This is being censored on reddit and facebook.
post it on there
This is being censored on reddit and facebook.
post it on there
Why not just suck them off?
You just know he, and OP, want to
I was hoping they would stamp on it's head at the end actually. till it stops moving at least
I hate that this submissive guilt bullshit is not present in any other race. I suppose no other race has had it beaten into their heads for the last 50 years the idea that they're evil and responisble for everything but it still astonishes me that people are able to swayed by it.
I'm so sick of this spineless faggots and their white guilt.
Do these stupid niggers not understand that if we wanted we could have them all in chains picking cotton by tomorrow morning?
that's great for him, i make niggers lick mine instead, whatever floats your boat i guess...
that's kind of hot...
Niggers like to act strong but the moment the White men gets angry they go cry to the police.
All white men should be required to do this. Know your place.
The BBC is the mightiest weapon on this planet.
Imagine being so mentally ruined you think it's a reasonable thing to bow down in front of some weird street preaching cult. In the
middle of a busy street in front of everyone, maybe friends, family or work colleagues could be among the crowds of mostly black
Imagine being convinced that this will atone for preceived sins of the past. You're so sure this will be for The Good Of Humankind
that despite being asked/told to kiss the boots of these people, you start licking them like a dog.
He is holding a copy of The Morning Star. He's a leftist.
Is this a fag fetish thing, youtube "pRaNk" or some "rah rah black powah WE WUZ KANGZ" shit? I honestly can't tell anymore.
I hope that boomer at least gave them the aul covid.
looks like someone said slavery...
Get owned, Wh*Te dogs
He gets up at one point but The Wolves aren't satisfied, they tell him to get back down and service the rest of The Pack. He half-heartedly protests and says some generic anti-white platitudes but eventually gives in as he's reasurringly told that he's "A Good White Man." The Bootlicker takes off his jacket, rests his copy of The Morning Star and Can Of Sugary Liquid then continues his Fight Against Oppresion.
This is a sexual domination fetish the white guy has.
Its just a fetish thing, that guys a homo
What happened BrtiBros?
Did Paul Golding ever make people do something like this? rhetorical question.
Black Israelites. The absolute most retarded niggers of them all. Saw them once in Hollywood screeching about random shit while stationed in Cali. Ironically they're most definitely just redpilling masses of normies who actually see them on why niggers need to be removed from our societies, especially these ones with the bootlicking.
As the Kangz recieve their second layer of spit polish they're clearly disgusted by this sickening display of brown-nosery, they groan and "yuck" with disgust. At one point The Bootlicker grabs at the heels of one but he pulls his boot away pulling The Bootlicker off-balance and making him awkwardly stumble. He Marches On but is stopped by an eldely black lady who I assume felt embarrassed for him.
>its a fucking Morning Star reader
This is disgusting. What the fuck is wrong with London. Feels like late stage Rome.
We need the Scots and Norfmen (Goths) to breed like rabbits and invade the city to bring back order.
why are Anglos such massive faggots?
Fucking boomers
You are not white and do not live in a country with white standars. Your ancestry comes from the pastaniggers who have been sacked by the euros, stop larping Diego.
He puts down a morningstar newspaper
dirty commie
as much flack as Paul Golding has recieved over the past few months, I can't recall even ONE instance where he did something like this.
i know we aint supposed to say nothing, but white folks are gonna get destroyed soon, by blacks, by our muslim brothers, by other whites, by the UN, by the EU, by the police and everyone else.
Listen, i dont give a shit either way, all i know is every black person i know, all my friends and family hate whitey and are getting impatient to begin the fun
There's an interesting moment where it seems like The Bootlicker understands the absurdity on some level. The irony of being confronted by an older black lady - who may very well have seen actual racial hatred etc - and told to get your raasclart batty off the floor, was too powerful for even this graceless NPC to miss. You can see and hear the tension as The Bootlicker fights back these thoughts as he awkwardly flails his hands and whines how "they deserve it"
It should be of no surprise to anybody that The Bootlicker dutifully got back down on his knees to Fight The Power.
You get what you fucking deserve britbong
This symbolizes the west perfectly today
The white man at the black mans feet.
You tried to keep us down with slavery but we came back, you tried to keep us down with segregation but we came back.
You can call us monkeys, you can tell us were worthless, you can even beat and lynch me and my brothers but you will never keep us down.
The dawn of a new age is here, one where the white man will finally stop pretending they are superior to all others.
lol that guy is obvious a degenerate and he would have sucked their cocks if they had told him. He was probably leaking precum. It's a sex (BDSM) thing
What’s The Morning Star?
this is what Anglocucks fought Hitler for
shut up you Asian bitch
post the goddamned face of that pathetic disgrace bootlcker cunt
Once he feels his moral obligations are fulfilled he retracts his lips from the Black Boots of the Oppressed People of Africa. His face bright with satisfaction at his accomplishment. I've Done My Part he thinks as his mind plays him glorious images of heroically tearing down The White Patriarchy and Bringing Peace And Equality To All.
His dreams are interrupted by further demads: The People Of Colour want more from him. Their thirst unquenched."Come And Give This Boot A Kiss" one of them shouts as he points down to his feet. I think at this point the glaring absurdity came back into his thoughts.
It has Nothing to do with guilt. It's a superiority complex. In his mind, he's telling himself, that by doing this, he is better than you, because he sees what mistakes he has made while you are still ignorant.
im not saying I support their group but I wonder sometimes, was the man REALLY all that bad compared to other influences that are finding their way into these countries.
This is good news. Degenerate whites need to bow down pay for their sins.
That's what you get for following kike orders. Cope and seethe.
posting a vid of a coward who is only fighting someone he knows will not fight back proves what exactly ?
this happens in america daily. Look up "Black Hebrew Israelites boot lick" and you'll find thousands of "white" Americans doing this.
this guy is holding a communist party newspaper, he's clearly a retarded lefty faggot.
British Communist Party newspaper
>communists naming their paper after Lucifer
>le joos did it
This looks like a beta police officer doing "his bit" for race relations in London.
He was probably drunk and this is probably him on weekend nights
White phaggots export their degenerate western culture to other countries. They need to be removed from the face of this planet.
He's clear a programmed masochist and just another fag that needs gassing.
Is that twitter the black guys? Is he even disgusted by this?
As The Oppressed People Of Colour And Virtue clap at their achievement in getting yet another Evil White Person to bow to them, to grovel at their feet, literally kissing and licking their boots The Bootlicker holds his fist out in hope they will acknowledge his Contribution to Multicultural Britain. "Fist me Mr. Black Man, please. I've shown how much of a good boy I am. Just fist me once to Show Solidarity" He thought to himself. His hopes fell on deaf ears, The Bootlicker awdwardly reels his fingers, unclenching his fist and clumsily pulling his hand away.
Let me guess: he's a Christian/Catholic?
lol, bongs are pathetic, ugly and inbred. pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
Britcuck gets ktfo'd by a nigga
They wouldn't be exporting it without foreign consumers to import it from them. lol
>I hate that this submissive guilt bullshit is not present in any other race.
Load of crap. Africans were mind raped in the colonial period.
Why do you think Leopold II cut of their hands?
Arabs and Chinks cut off the genitalia of their slaves to break them as people and make them submissive to their order.
People like me do this to traps because I find that lewd.
Bongs sucking nigger toes, while white Americans are calling the nigger a nigger to its face and breaking their neck after, you faggot fucking brits are a disgrace.
I don’t even have a pic to sufficiently convey my emotions, kek.
What I would give to go around London caving the heads of white folks in with a cricket bat. Most pathetic fucking scum of the entire white world.
Notu dissu shitu gain
>It's a superiority complex
No it's that, but embedded and warped with his masochism internally.
white children are a minority in america. gg kike
UK gommunist rag
>the other whitey do nothing other than apathetically removing themselves
>it has to be another nigga that stops the carnage
The other white cucks pretend to see nothing. The absolute disgusting state of those phaggots. Remove every last one of them
Typical leftist slave.
Imagine having no dignity or self-respect.