This is the biggest happening ever Yas Forums has witnessed, and I have been here since Yas Forums got created

This is the biggest happening ever Yas Forums has witnessed, and I have been here since Yas Forums got created
Hope you are enjoying yourself as much as I am

Attached: happening.jpg (750x709, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you aren't enjoying this then you're likely a reddit tourist from r/theDonald.
This is what Yas Forums used to be about.

I'm gonna enjoy watching the world burn.

Attached: smoker.jpg (600x600, 42.52K)

Honestly, it's funny. The upper management at work are taking it seriously, but all the grunts are laughing about it.

I'm trying to write up a phd it actually fucking sucks. Just wait a month or so pls coronachan

you mean /new/?
fucking hate newfags

It's literally a NOTHING burger. Happening cancelled.


invoking an elder god from across the cosmos to wreak havoc on the disciples of moloch is all in a days shitposting user.

I'm kind of bored of it. Been waiting since I started paying attention in 2011. It's a lot less exciting than I had hoped.