look at this dude...
Look at this dude
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He is a kike
It's embarrassing
this fucking moron wants to make the barometer of his presidency the stock market, he claims credit when it's up, you get it when it's down too. meanwhile more can't get tested as he botches press conference after press conference. imagine still unironically supporting this disaster
His smile and optimism gone
This. I'm now Ridin' With Biden.
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
Wow what a fucking joke, there’s a global pandemic going on and this idiot is bragging about the stock market.
He should have stick to his campaign when he was still saying that the economy is basically a total bubble.
I'm probably gonna ride with Biden too once I figure out who his puppet master is going to be,
TP sales just saved America.
Just think of all that gdp and the growth and jobs that will be created once things go back to normal.
That tweet sure looks stupid now. This whole situation has been an utter disaster for him.
Trump fucked this up and got lots of Americans killed in the process. Ironically he mostly killed his own supporters by telling them it's a democrat hoax and just a flu for weeks. He did this to such an extent he basically was acting like a dem deep cover agent deliberately trying to kill as many Republican voters as possible. No one took it seriously for weeks because of that except a few contrarian liberals who heard trump insist it was a nothing burger so they started prepping out of spite.
We arent going to be able to talk our way out of this one. Since thats all thats happening we are fucked slow and steady. This is it Yas Forums
I still enjoy how salty Trump makes people. Only 5 more years, cuckeroonis.
Yes, yes it is.
He cares more about the stock market than the people
Feeeel the Bern!!!
No one is seriously considering voting for Joe Biden though??
You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.
3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, almost 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.
Have you seen the average American?
Trump 2020
No have you?
yep, almost seemed deliberate, considering what U.K is doing and the painfully slow reaction of some of these western countries it just feels like a depopulation move
Why can't he just shut the fuck up for once? My God, if all he did was not use twitter, I swear his approval rating would soar. All his tweets do is embarrass the country and himself. I literally cringe when I read shit like this.
He also got americans killed because of his iran policy. He is reckless.
It's not our fault Trump had always been a kike puppet and Demonrat plant. Liberals are so evil they'll use a crypto Jew pedophile to trick Republican voters into taking no precautions and actually GENOCIDING all of us by telling us not to take precautions. That's how EVIL the libshits truly are. He's deep cover demonrat shill it wasn't our fault.
literally all he cares about is Isreal and the stock market, I can't believe I ever supported this retarded zioboomer back in 2016/2017.
People can be critical of the president you fucking bootlicker. No everyone who has something bad to say is some libtard. I consider myself pretty conservative but he is just embarrassing lately.
Haha totally triggered the libs...
>I still enjoy how salty Trump makes people
I'm going to vote for Trump again but honestly this makes me cringe. I wish he'd shut the fuck up lately.
how did he fuck this up? by not closing borders over democrat dead bodies back in 17? lol kys shillfag
Seems like Trump is losing alot of support, even on Yas Forums
>being this mad
Exactly. You've got to see the funny side.
imagine if he had actually stopped all immigration - much lower number of people infected.
instead he caved like a faggot - and is propping up old fucks who lead to this situation in the first place.
love watching these maga retards dig their own graves
>don't like how trump is letting coronavirua kill people? libtard! tranny!
Someone seriously needs to put him on suicide watch. He will probably kill himself if corona doesn’t first
Imagine believing the testing meme.
Trump is good for fucking with the chinks, but since he's not even nuking them over releasing a bioweapon, he can go fuck himself. If Beijing and Shanghai were to be nuked, the markets would recover in a flash.
You can thank all the virtuous judges, foreign influences and celebrities for that one.
the remnants of Obongo's market are still showing
If you point out how much of a disaster this is, you will be called a libtard by a very salty person.
Imagine the salt when the Q larp falls through
He's a fucking boomer with a huge social media following as if he would ever give it up it's his favourite part of presidency
Trump created Coronachan to try and finally get rid of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and shit got a little out of control, lol.
Trump will never lose support on Yas Forums.
Trump 2020! Praise KEK!
>clutches pearls
It's not like we need stability or anything, just cry about a flu until blue in the face
is he wrong tho
The western countries all decided that letting it run its course was the only viable option. Feel free to offer alternatives if you think there were ones. China went with containment but that means their population has to remain under house arrest until a vaccine is developed, and the testing process will take at least a year. We'll see the effect of this later this year when the west emerges from the disaster well before Asia.
I guess him and barron arent time travellers? i trusted the plan tho
>He also got americans killed because of his iran policy.
How many American soldiers died under his 1st term compared to Dubya and Obama?
Dont worry no matter what happens she will be safe
This was his dog whistle to start selling.
After massive gains, a crash is pretty much always imminent.
good thing it only kills stale boomers.
>it wasn't our fault.
Sounds like boomer cope to me. all the signs were there. even now you still think the sides matter.
>muh demonrats
>muh conservacucks
Good thing we can just cope by saying the US stopped existing other than by name back in 1913.
Wow what a fucking joke, there’s a global pandemic going on and this idiot is worried about the stock market.
It literally is the flu. People are panicking about the fucking flu
United American Empire in 1 month
Its too late
US youth is majority non-white and supports open borders, globalism, faggotry, gibs, and communism. You better hope something saves the boomers.
someone needs to tell trump to shut his fukken mouth...everything hes say comes right back against the american people
You're a kike too
Stupid buffoon, I wanted to like him but turns out he's even worse than kikes
the market is reaching its 2nd shut down...-10.25% will it get to -13% prolly but not -20%
He dropped the ball on testing and waited weeks too long to shut down travel between Europe
>he really said that
>economy is flatlining today
The one time he should have been a nazi but he choked
So? Obama was also reckless. What are you trying to say?
>You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
No, if he had deported illegals in actually huge numbers and turned them all back at border + wall Trump would have my undying loyalty until the end. He didn't do that, and don't give me your maga propaganda bullshit we have net gained immigrants under his term. I'm a one issue voter because its frankly the only one that matters. This virus outbreak will expose why, you will see that america is no longer a nation so that it can't even function. Trump and GOP wasted the heroic effort the americans did to reverse the course of this country one last time and he wasted it. He is worse than any democrat for this sin, he basically killed America with his laziness and service to kikes
If fucking only the line were flat
This is The End, beautiful friend
This is The End, my only friend, The End
Trump has bungled this response so badly that we are now going to have to cancel the 2020 elections. He's going to have to hang in there for another year and get impeached a couple of more times before this gets sorted. No sense risking life to just go out and vote.
Ginsburg can hang on for another year too.
>look at this dude...
I know, even though i prefer him to democrats, he is seriously mentally deranged, demented, sick sociopath drug addled psychopath. he must have holes in his brain.