So fuck personal property?

> Guy uses his intelligence & works out that people will buy an [item] next month
> The guy takes a huge financial risk using all his money & buys as many [items] as possible on the possibility of making a profit next month. (could make a huge loss)
> The Guy was right & now is able to make a profit as people are willing to buy at the price he sets online.
> "Muhhhhhh its just cold'ers" now want to buy [item] old prices & complain the prices are higher because everyone want to buy the same item at the same time. (supply & demand)
> Call the local state government & complain
> Government ruins the guys business & financially ruin him
> Then steal all his personal property [life savings] & give it away by force.

So this is really how the "free market" system works? What a fucking joke.

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Fuck off you dumb nig. This shit is illegal and the IRS alone can fuck your asshole for doing it.

Get fucked cuck.

The guy actually gave them up without being forced. He had no more use for them. This is just some faggot patting themselves on the back and circle jerking thinking they did somthing by calling him an asshole on the internet.

- that said, fuck that scalping piece of shit, I hope niggers rape him to death

It wasnt confiscated you nitwit.

Its not illegal you reddit fucktard!

>the IRS alone can fuck your asshole for doing it.
>I hope niggers rape him to death
Why are americans so violent over petty shit? Could it be the result of race-mixing?

>he took a risk and could have lost out
>he lost out
>this isn’t fair

>guy takes a huge financial risk

lol you said it, eat shit piggy

he bought it all retail (legal), creating a local shortage (legal), and tried to resell it (illegal) during a panic (big fucky wucky)

>man running shady enterprise talks to the media
> surprised when things go wrong
next time keep your mouth shut

Get fucked Hoarder faggot

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Okay I want your food from your house now... you have more than you need so i'll take half comrade! Dont like it tuff shit I have the local goverment behind me & if you dont give your items we'll arrest you!

See the problem?

>The guy actually gave them up without being forced.

The Attorney Generals was going to ruin him if he didnt "comply!" For a country that keeps creaming about "muh rights" & muh freemarket" this seems like bit ass-rape by the state/ local goverment.

>conflating household needs with hording with the intention to profit off desperate people

Are you a Jew?

What he did should not be illegal its a play on demand of certain items in the event of a pandemic.

Its scummy yes, but he should be well within his rights to do so. One mans tragedy is another mans fortune.

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He was a scum bag for doing it, and nonlegal social pressure and shaming was applied to keep him in check. What's the problem exactly?

Would it be different if he bought them two months prior, or sold one month later? What if a man buys it all thinking he'll need it for him and his family, then finds out he doesn't, and tries to resell it?

Only jews can do that kind of thing, he should have known that.

Awesome glad to know the government isnt totally incompetent

I've been a Navy Seal for 23 years but I've never run out of hand sanitizer, thanks to the attorney general.


Reminder that price gougers gets the rope.
No functional "free market" is completely free and claiming that it should be so is just an irrational fetishisation of "freedom" above all else.
Ironically enough, allowing practices like price gourging decreases freedom since wealthy entities can use their wealth to aquire monopoly on essential supplies and then use that monopoly for the means of oppression.

> Try & make money
> Goverment assrapes you.
> Fair

He bought them from a warehouse/wholesaler and they were going to be sold ether way. The point I'm trying to make is the local government had no right to fuck with him like that.

Especially in America where it's a individualist culture,you cant have a part-time nationalism system! haha

>free market means creating artificial scarcity by buying everything up, then price gouging like a Jew

If you really see no problem with this you are a disgusting piece of shit. And no, fuck the “free market” anyway. All it’s about is making even more convoluted schemes that goys dont notice and ban like this. Fucking retard

>Next month
Uh no, people have been buying it for the past month. Also,
>He should be able to sell it, it's his private property!
>Nooooo, why did Amazon and Ebay ban him from their private properties?
>Posting on social fucking media about how you emptied 2 states of hand sanitizer for the sole purpose of scalping it

If the guy was black you'd be calling him a nog.

>everything in lockdown
>guy makes it harder for people to get things they need to help with reason for lockdown
>this is ok

Why is reselling it illegal?
It's his property.

this is the perfect response to the crisis and what the people want and need.

total authoritarianism.

Stop being a greedy piece of shit, cunt

>shit that didn’t happen

Because, despite what retards and normies believe, our markets are far from free

>A guy selling items out of his garage
>Assraped by the full power of the local government.

Look I'm a NatSoc guy so I'm all for state-capitalism & regulations... but we dont live in that world, we live in dog-eat-dog world with an agreement of some personal freedoms, the more you remove those freedoms the closer we all become to enslavement.

>why can't I be a sociopathic Jew?

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kys commie

who cares about hand sanitizer, just use soap and water

You can't create scarcity in order to sell for profit during a national emergency.

>regulations are Communistic
Wrong. Regulations have always been around long before communism was a figment of Marx's imagination.

Tweets protected. What’s the sauce on this? I want to read more.

Guy buys out stocks of vital disenfectant that are responsible for stopping the spread of an epidemic. Leaving people without anything to limit the spread thus killing more people and infecting more people.

Guy gets his shit confiscated and made an example of. Free market? What free market? States and the feds have tarrifs and protectionist laws and subventions, theres no freemarket

Why not?
It's his private property, why can't he do what he wants with it?

How is this any different from ticket-scalping?

looks to me that ancap fags should realize the world is not ancap and they should stop larping


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Outside of the apples and oranges comparison, reselling tickets outside of a stadium is illegal though.

free market is an illusion
personal property is an illusion
Rights are an illusion
might makes right
You only own what you can defend with greater violence than those that wish to take it from you.

Jews don't like competition

The jews are just pissed the didn't come up with the idea first. Although, amazon and ebay both profited from this.

They don't want the peasantry to leave their station in life. Only the already-wealthy are allowed to extort.

the upside of this crisis is that these parasites will be de-legitimized and shunned once and for all:

Just seeing this, idk where this is, but in Florida during hurricane shit the state cooms to make an example of anyone that price gouges any item, a gas station near me raised fuel prices by 2.00 / gallon once, and you wouldnt believe how quickly they were shut down and ass raped by the state's big barbed . Dunno if private sellers like this are illegal, and frankly no one is forcing you to buy it

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> See the problem?


They have laws in place to prevent severe price-gouging in times of crises.

He's, also, not a free market force considering he admitted to buying out stores in areas.

Greedy cunts

>acting like a fucking jew
>get rolled

>violence is ok if me and mob, government etc decide it is to do whatever we want to whoever we want, when convenient for us

>just dont use violence against me or mine, because that isnt convenient for me

so lets give up all civilization and prosperity and everything good

>Its not illegal you reddit fucktard!
Of course it is. How do you not know this? People get busted for crisis profiteering before/after every major hurricane in the USA it seems, so there's no way this guy didn't know it was illegal. And you too.

>imagine defending a guy that tries to capitalize on people during a viral out break

he literally traveled to different states buying all the hand sanitizer and then tried to sell it for $80 a bottle on amazon.

what are you a jew?

He saw a chance at profit and took it, his intentions and morals have nothing to do with the fact that it is his right to buy and sell those things.

actually retarded

Why is pol defending this guy for acting like a Jew?

>I cannot buy more than 2 gpus on sale at microcenter
>one man can buy entire supply of hand sanitizer at local stores
>”fuck this guy not the store for allowing this”

>You can't outjew the Jew
You whitoids should take this opportunity to erase the kikes from your country.

concert tickets so some thot can go see Justin Bieber isn't a possible life and death issue.
Laws over profiteering during a state of emergency are there to try to prevent and remove the motive of panic buying and/or resell and to cut down on over all panic if people see price going sky high instantly.
The panic issue is just as bad as the manufactured scarcity from buying all of a needed item.
No one gives a shit if a person wants to do it with baseball card or cars.
Hell entire brands cash in on limited supply

what does illegal have to do with anything?

pretty chilling
the guy deserves little sympathy
anyone who defends this though deserves everything coming from overstepping governments
with shit like this coming down you may as well live in England or China ffs

They're coming for our guns next, guaranteed.


>Twitter tracked him down
This should worry all of you.

Why do you defend drug companies and others who price gouge the shit out of stuff that’s actually a necessity faggot?

>the guy deserves little sympathy

>violence is ok if me and the mob decide it is ok

The existence of the IRS is illegal.

because free exchange and no harm

regardless of whatever devastating namecalling you think is just great

Imagine choosing kike behaviour over the survival of your countries people. This is why you whites lost your ethnostate that covered half the planet.
You back stab eachother while jews stab you in the back even more.


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>17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer

>theft and violence by fiat of the mob somehow has something to do with freedom and prosperity and caring about my countrymen

>remember only we may engage in violence, dont use it against us or me because that isnt convenient for me

you ensure your freedom and prosperity and life by not violating others'

The guy is a retard but the response and foaming at big government intervention and theft of property without reimbursement all for hurt feelings is much more fucked and being touted as a win by commies and glowniggers and all form of authoritarian

stopping him from price gouging is somewhat reasonable
taking all his stock to appease losers with their hands out is not

Jews don't like it when goyim successfully use their business model.

I've mixed views. I mean the guy is a bit of an ass but he had the good idea to capitalize on a situation. I'm more worried about the implications this sets out though
>You have too much(too much being what they define as too much) of something?
>Too bad! We're going to take it and give it to others instead.
>Don't like it? Don't horde bigot!

I have socialized health care.

My drugs are affordable.


The mob violated the NAP by taking his property.

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People who price gouge during emergencies are traitors to their countrymen

what he was doing is pure greed and evil

>you countries people
what if he was only gouging non whites, would it have been based and redpilled then?

>The guy is a retard

yes, for thinking the sovereignty of one over ones own mind/body/property might have any regard in todays world

no shit?

>and tried to resell it (illegal) during a panic (big fucky wucky)
His argument was that where he lives is no shortage of these goods and he wanted to sell them to people who cant get them locally.
Ofc its going to be more expensive (shipping, high demand, Amazon fees to sell shit and so on) but he made them ridiculously expensive. With more reasonable prices he might still have his business

Price gouging has been illegal forever stupid. You know the little writing on the side of your cup of noodles that says "not for individual resale"

He was a retard for giving the interview thinking it would buy him more sales rather than spite


How is it any different than hoarding covered calls or Apple stock?

The US govt is half socialist. So many govt agencies telling you what to do. Even Mexico there are more individual freedoms, and the govt is so corrupt who they don't care to intervene with private properties.


He acted like a kike and deserves the oven. He got off lucky

Since you are obviously a legal expert, mind citing your statutes and case law, counselor?


In a state of emergency the government does what it wants dude. No rules in love and war

making money that way is evil and hypocrite. fuck you

Those are not part of the Libertarian principles.

harder to find out you have all the stuff if you aren't actively trying to sell it, so if you horde for personal use you would probably be safe , but then also wouldnt need 17k bottles.

>because this inflames the passions of animalistic mob, they havent the mental accuit/power to see that based on this precepts, all such hoarding should enrage them, because they cant or wont succeed on their own

Land of the free and home of the brave amirite? You burgers are so fucking blind.