>I don't need muh government to take care of me I'm a grown adult
Why are americans so absolutely batshit retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
> Don't know how to cook
> Don't know how to cook
Apparently you shut the restuarants down and the city people starve to death. Fucking pathetic.
Checked. No food at home, can't cook. Sound like rich assholes
>we need big government to think and force whomever the mob targets to do whatever we decide for any reasons because we cant control our passions and cant or wont succeed on our without violence against the competent
they are already starving bros
imagine when there will be food shortages
>be American
>McDonald's closes becuz ching chong flu
>starve to death
>don't know how to cook
nigger you just read
most food have fucking instructions
their own fault if they're too retarded to read or too retarded to by food
fucking blue checkmark jews
>grocery stores aren't built to feed 100% of us
But muh superior free markits kek
Good, let them starve
>be smart American
>buy food before collapse
>realize food doesn't have cooking instructions on it
>starve to death
It's actually very hard to create enough food for everyone when they all come to stock up on it at the exact same time. Because companies don't overproduce shit that would just go to waste.
If you don't know how to cook basic things in the age of 13+ you deserve to die.
The Americans in the cities will starve after a week. The power grid in NYC is weak.
Us "retards in flyover country" go to deer camp every fall where there is no power/water.
I'm sitting on two freezers full, rice and beans for months, an above ground pool full and a natural spring.
NYC, Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, DC, San Fran, LA are kaput.
>Doesnt know how to cook
What the fuck, west needs to be culled
...how can you not know how to cook at even the most basic level? How can you not know 'heat pan with oil in, crack open egg, pour egg in, take egg out of pan when looks like cooked egg on tv'. Or even more basic 'follow very clear instructions on microwave or oven meal'? Will they burn down their building if they try and turn on the kettle? For fucks sake.
>dont know how to cook
just boil some eggs and drink piss thats all you need to keep yourself have nutrition
Because the government absolutely does not have the authority to do such. But if we allow it then the government has now vastly expanding its power and authority simply by having set a precedent.
Eurocucks would not understand, being subjects and all.
>The Americans in the cities will starve after a week
I still said all we had to do in a conservative rebellion is to blockade the liberal population centers until they starve to death. You only have to do a few cities.
Apparently I was wrong. You just go in and burn the restaurants down all of them. No blockade needed. They apparently don't know how to use a grocery store or cook.
Half of all Americans can ride out a 30-day lock-down on their fat reserves alone.,
While the fact that many of our citizens are this dependent on food services to feed themselves is deplorable, what he is saying is accurate. I have friends who don't even know how to gauge what amount of raw meat and produce constitutes how much they will need for a week long period. Their ignorance and sudden need to adapt their lifestyle means many, MANY people will be approaching the 5 missing meals condition that has percipitated every violent revolution in history. What is the government going to do about that?
This. That's what concerns me the most. I'm in the Mafia occupied state of Illinois. If the government can get more power for itself it here, it absolutely will.
tell me that tweet was satire or some shit pls
>we need big government to shut down all public gatherings over something less fatal than the current seasonal flu
I don’t like being inconvenienced, oh well home baked bread, pasta, rice, dried beans, and frozen meat, hooray for $0.50 per serving meals that take six hours to make.
>don't know how to cook
what the fuck? just fry an egg or boil instant noodle, microwave shit food or whatever the fuck you goddamn idiot
what? what are they gonna do about it?
Nuttin', chimps be chimping out.
>most food have fucking instructions
Huh. I thought we'd have to block the highways or something. This is much easier.
Why do europoors believe every ridiculous thing they hear about America? America is hardly any different from your countries. Everywhere you go in the world, the majority of people are going to be borderline retards. I've been to Europe, I barely noticed a difference.
>nosetribe not know how to make fire
City people are a waste of resources. Let it all come down. Seal them off in their open air asphalt prisons. I hope the army blocks the highways and leaves them to be eaten by their nigger pets.
>1 blue checked faggot
>all 330 million Americans
Good stats, frogboy.
His dp goes really well with this post
>why isn't Trump doing anything about the virus?
He does something.
>NO! why are you doing things?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
His twatter profile is literally this meme lmao
Ah another Uncle Sam thinking he's free. You aren't free dumbass, you are just another slave and more often than not, more dependant on the government than any Eurocuck.
Learn to cook assholes. It's fun.
>tfw cook for a living
>tfw chef is probably going to let me take home a bunch of food when we eventually stop offering carry-out
peak burger
Retarded migatards and leftoids can only think in the short term. They don’t have any concept of risk management
Cooking is the easiest fucking thing, but if you had any sense and stockpiled canned baked beans instead of raw vegetables or whatever autism you decided on then you wouldn't need to cook at all.
>take six hours to make.
The fuck are you cooking? Whole hog on a spit?
arkham city for all cities over a couple hundred thousand
Nigger we have the goddamn internet, you can get a recipe to cook LITERALLY ANYTHING in 5 minutes. I baked bread yesterday and have never bought yeast in my life before now.
I lived in Manhattan for 4 years and can confirm the majority of young people there literally never cook. They'll be living off cereal and soup for the next few weeks lol
>literally just boil them
>just steam them
>frozen meat
>just pan fry them
>just pan fry them
>six hours
this can't be real
>How to cook for simpleton
>Buy potato
>Put potato in microwave
>Press 6, microwave may also need you to press 0 twice
>Press enter, start or go if the microwave doesn’t start when you press 6
>Count to 360
>Microwave beeps
>Take out potato, be careful potato hot
>Eat potato with fork
>If you are really good cook add salt, pepper, and butter
FDNY's going to be busy as all those Manhattan people try to figure out what that closet with the stove is for.
Are they seriously too stupid to mix some fucking flour and water and throw it in the oven? Or soak some dried beans and then slow boil them the next day? Or throw a couple of fucking eggs in a frying pan?
I'd agree if I didn't see shit like OPs tweet fairly often and all over tv when it comes to young americans. One of the most common things you hear is 'wow, you can cook?'.
I've never met a single brit who can't cook at least basic meals. Most of us start as kids. We even have cooking classes as mandatory in our schools now, unlike when I was a tot. I can't speak for Europeans.
You lot are so fucked when the internet goes down.
Who the fuck stock on raw veggies, are you retarded? For short term you can stock with boiled and vacuum packed veggies. For long term its fermented and dehydrated veggies.
reminder that this is why that paycheck to paycheck percentage is so high, retards spend triple or quadruple on food to have others cook
Burn buildings, shoot policemen, and kill politicians in the street. Thats what 5 missed meals means.
you can just pan fry anything with butter, salt, and pepper
He's a lazy fucker who always had someone to cook for him and he doesn't want to make any effort despite a pandemic he wants to have a Mcdonalds whenever he want because muh freedomz muh guberment
Dried beans take for fucking ever to cook, even rice takes a long ass time. It isn’t hard at all but takes a lot longer than throwing a frozen pizza in an oven or driving to McDonalds.
>pssst, user, you forgot to tell them to pierce it
yes they are
I have 900 pages 1966y cookbook. Fuck your internet.
It's also not going to kill you by the time you are forty. Think of that extra time as maybe doubling your life expectancy.
>grocery stores arent built to feed 100% of us 100% of the time
lol what
yes, they are
most people arent so rich they can afford to avoid a grocery store for longer then a couple days. who the fuck is eating out every day: only richfags who are like 1% of the population
You're not going anywhere user, who fucking cares how long it takes.
Why would every person own pots, pans, big assed spoons or whatever you use to stir the pot, etc.? Do you own a log splitter? Probably not. So if you had to eat logs what would you do?
Sorry I had to destroy you like that user but you asked for it.
well I guess a lot of young people don't know much about cooking. But they don't eat fast food for every meal either like the guy in OP is suggesting. They probably eat a lot of frozen things that they microwave or put in the oven.
What did you notice?
do these people not know how to make a sandwich?
but how will you make all those artisan hipster recipes you need to survive on?
How are you going to show your friends what you're having for dinner without facebook?
I know, that's why I picked them as an example of something retarded he might buy as part of my insult, retard.
>Sorry I had to destroy you like that user but you asked for it.
You ruined it with this user. Otherwise was a decent troll. My blood started to boil until I read that.
Rice cookers are 20 bucks on amazon and a 10 pound bag is cheap.
Dude a cookbook from 1966 is the ultimate hipster book.
oh right, I forgot those dumbass like to show the photos of their food
bad bait
Very awesome old buildings and very beautiful countryside. The cities were filled with trash people and literal trash just like they are everywhere in the world.
And if you add beans you get a complete protein. Cubans have eaten like this for years.
I don't cook beans, but rice is like 30 minutes and its without modern electronic double boiler.
Heh, you're right. Somebody post it to his tweet
>don't know how to cook
If you are over the age of 10 and can't make a complete meal your parents failed you and you failed yourself.
Not now that i know how to bake bread I'm not. I can also make a fire so I'll be fine.
why are americans too stupid to cook?
literally put water into a pot, make it boil, add rice. take a pan, put in some onions and sear until glossy. then add any meat you like, tomatoes and some spices
costs about 4 bucks or so for 2 days worth of food. repeat until fat, as americans naturally are.
Practically every store in the US has food in it because businesses learned to put snack counters by where waiting lines form. Don't worry about us starving anytime soon.
He's kinda correct about private business, except stores or service outlets.
He's absolutely right about restaurantes. They should remain open but serve only to take away.
You barely noticed a difference cause you're a retarded american
Remember that there are adult people in the world that don't know how to boil water, user. There are so many people completely dependent on this system.
Nothing hipster about it. You can even find how to cook oatmeal porridge in 10 different ways.
I always thought it was a meme but I spent a weekend with a group of random millennial dudes at a friend's bachelor party, and it's actually true. Millennials cannot cook. I woke up the one morning with 3 of these dude bros crowded in the kitchen attempting to make eggs and bacon and they were fucking it up hard. They couldnt even handle doing eggs and bacon. I took over the cooking and they were grateful as shit that someone who knew how to cook was there and took it over.
The weak will die as nature intended.
That's a feature. Kersploded potatos for errybody.
Wow. Grocery stores ARE built to feed 100% of people. The idea that someone would think they could literally only eat out stuns me.
France was the biggest shithole I've ever seen. I'd rather go to Mexico then go within 50 miles of Paris again.
I think they are too spoiled and wanted restaurant level meals and not everyone can cook that. But this people clearly would be able to cook an omelette or porridge or fry potattoes.
Well there's your first mistake.
Honestly curious how they were fucking it up user. Story time! Story time! Please grandpa! Please!
Because it's funny to make fun of Americans because some of the stereotypes are actually true.
If they can't make fucking Ramen or even know how to open a can of beans or even make oatmeal. They may as well just kill themselves from the gene pool.
I assume he's referring to soaking the beans and letting the bread dough rise.
Very hipster, Aleksei. Hipsterism is all about being anachronic
“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
~ Henry Kissinger Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Bilderburgers meeting.
going to Paris when you go to france is the same as going to Londonistan or Nigger York when you visit uk or usa
Kek first thing I noticed. No wonder that urban dwelling faggot doesn’t know how to cook
Dried beans need to soak overnight and then slow cook for like an hour, that's why Mexicans keep a pot of beans cooking at low on the stove at all times and just add new beans and seasoning after dinner everyday, this works with chili too. Then there is hot beans ready all the time, rice takes like twenty minutes.
>they are already starving bros
More like a solution to their morbid obesity issue.
haha its criminal to not eat out
thats a good one
>Americans don't know how to cook
>Source: An American
>Why are Europeans making fun of us???
Yeah, dried beans and lentils must soak for up to a day before you can start cooking with them. Mungbeans and horsebeans that you have soaked yourself is much better than the store bought stuff tho.
why can't anyone cook? saw a blue checkmark tweet saying that cooking her own food is taking all of her time in self-isolation. how hard is it to throw some food on the stove or in the oven and let it cook while you are working?
but you can fry that bread in butter
>no food at home despite weeks of warnings
>thinks closing eateries due to a spreadinf virus is criminal
>will starve with no one to cook for him
Hard times create hard men. Things have been good too long.
>bragging about your grandma's cookbook
Imagine being so worthless you don't even know how to cook. COVID-Chan is not a plague, she is a cure.
the normies simply aren't ready for the truth
>Reeee I'm jewish.
Fixed it.
America is a strange place. Its both individualist posing as collectivist and collectivist posing as individualist. The more you try to understand it the crazier you're likely to go. You'll meet the most hardy survivalist/DIY types anywhere living minutes from people totally dependent on the government, the line between prophetic religiosity and drug addiction blurs to nothing, I swear to you mythical beasts roam the heartlands, unknown....
what is pic related?
Yea some are, but european countries are quickly catching up to our worst aspects. Also, if there is any truth to OPs tweet, then he is talking about the usual suspects. Junkies, homeless, trailer trash, etc. No surprise they are helpless.
And yet you judge all Americans for it's worst locations and people.
>companies don't overproduce shit that would just go to waste.
Fast food restaurants and feeding kids at school is part of NWO helplessness training. I learned how to cook like a pro in 7th grade before the schools were trashed.
lmao, absolutely obsessed
Its family cookbook, using recipes proven by decades isn't anachronism.
I dunno it was cartoonish. They spilled a half dozen eggs all over the stove top and they were dangerously close to the burners, they had an entire pack of bacon jammed into a tiny frying pan, the heat was cranked up to max on both burners they were using. We had a large group of people and none of the chefs thought to get the baking sheets out and do more bacon in the oven, there was a general fucking mess on all the countertops. When I walked out, they weren't even paying attention to the burners they'd left on high and were all sitting around smoking dope and drinking screwdrivers.
The problem with shutting down restaurants, bars, and clubs isn't so much the less access to food, it's that you're going to suddenly take 2+ weeks of work away from employees without giving them the option of unemployment (since they're still technically employed) and without any benefits.
Post corona crime in New York and Chicago is going to skyrocket because many of the he jobs in these cities are service related
For ince Frnchy is correct. America is one of the few countries where you can be both poor and fat.
A frozen pizza takes longer than rice. Takes 15 minutes. Preheating you’re oven takes about that much time plus 20 minutes to cook.
I'm just pulling your leg.
Get your own sourdough started, that's what I did. Pretty simple and abolishes the need for yeast once it had some time to become really potent.
>can only eat if somebody cook for it
>it starves
Corona-chan truly is a gift.
Americans don't know how to cook?
Is this another man thing to try to prove they aren't gay?
Watch some cookery on youtube guys, it's relaxing.
You don't know what a hipster is. I would say come visit Portland to find out, but it's probably not a good idea right now. actually, its never a good idea.
What about all the people who work at those restaurant now without income, no concerns for them blue check? Lol
I grew up dirt poor and still knew basic meals like ramen, spaghetti, and sandwiches.
make kimchi sourdough
>shares his tweet if jeremy boreing
>put one cup in a pot
>add water till rice is under water
>put in stove, select high (or big flame if using gas)
>bring to a boil
>set stove to low (small flame)
>cover rice with pot lid
>watch for rice to look like its cooked
>turn off heat
total time is about 10min
>not knowing how to heat a piece of meat on a stove.
These people deserve death.
That's why people should care about, but it's ok because mommy government will just steal money from other people to give them handouts.
Liberal elites don't actually think of the working class, they just pretend to.
They'll start thinking about them when they get their ass mugged by the now jobless cook from their favorite Mexican restaurant though.
I've got family who work in a kitchen and yesterday they 'developed a cough' and decided to 'self isolate' for a week. Hopefully by next week there will be so few people visiting they don't ask them to come in. Minimum wage isn't worth infecting your family if you can afford not to, and maybe even if you can't, because you won't be working with glassed lungs in in a mass grave either.
I wish it was common with gas here, cooking is so much easier with gas.
Adults who "don't have food at home" & "don't know how to cook" deserve to starve to death.
What's with these niggers that can't cook. What kind of children are they? I was learning gourmet recipes off the internet at 18.
Built for bbc.
based cody41, a normie on the fence
i assume he has no fucking clue what he's talking about
Even I know how to cook and I am retarded.
Wow, so you mean not everyone in this country of 300+ million people are freedom loving anti-government patriots like you made up in your head? Crazy. Someone should make a thread.
All that fast food clogs their neurons. Hopefully many americans die, get rid of those disgusting fat retards and the world will become instantly better