Ask yourself, who represents you the best?
Ask yourself, who represents you the best?
Don't forget Lambright's living room. The bernies place is luxury.
>who represents you the best?
based on his living room?
why do libtards always compare wealth?
my guy is a terrorist, not a career parasite kike
Considering Bernie has 3 houses and 3 living rooms, neither.
Which of his 3 houses is this?
>commie cot vs. capital castle
Chads choose the latter
The one on the right does a slightly better job of representing my ethnic interests
the one that cares about interior design and doesn't live in a commune with other old, salty commies that are angry they wasted their lives.
It would be better to compare Trump's SIX bankruptcies against Bernie's ZERO bankruptcies.
Why do people unironically want a president that’s like them?
you can't bankrupt business you don't have,
Nobody comes to my house.
I hear a good sign of a successful president is one that has never accomplished anything in their life and lives in a dinky living room.
>old farts
Trump of course
>alone in a room
def drumb
considering trump worked for his and burnie took gov paychecks for his, ide say trump
Don't forget this granny fucker cunt't taste in interior design..
Reminder that Bernie used to cry about millionaires and billionaires but now only cries about billionaires because he became a millionaire.
>lamps on the floor
the fuck
look at this bernie pretending to be poor for votes
you can afford an end table bernie fuck off
trump of course fully honest about how baller he is. bernies fake modesty versus trumps honest boasting. the room on the right represents me best even if im a total poorfag the psychology behind it, the honesty, the refusing to pretend you're something you're not, i get that.
>wood burning stove
So much for reducing CO2.
*one of* Bernie's living rooms.
Fuck off Wayne.
>bernie pretending to be poor
yids don't need to pretend to be stingy
also, fun fact: the money sign with fingers actually just is a one handed hand rubbing
what about that, eh?
Trump because it's less cluttered
No, the old commie kike isn't going to save you and bring your hourly wage to 15 an hour of which you would never, ever achieve on your own merit.
which one is least likely to stick a new law into my fucking living room? huh faggot?
Trump doesn't have any bankruptcies.
Companies he bought did, and he was able to write them off and profit.
trump, since he is all alone
Give me my fucking refund
>table lamps on the floor
Absolutely subhuman.
>do you know how much they dared asking for these tables in ikea????
Trump since he actually is working to bring jobs back to the US and knows nothing is free. Sanders simply appeals to pseudo-intellectuals and manchildren.
Also, I personally do not care if I have little or nothing in common with a particular person and I am not obsessed with whether or not someone makes more money than me. Seriously, what is with you liberals and socialists that have you claiming that you are not greedy but then say "GIMME GIMME GIMME" and vote for more governmental welfare handouts?
any arguments?
anything but fallacies and sophistry?
My living room doesnt have a bunch of men in it so I'll go with Trump
>implying the non washington one is the real bernie one
why hasn't that photograph been shop'd?
As someone who lived under socialists i'd pick Trump any day.
The one that isnt a Jew?
lamps on the floor?
this commie nigger can afford chairs but not a fucking table?
Not libtards malaka, capitalist. Every burger is one at heart
Bernie has at least 3 of those living rooms.
Probably more.
Still a billionaire. Cry about it loser
Wealth distorts perception, especially a gross amount of wealth. You're unable to empathize because being poor is so far away from you.
My life is generational poor choices barely clinging to any hope because this. Why the fuck would I want a leader to represent anything my sorry ass ever stood for. At least the guy in the golden tower has a goddamn golden tower and is not some schlepping hack being a reflection of my shitty choices. Get fucking real.
>trusting a guy with shit living room
>to shit the entire country
At least Trump have some class.
>Career politician, never had a real job, never started a business
>got thrown out of a fucking hippie commune for being a lazy bum
>0 bancruptcies
shill more commie
I'm gonna retweet and updoot this sooooo hard!
>Orange man bad
Neither. They're both set pieces. One projects power by having lots of expensive shit, the other pretends he's "just an average Joe" by having it look "homely" while he's a dude who's been in the system for 4 decades and has become a millionaire off it.
They're both the swamp.
the second one,obviously
Hes got 3 houses so thats probably his smallest living room.
Several years back the candidate for Labour (our socialist party) in the UK called ed milliband got called out because he did a video from his kitchen trying to look normal. But then it got revealed that it was his second kitchen in that particular home and he had another larger kitchen as well.
not bernie because he's a loser cuck, and bends the knee to the establishment every time.
He has lamps on the floor.
still, judging a man by his living room is dumb as fuck.
being wealthy doesn't mean you are not a good person.
look at the nigger president that the U.S. had. He was a nigger, that was so touching. His mother was a whore that fucked niggers. Again very touching.
The Nigger, as a president, fucked up the middle east even more, rebranded a 20 year old plan to "fix" the U.S. health care system and got him elected.
The Nigger managed to double U.S.' debt and taught other niggers to rely more on gibs.
That Humble Nigger is traveling around the world giving 20min speeches about BS for a mere few hunders thousands of dollars.
obama's living room now? pic related.
But he has three houses, how does that represent most people?
I identify with Trumps room and am gendered as an attack helicopter.
>one wants to make you rich
>one wants to take all your shit and give it to niggers
Not a hard question.
The one who doesn't want to take my money and distribute it to niggers.
I happen to identify as a kang
>table lamps on the floor
That's pretty goddamn trashy, I don't care who the fuck you are.
Which of Bernies million dollar mansions is that the living room of?
Bernie's place just looks depressing, no wonder he's so low energy. That chair isn't helping his posture at all either.
I'd say the one on the right as that's what I aspire to have
You're doing it wrong autist.
"Orange man bad" is for when people twist shit to make Trump look bad. He had six bankruptcies. There's no twisting of facts or logic going on.
Trump, at least he shows his real living room, not one of the 57 living room he has for his servants.