Tom Hanks is out of toilet paper

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thanks mr multi millionaire actor i will totally listen to you

That's not how you eat vegemite. You use a lot of butter and a thin smear of the stuff, maybe even a slice of cheese.

Oh god who are the Helpers? Oh god I’m gonna have a schizophrenic meltdown.

If you're a child sure

confirmed for never tried vegemite

bought vegemite and it tasted great and was a pile of SALT so bad for you, any other way top get aminos and minerals without salting my earth?
why would you celebrate that? why?

How does it differ from marmite? I never bother with butter myself.

He can just wipe his ass with one of his films. Also do you think hes sending dicpics to Speilberg yet?

OP is a nigger, look at his avatar in the bottom right

It's a reference to Mr Rogers you schizo.


Salt is good for you.

Hasnt Hanx tried children?

Water glass is a prop. Look at how it’s leaning on the plate yet the water is level

Allegedly he has tasted the pineal glands of children.

why does he sign his posts
the fuck kind of boomer shit is this


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jesus christ that's a shitload of vegemite

What is this pedo faggot even doing in my country.

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what the fuck

Why do they mock us? This is next level insanity.


Weak faggot. You go all out with Vegemite.

I grab a fuckin teaspoon and dig in
you're soft, cunt

He flew to Australia to quarantine


go eat some meat or organs you fucking retard

Marmite is better

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Vegemite is the most disgusting thing on planet earth right next to that faggot ass fairy bread. No wonder you niqqas started as a prison colony

People are dying because they can't get treated. I don't feel sympathy for a privileged multi millionaire cunt over a fucking flu virus.

He's going to recover easy peasy and hide again.

It doesnt

>Not eating bovril the beef version


what is it?

Philadelphia was a prophecy

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>not using the best yeast extract

Maybe he’s drumk?

Fairy bread is great you nigger

Hot bovril drinks are nice


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The glass is resting on the plate?

Glass resting on edge of plate. Alien takeover confirmed. There is no escape. Prison planet. Slaughterhouse for human meat.

Is the water frozen? This is weird

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Canada was a mistake

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>doesnt eat a cheesey-mite scroll
I can smell your poverty.

With vegemite?

>Watch the water.

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

What the fucking fuck do you savages eat? Holy hell.


I was indifferent, but now I hope he dies.

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I've been watching it for 2 years, starting to get bored desu.

>Thanks to the Helpers

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Kill yourself.

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you would set your glass on the edge of the plate deliberately and take a picture of your meal?

Water marked. Now what? What does it all mean? (Half entertainment half sad if true government lets rich pedo run around.)

Kappy is enjoying the show.

Dont worry Hanx, you cant hide from what is coming.

you are legitimately insane

Is it a call for help?

>The attacks will only get worse.
Looks like Q was right again.

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Tom Hanks wiped his ass with toast

Wonder who the "helpers" are?

Marmite Is superior

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Boy, that vegemite looks like it'll strip the lining off your bowels and leave the piping clean as a whistle.

australia is a joke

>"gotta remember to include a kangaroo holding the Australian flag, a koala, and vegamite in my hollow Twitter post so that people know I'm in Australia."