I've seen this all over news and social media...two weeks of school called off, and all of a sudden there needs to be a crazy amount of free food for kids??? How fucking incompetent are parents if they cannot feed kid?

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...imagine, as a country not able to feed your kids!

It is upsetting. Families that don't want to be families.
If you can't cook you're a nigger monkey and should kill yourself.

Also, food deliveries should be banned, normies won't decontaminate shit.

Black people

great now kids will gather at restaurants instead of schools, the USA is really fucking retarded

This is where you remember that my shithole has a opioid problem and if the government didn’t feed little Timmy, his drugged out single mom might not.

>what kind of parent
They are basically children of the state themselves. Nail salons and instagram take priority over feeding their crotch turds.

They’re kids, med pack. They’re almost immune.

Poverty and teen parents are the main reasons this is the case.
This virus is gonna bring back natural selection for a short period. All the lies that western society tells us are being blown away and the natural order returns.

You are obviously unfamiliar with the ACKSHUAL behavior of dindus and mudpeople in general.
They are too stupid to engage in long-term planning or saving. As a result, their filthy section 8 apartments are devoid of any food, sustenance or normalcy. They have ZERO coping skills. They will start chimping out once their free gibs run out, and probably anyway since they'll be bored and not in school/prison.

That being said, EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT that provides free food for it's students (called Title 1) WILL BE providing breakfast and lunch to students DURING THE CLOSURE. This measure had to be undertaken in response to the dinduesses inability to provide food for their ought-to-have-been-aborted spawn. I'm so happy my tax dollars are spent on this crap.

so what they will spread the germs to their families and restaurant owners

Schools should cook the food but partner with Grubhub and Doordash to deliver it to homes. I’m a courier and orders are way down, so I’m sitting here with nothing to do.


Even animals and gypsies usually at lest pretend to care for the children they breed. Imagine being such a piece of shit that you get a bunch of kids you can't or won't care for.

estoy esperando al venezolano de rappi

segui llorando putito

Niggers, dude. Niggers.

Free breakfast and lunch will be provided at all Title 1 schools during the closure. Title 1 is the designation for 'socioeconomically disadvantaged yoofs'.

Fucking white people to lazy and stupid to prepare food for their kids. Most likely white people who have been residents for many generations.

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Murrican bootlickers will defend this

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Schools WILL be cooking food, cafeterias will be open. Students can come and pick up their free food but are not allowed to stay on campus.

This. It's 100% because niggers can't plan long term. Their entire food stores consist of cooking oil and hamburger helper, but now there's no meat to buy.

Section 8 niggers buy little cesars hot n ready pizzas every day to feed their 6 niglets. Once little cesars closes down they will be chimping out for free gibs and saying that racists are letting them starve.

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>Fucking white people to lazy and stupid to prepare food for their kids. Most likely white people who have been residents for many generations.
You spelled 'huwhite' incorrectly.

>How fucking incompetent are parents if they cannot feed kid?

Extremely. It's beyond pathetic.

I honestly just want to work under the table for cash and then take all the free gibs I can because im sick and fucking tired that ~30% of my paycheck funds lazy niggers and spics to do nothing

What do these kids do during the summer or any other school break?

>med pack

Buena suerte y apesta solo a tu familia cuando te agarre, negro pelotudo

Going to be fun when the parents show up for food too.

I guess people are going to learn that when disaster strikes, the government won’t actually be there to help them. Unless you prepared and know how to save yourself and family, you’re going to die. Your family will probably die too. And that’s a good thing!

Yup, I'm COMPLETELY aware of how pathetic, stupid, ungrateful, rancid, worthless and ire-invoking these people are.
t. Title 1 School Teacher (but not for much longer)

>How fucking incompetent are parents if they cannot feed kid?
The free lunches are not because parents can't afford them.
They give free lunch to niggers or else they won't show up to school at all.

I guarantee you they'll just dump a bunch of mashed potatoes and ham at the local 'commooonity centa' and let the niggerball playing niggers chow down on the cheapest gruel they could make.
Fuck, I mean, I assume the lunch ladies and the food delivery guys are still willing to work, why not just do that?
Or, you know, teach niggers that it's their responsibility to feed their fucking kids?

It’s not that contagious. The places that feed them will be protected against that.
But the parents, you got me there. If they can’t feed their kids, they probably won’t protect themselves.

lol you retard its because americans are all bootlicking wageslaves that rely on the government to feed their children because they cant afford it themselves.

They are talking about niggers.

It’s a scam
Hope that helps

People who think like this need to be rounded up and {redacted}.
Second-order consequences aren't complicated.
Kids get infected --> not a big deal. Ok.
Kids infect others --> big problem.
Thinking does not seem to be the Amerimutt forte.

It's a euphemism for the fact that public schools are more or less roundabout daycare centers for niglets

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>Or, you know, teach niggers that it's their responsibility to feed their fucking kids?
> teach
> niggers
hello newfag

>What do these kids do during the summer or any other school break?
Think about that for a moment. You're basically saying that these people are so fucking stupid, incompetent and negligent that the state is responsible for feeding their ought-to-have-been-aborted spawn, PERMANENTLY.
It's so wonderful to think of all the tax dollars that we spend feeding these people. And if you think for one second that ANY of them will show the slightest gratitude for any of the freebies bestowed upon them, courtesy of the taxpayer, think again. They are arrogant, entitled, rude and taciturn.
Fuck this gay country, let it burn down.

>med pack

>They are too stupid to engage in long-term planning or saving. a complete chaotic world! just say it mutt, bron or white ... you cant feed your children ... and thats a very sad truth when are able to spend 500 billion every year to feed your millitary industrial complex ...

...srsly, americans can fuck

voy a toser en todos los billetes que tengo asi se esparce

pedazo de cagón

Mostly because of blacks and their inability to plan ahead, but then we also have these companies virtue signaling real hard.

>It's a euphemism for the fact that public schools are more or less roundabout daycare centers for niglets

These generational welfare whores are perfectly capable of feeding their fucking kids. These nigger bitches shit out a kid at least once every two years to keep maximum benefits flowing. In many states their combined benefits are higher than the income of an entry-level school teacher. In fact the reason so many of their welfare niglets are so fucking fat is because they're overfed. The schools should not be poking food down their throats, but they do it so they can get their reimbursement checks from the government.

Imagine being a "mom" and you won't feed your children. Not can't. WON'T. They should be rounded up, sterilized, deposited into forced labor camps, and their children placed in foster care or in state run orphanages. DNA tests should be done on the children to determine who the father is, and if he's still alive he should be sterilized as well.

kill yourself newfag

Niggers bro. Niggers are entirely dependent on actual functioning humans.

niggers don't cook, period. There's a reason you can tell whether you're in the white vs black part of a city based on whether you're surrounded by grocery stores or fast food places. White people go to the grocery store, buy food, cook at home, and so on. Nigs almost exclusively eat fast food like McDonalds, and if they buy food to take home, it's usually just junk food shit from a quick-mart.

Wrong, mein freund.
White people are perfectly capable of feeding their children. It's the browns and blacks. You will understand soon enough when your country has been 'properly enriched'.

And where does the opioids come from? China, just like covid19

When do we defend ourselves from them?

No one actually needs school meals. Food stamps gives parents more than enough money to feed their children 3 times a day. The reason for free school meals is that parents (niggers) sell their children's food stamps for cash so they can buy weave and crack. That leaves school meals as the only source of food for children.

>These generational welfare whores are perfectly capable of feeding their fucking kids. These nigger bitches shit out a kid at least once every two years to keep maximum benefits flowing. In many states their combined benefits are higher than the income of an entry-level school teacher. In fact the reason so many of their welfare niglets are so fucking fat is because they're overfed. The schools should not be poking food down their throats, but they do it so they can get their reimbursement checks from the government.
>Imagine being a "mom" and you won't feed your children. Not can't. WON'T. They should be rounded up, sterilized, deposited into forced labor camps, and their children placed in foster care or in state run orphanages. DNA tests should be done on the children to determine who the father is, and if he's still alive he should be sterilized as well.
Brilliant post, repeating sets of integers confirms the wisdom of your words.
I would jump for joy if we instituted a eugenics program for every one of these people.

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ok great, but some kids are stuck at home while their parents work, deliver to home alone kids all the time in the summer

in canada we put a sandwich in a bag and send it to school with the kid. usually only high schools have a cafeteria and it is run for profit to raise money for the school.

america is just free lunch?
isn't that socialism?
sounds expensive

>.two weeks of school called off
>Prevent spread of virus by forcing millions of school kids to be babysit by their grandparents

Does everyone get 2 weeks of school taxes paid back?

this just a nice way of admitting that niggers aren't people (not all blacks are niggers, of course)

Volve a Bolivia

Fucking niggers, nobody ever gave me anything

>niggers don't cook, period. There's a reason you can tell whether you're in the white vs black part of a city based on whether you're surrounded by grocery stores or fast food places. White people go to the grocery store, buy food, cook at home, and so on. Nigs almost exclusively eat fast food like McDonalds, and if they buy food to take home, it's usually just junk food shit from a quick-mart.
There's a hilarious intersection somewhere in South L.A. with a chicken joint on each corner. But yeah, it's either fast food (courtesy of the EBT cards 'welcome here') or 7-11 or some other shit bodega. TPTB have instigated soft genocide against these 'people' through the poisoned foodstuffs they consume. They get fat and sick eating all that sugar, HCFS, pozzed wheat, corn and s()y. Of course the taxpayers are still subsidizing their abhorrent behavior, so that sucks.

Minneapolis is full of Somalians, who are famous for starving to death.

Fair point. Maybe you could call your local school superintendent's office and see if your service could team up with them.


"free kids meals during school closures"
They might as well say free meals for nigglets Twin Cities means it's also gonna be 22 year old Somali "nigglets"

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It's all niggers. I live in Chicago and we get this all the time. Every pretends to not notice that the kids that supposedly need school food to live are obese Puerto Rican and black crack babies.

I posted pretty much this exact same comment on a yahoo news article. Plenty of NPCs went crazy on me, but in general, most people agreed

It is that contagious, retard.

>Fucking white people to lazy and stupid to prepare food for their kids.
Dude are you fucking serious right now?

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