Pic related. I've seen two types of videos out of Italy regarding the Corvid19 outbreak. First is this shot of sick people in a makeshift hospital, maybe 15 people and a couple nurses. Where are the shots inside other hospitals? Where are the dead bodies? The media has never shied away from showing victims' bodies before. The other type are the "heartwarming" shots of Italians singing to each other from their balconies. Great propaganda but again, this is pretty much all there is out of Italy.
That's it. Either the news is suppressing something or Italy has very bad crisis actors. This shit stinks of bullshit.
Over and over again the same room with the slats on the wall, same nurses and patients.
25,000 patients, almost 400 dead. Where are the photos? Videos?
Liam Thomas
Go on twitter that's where most of the videos are
Landon Cooper
For years now jews have been demanding that various things be shut down, especially the internet, so as to combat all the “hate” and “anti-semitism” running rampant. Now they have the excuse to shut down almost everything – the economy, public gatherings, internet sites they don’t like, etc. – all under the guise of fighting the coronavirus. Many places in the world are already under martial law, which is the ultimate shut down.
If there is any reality to the coronavirus, and it’s not just a combination of the regular flu and 5G, then it is a bioweapon brought to us by the same people who unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world. They appear to have been planning this all for a long, long time. They can use the Coronavirus as a scapegoat for the economic crash, so that people don’t blame the (((bankers))) like in 2008, as they make out like bandits.
They are running the old problem-reaction-solution model to further their agenda once again, but this time it seems like they are going all in. They are creating incredible chaos in order to institute their totalitarian order. This will give them the opportunity to finally get rid of the pesky first and second amendment in America (along with other rights) and remove the last vestiges of freedom remaining in other countries around the world. They are playing for keeps.
If things keep going according to plan, everyone will need to be injected with a vaccine and microchip, just like in Bill Gates’ ID2020 program, or else they won’t be able to get their food rations. Everyone will be on lockdown, food and supplies may have to be delivered by Amazon, robots will be rolled out in a big way since they cannot be infected, and no one will be able to meet with each other to discuss the situation or protest. We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance.
Nolan Wood
italians don't use smartphones that much, they need to have free hands to gesticulate
The msm is willing to show dead migrant babies to insight fear and panic, but know if they showed the real images from inside the hospitals of Wuhan, Iran, Italy, and even Seattle, the amount of panic and fear would tear apart the very fabric of our society.
Hudson Phillips
People who have real jobs, such as at a hospital, think it is poor taste to post images of corpses on the internet, especially without permission from the family
Lucas White
Cooper Moore
Even worse, it might cause whitey to become the r word
Nicholas Cox
Also in all the videos of this room, they have the child "patient" front and center, which is typical of the MSM when they want to push a narrative.
Pic related. Remember this "shocking" picture of a child out of Syria? Completely staged. There is video of a news crew placing the child there, leaving the ambulance and taking a photoshoot.
>think it is poor taste to post images of corpses on the internet That has never stopped the muckraking media from doing it though. Something is really off about this, I think Italy is half-assing their crisis theater and it's showing.
Asher James
But this isn't a narrative the media wants to push. For these images to get in the internet it has to be hospital staff, patients, family of patients, none of whom want photos of corpses on the internet
Robert Ortiz
The narrative they are pushing is basically another flavor of "the world is ending, for real this time guys!" Greta was their last big push for climate change ending the world, that was a huge failure, and they had no problem parading a retarded child around in front of cameras spouting shit someone else wrote for her. What better than to show the body bags or something to push fear? That's the narrative, and showing the dead feeds that narrative.
But let's not get bogged down on this point. If there are tens of thousands of Coronavirus victims in Italy, why keep showing the same video of 15 patients (who are awfully quiet for viral pneumonia patients, should't they be coughing and gasping for breath and on ventilators?) over and over? Laziness?
Adam Davis
Only on the chan can i get in a thread about The End Timez Habbening!, The End Times Habbening Is a Hoax!, and How to Prepare for The End Times Habbening Hoax, Cos The Panic Is For Reals! I guess our bases are covered until the next nigger hate thread
The virus doesn’t exist. They’re taking people with bad cases of seasonal flu and pretending it’s something new. This is all about testing the limits of control.
Jayden Torres
Corona is fake news LMAO there are no dead people.
Liam Hernandez
Thanks. The news out of Italy has really made me question all this. Maybe Trump was speaking the truth when he called it a hoax? I know he rolled it back saying the Democrat's response was the hoax, but I think sometimes he can't help but speak the truth even it hurts is reelection chances. I took a week off work which ends tomorrow (vacation), I have a choice to work from home but I'm so sick of being cooped up.
Charles Bell
Kind of leaning towards anons view here, I see a great deal of alarm for an illness thats flu-level. 1) its going to get far, far worse because they know something we don't, such as how it is mutating, and frequency -
2) they're suppressing how bad it really is until better preparations are in place.
There was a thread a few days ago where user claimed to be working on some level for the US government in emergency response. If it was a LARP it was a damn good one, even went into detail about how Obama gutted FEMA and other departments of experienced people and replaced them with PC ideologues who couldn't do the job, and how training was focused only on hurricane Katrina response only when in fact the department's focus was not in natural disasters but things like pandemics. Anyway he was speculating that this was real, but very overblown and would die down by summer. Regardless, even if this is a hoax, selling seasonal flu as a world ending pandemic, they are studying our responses, and these studies will influence public policy and how people can be manipulated and controlled through fear and the media.
But with the media coming out of Italy, the mask is slipping. And I'm not surprised it was Italy that tipped its cards, as a country they are not very coordinated and probably lack the ability to convincingly pull off a stunt like this. 25,000 cases and they managed to only show us the same damn video over and over, with a poor child front and center. Bullshit.
Austin Anderson
didn’t you see the video of the Italian guy pleading for help last week with his dead sister laying in the her bed as no one came to get the body?
Dude is literally and actor, kek. Where's the proof she died of Corvid19?
Benjamin Nelson
>there are videos coming out and he posted this from Italy. Will he be acting in them all?
Austin Baker
>Why aren't Europeans running around filming personal tragedy and posting it on worldstarhiphop
Nicholas Moore
24,000 cases and the media only has one video they keep showing over and over, with weeks of this supposedly happening in Italy one of the worst hit countries. That doesn't raise any alarm bells for you?
Gavin Brooks
No, I don't watch TV. Neither should you. If you think this is fake, feel free to go visit your nearest emergency room for yourself.
Anthony Bennett
People that work in hospitals can't record patients and post them online. They can only take pictures with consent.
>Where are the dead bodies? Do you niggers take pictures of people dying in your hospitals? Don't you have any respect for people that are suffering? The few pictures taken are to show the new hospital beds, they are not meant to show the sick people
>Where are the shots inside other hospitals? In intensive care? There won't probably be many, since no one aside from doctors and patients that are almost dead and often unconscious are allowed in >Where are the dead bodies? In morgues. Funerals are not allowed now
Aaron Bell
>Wheres the videos Why where so many of the videos from China actually old videos. Who knows user?
Michael Gutierrez
Have we gotten any proof of any cases ever in paper tho?
Logan Robinson
Been wondering this myself
Aaron Watson
amerimutts will never believe anything unless a jew tells them to there is a mass delusion amongst americans that somehow everything is conspiracy of libtards to wish to harm their freedumbs never mind that italians are all in lockdown and told to stay home, not outside filming corpses ffs
Cameron Garcia
I don’t fucking care stop feeding the story you dumb nigger
Levi Collins
Not talking about hospitals. If it's as bad as it's being reported, we would be seeing thousands of videos of the streets lined with bodybags.
Nathaniel Peterson
they are cattle they will believe whatever it's shown they are a waste of air and part of the problem they are ultimately the reason why the elites have so much power they are cattle and like cattle they should go down stay safe
Carter Ross
That could just be a coffin showroom. I'm sure I see price stickers on some of them.
Jeremiah Martin
I haven't watched TV in over a decade. Look at the search results I posted above, there should be thousands of videos of this happening in Italy, everyone has a smart phone with a camera. Why aren't we seeing people dropping dead on the street like the videos from China? Where are the shots of the government mobilizing police and doctors, where are the containment areas? Why are we only seeing videos of Italians singing to each other from balconies? This all feels so fake for the worst hit European country.
Carson Cook
Just off the shared maths, it will 350% the annual death toll for people over the age of 65. The cute thing is that instead of freeing up their wealth, like with the black death, their wealth will instead be vaporized. When the chips fall, there will be a super-state apparatus put in place to make sure that states must collaborate through a global crisis.
The only question is whether or not all of the dark money sequestered in tax havens will repatriate and destroy their home countries while they flow into a newly chosen reserve currency.
Justin Anderson
They did in China. You don't need approval to take your phone out and take a picture, you act like nobody has never taken a picture in secret and leaked it to the press. With 24,000 cases we should be seeing WAY more media than what we are.
Caleb Ramirez
>there should be thousands of videos of this happening in Italy Or maybe the country is in fucking lockdown and people there aren't niggers uploading human tragedy on the internet?
Owen Bennett
Good question. Show us some death certificates. Redact the names.
If you care at all, I have personally met and spoken to many people working in healthcare, and they are all 100% serious about this. Every time a nurse or a medic is interviewed on the radio or on tv they tell the same story I've heard from them.
I don't think there will be many people willing to hold a phone up in an intensive care unit just to film a mass of poor elderly people dying, especially because the nurse doing that would get caught, and especially because these people are already doing 12+ hours shifts
Hunter Johnson
>Yes the streets are empty due to all the fear because everyone is dying right. So wheres those bodies, are you actually gonna get 6 gorrilianed again Yas Forums ?
Christopher Stewart
The alphabet agencies in the US can barely pull off a false flag 2A attack, look at Sandy Hook. Coordinating a global hoax on this scale is beyond their capabilities it seems. Everyone should be asking these questions a month into this happening.
Robert Roberts
We're taking down the Vatican, idiots. Why do you think we sent 30,000 troops to Europe without any protective equipment, because the virus doesn't exist and it's being used to keep people indoors during military ops.
Ryan Jenkins
>I don't think there are people willing to do that >Working in healthcare So basically they know as much as we do I am 100% certain there are people willing to take that video, don't be naive.
Isaac Walker
it's just early, what do you expect to see? Italy is not a third world shithole with billions of ammassed people like china. It's one of the most efficient public healthcare system, it's still not at full capacity, so basically there's nothing to see yet. In a few days, once the hospital in some areas reach full capacity and extra temporary hospital locations will become available, you will see more interesting videos, then again its just gonna be videos of some makeshift temporary hospital and that's it. Corona footage is just not that exciting so far, it's just a flu and some old people dying.
What im looking forward to are the riots footage, hopefully we will see some from burgerlandia
>Why don't Italians break into hospitals to take pictures of corpses? >Why do Italian doctors not film their patients as they die and publish them? >Why do elderly Italians in intensive care not film each other with their brand new smartphone? Geeee I dunno
Benjamin Harris
I believe you. I'm asking questions.
>I don't think there will be many people willing to hold a phone up in an intensive care unit just to film a mass of poor elderly people dying, especially because the nurse doing that would get caught, and especially because these people are already doing 12+ hours shifts
They were in China. Dozens of them. Dying patients, inside the new hospital/prisons, men in hazmat suits with guns, people being locked in, on and on. Why only one video from Italy?
Owen Flores
If hoax, Yas Forums needs to get this figured out & spread it. We have more power than one thinks. Que
Samuel Lopez
I laughed, thanks user
Blake Scott
funny how there are so many videos showing chaos in China, which is supposedly behind a firewall and from Italy, an European democratic western country, nothing. but ok, in the era of social media and online virtue signaling let's believe that nobody in Italy uses their social media accounts to show how brave and special their relatives/friends are for fighting corona and to warn people around the world this shit is for real. like cattle you'll go down and nobody will feel sorry about it.
Exactly, why don't they? Are you claiming Italy of all places dosen't have sick cunts? heard of the vatican by any chance?
Jeremiah Nelson
They are reporting almost 24,000 infects and hundreds dead. It's been weeks since we've seen another video.
I think the reason China has had so many videos of this happening may be because they have mastered media manipulation through iron fisted government control of every media outlet. They could put on a massive production involving sets (giant temporary hospitals/prisons), actors (Covid19 victims) and the propaganda with the dead bat soup gave the world a grisly image to associate this boogeyman with and it worked very very well. It was planned, coordinated and executed like clockwork.
Christian Carter
Italians have more class then to go around videoing the dead goyim
Blake Parker
>This vids from there Cool who posted it and where too.
Easton Wright
Naw man those are Iran. I covered that a few days ago and made this video.
italians are known to be very very overly dramatic when it Comes to pain and illness have you ever watched them playing Soccer? they basically invented acting like they got shot 123123 times when somebody grazes them
If your only point is the "Pride and dignity of Italy" You're monumentally wrong, go read history.
Jeremiah Morales
>We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance
Yeah all the neo nkvd has to say is red flag law and snipe you in your sleep through a window.
Jaxon Harris
we aren't allowed to go to hospitals, nor outside. the fuck are we supposed to film?
Juan Powell
Someone post the webm where an italian newspaper obituary section is shown.
Connor Bell
The answers are all in the questions user, if you believe that during a major national crisis anybody can burst through an hospital in emergency conditions, snap a picture of corpses and leave, or that some doctor will actually film a dying patient and leak the vid to the press (while being easily identifiable by coworkers), or if you think 80 years old wops spend all time shitposting on their iphones, then God help you
Samuel Miller
Ok this is from in an appartment building in lombardi how do we go about setting up a recorder on this IP cam and see what happens in this hall (who gets removed).