So, the FEMA coffins are finally useful

Attached: the-greatest-conspiracy-theories-in-history-fema-coffins-to-11569750.png (500x520, 118.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google has the patent on them

Attached: google cremation patent US5425163.png (4382x3408, 132.67K)

Patenting a plastic rectangular box...???

Anti-conspiracy theory: FEMA was actually trying to do the job it was intended to do the whole time, but being a government bureaucracy, it just works in a secretive and shady way because bureaucrats can't help but be like that.
Not that the FEMA Camps have all their fences, walls, and barriers set up to keep people *out* and not *in*. That's a clue right there. Secondly, they may have a bunch of buildings, but they don't have the facilities to house all that many people in them for a great length of time. So they're not concentration camps to keep people in, but depots to keep supplies in to be protected and rationed out with armed guards in case of a crisis. FEMA suspected a big disastrous event was coming eventually - and it's their mandate to try to deal with one - but they didn't have the knowledge of what exactly it'd be. And in previous attempts to handle natural disasters, they suffered from incompetence and poor organization, so that just reinforces the desire to keep things secret and under wraps, because they're afraid of getting their funding shut off if they make any more embarassing moves. But when SHTF, they've just gotta roll with what they've got, even if it isn't really what they need, because it's still better than nothing and maybe they'll save someone.

>trump is the one that's gonna put us in fema camps


it's like something you keep your food in but bigger

Why in fuck, is there a patent on THIS?


It's just big enough for the average overweight american

i can see a flaw in the design

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I don't get why conspirbros are still so scared of fema camps

We live in a age where it's so easy to leak footage, the moment something shady goes down in one of those camps it will be online within minutes

even china couldn't stop the leaking of footage of what they were doing

remind me when were those ordered and delivered?

wow, look how happy he is. Why can't I be happy like that? Cough, soon enough, cough.

Attached: happiness.png (696x1768, 50.71K)

Retard detected.

You can't patent something unless it's novel and non-obvious. There is zero chance a patent for a coffin gets approved in 1995.

How you going to leak footage without internet?

It's not a coffin
>Multi-functional cremation container for a cadaver
>a cadaver can be contained during funeral preparation, presented at a funeral, and cremated in the cremation container

Why do people think it's odd that a government agency whose entire purpose is to prepare for contingencies in which mass casualties and widespread destruction of property are likely would have stockpiles of coffins and plans for temporary housing of displaced people?

Attached: D8CRtMS_d.jpg (374x374, 14.22K)

we can't have nice things.

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It's a patent for a new chemical make-up for a cremation container, in order to reduce pollution.

Patent currently held by Jon Papsdorf. Just because you search for it on google doesn't mean google owns it, dope.

Not just a coffin

Why waste time with coffins when you can just do mass graves?

they will need to amputate the scooter

Now why do they stockpile all those plastic coffins, specifically? well, the first and most obvious reason is that, if a bunch of people do die all atl once, you wanna get the bodies disposed of ASAP so further disease doesn't spread. But the second thing these sealable plastic coffins are good for is for storing other things long term, like food - they'd be a good choice for that, actually, if they're used like giant MREs full of food and other supplies that could be used to feed a bunch of people all at once, or one family for quite a long time. And they're a convenient size for shoving into a car or pickup so you can just load people up and send them on their way to hunker down for a long spell with enough food to get by, plus the container for the first purpose in case it's needed.

Final destination. Final contemplation. Aaah, aaahh. Never felt so alive. No more work no more school no longer an economic tool wooah wooah never felt so alive.

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I really doubt that anyone will be "put into the camps". What's more likely to happen is, when the S really HTF, the "camps" will open up for operation, and whoever needs supplies can go there and get what they need - food, immediate medical treatment, etc, and be sent off on their way. Of course, you might have to prove citizenship or something to get help, or in a pandemic show that you're not infected, I dunno.

but plastic's bad for the environment, you can't just leave something to rot inside of it buried


Attached: C64vcNVWgAAg-EX.jpg (480x360, 30.49K)

>even china couldn't stop the leaking of footage of what they were doing
It was the CCP "leaking" most of the footage. 1% internet traffic reserved for the CCP, Chink police and Chink Uni's.

They're for eternal happiness you retard.

Attached: happiness.png (696x1847, 57.04K)

Plastic keeps the pathogens inside.
Also, depending on what variety of plastic it is specifically, it might be burnable with minimal pollution or noxious fumes.

Makes me feel better

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its a special sealed container, once you locked it you have to pry it open.

Anyone remember the Jade Helm 15 shit show Alex Jones dreamed up?
When that didn't come true I stopped watching him.
He's a loser fear monger who makes money selling "survival gear" to all the idiots dumb enough to listen to him.

So they are more efficient gas chambers

Or having to scan your mark of the beast..I mean bio-metric identification card. You can only receive it after being vaccined and oh btw since Corona spreads on surfaces, we got rid of cash and now have a cashless society.


Attached: 123.png (696x1847, 80.42K)

But anyway, the "camps" are nowhere near big enough to contain a large number of people, and the fencing around them as seen in photos is geared toward keeping people out rather than in (compare them to prison walls/fences and invert them).

Kino dark mode coffins


Why are coffins necessary? Why not just do mass graves? Is it so the soil doesn't get overloaded with decaying bodies?

Good idea on the zoom zooms but he's not happy!!!

Attached: happiness.png (543x538, 19.85K)

Gassing and then instant cremation is more efficient and clean then bullets and holes

ffmpeg -i inputfile.png -vf lutrgb="r=negval:g=negval:b=negval" outputfile.png

>he's just asian
they knew

The coffins are for preserving skeletons so you can show off all the skellies 1000 years after civilization rebuilds.

"Hey, look at the cool skellies we dug up. I dare you to sleep in there with one."

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I still cant believe they wasted money on coffins the bodies do not need coffins idiots

Alex Jones knew it was a nothing burger but he used it chimp against Obama.

Attached: obamafemacoffins.jpg (812x684, 86.08K)

Could an average American even fit inside one of these any more?

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If that was true why are they denying the fact that they have these then?

Dunno, why doesn't Israel not admit having nuclear bombs when everybody knows they stole them from ZA ?

But you all ready knew didn't you, mr FBI.

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Attached: happiness.png (543x571, 22.35K)

yes, measures are specific for a copyright. I have worked in a plastic factory and there's a huge fight for the best plastic container, either for dead cows or dead gentiles.

economy 1st !!


Chad "FEMA-dreama" box of die vs virgin "wagie-cagie" cage of live.

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A total sum of 0.5 ISRAELI SHEKEL has been deposited. Keep shillin'gentile

The dude handling it looks so small compared to the coffin. Could probably shove six normal bodies in one. At worst, a morbidly obese with limbs cut off should be able to fit diagonally.

my bad, but could definitely stack 2 normals

Attached: coffin-2.jpg (500x375, 43.91K)

That didn't age well. RIP, CRT mind control machines.

>it's the episode where user realizes that IP laws are the cancer of modern humanity

it's a how-to diagram for shitposting

Attached: how to shitpost.png (706x409, 108.55K)

they didn't stockpile plastic coffins. the grave liner supplier stacked them in a field for storage and conspiratards said it was fema