Macron will announce tonight on TV a 45-day quarantine. People will not be allowed to leave their houses except to buy food and water.
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Do you have sauce or no?
fpbp Checked
>mfw I work in a supermarket
i cant see sauce
There is some discipline in France. France has lower corruption than Italy for example.
we will be in the exact situation in 10 days
> will announce tonight
The sauce is OP's ass.
Screenshot the post and check the news in 4/5 hours
French people are fucking retarded. First they announced he would use article 16
Didn't happen.
What the fuck makes you think he'll force us to stay inside our homes? Even if that happens, then what will stop me from going out ?
He will reveal himself as the Macron from Quake 2 right after declaring martial law
Only for Paris not France, make my words...
Whole country mate, mark mine.
I have heard from several sources (police, healthcare, journalists) that Belgium will do the same. To be announced tomorrow evening. We're waiting on France to announce first.
holy shit so many niggers wtf pierre
Australian PM did something similar, on Friday he said people should avoid gatherings of over 500 then said he was still going to go to the rugby on Saturday then 2 hours later a member of the parliament tested positive and he had to cancel his rugby plans.
This shit is an absolute joke
They deserve it, trust me.
>Paris 45 days later
>They deserve it
>french flag
Paris and his subway, another country...
So basically, France is surendering AGAIN
Relatives phone me this morning, can confirm
his voice is so washed out even when he laughs
>countries locking everything down 4 months into a pandemic instead of at the beginning
what did they mean by this?
Use mask and gloves, customers will be happier too.
Get to work wagie those shelves aren't going to stack themselves
Nigger are you that much irresponsible? Are you 16?
You're the one who stops yourself being a spreader. You have the very same argument my clinically retarded bipolar Mauritian friend has.
>unggh what stops me from going outside unggh
there's nothing better for learning discipline than getting hit in the face by a rifle's butt
Will 2-3 migrants be installed in every house for every 1 woman? 5-6 for every underage girl?
what kind of mutt are you?
this. where will they put all migrants?
Better buy all the shit I need Today then.
With what manpower? They should have acted conscprition for the unemployed(5 millions) and university students(1.5 million) to train them in order to keep the country going and allow said rifle butts to end up in their faces because they think it's a fucking holiday.
I better not see his stupid fucking cuck face anywhere for the next 45 days then.
i saw this info german normie discussion boards a few minutes ago
They will surrender to the virus
>national quarantine
>people are still allowed to herd themselves into grocery stores
Then it's literally not an actual quarantine. Now I understand why we never made a big deal out of any previous pandemics. It's not even remotely worth trying to address unless it's some crazy shit like airborne ebola with a 70% mortality rate
The kind that is pretty pissed watching what was once one of the most advanced people on all fronts, including logic and ideas, become so fucking pacified and stupid under democracy.
They get what they vote for.
it only says he will have address in 20h no?
yeah... Cant wait to see how they will enforce it in the guettos
Now it's that many people who have strictly no use to society. Look at what the chinks do ffs, checkpoints everywhere, masks for everyone. We could do that. But Macron fucked too much for too long and now noone trusts him to be authoritarian.
My home is a sacred place! Why am I forced to wagecuck from here?
>multiculti quarantine
I cannot wait to see this.
He don't wanna talk about what he lunched today
>food and water
What about vodka?
Did you see the videos of the roaming packs of hungry monkeys in Thailand?
Only wine here
Tonight we are going to witness the absolute state of France's social climate.
Yes it says Macron is live at 20h. What it doesn't say however is that the government when they made the annonce of the live adress said it will be regarding confinement and quarantine. OP is right, check back at 20h
>France in lockdown
vodka is categorized under water
How could a white person live in that soup ?
The stores limit capacity so that each person can maintain 1 meter spacing. Everyone coordinating the response is thinking about it a lot harder than you are in your armchair.
>People will not be allowed to leave their houses except to have bbc orgies
Something with a 70% mortality rate will never escape the third world because it kills before people get to pass it on
fuck, i wanted to go camping
Yes, it's gonna be great. The issues are going to be magnified times ten, and the governement won't be able to ignore them.
there's actually so much more corruption than nobody is reporting it anymore.
>things go to shit
>protest like the french always do
>virus spreads 100x faster
Pretty based.
>France goes on (((lockdown)))
>wh*te men stay home
>arabs prowl the streets for your women
>Everyone coordinating the response is thinking about it a lot harder than you are in your armchair
lol I've got some bad news for you user
t. public safety employee in a major city
God Paris is such an awful fucking city it could be much better
Same informations here
France is going to love refugees more.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
what if i need new underpants?
Trips of truth