SARS 2.0: Batsoup Boogaloo

What's up, my quaranteened anons? Nobody gotten the Wuflu yet?
Got home from my nightshift, actually got some sleep, it was a quoet night. No significant new developments where i'm based.

I got a few hours to spare for another round of Kraut MD AMA

Hospital is on lock down. No visitors, entrance only with emplpyee ID. No cases on our ICU yet. The few patients hospitalised here are all relatively well.

To answer a few question right at the start:
If you have a lung disease (asthma or whatever), you are at a higher risk, the disease may hit you harder and longer and you may develop more severe complications.
You can develop that but by no means will.
The virus is not that deadly and most people will be fine. Some may take longer given their comorbidities.
As with every other disease: the older and sicker you are the worse your chances are. But this virus is by no means a death sentence.

Smoking is bad and puts you at a higher risk. You should stop, with or without Coronachan.

There is no credible info on immunity of blacks and male infertility available.

There is also no credible info that Ibuprofen worsen the disease. But take this with a grain of salt, the situation is highly dynamic and new infos may surface. Use Paracetamol if you want to be sure. I havent gotten amy news on this but noone has jeard of anything happening with ibuprofen. It is probably misinfo.

Alcohol inhalation is not known to kill germs in your lung. It may help with pulmonary edema but not the germ itself.:

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Other urls found in this thread:

And now to the Vitamine C thing some anons went on about. I talked to our leader of the ICU of internal medicine, asked him what it's all about.
Vit C. catches free radicals, they protect the body from damage by buffering them. In a severe case of infection like sepsis or in a cytokine release syndrome your metabolism goes into oberdrive creating a shitload of free radicals in the process. The theory behind highdose Vit C. administration is that in this scenario you provide the body with extra capacities to buffer the free radicals and prevent damage.
Now, this has been shown to indeed work but only in patients that where Vitamine deficient in the first place. There is not enough evidence (yet) to say that healthy levels of Vit C. are insifficient to deal with a sudden increase of free radicals.
Also it is important to know what has actually been reported to be the effects of Vit. C. One study had septic patients getting Vit C. high dose i.v. and they observed a decreased need of (nor)-epinephrine, leading to a quicker stabilization and potentially reducing complications of high dose norepinephrin therapy. That is indeed interesting for the icu treatment of patients. So asked the head of the icu if we'd do that or if we stick to our regular katecholamine therapy with hydrocortisone? He told me that we stick to what we know works since there are no guidelines on Vit C. and this is not a situation to test new stuff if we still have treatments that are known to work. If one case gets bad enough he might consider it but the data is simply not clear enougj, despite the shizos on here, and such an attempt has to be duly justified.
And also, dont lose track here. This is a side show in an ICU setting where Vit C. might does something beneficial. It has no direct effect on the virus and wont cure the disease by itself.
As for the other claimed uses of Vit C. and long term supplementation and cancer treatment. That is mostly a meme at best and quackery at worst

Thank you mohammed

No problem, hermano. I hope you got insurance.

>i asked the team leader what vitamin c was about
you are a nurse who feels like a doctor. but keep us informed none the less. appreciated.

What medicines do you use to treat it? Anti-HIV medicines?

what PPE you think is needed for doctors in ICU's?

>Vit C. catches free radicals

And you needed to ask your superior for that ? How the fuck did you become an MD

>The theory behind highdose Vit C

You cant high dose with vitamins without having side effects.

We got ffp3

Calm your tits luigi, i gave you shizos a quick rundown, i consulted our icu guys for more insigjt of the studies available at the moment. Jeez you people are itchy.

There arent any approved right now, but there are some encouraging off label uses of three drugs:

Tocilizumab, commonly used for reumathoid artrithis, it counteract the inflammation mediate by Interleukines 6, reducing the probility of MOFS.

Other 2 are anti retroviral drugs such as Lopinavir and Ritonavir that doesnt let the virus use the protein producing system of the host.

I read also of an anti malaric drug, but not really sure about that.

>Jeez you people are itchy.

As a doctor you shouldn't even think about the idea that "High" dosing vitamin C could cure diseases, you should know better than me since im still a student.

Most docs no matter how much authority don't know shit about nutrition which is why their opinion can be safely discarded.

All our cases were mild so far and we didnt need to resort to antiviral drugs. There is no official recommendation out by authorities but we might go for a combo of lopinavir and ritonavir but our infectiologist are still working on it.

Nowhere did i say that it cures disease. If you want to succeed with your studies i advice you to improve on your reading skills. Well... Not that if would make any difference, i had expierence with italian doctors... Let's say they practice medicine like they fight wars...

>Most docs no matter how much authority don't know shit about nutrition
That's actually true but in the case of high dose iv injection of Vit C. in an ICU setting we are no longer in the field of nutrition

What Bundesland are you a doc in, Bruder?

Stay safe, calm and healthy.

In the Weißwurstgürtel bit that's all i'm saying. We've been told not to talk to the press so i figure this includes anonymous nepalese canvas painting forums

>As with every other disease: the older and sicker you are the worse your chances are.
Is there an age threshold where a patient will be unlikely to recover without direct medical intervention at a hospital?
i.e. is there an age where it's pretty much guaranteed that the person will have to be put on a ventilator to assist them?

That's enough for me.
Gott mit dir, mein Bester.

>Nowhere did i say that it cures disease.

You implied that, the only response to a vitamin C therapy in the fight against this disease should've been a hearthy laughter.

>Not that if would make any difference, i had expierence

you had expIerence huh

Funny I had mates that came to study in Germany and passed exams with flying colors. I saw german erasmus students crying at my faculty soo ...

There is no "official" info on mortality but the few numbers that are floating around indicate that mortality starts to rise at around 60 years and another increase at 80 years.

Bleib wachsam, lass dir nicht dein Klopapier klauen.

Is it reasonable to buy a pulseoximeter to monitor myself, then go to hospital if SpO2 goes below 93, symptoms or not?

78% of the deaths are people over 70 years old, so you have your answer. If you dont have any comorbidities and mostly you dont smoke, you should just heavy some fever, ranging from moderate to high, and some difficulties breathing.

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> if SpO2 goes below 93
lmao that's normal. I read some stories that wound oxymetry at 35-40. If you go at the hospital just for that they'll laugh at your face and kick your butt.

So the fable is true?
Is this a Boomer Remover?
Does this turn "Ok, Boomer" into "K.O. Boomer"?

>There is no "official" info on mortality but the few numbers that are floating around indicate that mortality starts to rise at around 60 years and another increase at 80 years.
I understand that the mortality rate is supposed to be around 2% for people in their 60s, 3-5% in the 70s and 7% or more for the over-80s, but these figures are based on cases that were admitted to hospital and could therefore be a lot higher than the rate for general population if say only 20% of all people over the age of 60, exhibit symptoms that require hospitalisation, while 80% suffer the milder symptoms that practically everybody under the age of 50 has had

>and could therefore be a lot higher than the rate for general population if say only 20%

They literally couldnt, since the infection ratio is probably a lot higher and most of the people could be asymptomatic.

lol no. It's not. As long as you show no symptoms you dont need to worry and should you get mildly sick stay home and down clogg the hospitals. If it gets worse though go to the hospital.
SpO2 alone says nothing about your state.
>read some stories that wound oxymetry at 35-40.
Ok, student. You better practise for a couple of years and then come back to me and tell me about the patients that had 35%

Yes, boomer remover is fitting. But boomers generally enter the age bracket where they usually die so basically everything can be a boomer remover.

The virus is not as bad as it seems. Don't let the hysteria make you lose composure.

Was würdest du sagen sind die Symptome für Corona?
Ich (27) habe seit Anfang März phasenweise immer das Gefühl, das ich etwas schlecht Luft bekomme und zwischendurch immer ein leichtes Druckgefühl zwischen den Rippen Richtung Bauch – aber nicht sonderlich schlimm. Kein Husten, Fieber oder Nase verstopft. Hatte gehoff das es bei diesen Symptomen bleibt wenn ich es erwischt haben sollte, meine Stadt in NRW will ja nicht vernünftig testen. Heute bin ich jedoch um kurz vor 6 aufgewacht mit einem stärkeren Druckgefühl, dachte schon das könnte ein Herzinfakt sein. Ist jedoch nach einer halben Minute wieder verschwunden. ich war knapp 20 Minuten am Zittern mit Puls von 130+. Mitlerweile geht es mir wieder halbwegs besser aber ich hab die ganze zeit so ein flaues Gefühl in der Rippen / Magengegend
Könnte man sagen dies ist noch Nervösität oder sollte ich doch einen Arzt / Krankenhaus aufsuchen und mir dort vermutlich Corona einfangen wenn ich es nicht schon hab? Möchte eigentlich in Quarantäne bleiben, Vorräte sind vorhanden, nie geraucht oder anderes degeneriertes Zeug veranstaltet

Do you have a history of acid reflux? Take some antacids and see if it improves the situation.

That's what I was saying.
The mortality rate for hospitalised people, is naturally higher than the general population which includes asymptomatic infected, because most mild cases are not even reported and recorded
My original question was seeking if there is any idea of rate of hospitalisation for each age group. i.e. non-critical infections vs critical infections

>doesnt know what vitamin C does
You obviously aren't a doctor

Tbdesu, many doctors aren't given much training in regards to nutrition.

>Ok, student. You better practise for a couple of years and then come back to me and tell me about the patients that had 35%

I said that I read that, not witnessed, and with High flux O2 it went to 60ish.

It's literally the basis of biochemistry.

Na Du KrautMD, you are coming to Yas Forums with the "just the flu" bla bla yada yada?
You know it is wrong and you will see in 2 weeks, maybe infect yourself.
Read this and come back in 2 weeks.... If your brainstem isn't already infected to you dumbfuck MDs not wearing masks for weeks because muuuh just fluu.

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Im Zweifel sollst du schon ins Krankenhaus gehen. Ich kann dir sicher keine anständige Beratung übers Netz anbieten. Du bist für nen Herzinfarkt eigentlich zu jung solange deine Familiengeschichte leer ist. Ein Infekt kann thorakale Schmerzen auslösen und mit der ganzen Panik dir verbreitet wird spielt sicher auch Nervosität eine Rolle.
Wie geht es dir denn aktuell?
Wenn du nochmal Druck auf der Brust hast oder Atemnot kriegst dann solltest du schon ins Krankenhaus, auch wenn ein Herzinfarkt eher unwahrscheinlich bei dir ist.
Bleib auf jeden Fall ruhig, du scheinst ja jung und gesund zusein, lass dich nicht wegen Panik kränker sein als du bist

Sofort Lunge röntgen lassen, hörst Du?

Alright, please comment on pic related then.
Sauce is

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Laber Laber Laber

Fuck white people!
(((Germans))) gotta be culled!
Germania is TÜRKISH LAND!

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The flowchart is solid advice but you talled about getting a pulsoxy and go to the hospital if under 93% symptoms or.nit. that is not sound advice. SpO2 alone is by no means indicative of any disease. Should you get symptoms like dyspnea (not just heavy breathing) and Saturation drops that's another story but it is of nonise to sit at home and constantly fixating on your oxygen levels.
Chill out, user.

Shut the fuck up faggot, he was responding to the vitC rumor that has been circulating this board for months.

Just fuck off, stop being so toxic.

When i think about it there have some minor cases in the past and there was a somewhat metallic taste in my mouth for a short time in the morning. Furthermore I went on the Vitamin C Bandwagon, but limited to 1.5g per Day.

I have some Pantoprazol on hand, will take them and stop taking vitamin c to see if that helps

>Posing as MD because posted a pic of a microbio book
Your intentions are good but you still have a few years to go before you're useful, med student user

Is it effective to use a neti pot to keep the vital shed from constantly being put back into your body?

None of us take tainted adrenochrome

Dont worry about him. I doubt he is an actual student but if he is his behaviour is perfectly normal. Look, he will be a docotr. He will be special. He is very smart. Smarter than anybody and he knows everything there is to know. His confidence is through the roof because he is a big boy now going to university where he reads lots of books.
I admit, i was just like that. But once you're done and start actually practising you'll truly learn how medicine works. It was a humbling expierence. He'll get there.

Just look up the thread from yesterday, you got my loicense there. But yeah, always call out larps.

> lass Dich wegen Panik nicht kränker machen als Du bist lol
Ich könnte Dir in die Fresse schlagen. Die halbe Welt weiss dass sich die Viren in der Lunge ganz unten sammeln, negativ testen und die Lunge in Matsch verwandeln und Du kleine Mistmade lässt unsere Yas Forums Leute verrecken mit Deinen albernen Hinweisen. Verpiss Dich!

If symptoms persist, visit a doctor. To me, it doesn't seem like Coronavirus - most of the virus's symptoms are respiratory. Don't take my advice as authoritative though.

Aight fair enough, benefit of doubt given

You guys tried combining chloroquine with the protease inhib+ribavirin regimen yet? Any results?

Long term supplementation of high dose Vit C. Might actually not be a good idea.
The cases where high dose was used was in critically ill people.
Eating grams of Vit C. When you are fine is not indicated and may harm you because in physiological amounts free radicals act as hormones, if you supply huge amounts of Vit C now you may buffer these radicals acting as hormones as well fucking up something in their pathways.
Long term high dose Vit C supplementation is a meme.

You are a complete idiot, you not even know what the VitC thing is about, it cures COVID-19 in high doses IV you stupid shit. Stop spreading disinfo!

Lass das, du Unruhestifter. Du hast ja keine Ahnung wo von du redest.

>Don't take my advice as authoritative though.
This. When i doubt do go to the hospital just keep in mind that mild symptoms dont necessarily need hospitalisation.
But i prefer seeing one patient too much than one to few.

We havent had a severe case yet that needed antiviral medication. But if we'd probably use lopinavir and rotinavir.
I dont work at a university clinic so we'll refrain from doing highly experimental shit ourselves. We get advice from the nearest university hospital tho we'll wait trickles down to us. As of now we haad no case on our ICU and most infected are fairly well. Sick yes but not gravely.

Dont believe this user. He overdosed on the Vit C. Meme.
Ernsthaft Junge, geh offline und spiel an deinem Glied.

Calm your tits, the tiny amount of evidence it might be helpful isn't enough to be putting everyone on orange juice drips unless you want to be giving people iron overload and kidney stones left right and center

People are looking into it because it does look like there is something to it, but it doesn't mean there aren't other options too. You could make a stronger case for inosine pranobex

There are actual papers about this combo available from Wuhan and Italy.
It hasn't been tested yet here so far, maybe at Charité Berlin, but I surely got a huge stock of Chloroquin here for my family, you should too.

Fair enough, appreciate the response

I’m 31 years old, no underlying health issues other than allergic to cats and dogs and shellfish, was a smoker but quit over a year ago
Am I gonna be okay?

Also are you expecting a Lombardy situation to take off in Germany?

Definitely, given that it's a cheap drug it's kind of a blessing it's so far showing effectiveness

Thanks for commenting on vit c, so it seems like it may help reduce the lethal inflammatory response your body produces, would taking anything known to reduce the bodies inflammatory response be a good idea? obvs im not talking about switching it off, just limiting it to reduce the severity of your infection?

The reported positive effects of Vit C all pertain to reducing norepinephrin dependency and ameliorating coronary perfusion. Interesting findings, yes but there are other established treatments for that as well and nowhere is postulated that it has any effect on the virus itself.
Like the head of our Icu told me. We gonwith what we know is effective and if we run out of options with one patient we might consider alternatives but the data situation is nowhere as clear as the shizos claim.

Oh btw the politics pread the disinfo about the ibuprofen because people get testet for fever on every airport and when you take ibuprofen you might be positive but test negative on fever, means: Infection will never stop spreading.

>Lombardy situation to take off in Germany?
they basically gave up containing it.
>everyone will get it, so why care?
this is true for a lot of European countries

I see it's a fucking war, I don't want to go to hospital and waste resources unless I need to, so that's why I asked if self-monitoring SpO2 would be helpful.
My understanding is that it will show a systematic drop as the lung infection develops, correct?