USA is a 3rd world country
USA is a 3rd world country
Hopefully we burn all those 'supplies' since this virus was started by Chinese improperly handling equipment
China is our bitch and they do our grunt work.
Nope. We are China's customer
Uh why are we getting this shit from China? God this world is fucking insane
Yeah, we pay them to do our grunt work.
>Jack Ma
Jack Ma Wang.
Because the Chinese aren't soulless selfish NPCs like amerimutt consumers. They actually want to help you now they have a surplus.
The US sends more tons of shit around the globe to places in need during emergencies, and usually gets jack shit in return.
Country hit by a hurricane/earthquake/rabid guinea pigs? US .mil shows up with planes and ships full of stuff.
>USA is a 3rd world country
You just noticed?
>accepting imported shit from some commie dicksucker insect
What the fuck. Shoot that plane down. I don’t want shit from Chinkland ever again.
USA here, it's true. our parasites are disgusting
If there was ever a case for American manufacturing it was now
American goyim are the niggers of the western civilisation, genocide of the American goy is the only final solution
Are you fucking retarded? Do you have any idea how much shit we get from china? This is a problem to you now?
>USA is a 3rd world country
I live in a city and on an average day maybe 20% of the people I see are white
I agree, people should give is free stuff cause we are so poor, and let us in your countries for free to take your women for ourselves.
It's almost like our corporations manufacture in China to take advantage of slave wages or something.
well if it wasn't spreading before...
cause no one in the west wants to pay their entitled manufacturing workers fair wages and shit like healthcare and dental cause the poor billionaires don't make enough money, so gotta ship it to people who make a dollar an hour
That's true. A 3rd World Country is defined as a country who is mostly dependent on imported goods. UK and countries of EU are on the same bark.
That happens when you destroy rural farmers and you become 100% suburb.
There are planning to establish more pharmaceutic manufacture jobs in US jurisdictions, for the production of masks and antibiotics.
this but the correct term is american goblins
>sick chinese workers
>packing up our tests
>healthy american
>gets swabbed
>suddenly sick with corona
Uhm..didnt we decide NOT to get shit from china?
The worst thing is: Imagine that those masks and pharmacological supplies be infected with Corona Chan...
Simpson predicted this
someone post that gif
>A 3rd World Country is defined as a country who is mostly dependent on imported goods
are you a retard? It's defined based on alliances during the cold war, you troglodyte.
American medical supply manufacturers decided to move everything to China years ago so now we're completely dependant on them.
Having masks and tests is communism. Libs BTFO, Trump 2020 hahaha.
Our globalhomo leaders for the last 25 years sold us out. Trump has been trying to reverse that by bringing jobs back by lowering taxes for instance.
Yeah pretty embarrassing. If shit doesn't change after this we're unironically doomed as a species.
femanon here. I'm still pre-op.
Jack Ma Dick
>healthy american
2.3 trillion tax cut and nothing.
The virus doesn't survive in long transit, dumb mutt.
White people meetup. No White Nationalists.
Do something for once. Start networking similar to other groups.
No one has enough masks for this. China ran out too....but they see their population as disposable.
what norway means with this?
Me Chinese
Me play joke
Me put Virus
in your mask
Because since the 1990's when Neocons and supposed Conservatives aka Boomers wanted cheap shit without raising taxes or paying much for it to be made in America they decided to outsource manufacturing to China.
he can't reverse 25 years worth of fuckery in a couple of years. it's a massive problem that will take years to change.
i just hope the greedy fucks in Govt. realize what is at stake now and help Trump with some of this.
It means we SUCK
at least they have 2A...
I honestly think ameicans are totally ungreatful pussies.
donate mask for you,you said mask are contaminated,cos it's chink shit.
don't give a fuck about you,you whine about how miserable you all are and were left to die.
fuck you all bunch of maggots,burn in your land of free.
you are both correct
Based and redpilled
Not as long as Boomers live user. They are the ones that wanted everything without paying much for it. Which is why we have this illegal immigration, outsourcing and various issues of relience with China in the first place.
You do realise it’s probably infected
You steal resources and exploit other countries economically all the time though.
>trusting chinks
americans are insane
Might even be infected with a new virus as “retaliation” now that they are pushing the idea that the us is responsible
that virus lives like up 3days outside bodies, so by them time anyone would put these mask on it would be gone.
DOW under 10k when the test kits arrives.
I dont know who told you that. It lives 9 days on average and in certain conditions up to 28 days
This is unironically true.
Just the subhuman ones.
I've been alive for 25 years so both of you are incorrect
My source is a doctor and studies, yours is a journalist
Slave labor for the cheap is not grunt work
>Be american.
>WW3 starts.
>Have a military big enough to face half the world alone.
>Get into a massive crisis because depends on your enemies even to wipe your ass clean.
Based Jack Ma. Meanwhile Bezos is still a dickhead.
>haha I can't believe Mr goldberd give me food for money what an idiot haha
The supply complex to efficiently mass produce masks is huge. 4 or 5 plastics, coating, special paper, activated carbon production and preparation, pretty much entirely robotic line. There are competing lines, but they are all in China and all hitting the same (Chinese, intra-competing and best cost) suppliers of upstream materials and components. In another thread its implied Germany can make masks - I'm surprised I would have though only China would be capable. Wonder how much German masks cost - it will be more.
Get them from china and they are likely infected. If not with covid19 then with whatever the chinese are putting on there as “retaliation”
>It lives 9 days on average
No, it lives UP TO 9 days in ideal conditions.
The majority of American citizens are slaves whose function is to buy things from China.
The majority of Chinese citizens are slaves whose function is to make cheap things for Americans to buy.
You are all losing.
>Sars blankets
>Corona masks
like pottery
>T. Zhou.
STFU chinky.
Are you paid to post this laughable garbage? Off yourself.
No, ideal conditions is up to 28 days
You’re falling for propoganda, go for a good source like dr john campbell on youtube
At least we support the countries we rob with economic and military support
The ones your country robs are left to rot with whatever disease or dependency you leave them with. India is still a shit hole. China is still a shit hole. Yet the middle east has advanced nearly a century in terms of morality and human rights in just 30-40 years. The current terrorist insurgency of theocratic goat fuckers is in direct response to the whiplash-like discomfort left over from having their entire lifestyles forced to modernize. Japan on the other hand is a sterling example of US economic support. A near feudal military state was turned into a world-leading technological powerhouse in less than a century.
Shut up Chang, you bug.
Yep, in order to retire 30 years early you need to decrease the cost of living. For that you need slaves. Boomers forgot that slaves stop cooperating if you stop whipping them.
That's funny coming from you
>Yep, in order to retire 30 years early
lol, who the fuck has this luxury? "boomers" have had to push back retirement, the age has been raised several times in my own lifetime