This is the biggest happening ever Yas Forums has witnessed, and I have been here since Yas Forums got created
Hope you are enjoying yourself as much as I am
This is the biggest happening ever Yas Forums has witnessed, and I have been here since Yas Forums got created
Other urls found in this thread:
If you aren't enjoying this then you're likely a reddit tourist from r/theDonald.
This is what Yas Forums used to be about.
I'm gonna enjoy watching the world burn.
Honestly, it's funny. The upper management at work are taking it seriously, but all the grunts are laughing about it.
I'm trying to write up a phd it actually fucking sucks. Just wait a month or so pls coronachan
you mean /new/?
fucking hate newfags
It's literally a NOTHING burger. Happening cancelled.
invoking an elder god from across the cosmos to wreak havoc on the disciples of moloch is all in a days shitposting user.
I'm kind of bored of it. Been waiting since I started paying attention in 2011. It's a lot less exciting than I had hoped.