This is so fucking depressing and honestly just makes me want to end it. The rise of far-right fascism, breadlines, and crime are going to sky rocket in the coming months. What did our forefathers fight for all of those years ago? To prevent this kind of suffering we are going to have to face in the future. But we failed them.
2008 vs 2020 recession visualized
Time to watch the world burn
Dont worry bud, you'll be objectively better off in a far right fascist state than your utopian socialist one
Liberty is paid for by the blood of its citizens. Hopefully this cycle won’t only last sub 100 years of anti juden
>But we failed them.
It's not your fault. This is happening globally. This is China's fault. Never forgetti.
You could have voted for her. You could have sucked the dick. You could have raised your wifes son. You could have eaten the bugs. You could have done so much but you didnt and now you will pay.
I hate being a millennial.
My generation is screwed.
Looks like you are going to have to be a funeral director or a rope maker if you want to make money soon.
China is a victim too, dipshit
How much has this actually affected you? It's just jew algorithms shitting all over each other and swinging the market 10% each day
redeem yourself in the boog, it's coming
>There is an incredibly light and frothy almost blueish foam that can be easily pumped into the filling port of any modern medical grade protective casing, confinement or captivity, and I'm told a liter of this secret substance can support between two-hundred and two-hundred and fifty decontaminations depending on body mass. With a pleasing slightly floral scent, the foam readily sticks to a broad spectrum of human proteins where it begins to react in a slightly exothermic reaction of catabolic digestion, consuming in minutes what would take crematoria or burial operations many labor and energy intensive hours. Said to comprise some twenty distinct "hyper-enzymes," the foam can be easily administered by a low pressure hose or even pumped by manual mechanisms and greatly reduce the workload of medical sanitation teams who need only wipe excess foam clean, collect any undigested debris, implanted medical devices and materials and spray down the protective casings with a counter-enzyme. While the catabolic mechanism is designed to be so rapid as to be relatively painless, contaminated patients may require restraint while the foam is being sprayed, although mechanical movements will be quickly hindered by the digestive cleavage of important tendons and ligaments.
>Systems integrating decontaminative catabolism in overhead plumbing are anticipated in the near term.
>What did our forefathers fight for all of those years ago?
This chart doesn't make sense. The last recession started in 2007 and lasted until 2009. This chart begins in 2008 and tracks less than a year.
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
Chinks cause this, i hope they fucking suffer
You dont like living your entire life in a recession?
Yas Forums asked for a happening, and now we are getting a couple at once. I can't wait till this shit gets 10x worse
Capitalism will find a way to blame the left for its shortcomings. We doomsayers are always made to be "doommakers".
They can blame China?
They will blame China.
>The rise of far-right fascism
Maybe you shouldn't have spent the last six years bashing white people you fucking moron.
>"Pull up your boot straps!"
I mean, at least we didn't have to go to war I guess but neither did a lot of boomers.
>The rise of far-right fascism
Oh no oh that sucks
>capitalism will blame the left
What kind of fucking opinion is that.
>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
>Thomas Jefferson
Our forefathers knew better when they let those federalists crooks take charge. They put some good shit down though. They fucking told us if it ever hits rock bottom, just start killing the oppressors and refresh the tree.
don't worry. instead of having a savings account with a 7% yield like boomers got at your age, you can have one with a 0.25% yield. And when you're in your sixties, you can have one with a -12% interest rate. and you get to be a minority in your own country!
the jews are trying to play this down goyim, don;'t trust them
>Rise of fascism
RWDS will cleanse the west and thats a very very good thing
>boomer dad thinks stock market will only go down to 18k
>I think it drops lower, he disagrees
Boomers arent ready to mentally handle the wreckage OP
Oy vey....
The West let a bunch of Jews sell it their central banking systems.
Oy vey....
Nigger what suffering? The loss of abundant toilet paper and instant noodles?
get a load of this blind mofo right here
how do you not have the slightest idea what the entire world population not going to work will do soon
Please bros and girlanons, it is time to pray to all the gods and keks that exist and don’t exist. Pray for the rest. The cleansing is needed now more than ever, and we are close. Pray the fire keeps burning, down to the roots
Yes. Please. 100x worse. Let the collapse arrive and be thankful for the great burn
And if China were a functioning civilization instead of backward savages, the coronavirus would not exist.
Oh shit is that Fedsmoker? He got out at a good time, feather it up in heaven for us sinners down here!
I'm ovejoyed. This is what I've waited for all my life. Fuck all the faggots whining about the panic instead of stoking fears. Fascism is the future!
yep, rip
>I mean, at least we didn't have to go to war
*nervous laughter*
this will be their revenge for holocaust
>What did our forefathers fight for all of those years ago?
The fed reserve and a bankrupt government.
Kill yourself. Happenings are only fun until they actually get real and you notice you have a real chance of dying
It’s not a recession it’s a depression
This chaos is a chance to regain control over ypur countries.
Globalists are extremely btfo and entire generations will see the value of locking down your borders
The depression was something else actually.
90% drop.
We're not even close... though it's not good looking.
kek its not working lol
If you lived the neet life nothing in your life would've changed. Just be comfy while the lambs work and worry for your behalf.
>they think this bubble wasn't going to pop in 2020
lmaoing at your retardedness
EVERYONE knowledgable about the economy knew this was going to happen. The coronavirus was the straw that broke the camel's back
We knew this was coming the moment the US Treasury yield curve inversed
You fucking brainlets think this is all because of some fucking coof KEK
No. we were supposed to have a nuclear holocaust. Not this slow death flu bullshit!
>at least we didn't have to go to war
I joined the army to get through the last recession, so yeah I went to Afghanistan. After I left the military I went to school for free on the GI Bill. I am graduating with my Masters degree this semester. I am totally fucked, but at least I don't have a fuckload of debt.
>far right president backed by stormfags and inbred rural retards causes recession
>this will lead to people supporting the far right
Hahahahahahaha you faggots are delusional
the crash is going to get worse until the oil war resolves and the world gets back to work. It will rebound just fine. It's not the result of an institutional house of cards being exposed like the housing crash in 08. This crash is driven by temporary events.
Trump should be somewhat lucky he has two crises to mask the long overdue correction. No one can truthfully blame him for the spread of a pandemic and and a russian saudi oil war at the same time. But he might have taken the blame for a stagnating economy that priced in the tax cuts already.
>globalist policy allowed this to happen to begin with
If we had manufacturing and all other industries within national borders this could have been preventable.
I bet China is not happy about what this could mean for it.
Based and keked.
>It's not the result of an institutional house of cards being exposed like the housing crash in 08.
It could act as a catalyst though. And bubbles still exist and those toxic assets are still a problem.
>The rise of far-right fascism
Ur forefathers were fascists
OP is an idiot. 2008 was systemic with selling of junk assets as prime. This is a panic (they piss their pants more often, thing brexit panic) which although may last a while will bound back. If anything I suggest buying now and selling when it returns.
You have to watch at actual values not percents, than it will be sane. Current fallout is gonna stap at 2009 levels + 20%.
Only reason markets don‘t fall further is because the US is holding onto its magical 20.000 Number, where also the 2009 resistance happens to be. If this gets broken things will burn
>bound back
You're an idiot if you don't think this plague won't have lasting repercussions on human society. A lot of people are going to die. The panic sellers are smart, and I hope they're using their money during this brief time when it still can be used.
Bro. Part of my city is already out of electricity for some reason. Once the heat, electricity, etc. is gone we all have a real chance of dying in the coming chaos. Plus soup kitchens are shutting down, homeless have a certain mentality, and are definitely going to cause a shitstorm. Add in some fires breaking out and the cities burning down... it's going to get EPIC!
I think he's right.
So far, this all looks pretty familiar.
Things will burn as soon as repo hits 10% interest permanently. Regardless of concrete stock levels.