New humans = more pain.
Because life is not a dumb American movie. Life = hell
War, viruses, lie, death, pain, gore. 75 000 000 people in World War 2. Fuck it. Only low IQ masochist love to suffer.
Free ABORTIONS policy = high IQ
Peter Wessel Zapffe (1899-1990) was a famous norwegian philosopher, multi artist and mountaineer from Tromsø in Norway. Zapffe had some of the most pessimistic ideas around, claiming human conscioussness was a tragedy. His book Om Det Tragiske (1941) is about the claim that all kinds of happiness is just defensemechanisms from seeing how horrible nature really is. He thought humanity should cease to be.
He was paradoxically also one of Norways most famous comedians of his generation, especially known all around Norway for his humorbook Vett og Uvett (1942), which has been played to full theatre audiences (your grandmother has probably laughed at it). He was a close friend of philosopher Arne Næss, was married twice and lived a long active life, but refused to ever have children.
“A coin is turned around before it is handed to the beggar, yet a child is unflinchingly tossed into cosmic bruteness.”
David Benatar (birth unknown – still alive) is a professor in philosophy at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is the inventor of the term ‘antinatalism’, which he presented in his infamous book Better Not To Have Been – The Harm Of Coming Into Existence (2008). He argues that coming into existence is always a harm, and that it is morally wrong to create more human beings.
His book started a wave of debates and caused a lot of confused and puzzled minds. It also inspired a lot of followers and communties dedicated to antinatalism, and endless plans about how to make a world without humans. There’s no known picture of Benatar, and he is considered somewhat of a mystery.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was a classical german existensialist philosopher living and working in the 1800s, a long time before the antinatalism term was invented, but he was talking about the same thing and is seen a father figure of the movement. Schopenhauer is traditionally known to be the grandfather of Pessimism. He is widely known for his excellent grumpy witty charm!
He has been very influential in philosophy, to people like Fredrich Nietzsche, but has actually been even more influential in art, like painting and literature.
“Life is a business that does not cover the costs.”
I use 30 rolls of TP a day
Herman Tønnessen (1918-2001) was a professor in philosophy in California and later in Canada. Tønnessen was a close friend of Peter Wessel Zapffe, and envied Zapffe’s pessimism all his life and tried as good as he could to out-Zapffe him.
He’s infamous for his quote “Happiness is for pigs, I choose the truth.” (“Lykke er for griser. Jeg velger sannheten.”) which was also to become the title of a book by Herman Tønnessen and Peter Wessel Zapffe which consists only of a lengthy discussion between the two. Tønnessen was also described as a very energetic, funny, loudmouthed and someone known for doing impulsive and strange things. Like once while waiting impatiently for dinner in a resturant started doing gymnastics by hanging from the beams of the roof, accidently making the ceiling crash down.
Emil Cioran (1911-1995) was an existensialist philosopher from Romania, as well as an author who wrote books in french that reflected a radical skepticism and melancholic worldview about reality and existence. He usually wrote in poetry.
His most antinatalistic book The Trouble Of Being Born (1973) as well as most of his books are very celebrated and he almost gained a “rock star”-like status in Romania.
“Trees are massacred, houses go up — faces, faces everywhere. Man is spreading. Man is the cancer of the earth.”
Gary Inmendham (birth unknown – still alive)
Gary is his actual name, while Inmendham is his nickname online originally based on the fact that that he’s residing “in Mendham”, in New Jersey, USA.
Gary can be considered the bad boy of antinatalism, as he’s quite infamous for his emotionally charged angry and assertive rants! He has over the years steadily attracted quite a following on the internet (as well as enemies!) through his dark pessimistic view of life, his mysterious background and reclusive lifestyle.
Anybody who disagrees with him can be expected to be shouted down.
He is the originator of the term Efilism. Efil is “life” backwards. Efilism is considered to be a more aggressive form of antinatalism, preaching for the extinction of absolutely all life.
Interesting read OP, you should be the cure you dream of and suck start a shotgun
Thomas Ligotti (1953- still alive) is a contemporary american cult author of existential horror literature. He debuted in 1985 with the short story collection Songs Of A Dead Dreamer, and has written many horror books since then. Ligotti is inspired by authors like H. P. Lovecraft and underground horror. He writes with very dark themes that seems to claim that reality itself is the real horror story.
In his first non-fiction book The Conspiracy Against the Human Race (2010) he writes for the first time in length about his view of life and reality, which interestingly enough is often referred to, inspired by and even dedicated to norwegian philosopher Peter Wessel Zapffe.
>low IQ post
Interesting (no)
Hиштяк. Oптимиcты пидapacы
Кoнчeнныe пидopacы жe ecть
Maйлeндepa eбaни eщё
A, нy дa, кoтopый пoвecилcя. Oн тoлькo в нeмeцкoм и aнглийcкoм пoхoдy. Я eгo oтлoжил, ceйчac Чopaнa дoчитывaю "Пocлe кoнцa иcтopии"
>Free ABORTIONS policy = high IQ
There it is. The stupidest thing I've read in my life.
How antinatalists exist is a testament to human stupidity. Just kill yourself you pussy. Stop bothering people.
“Happiness is fake” whys this motherfucker smiling then?
No picture. Guys not even real.
Oh look another “life isn’t worth it” guy who lived to be 108 years old. It’s almost like it’s all bullshit.
Antinatalism is a pure logic. Deal with it nigger.
“Happiness is fake” but I lived for a long ass time and didn’t kill myself because I’m a fake too.
Nigger here. Caution
Didn’t commit suicide
Antinatalism is a white man philosophy. Kys nigger
He’s preaching the extinction of all life but is still alive. Faaaaake.
Weird how he seems motivated to keep writing and making fat bank. Life must not be totally pointless after all
up your game, slacker
Then why aren’t you dead, faggot?
Less intelligent people are more likely to be blind believers in God and therefore more anti abortion. Meanwhile many women who are at least somewhat intelligent have been brainwashed and spoilt and now think having an abortion is a really trendy thing to do so they go out and have abortions and are very lucky to have two kids or more in their life. Abortion clinics have quotas to meet and they want as many people as they can to have abortions so they can bring in the money.
Sure in an better world smart people wouldn't get abortions and retards would voluntarily euthanise themselves but we aren't living in that world. It's literally the exact opposite sadly :((
A Slav attacking someone else’s race is the height of hilarity. At least niggers can walk upright. Your kind squats.
I’m not an antinatalist so I don’t have a reason too.
That same woe is me vodka nigger.
If life is suffering to you, then see it, it ends.
You said you were gonna kill yourself, but you haven't, so more of your antinatal bullshit.
Because I am already alive
I live to preach the ideas that humanity will end (efilism, abortions). no matter ai or mass suicide. the ideology of anti-life is as logical as possible and I preach it
Hardcore child free
If that's how it is you should have killed yourself already.
I am an asian. I am not white
Shut the fuck up mutt and breed new slaves for Netflix and Israel
Start with yourself. Have the courage of your convictions.
You’ve revealed yourself as a Slav. Only Slavs think Slavs are white. Now stop being a pussy and check out.
Is it argument or something? Pessimism/antinatalism is logical. Sorry about that chavs
I am an asian. And I hate white people, especially Americans.
So go kill yourself then
No it's not, it's based entirely on moral evaluations not logical ones.
Slavs are not white. Slavs were rapists of wh*te dogs in 1945
>As logical as possible.
>Makes a pro con argument
Doesn't even understand what logic is as a function. Lmao.
you can confront the anti-natalists only if you like to get pain. this is iron logic
>Relies on emotional assertions to supports it's arguments
>Is logical.
Kek, this is what self renuciation does to a mind.
You already claimed Slavs were white you fucking Slav. It’s too late to lie now. Only Slavs have they opinion. By pure logic you are therefore a Slav.
So kill yourself.
You've shown you cannot use logic, so id stop throwing that word around you don't have the capacity for it.
Ok. I am a slav. So shut the fuck up filthy nigger ape :)
Like all antinatalists you lack the courage of your convictions. If you truly believe what you say you do then logic dictates you kill yourself. Otherwise you’re fake and gay. But since you’re an antinatalist we already knew that. Literally every single one of you motherfuckers lives to a ripe old age.
a) life is a pain. because you will always be in a situation where there will be pain. illness or you just won’t like your little dick (your main psychological pain)
b)letting new people into the world means giving them the opportunity to be in a negative situation = inflicting pain on them
> Literally every single one of you motherfuckers lives to a ripe old age.
without filfhy children
cry more nigger monkey ape
So kill yourself
I’m not crying. I’m happy with my life. You’re the one who thinks everything is endless suffering. You guys are all fakeass grifters.
Nah. I will live and continue to create threads about free abortion and that having children is bad.
Thank you for admitting you’re fake. It’s a weird kind of joy you’ve found but I’m happy for you. So few Slavs actually DO anything.