Why is American urban planning so bad?

It affected small family businesses, the sense of community, paved the way for corporations to take over and mass production...
Can we have a serious thread discussing it, and to those who don't agree with me and actually like the cities, give me your points.

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it's cheap and gets the job done

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It's bad because people are okay with it being bad. Essentially no one in the US grows up being told how to save money or spend it, so when they hit adulthood they almost instantly get hoodwinked by someone else. All they ever thought about money was "better get a high paying job so I can get that nice house and nice car and nice xyz etc. etc." so when someone waves a $300,000 house with a 30 year ARM and no down payment in their face they swallow it whole and ask questions later when they and all their neighbors realize how far down the hole they actually are.

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That's the word I was looking for, "sprawl".
There aren't small stores, bakeries around the corner like in Europe and even South America.
It's hard, obviously not impossible though, to create any sort of relationship with your neighbors and your communities in general.
How are small business supposed to thrive like this? There's just no way, everything in America's gotta be soullessly mass-produced, including these residential developments.

>How are small business supposed to thrive like this?
Because the "small businesses" are gas stations, hair salons, used car dealerships, car washes and the like all owned by poor immigrants who couldn't give less of a shit about how well their shitbrick of a store fits into the neighborhood or culture surrounding it. They were sold the American Dream so the people at the top of the pyramid scheme could make another buck.

bump for non-cornona interest

that's accurate except I do all my shopping online

Kys incel. Literally every city looks bad from google earth. This is what a suburb looks like up close. Not that bad, is it?

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You know this isn't your average suburb.

That's not the point.

The point is in this country you need to drive every where. I'm here getting my car serviced and there is no where for me to walk to as this street is full of car dealerships.

>almost no yards
>not a single park
>no common area in the whole postage stamp
I concur this is garbage, but it's also relatively inexpensive for what you get. As always, there are trade-offs, and while I agree that this one is a shitty design, some people just want a comfy box.


Outskirts of Vegas on the I-15 I could tell almost immediately.

But like, wouldn't you agree with me that if commercial and residential were integrated like here in Europe and even South America things would be way better?
Giving a chance to small businesses, small bakeries... You'd be able to walk around your neighborhood and not see just the same houses over and over again.
Definitely get what you mean though.

Of course, idiot. You really think you can have houses that big each with yards and still be able to walk everywhere? No...

I like walking and all but you have to accept living packed like sardines for it to work

Then buy a 500-1000usd car until yours is serviced and go on with your day duuh.

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I mean along with Art Deco Mid-Century modern Architecture is sweet. Its the new shit that is crumbling.

I agree, but this didn't come up over hundreds of years like districts in Europe. Chances are there was an industry boom here and a sudden demand for places to live. It's not exactly an apples to apples comparison to put this up against Yorkshire England. I would be in favor of a law that mandates public spaces, sidewalks, parks, and even mini "historic downtown" type areas dotted inside these stamps. The problem is, with the way people just say "fuck you price is all that matters" to small businesses and do all their shopping on Amazon, you'd probably have to subsidize them.

yeah, be chinese live in a place like this
>not saying Europe has only good examples
>but you could do it better
much much better

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Why does aerial photography of suburban housing trigger people so much?
I look at that picture and feel nothing, am I autistic?

All of these are better than living n a HL2 map.

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Why is that better?
How is living in an apartment in the Bronx better?

Commieblocks do too and even more efficiently

the fuck should I know I never lived in the Bronx. You can argue that the salaries are better.

What do hope to achieve by making this thread every day?
What is your purpose here?
Also show flag.

Watch this.


>google stock images

I'm just saying, those are just apartment buildings, and apartment buildings full of blacks and Hispanics aren't much fun. You certainly won't be doing much walking around to the corner store in a neighborhood like that if you can help it.

Nice thread user!
If I had to point a finger it would be the rush to add housing during the boom period. It was about speed and profit but not about community planning. The second big factor is automobile culture. We built with the idea that access to commercial and industrial centers was a nonissue because "People can commute".

I don't understand it either. I mean the question really is "Do you want to live in a large home with garage, or do you prefer densely populated city centers?"

If former, urban sprawl it is (not necessarily a bad thing if you don't care about seeing people on streets), if latter it's the more European style.

You fucking kidding me. There are plenty of cases here where your neighbors steal electricity because of bad wiring. Also the heating pipes go through the apartments and if someone took off their radiators off because they heat their apartment with electrical appliances and have unsubscribed from the service they still have to pay for the energy loss. Not to mention the noise.

I went on a work and travel program to the US when I was a student and ended up with jamaicans as roomates. But I also ended up hanging out with a few black people. From my personal experience US niggers are self entitled cunts compared to the down to earth jamaicans. Though both are still niggers and do dindu nuttin shit at times. I had to convince one jamaican kid not to beat up a toddler because the toddler stole his bike(which is a separate issue on its own). Niggers are somewhat down to earth but get nogging real fast for little and meaningless shit and they almost NEVER think for the future or their personal growth. With one exception, but the guy was an architect and a musician so he was kinda a minority within a minority.

They never realize these houses suck. In Americans, there's a kind of soullessness only rivaled by chinks. It happens to every country that places capitalism over beauty.

What I'm trying to say is those who come from black majority countries are okay but I would never welcome them in my country. Those ungrateful fucks who are leeching off your country and other countries as well *cough*france*cough*bongistan*cough* should be forced to live in Liberia until they learn their place. Your urban planing is ugly but if you were to have access to the same commodities here you would have to work abroad for a number of years so you can afford it.

These are unironic refugee camps

I have some of the necessary skills for urban planning IRL, but I'm (officially) an uneducated nobody who will never get near decision-making.

But hint, secret tool of governance: make scientific simulations of city-scale political economy that are still fun.

>eurofags acting like their small old houses with shitty appliances, retrofitted exposed wiring everywhere and retarded room layouts are good
The “average” home in Europe is a train wreck compared to the US

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The US's niggers are the result of many decades of turning them into a force against America. Back in the '60s they were at least trying to be people, now they revel in failure and ghetto culture.

urban "planning"

pretentious faggot. always trying to exert control. get fucked to death nigger. your plans are shit and will go to shit. fuck you.

This is a stated home for our poor (white) people to live. In a 2000 sq. ft detached house that they can sell in a decade for profit.

Now post some pictures of how poor people live in Europe. I'll start.

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We are in Hell. Why do you faggots keep denying this?

The future is not urban. Everyone's gonna have modest homes with their own space and drones will deliver almost every necessity. Maximum comfy incoming

>you can’t just cherry pick certain shitty parts and apply it to the entirety of Europe it’s too big!!
>but here’s a cherry picked image of a shitty part of the US that is representative for the entirety of your country
Why are eurofags so predictable and stupid?

Looks familiar.

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that planner playing SimCity too much lel

I have first hand experience. You can have someone who might be a decent worker and an okayish (???) drinking buddy despite knowing you can't trust this kind of people for things that matter(but who can you trust nowadays anyway?). But instead they go all gansta, sitting on their couches and complain about their own lives failiure because the po po busted them with drugs. The dude I befriended was a mulatto and told me he got dumped by his white gf for cheating and he was desperate enough to keep a picture of her ass (which i deem fucking degenerate) and his ex(white again) was a meth head and their children looked fucking italian or something. So it came to me then that all those roasties are actually bleaching niggers since these back off from nigresses albeit them retaining their degenerate nigger culture. So yeah. I kinda know what you mean.

this is the typical gypsy ghetto here. You don't go there unarmed or without knowing someone. There are 2 varieties one being a former commie built neighborhood the other being a rural ghetto with favela like shacks and houses.

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>Rite Aid
F in chat

Yeah but nobody wants to live in a tiny apartment especially if it’s far away from a major city

There are mulattos in Bulgaria? In my girlfriend’s town in Russia there’s a girl that calls herself mulatto (it’s on all her social media) because she is a bit darker than the average Russian

Art deco ended before WW2

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Urban developers trying to make money as quickly as possible
Car """culture"""
Americans like alloying it

I've lived a few months in the US and also in souther Mexican cities. Living in the US is so impractical, you need cars for everything and it seems like they make an effort to separate services just so you consume more gasoline and waste time. Southern and Central Mexico are built Europe-style, you can get almost anything you need from a 10min walk, Streets in some places have such low traffic that the city can afford closing them and only alloying pedestrians. In Oaxaca I was able to walk the entire length of the city with absolutely no problem aside from.

Although, the high-speed American way of life is already adapted to this layout, changing it would be difficult

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it is perfectly possible to have a small grocery store and small school in every single suburb

communities are designed to balance maximum density with minimum egress points so they can be easily shut down - 4 police can trap 500 people

It actually is--rural suburbs vs. garbage city sprawl. Know the difference.

thats a gypsy ghetto tho. Anything but typical.

Also the only reason that gyspies in europe are still around is because a US organization forbade europe to ethnically cleanse the gypos.
It always wheels back to you and the jews fucking it up for everyone.

>not saying Europe has only good examples
I was referring to Bulgaria

Why do you Euro trash think your way doing things is the only way?

Naperville, Illinois