shit about Vancouver anyways

Why did their PM's wife have an "event" with two black men?

Attached: Event.png (785x209, 80.06K)

because we are trying to kill the hoard that is growing in Canada.

The states should close the northern borders.

because they own most of the country

Hongcouver can go, then Quebec, fuck the french.

I was listening to Newsradio here in Vancouver this morning and they actually called it a "bug". Some people won't get it even when they're on their deathbed and even in the afterlife they'll probably still say it was just the flu.

How are things going in Washington State and New York faggot?

Says the guy with the highest death count. Fucking dumb wop.

word on the street is We're announcing travel restrictions today

the guy who made the tweet is a jew

>Why is Canada still having hourly flights from china come in?
Because Justin isn't the PM of Canada, Xi is. The CCP is calling the shots up North.

Attached: Zhou.png (348x375, 9.93K)

good thing America and Canada have a large unprotected border.

This. Canadian chinks don't think of themselves as Canadian but as colonists establishing a new colony for the mother hive. Same as Aussie and US chinks; same as Indonesian and Malaysian chinks; same as chinks everywhere. Chinks are the real jews.

because Canada is not against immigrants

Attached: demtravelban.jpg (1024x768, 71.19K)

You will close the border soon, Were seeing a big spike in cases. Sucks, One part of my family were loyalists, some others stayed in Pennsylvania. way back when. godspeed faggot

The US may be forced to close the border. It is really sad that we can't agree on something so basic. I think that the UK and Canada are OK with killing off as many old folk as they can in order to save the NHS budget. Communists think like this and have no problem with killing millions of citizens. It is for the greater good.

This. Vancouver is chinese clay

The chad Omar Khadr Islam warrior vs the virgin Jew “journalist” Ezra (((Levantine)))

Because Canada doesn't have a border. "Canada" isn't really a thing under Trudaeu. Canada is a revolving door between China, Iran, and other countries.

For Trudaeu to close the border, that would be admitting we even have a border.

Also, China probably threatened war with Canada if we stop flights from there.

We are most likely cucked to every country.

The travel restrictions will be they're limiting international flights to 3 or 4 airports.

Disgusting, but you’re right. Get rid of some of those seniors obligations.

The state was a mistake from day 1.

He is okay, 90% anti-immigration stuff & only 5-10% Israel shilling, that's a pretty good ratio for a media company.

This, can confirm.

Because China eradicated the virus in their country you dumb fuck

Because if you ban flights, your enemy wins or some shit.

Please annex

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eat shit Anglo subhuman

subhuman Anglo, pay the péréquation and shut the fuck up

Just a reminder for all real leaf anons on here.

They will probably round us up and dispatch us, exactly like Kohmanei, and XI did in their countries.

Be aware, don’t sleep in the same place two night in a row etc.. etc..

No it's worse than ever, they instituted a media blackout.

Thousands are dying.

Fuck you chang

Spain Peeps incoming too!

They have two confirmed cases where I live. They haven't been able to test one person and been a week


>threatened war
lol the cucking is real

We are beside the country that will be the epicenter in a few weeks. We need to shut the southern border. Get your guns Canadabros. We are undefeated in wars against the US and I don't expect that to change.

Right now China's in better shape than anyone in the West.

At least they don't have very socially mobile public transportation user group's like: "Muh Melanin Make dis nufin foe me, nah G dat cough from al da weed blood"!!!

Because the fagcucks in Canada care more about people see them as not racist then actually protecting their own population from a pandemic. It's liberalism 101.

we have travel bans
your country is still cancer

Please annex

I agree

bunch of virtue signaling faggots

Stfu you faggot leaf.

>Also, China probably threatened war with Canada if we stop flights from there.
daddy trump will protect us

China > Canada > Drive into USA > Fly domestic
Wow travel bans are really effective !!

Quebec is like store-brand France lol


Yeah I'm getting paranoid. I'm going to buy more ammunition after work today. (my office is still open because my island has no confirmed community transmission yet).

They will force you guys to be sodomized and have your wives sodomized in front of you by niggers and muzzies

Never Fear,

The Canadian interim government that arrested Trudeau has issued containment efforts in Toronto and all Urban Areas


chinks can't get on the subway to PVG if they have a fever, can't get into the departures check-in if they have a fever and will certainly not be on the plane if they have a fever. if they have had a fever in the last 14 days, they have a Code Red on their ID which is scanned at every transport point, mall and housing complex. anyone on that plane is either safe or not showing any signs.

Lol, as fucking if nig.

We had more than that many airports?

Hey leaf fags, the government has abandoned us.
Just FYI



Our Parliament is sitting empty right now.