Anyone got plans on how to survive if you're a Middle class?? All I have are 2 knives, little rice, and Allot of Intel; I get a feel I'm not gonna make it
CVG Philippines
Not to mention my parents are dumb as fk
You should've moved out when you had the chance.
Get some roosters and train them to kill
Bumping for you never giving up
Download an Army Survival manual so that you can hunt some animals and maybe eat edible plant life in the countryside.
If you live in the city, then I have no idea.
Get some surplus kamote (Sweet potato) from the country side or at a very cheap price and cook it along with your rice if your planning to save rice everyday.
Save a lot of monggo beans (Mung) its dirt cheap as it can also be planted relatively easy, or make it to sprouts if you get tired of the same shit.
>guy who moved to an isolated countryside with the family
>Allot of Intel
What intel?
Wait for boomer parents to die for being fucktards. Use inheritance money to live.
Also, if you haven't prepped, you're fucked. Better start getting used to the hunger pangs, indio
just stay at home as much as possible
PH is kill
fucking dutertards think the govt can still salvage it
I only have my hatred and that keeps me warm at night.
Metro has the best chance of recovering
Here in the Metro boy
I got friends in DOH, DOT, Government Official friends etc. But I'm poor as fk
Lol fk you bro, I'll come to your house if need be
Stay safe pinoy friends!
you too pasta bro
>2 knives
What kind of knives are talking about here?
Kitchen knives?
Since you're in the city, you might be a bit stuffed in case you wanted to make a spear with one of them.
2 Army knives
Im going to tabulate and categorize everything I've learned throughout this problem, as to provide optics for the low class in a third world country, wish I get to live
Also if you can still buy
Buy Vitamin C or Multivitamins supplements by the many if there are still stocks in shops and have a mandatory intake for you and your boomer family
I'd say that civil unrest would be more threatening for you rather than WuFlu itself.
Hunkering down might not be a bad idea.
Make sure you've got some of the reusable respirators if possible.
Good luck out there my friend.
I only have one respirator and it's kind of pointless since I'm always with my boomer family
Urban farming, I saw some of it at the Garin farm in the Visayas, they had a set up of what Urban farming looks like. You can even have some chickens, the only problem is that they won't have much space. But you can plant some vegetables. If you want, you can also buy some rabbits and breed them for some food later.
What intel do you have? How bad is it in the Philippines? Has China said anything in secret to the government in the Philippines?
Ph is Maximizing control here in the metro, getting Military in framing it as necessary, so they'll be ready when hell breaks lose; they're minimizing potential casualties and and got no Plans on healing the soon to be ill. The Politicians both local and central are too incompetent to properly employ protocols and policies, and the government knows that, they're just waiting for things to escalate so they can justify martial law soon. China is indirectly controlling the country, by lifting bans and hoping to make the country a battery for it's sweatshops with the country's raw materials we're becoming more and more reliant on China. Shit will break soon. I wish I could've prepared alas I'm a poor fk, what a tragedy
Lay thin rope on ground, tie to tree or heavy object, make loose knot in middle of rope, loose knot is for bait, put rice in middle of loose knot, hide and hold other end of rope, when bird lands to eat rice pull rope to catch bird, run and kill with knife, remove feathers, cook, and eat.
I hope what you say isn't true, I don't want to be a slave to the chinese
Might work tho
It's either the Jew or the Changs
nice haircut faggot
You said faggot, hence you must be secretly gay
what's the difference?
Well, sorry to hear that. Just download that army survival manual and if you make it out of the city when tons of SHTF, then you might make a living in the countryside. See if there is any public/government services that you can use to acquire some food.
I'm here chilling in the mountain areas living with kamote and saging, while I watch the news of cityfags crying in the quarantine in my broadband internet.
Bruh it's already 432k roaming in Luzon, what makes you think you're safe??
Thanks republican bro
Based i could literally get a a bundle of banana here for free in the hundreds of trees in the countryside, it's literally free food
Dont make me Jelly, it's unhealthy
Which company provides internet in rural area?
It depends if there are towers on globe or smart my countryside has a smart tower here
Just use those cheap globe broadband sticks, or whatever signal is available innyour area. They're not the best but good enough for Yas Forums and youtube.
listen flip, you were warned weeks ago to stockpile rice and water
now you pay the price for laying around playing mobile legends instead of hustling
to review, the entire Luzon mainland is under quarantine, and just a few hundred more confirmed cases to go into total lockdown.
a few details i've gathered so far:
> Golden Mosque in Quaipo closed off
> outbound flights still allowed within 72 hours
> 1 person in a family allowed to go outside to buy essential items
> escalate to the mayor any incompetent barangay officials
>hurr durr muh marshmallow :'((((
shut the fuck up faggot
I'm more worried about what our government is doing more than this virus. Duterte is our downfall.
based probinsyano
I am really curious to see how this unfolds, how well the DOH, AFP and PNP can implement these measures. I believe it will not be fully optimal, but I have faith that the AFP can do a great job atleast.
if this nigga is right, then leftoid duterte will capitalise a fallen Metro Manila to become dictator
One more 7 and you could've got a get
music to my ears if the AFP will be in control like it has been in Thailand. Fuck the congress, fuck the LGU politicians and most importantly fuck barangays
True, The incompetence in LGU's is unbelievable
Barangay officials are literally just money sucking boomers.
it can go worse tbqh famalam
i'm not confident with military boys running this country. too many news articles suggest that hidden fraternities exist within the military and we can go full African shithole!
LGUs is literally the submerged part of the iceberg when it comes to corruption
I have met a few barangay members who are legit doing a great job and keeping their community in order, clean and disciplined, all while managing to have their utilities under maintenance.
Those who you can clearly see are doing jackshit nothing are the clear majority though...
Just see some of Gadget Addict's videos to see barangay incompetence.
True, but Duterte is the safety net to that, I swear if Duterte dies because of nCov PH will go to shit, the only reason Peeps ain't scared is because President Duterte is running the country, and that they trust him too much. If that Boomer dies we all go down with him
Majority of my younger peers are brainwashed by twitter to say drug dealer killer man bad without a coherent argument, so probably younger people wouldn't trust him too much
read pic first, and then:
> (...) Places where the virus has been felt most severely, such as Wuhan in central China, northern Italy and parts of the United States, share similar climates and temperatures.
> The 2002-2003 epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) eased over the summer months, although it is not clear if that was related to weather or coincided with tighter public health interventions.
> The World Health Organisation said this month that there was no evidence that temperature would play a role in the coronavirus outbreak but it was an avenue worth exploring.
> In Southeast Asia, which shares a hot tropical climate, many countries had reported few cases even months after the initial outbreak at the end of last year in China, in spite of the region's close travel, business and investment ties to China.
> But health experts said, rather than the hot climate, this was more down to limited testing, under-detection due to a lack of resources and more imported cases as the virus moves to multiple epicentres outside of China.
Holy shitt I though I was an only pinoy here on this board
read pic first, and then:
> (...) Singapore, which has been widely praised for its monitoring and isolation of infected patients, from Monday implemented tighter restrictions on visitors from other Southeast Asian countries after a wave of imported cases from the region.
> With so much still not known about the coronavirus, health experts say countries should not rely on warmer weather to slow the rapid spread of the virus across the globe.
> "It is too simplistic to suggest a tropical climate can stop coronavirus because there are many other factors, like human to human contact which can happened very fast," said Sugiyono Saputra, a microbiology researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.
> "Environmental factors may not affect the virus at all."
rest of the shitty chinkoid article in here:
can't wait for Central Luzon to have a massive burial trenches like Iran.