This is the biggest happening ever Yas Forums has witnessed, and I have been here since Yas Forums got created

This is the biggest happening ever Yas Forums has witnessed, and I have been here since Yas Forums got created
Hope you are enjoying yourself as much as I am

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you aren't enjoying this then you're likely a reddit tourist from r/theDonald.
This is what Yas Forums used to be about.

I'm gonna enjoy watching the world burn.

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Honestly, it's funny. The upper management at work are taking it seriously, but all the grunts are laughing about it.

I'm trying to write up a phd it actually fucking sucks. Just wait a month or so pls coronachan

you mean /new/?
fucking hate newfags

It's literally a NOTHING burger. Happening cancelled.


invoking an elder god from across the cosmos to wreak havoc on the disciples of moloch is all in a days shitposting user.

I'm kind of bored of it. Been waiting since I started paying attention in 2011. It's a lot less exciting than I had hoped.

I'm enjoying it. But I would enjoy it more if I had weed and oats, and I can't get either right now.

2 hour wait on supermarket help line in Australia, all food delivery suspended. A week ago people literally said why stock up, just get deliveries.

But it's a nothing burger.

You haven't seen nothing yet, friend. Even if this does die out and normalcy is returned, this is going to happen again at a much grander scale in the future. The elite are determined to reduce the population, implement police state controls, vaccinate the entire population, censor the internet, etc. You're going to see civil unrest in the not too distant future, even if it's not in a few weeks but in a few years.

More people need to read this

Ssshhhh user. Don't be dropping these truth bombs so early in the day.

The only reason there is a quarantine and endless restrictions is because the corona virus only hits the boomers. After they destroyed the morals of this country, wrecked the economy and filled it with dark people, now we must suffer our best years by staying inside with them just to save that worthless generation. How much must we sacrifice for those parasites ? Officially, I’m on the corona side on this one.

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Imagine being such a bored NEET/stressed student that you need a pandemic to feel better

I am.
I'm almost tempted not to go on a date later today just so I could keep monitoring the happening from my survival bunker.

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It is the exact opposite at my work. Upper management is only worried about themselves and all of the low-level employees are about to mutiny.

no i wana bang a qt norwegian guy before i leave this cruel world
am female

Post feet

I agree, not writing it off by any means, it's just been painfully slow. I hate half assing my work waiting for something dramatic to happen, you know? When the nogs start their insurrection against others' property I'll feel more satisfied.

There's some worry among the grunts, but most of us aren't afraid of the virus.

no theyre awful desu and youre a brit probably your teeth are permastained


Post your fucking feet (make it a side shot), my teeth are perfectly fine.
The bad British teeth meme is a myth

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This indeed.

Like it or not, we live in the most Interesting of times in human history. You're going to see unprecedented crazy shit throughout your life. And you're doing to see a lot of what you knew and loved die.

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Fuck yeah user. Loving this shit. Tired of the Q-boomers coping with "Just a flu created by the Demonrats to discredit BASED CAPITALISM" though. They need to all go back.

are you fat

I'm a fairly well off wagie at a big corporate - and I really, really want the world to burn. Sound like you need to go back.

It hasn't even begun

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Mutiny at the fast food joint down the street KeK

I got weed but I live up north


The new world awaits

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ew how skinny


Stop pushing a kike psy op you idiot

>what is biased sampling in statistics
stop with the tea retard. i've never seen more yellow teethed retards than when i was in england

Listen amerinigger, are you going to post feet or not?

>statistics bad but my personal experience is legit and representative
Stop talking retard

NO kys

Op is right. This is the only true happening to have occurred since the inception of Yas Forums and possibly even since its predecessor /new/.

My top 3 so far

> Russia annexing crimea
> Trump meme magic around the election
> coronavirus

Everything else was either small happenings like the Vegas shooter or nothingburgers like North Korea missile tests and Ebola

One of the most aggravating examples of Yas Forums nomenclature is the "nothingburger". Instead of writing that something is nothing, or a shortened for m of it, you enlongate the word and add two extra syllables in the form of a wholly unneccessary and frankly juvenile additional word "burger". It shits in the face of memes, which are supposed to be fragments of the whole concept that imply the whole thing; this is the whole thing plus another word. Absolutely shill tier lingo, fuck back to r*ddit with this shit.

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Every other happening fizzled out once the news cycle got bored and moved on to something else. This time that is simply not an option.

we know you enjoy it schlomo we know

Jes i agree, the gloves are off the globalist are going ham, this is just the beginning.

Remember, Dig to Stop Virus.
And Don't Dig to Keep Virus.

the Devil

You know the rule whore, now GTFO

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Kill yourself faggot

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If you have ugly feet you should just go transgender and become a man.

They're ugly because you're unkempt, or mangled toes?

Either way.. one youre a slob, one you couldn't help.

Still fucked.

This is shit is boring as fuck. This is just jew news inspired panic.

no faggit i just have long feet
im fit though

This. Corona is accolyte of kek.

Shit. Did you stock up user? If it weren't for the china webm threads that turned into wuhan threads, i never would've been prepared.

The virus itself cerainly is.
Our boomercracies coming apart at the seams as a covsequence sure arent a nothingburger.


You are not going to enjoy the dystopian cure for the will never be the same after this.

had to cancel a date because of coronavirus and i've been sexless for years i'm as angry as can be

Qtards were right



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No that's a nothingborger and you're a nufag. Ukraine 2014 was bigger

This just made me realize you're just like the normies. This will all blow over in a few weeks

I am first time a boog can actually fucking materialize first time something can actually upset the system
everything else failed this has a chance though

Pol, which of the following will die after this crisis?

>Global commerce
>Normie culture
>World peace