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Thread for discussion of
Race Realism
the Aryan Ideal
National Pride
Racial Identity Movements

Improve yourself - Comrades, community, and folk!
> 卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))


> What is National Socialism?
National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based in the unbounding love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.

National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.

In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities which are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.

gab.com/ProjectWhite and projectwhite.org/

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Reichsparademarsch - Der Grosse Marsch der Hitler-Jugend (2m 57s).mp3
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - Das Hakenkreuzlied (2m 31s).mp3
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - 75 Millionen, ein Schlag (3m 09s).mp3
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Volkssturm - Volk ans Gewehr (4m 09s).mp3
ia801309.us.archive.org/4/items/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - SS marschiert in Feindesland - Version 3 (2m 42s).mp3
ia801309.us.archive.org/4/items/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - Hannelore - Version 2 (2m 39s).mp3

Waiting for the Brazilian cuck to come here so he can show that he's a small-dicked nigger into interracial. Its gonna get spicy.

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il be your leader bootlickers

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Oh my God, you're one of those egoist retards. Individualist extremist? Jesus.

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Every leader is. He owns everyone else.
il be your leader if you need one tho

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>Said by someone which is being raped by Pakistanis

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Why are you so obsessed with interracial sex?

Why are you so obsessed with denying the reality about the conditions of your country?

who chooses the leader then? What theory do you have aside from the strongest? Which egoism already takes care of
Fascism is a lie, a spook by the strong to control the weak.

>Who chooses the leader
Through war and conflict the leader is chosen by the population as without a strong backing close to no leader too power
>The strong to control the weak
The smart to control the stupid. That's normal and correct. Nature's order.

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I was doing some Duolingo and after you finish a few exercises it gives you a lot of "fun motivating facts" like
>after 36 lessons of Duolingo you have learned as much as one semester in uni
>more people are learning Irish on Duoiingo than there are native Irish speakers
and stuff like that. Harmless nonsense.

My "fun motivating fact" I just got was
>the most popular language learned in Sweden right now is Swedish (because of refugees)
Let that fact sink in for a moment. Like most Europeans, all Swedes learn English from a young age, yet Swedish is the number one foreign language learned in Sweden. Kill me now.

>The smart to control the stupid. That's normal and correct. Nature's order.
yes it is, hence why the leader will be an egoist. And use you all, which you deserve.

But you are of course contradicting yourself, like any good nazi would.
>the people choose the leader
>the smart/strong control the stupid/weak
which are two diffrent claims. IN one the many /the stupid get to choose (just like with democracy) while in the other its the 'ability' of the one in power who manipulates the others to choose him, which makes him the only egoist who is able to control the rest.

Reading nazi theory is the equivalent of just wrting down a fanfic based on your current emotional position

Personally I support any political system that closes the borders to none-whites, repatriates all non-whites and promotes white birthrates and traditional family values. I will take any system that actively does that.

Dictatorships and political systems are blimps in the chronically of time, genocide is permanent. All I want is for my children to have a place to call home where people like them aren't beaten in the streets.

>Use you all
Like any leader would? Under NatSoc regime, truly fueled by nationalism, that wouldn't happen. Just like the Legionaires of Romania helped the poor and fixed roads just out of pure nationalism. Not to mention, gun laws would be much more relaxed (see Hitler's regime), so a violent overthrow would still be possibile.
>Thinking your vote holds weight in democracy
Not with this corruption, which is classic of democracy's extensive democracy (and same with capitalism and communism alike)
>People who are manipulating others
That's not manipulating. You're convincing others. The smarter you are the easier you control the masses, again, not necessarily lying or manipulating. Honesty does to, as does charisma.
>Egoist controls
And your solution is...?

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Me too. It's just that NatSoc and Fascism are the only ones promoting that and promoting unity alike.

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Didn't you already enhance it? Can you enhance it twice?

i can, you just used the one that's low quality.

i'm near the end of volume 1 of mein kampf, and while the majority of this book has been a pleasure to read as well, i have to say that hitler's opinions on warfare are absolutely based and redpilled. as expected of a retired soldier

>"National Socialism / Fascism was a failed system"

It's intellectually dishonest to label something that was forcibly crushed a "failed system", implying that a nation bombed into collapse during war is comparable to a system imploding politically during peace-time. The Soviet system failed, as did the Roman Empire, and every Chinese or Ottoman dynasty. Some of these examples of government lasted thousands of years, while some didn't last more than a generation. All forms of government inevitably fail. This has been true since ancient times. Polybius famously articulated this process of Anacyclosis: social organization paradigms rise, fail, and give way to further systems. This is the cycle of history.

What? It's 300KB, don't you make them to that size? I swear I have a 2nd one which is worse quality.

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Happy for you man! Some don't really like it because it's not much a "strictly ideological" book. Also, I suggest you dont read the Goebbels diaries; there is a good number of shitty translations and it is quite long, so if you really want maybe just the most "active" bits.

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None of my renders are under 500kb, most are above 1.5 mb

and the resolution is way below my standard(;

Oh, my bad then. Sorry for the bother!

*Extensive bureaucracy not democracy

What music do you listen to anons?

its alright, i'm just biding my time until work, 5-6 ours until now (;

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this is 4x more detailed than this enhanced renderits a rendception

I don't mind if there's shitty translations out there, so long as I can download the good translation and print it out I'll be able to eat it in an enjoyable format

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>5-6 ours until
its 5-6 hours until then....

That's a nice collection

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me on the right

The first half? If so, just wait til you get to the second half, it's where it gets real juicy. The first half is based but can be a bit "dry", although the history is necessary to understand the preconditions of WWIi

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don't have a playlist, just one youtube makes up based on what i listen to.

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by far the most interesting aspect of volume 1 is the establishment of a need for a consistent weltanshaaung (worldview) amongst the people, and the side effects, how jews attack it, etcetera

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Why was it forcibly crushed genius?
It did not exist in a vacuum, for the country to get to from a state of peace a state where not only is it at war, but it is losing a war, something had to have happened with the leadership of the country

Hey niglet, why do you refuse to address the state the UK has been reduced to?
>There's no replacement goy!

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some of my favorites:
>Der Grosse Marsch der Hitler-Jugend
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Reichsparademarsch - Der Grosse Marsch der Hitler-Jugend (2m 57s).mp3
>Das Hakenkreuzlied
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - Das Hakenkreuzlied (2m 31s).mp3
>75 Millionen, ein Schlag
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - 75 Millionen, ein Schlag (3m 09s).mp3
>Volk ans Gewehr
archive.org/download/ThirdReichMusic/Volkssturm - Volk ans Gewehr (4m 09s).mp3
this one that i got off youtube is better
>SS marschiert in Feindesland
ia801309.us.archive.org/4/items/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - SS marschiert in Feindesland - Version 3 (2m 42s).mp3
>Horst Wessel Lied
there are like 13 or 14 versions in the archive lol
not in the archive
ia801309.us.archive.org/4/items/ThirdReichMusic/Soldatenlieder - Hannelore - Version 2 (2m 39s).mp3

hi i use to have a adolf hitler biographic book, it was red, it was quite impartial, however for whatever reason it got thrown away some years back, however i cant find another copy of the book can anyone help?

Precisely, probably one of the most based conceptualizations man as envisioned for humanity, such an idea has not been conceived and then animated before in mankind's history, hitlers racial socialism was the last piece in the cultivation of my world view, which first started with an organic search for spirituality, eventually finding pantheism and later on william luther pierces cosmotheism, at the time i found i had found cosmotheism, i was just coming to the racialists perspective of humanities destiny and ultimately spiritual and physical evolution.
i then found out that hitler has been called a pantheist, at this time i realized that i had i was right in my spiritual and political philosophies because they both aligned with each other in practise.

Any more details?

>Like any leader would?
yes, and yet you would like the boot if it only had a diffrent colour

There is no solution, the egoist wins, you can only win by becoming a egoist yourself

The Young Hitler I Knew by August Kubizek?

no the font cover was red 90%, as was the back, a4 size

you're going to have a hard time finding that old red one without jewish comments added, you might have better luck lookin gfor this which is what i've been reading archive.org/details/AdolfHitlerMeinKampfEnglishUnexpurgated1939_201904/mode/2up

recently amazon took them all down here in the US, you may have better luck looking on indian bookstores, as india does not have jews

>You can only win by becoming the egoist
Nope. Becoming the egoist is hiding the problem under the carpet. Egoist are what their name implies: close minded people which can't realize how the community influences their life too, just like many liberals.
It's not about having a different colored boot, it's about having a boot which squashes your enemy and not yourself.

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I miss u Hitler

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Here's something that you fuckin' retards can but in a gelatine capsule.

The flag may be red but it's got nothing to do with your nonsense and then suddenly a goddamn pill you freaks.

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>he doesn't know what egoism means
Egoism doesn't mean you can't enjoy community, thats what the marxists believe, are you sure about your boot?

Either way, im not here to educate you, the more you are a slave to my will the better. But my offer still stands, il be your leader. And of course 'il promise' to destroy your enemies for you ;^) do you trust me now? Afterall Thats all you can do with leaders, see their appearence. Gullable people like you will fall for them every time.
Il offer you the best option you have, be my slave

Right now Sleipnir, a german rock band.

I like Ayn Rand tho

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>Your slave
Nah senpai. You're a slave to your will, motivated by blind individualism
>I'll be your leader
You're welcome to try
>I'll promise to destroy your enemies
Too bad you lack nationalism. And leadership skills. And the right motivation.
>That's all you can do with leaders
user, anarchism ain't a good idea
>Gullible people fall for this
Just like how you first exactly into what modern society wants, extreme individualism? You're literally the perfect byproduct this society wants.
>Be mu slave
Quite the opposite
I'll present you this: how are you gonna enforce the 14 words?

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hey wait are you that norwegian coomer from two week ago?

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Is there a place with the music that was on youtube? I prefer them becuse they have better audio quality but i cant find them.