Should hoarders be forced to share their stash?

Should hoarders be forced to share their stash?

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>Hey squirrel who put aside enough nuts to last winter, those of us who didn't bother have already run out of nuts. It's only fair we take yours.

Government, the ultimate looting nigger.

>im a single mom of three and my 5 year old asked why is the fridge empty
hmmm, cant think why

reminder these are the morons who openly mock the doomsday preppers and social outcasts that buy enough shit to lock themselves away for months. ''but but muh kids'' every time, if these whores got a real man they wouldnt have this problem. or if they know its going to be busy and empty shelves they should get up early and get down there.

People are so afraid of fascism yet it would help us so much right now
When you take all the nuts...

>im a single mom of three and my 5 year old asked why is the fridge empty
Dumb bitch

The sense if entitlement from burgers is discusting.

she admits it in public with pride as if it gives her virtue
reinstate the death penalty for adulterous women and add single mothers to the law as well
oh I forgot
shes already dead
nvm then

Force them by stealing it

No, but sales per customer should be limited during a crisis.

Except it's not squirrels but fucking chinks who buy tons of stuff to send abroad or resell here at a profit

fuck these people. They talked sooo much fucking shit about us. They were calling this shit conspiracy tard nonsense until their news channels told them about it MONTHS AFTER WE KNEW. They mocked us for MONTHS. Fuck them.

>im a single mom of three and my 5 year old asked why is the fridge empty

Dis why....

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More like
>hey squirrel who bought up all the nuts in the store so he could resell it at 500% mark-up, fuck you and every parasitic hook-nosed piece of shit that thinks like you

> Should hoarders be forced to share their stash?
Define hoard?
I have a household of three people. I have enough supplies for the three of us for three months. Is that hoarding? At what point does my long-term safety become less important than your immediate needs?


I can't kill all who attack me, but is sure can take out at least a couple dozen, more if I manage to get innawoods

No. This is capitalism. The people who did not prep are the same people who have huge credit card debt besides having well paying jobs.

I'll share a bullet with you.

>I kept hearing about how toilet paper was disappearing and I should stock up on necessities
>I didn’t think MY grocery store would turn up completely empty
>I only live surrounded by complete retards in the dystopia of an urban/suburban environment
>so what I don’t know a single one of my neighbors? What am I expected to do socialize?
>a community-what? I’ve never heard of that
>good thing I live in California, it’s just such a nice place to live!!!

"I don't understand supply and demand because I'm 5 years old"

>uck these people. They talked sooo much fucking shit about us. They were calling this shit conspiracy tard nonsense until their news channels told them about it MONTHS AFTER WE KNEW. They mocked us for MONTHS. Fuck them

Fuckem. This brainless, parasitic, toxic trash needs to die out already.
All those leftists, single mom whores, welfare scum etc that brought us into this dituation in zhe first place
Fuckem! The sooner they rot out, the better for humanity !
Im so sick of thosr leftists / criminals / paradites / thieves.
Corona, killem all, i say !!

>haha why are you buying all this shit freak
>*tries to publicly humiliate you*
>*crisis actually comes*
>ayyy mang share some of dat shit!

wealthy have more than their fair share of money, why doesn't kehlani step up and buy those single moms groceries from the hoarders?

LMAO nothingburger normies getting their payout

This is U.S. business , leaf , so fuck off .

Preppers are fine. They’ve gone out of their way to slowly stick up over the course of weeks or months. They have forward thinking and should be allowed to keep their stuff, since they weren’t actively reducing the stick available during a time of crisis.
Hoarders are different. These are the people who go into a shop, grab like 10 of one item and buy it all. These are the “Ive just bought 10000 bottles of hand sanitizer to prove gouge” people. They get what they deserve.

No they can fuck off.

This. This is why we need national socialism. Jews like that would be taken outside and shot.


>single mom of three
>looks to be mid-late-twenties
You dug your own grave.

Should have prepped better, Bruce.

I had one friend text me who is now a single mom with a dog and a cat. She was always having issues with money. When her last dog died, i flat out told her "DO NOT GET MORE DOGS AND COMPLAIN LATER ABOUT NO MONEY". She got another dog.
Anyhow, she texts me about having issues finding toilet paper on Thursday. I tell her where to go and do it asap. She texts me Saturday morning complaining no one had anything everywhere she went saturday. I asked why she didnt have anything to begin with and says she cant afford more than a weeks worth of groceries.
Fun note: Dog will run out of food first I bet, will it eat kid or will they eat dog first?

no, you shouldn't be forced to share with anyone. now if you're buying all the shit to resell at a retarded price, then fuck off. but being prepared for your family is your concern and everyone else can fuck off.

Nope. Fuck those idiots. They had access to all the same information that everyone else did.
"I was irresponsible and short sighted and now I want gibs"
They can fuck off and die.

The second they are inconvenienced and aware that you exist.

How would you even enforce that?.

You'd be retarded to eat beans and rice for 6 months as you will fuck up your health during this time. Prepping is for a collapse, not for a crisis. People who are eating into their prepping supplies right now are idiots.

Lol people think prepping will save them if it all goes to shit. Unless you have an actual bunker with gatlin gun turrets youre going to get robbed and killed

Everyone on my street is stocked and armed....what are you going to defend yourself with Britbong, a stick?

Should Antifa members be forced into a hole in the ground?

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The moment you drop one rampaging nigger they all scatter. People want easy targets. If you put up resistance it becomes not worth it anymore and they'll move on to some other faggot who isn't ready.

The day this shit hit my state everyone was out, including me, and I got everything I needed except for hand sanitizer. Still don't have any but food was never an issue. Also, went out for veggies yesterday and there still was a lot of food. Not a giant selection but it's not like you're going to starve to death.

> I'm a single mom of three ( looks a little young for that )
> I said there was no more food at the store.
Why is this bitch lying to her kids? There's plenty of food at the stores. I've not seen any place in the US that doesn't have food right now.
Why do liberals lie all the time? Especially about fake shit their kids supposedly said.

toll will be paid

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Very satisfying seeing the "it's just a flu, bro" crowd get what they deserve.

Should you steal other peoples stuff? Should you rob people?

I hope lots of niggers starve

nah this is what they want. to have no food/supplies.

How about that.

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>You'd be retarded to eat beans and rice for 6 months

Motherfucker I ate mi goreng for 2 years straight and it did me wonders.

They wouldn't need them anymore.

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Lol Brit can’t defend house against 2 niggers with a rock and a sharp stick

>everything is sold out because of horders
>has nothing to do with supply line shut downs
Come and take my TP

please bring identification and an address so I can barter your corpse for more tp and beans with your remaining friends/family.

>Hella shit
I hope she/he/it dies.

Fuck team flu bro. I got some 5.56 lake city green tips just for them

Normies will target preppers that’s why golden rule about preparing is to shut the fuck up about it. Out of sight out of mind.

This is why it's important to have guns and the right to defend your property and life. Luckily for me I'm a free citizen unburdened by such dangerous responsibilities that could harm public order and the nation's leadership and as such my stockpile is limited to two weeks. Anything more invites trouble if word goes out.

>implying fascists aren't just tools for elites
There is only one solution, comrade.

I think the common thread in all these responses is they're female.
..They can vote user.... They can vote and they can't even think they might need the same shit in a month they need now.

To an extent

Come get it faggots

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Funny when the autoritarians beat iech other
( assuming it's the police vs leftards )

Should have prepped before this. Preppers get the last laugh and we hoarded ammo. Fuck off

Would rather just barter and exchange stock with you, bro. I'm not gonna try to raid a fellow /prep/per, we're the chosen ones.

I'm a single man living alone in an exurban area. I'm well-stocked with non-perishable groceries, a vegetable cellar and a freezer full of moose and cod. I also have a machete and a shotgun. If anybody wants to suggest I should "share with single mothers" they'd better suggest it with more ordinance than I have.

Fill the corpse with explosives so when they get their just like us home ((((((((((((((BOOM!)))))))))))))) or poison the body so when they resort to cannibalism they get poisoned from eating grandma.

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>that fucking retard holding his bat like a kendo stick

No, we should just go loot the kikes.

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This was a nice video.

No you fucking communist. Forcing people to share isn’t “sharing”, it’s stealing. Fuck off with that shit

my sister in law came over to my house. I have a good supply of pretty much everything (I live in the country no Walmart) . she noticed I had hand sanitizer. my wife let her refill her travel size bottle... now today I went into the guest bathroom... where my family never goes. all the tp in there is missing... BTW single mom and those kids are roastie/tyrome mix. the raiding has begun...

Some people are just filth. I could use the example when the moms tried to ambush the politician with 4+ kids in tow and he asked why they arent in school but I'll go with this gem instead.

I meant eating rice and beans for 6 months from right now. You can buy actual food from the store right now instead of having to eat oversalted bean cans and rice and sardines, which are full of heavy metals. All you need right now is a good gas mask and a decontamination routine for your gear and clothes and go to shop and buy vegetables, fruits and other nutritious food, which is still widely available. This will make you last longer. Once SHTF, which could be years from now, then you get to eating beenz and deenz.

>Haha look at these idiots buying too much stuff at the store. Check out my new iphone and gorgeous pedicure.

>Wah wah hungry kid

I can share the lead.

>I'm a dumb whore who hasn't paid any attention to past world events and I think everything will always be there for me to buy using my husbands credit card
>I'm also a dumb whore who ignores news of this virus since December and I'm now freaking out about it because I waited until the very last minute to make any preparation

Fuck off dumb cunt. Everyone should have 2 week supply of canned goods and water at all times in case shit hits the fans. But we've been told that is paranoia

No. The others should have listened ahead of time. Their problem, not mine.

> hording tons of disinfectant
> still don't wash rotten peckers before sucking each other off

Kek. I got ENOUGH for ME for a year. I'm not going to give a tin of beans to some bint for her to tell one of the six dicks she's taking that I'm a soft cunt with a ton of shit for them to steal.

you americans really suck at the whole supply chain thing, don't you?


Should have prepped! Fucking idiots, get the Darwin award and gtfo.
This was all your doing, all of this is woven by multiculturalism, it has brought forth a low trust society in which something like this happens.

If you want people who aren't supply hoarders and are willing to help others, you should have been a Nationalist who wants a mono-ethnic society.

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Socialists will do this when their fake economy collapses and SHTF as well.

>At what point does my long-term safety become less important than your immediate needs?
That is for you (and your family) and only you to decide. Being an NPC is a choice. Everyone has access to the same information. People make different choices in their lives. Fuck em. This is why I'll NEVER vote for socialized medicine. The worst thing about it is that people can find the assistance they need, but since it would require some humility and lifestyle changes, they deny it. Even through this panic, there's no excuse for even a single mother to be unable to feed her kids. Churches, food pantries, other charities, the gubmint.

Lol you americans are insane :P
Store full with food here.

You have no crisis in the US, why the fk are you hoarding. Seems you beleive media too much

if you don't 2 weeks of food by standard you are an idiot

Americans panic at the slightest hurdle because they know niggers are just a second away from chomping out and the memories of Katrina are still alive and well.
Also 90% of the American population is clinically retarded.

even after all of this and experiencing the need for prep first hand they will still laugh at preppers

its like there is no internal thought process at all

I hoard so that my old mom and I don't have to be with people. I told mom that I can get some extra stuff for her friends when I'm out. But if you have kids and you didn't hoard for them you're a bad parent.

People aren't even hoarding very well tbqh, every smaller shop here is fully stocked. They just go ravage big supermarkets and go home if they don't find what they want.
If this was a genuine crisis they'd be taking this stuff wherever they find it.

This. My girlfriend thought I was being over dramatic when I bought a nbc suit a few weeks ago and when the first case of the chink virus hit Florida I went to Sams and bought a lot of dry goods after seeing what it did to Seattle. Now she understands but if I left it up to here we would have been panic buying.

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Beenz and rice need rotation anyway.

Also I have various foods like coconut milk, peanut butter, honey, canned fruits etc also have bulk multi vitamins but I do question how bio available vitamins are.

based. whats all the baking soda for?

Guess it's karma for the DISDAIN

>i can commit violence because i cant or wont succeed on my own and because me and the mob (government etc) have decided it is ok and because we want really bad what isnt ours

its called gibsmedat