Is your job safe?

The flight industry, tourist industry, restaurants, etc. People will lose jobs

Is your job safe?

Internet entrepreneur here selling self development shit. I think sales will go down for a while but nothing worse then that.

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I work in a warehouse.

I have an infrastructure job that mostly involves driving around in a truck, no lockie down for me for better or worse

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what kind decides if you are fucked nor not

I work for a broker company that connects vendors to grocery store chains across the country

Literally recession/pandemic proof. We've been extremely busy. We have stores putting in 2 years worth of hand sanitizer supply orders in just one week to meet consumer demand.

I work for a broker, we are safe. Markets are going crazy and that means more trading which means more money for us.

i work in a software house

I'm an IT guy for a large, midwest fast food franchise with 150 stores in six states. We're already talking about shutting down stores to try and stay afloat. The drop in sales is hitting us hard. I can confirm that it's also hitting our suppliers as well since if we aren't selling they aren't delivering.

App / Web Systems dev.

Our main clients will probably be putting a pause on bigger projects while they get themselves sorted but our smaller clients will need all the help they can get to stay afloat so I reckon we'll see a lot of work from them.

checks out
oh wow
fucking jew

work in manufacturing. We've still got orders at least 3 months out. Should be fine.

Pretty safe

restaurant in an Ontario border city. our Friday/ Saturday which is usually busy is now a ghost town. maybe 10 tables come In at most during lunch. we also got an email yesterday accepting self-layoffs

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what software?

Just left the aircraft manufacturing field (shit non union work) a month ago. Btw the whole boeing vs airbus thing is bullshit. Theres a hidden monopoly in the aircraft field. Boeing and airbus get their engine parts from the same place

work at a local bar, been wanting time off forever now

I'm a sales rep for a printer company. We experienced decreased stock because of Chinese manufacturing. My work gave us as many days off as we wanted for the next 6 weeks and changed the PTO so we didn't have to give two weeks notice.

I'm a sex worker.
I'll be just fine.

I work at a plant that relies heavily on out of country imports such as from China and a bunch of South American nations, we are fucked when either someone gets the virus in the plant or if imports are prevented from coming in.
Oh well, I guess it was time to get another job once this virus is over with or that we suffer another great depression that I will just spend my time farming or campaigning with a fascist party that usually sparks into creation after an economic fall occurs.

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No, I’m a carpenter doing Reno’s in multiple downtown office buildings.

One of the daycares in one of our buildings was shut down due to a kid testing positive.

Luckily I can hop on employment insurance if we are temporarily laid off. But that’s only about 2000$ a month.

It's funny to think how many problems would be prevented here if businesses were actually motivated to set money aside for a rainy day (like this). Instead, with efficiency and profitability as our gods, stores are all fully leveraged around the best case scenario of nothing ever going wrong and revenue pouring in continuously, exactly as planned. They're all very efficient, and as a result none of them are resilient in any way.

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well maybe you get time off, forever now.

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life insurance company

low interest rates bad for life insurance companies.

whole life is the main product of life ins companies usually.

ppl will probably surrender their whole life policies for the cash.

millenials and zoomers arent going to buy whole life

Is it culvers? If so

Boiler operator.
Building is empty.
My job is needed
Still going to work
No traffic
Life's good man

I'm in healthcare, so my job is safe, but the chances of me getting sick from interacting with a coofer are pretty much 100%

>ITT: is the lock on your wagecage safe?

user, that is a the fucking truth right there.

Wish you lots of strength user. Better not see granny for a while.

Here is a motivating picture

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I too work in the online (((self-development))) field. I hope you realise that we're all getting the rope when the time comes user.

> selling self development shit.
What is self development shit?

Average Dutch woman 2020

>finance seector
>been a pillar in times of calamities
If there is some semblance of an economy that survives after this, maybe.

IT job here. I've been given 2 paid weeks off since we are closed. Corona is pretty based

Truckerfag here. I think it's either going to go one of two ways for me.
Either, I play the violin on the Titanic as it sinks..
Or, My job gets wiped because of a crash in the freightmarket which has been volatile since the end of 2019.
Either way, trucks will be needed in full force, Hours of service has been lifted, but I run LTL (like UPS/Fedex) and I don't move much grocery store goods. Might be fucked.
Wish you all job security, and maybe some extra dough to invest in the falling stock markets!

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>tfw director of sales at a toilet paper manufacturer
Holy fuck I literally get to retire at 32 now because of the bonus I’ll be getting because of the normie retards

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It's not Culvers we're more a Fast Service business. I'm on here because we're not allowed to do on-site service unless they can't function at all; otherwise it's remote work only.
Right now our dining rooms are closed, drive thru only. We had to do it, not because of health concerns but because we can't afford to have dedicated staff sanitizing the public space every ten minutes. Margins in food service are razor thin at the best of times, this is kick in the crotch.

I work at a funeral home, I thought it’d be smooth sailing but everyone is canceling services and going for our cheapest packages which require no gatherings

Car parts.

The fact that this matters that we even have to think about it at all is a testament to how the government has forced us into this corner. They've created the illusion that we are entirely dependant upon them and the corporations for our survival. In reality, it is they who are dependant on us for their survival. Communities used to be self sufficient. That entire paradigm has been destroyed because it wasn't profitable to the parasites.

Aerospace engineer

Yep, I'm fucked

Worked the health care, I think I’m good

Furniture sales. Its been weird lately. Two previous weeks shit then this last week has been great. Did armed security before hand so if things go tits up I'll be okay

So what's the deal? It can't just be normies overprepping for the shitstorm. Is it a supply issue? Are retailers creating a drop in supply to justify price increase?

I work in the mining industry.

And to answer the OP question: The day Australia shuts down the mines is the day Cthulhu stalks the land.
We literally had a bushfire threatning to consume every living soul in the area and we still kept going. You think some fucking cough is gonna stop it?
Wear a hat and get back to work.

Hospital Cleveland. Wondering how fucked I am

manufacturing btw. I look back and I realize that upper management had the drop on the coofening way back in late December. All of our layoffs happened around that time. Additionally, business and production slowed to a halt around that time as well.

Directors of the company are closely tied with Govt and local.

Hedge fund. Funny how you end up on the right side of trades reading (skeptically) Q and pol vs MSM. You’d think the industry of generally smart people would realize how far from reality MSM has diverged, but no. That’s probably why active management has suffered. Markets juiced by fed intervention means stupid money managers are able to raise capital and be stupid on a larger scale. Market is fucked, because once again banks engaged in fuckery (repo abuse this time) to avoid capital and risk requirements, in order to satisfy the exuberant risk appetite of retail investor idiot herds who were shepherded by short-sighted and unaccountable politicians into pursuing consumerism in excess of their ability to produce value. So here we are and all the fake money thrown at fake businesses at stupid valuations has to be wiped out or printed or redistributed. Everyone’s idiots. Luckily a choppy market is good for for good investors, because if wipes out the idiots and especially all the muh ETF people who look only at recent returns rather than risk and long term returns. I don’t like shorting and making money on events where people die or their lives get ruined, but I have to either buy or sell and my capital comes from solid cancer charities and medical foundations so all I can do is my best to predict prices accurately, when they get out of sync either direction.

*gets Coronavirus from a client*

Architectural tech.
Work freelance for a few architectural firms, real estate agencies and retail chains. Just accepted a retainer with a large property developer. Nothing has slowed down yet.

>all these replies from plebs who think they’re safe

Controlled supply release to stoke the panic, playing the normans like a fiddle.

I work in the operations center at a critical site in New York. Even if the site completely shuts down, they still need us here.

It's back end developing, but idk if Yas Forums knows what this is.

After this blows over, I want to learn a bit about retail supply. I've been making trips to the local Wal-Mart at different hours every day for just over a week and I've only seen paper products on the shelf once. It absolutely can't be just a panic issue. There has to be a supply factor at play as well

aren't you the half negro that likes albanians?

Says the bitter kraut NEET who knows his bedroom will become his coffin once boomer mommy gets sick and cant go to work anymore.

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“Consultants”? i.e. useless people

Do you really think coronavirus stands a chance against the plethora of std's I already have?

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based faggot, heterics will die coofing wile hardened by multiple std's and hiv chad homos will rebuild society with women in their natural place, breeders

I work in a gas station, we just get costumers through the window, and just 2 or 3 of us working inside. Everything seems to be somewhat safe for me, but at the same time I'm getting paranoid, rightfully.
I wanted to ask you guys, I heard someone saying on here the O- blood is possibly immune. IS it true?

And now Michigan is closing all bars and restaurants as of 3:PM today.

So true. Wonder if anything will change with relation to normal business and regulation going forward - the financial services industry is required to set aside a portion of money, relative to the size of the assets under their management, in the event that they go into liquidation due to their business practices. I wonder if something similar should come into place for other businesses, is there really any reason to be paying out all profits as dividends if they can't even survive one month, or even two weeks, without an income stream.

I work for Clorox. No one's job is safer than mine.

I'm a personal trainer for a Gym in Florida.
We aren't closing yet but there is talk of it.
I don't give a shit either way. im healthy

Got Flu?
question for your pic

Ja. Ik been een NEET met 6000+ euries buffer. Wagie, back in your corona-free cagie!

My only fear is that we'll see a bump a in sales and then a drop when every one; a) forgets that bleach has a shelf life and uses it anyway and b) stops buying due to the stockpile they're sitting on.

Imagine you normally are running at 80% capacity and on average are producing 200 rolls a week. Imagine it takes you on average 4 weeks to sell 200 rolls.
Now imagine you have a panic but scenario. You are still producing 200 rolls a week but instead only “releasing” 100 of them a week. Imagine you also have a few friends on social media spreading rumors about virus related supply chain issues. Now you’re selling 100/week easily doubling your previous performance.
Would it be that surprising to believe that you can nurture and grow a continuous demand via social media manipulation and artificially reducing the perceived supply of a product?
Do you think an industry worth billions of USD would be able to afford investing in hiring people trained to study and take advantage of trends like this?

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Depends on how bad it gets. I work at Boeing, union, and I have decent seniority. If things don't go to far past 9/11, I'll probably be ok.

Yep I draw vore porn for degenerates on the internet. Should be fine unless my loyal customers lose their jobs and then they are unable to buy art of monsters swallowing women whole from me.

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Hilariously enough as much as I bitched about my job it might be recession proof

>one thing goes wrong and half the small businesses in America are bankrupt, half the big corporations in America need taxpayer bailouts and half of America is out of work

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Yes but also no

of course they could. social media manipulation in a time like this is the ultimate cost/reward scenario. not to mention we have all known for a long time (even before all of our media outlets were infested with product advertisements) that shills are everywhere

Mein neger.
I draw furry porn.
Practically unlimited customer base and safest job imaginable.

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I'm a ramp agent at Southwest Airlines. We're union and they can't make us stay home, if air travel is cancelled we can come in and play video games all day while getting paid. If the government makes us stay home I'll cash out my 300+ hours of sick time. The company has never gone bankrupt or furloughed anyone in the history of the company and unlike many companies they actively put money aside for a situation like this.

Server for a high-end restaurant at my local university.

High decrease in customers. We use to have 2 hour waits on Friday and Saturday nights, but recently have had less and less customers come around from the scare. What use to be $180 a night turned into 60. The customers that do show up are tipping barely anything (extremely not usual) because of the declining health of the economy. My bosses are still mostly blaming it on spring break hitting, but pretty sure it's just a cover.

Any other job option reccs until this shit blows over?