>30.000 soldiers among with thousands of battle tanks and armored vehicles arrived today in Germany

Uhhmmm bros???

Attached: 1584345026094.jpg (750x774, 65.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Preparing for United Nations occupation

Its starting.
Stock up for ww3

Attached: 1584218357677.png (1189x8256, 2.21M)

>Krautland is closed with the use of guns
This is a good thing the eu is closed come back another dag

Trump is pulling the EU of the American defense teat. Eurofags have to buy your own tanks now.

Do we have video?
I won't believe anything until I see it

No chem trails in California for three days
now we have three days of steady rain
I have seen it, happening now
rain right now.
I believe that because I have seen it

something happened in 2016 that changed the game.

chemtrails are heavy again in germany near frankfurt. it started again when the weather became warmer.

Attached: photo_2020-03-16_13-27-34.jpg (960x1280, 78.77K)

That's a lot of black and brown cocks ready to create another generation of mixed Germans.

Fake news Fuck you, you homo op

Sorry to here that user
it was nice to see a pure blue sky and bright stars while it lasted
I even took my kids outside to see it
they loved it

Hehe, where is Erdogan now, eh?
Any news lately?

The purge is here. WW3 should start on balkans too as some Irlmeier or Vanga said.. so here we go

Germany is a fucking joke. Imagine calling yourself european and having your country filled to the brim with american bases. looking at you italy as well.

fuck you, why cant it start in fucking Portugal or Holland, dose not always have to be the Balkans

If its raining it must be overcast. How do you know there are no chemtrails above the cloud cover?

Will France wave that white flag again?

The no-go zones in Paris are basically islamist bases not even your cops are allowed to enter. Shut up and watch one of your monuments burn down every odd week.

Pleb MSM sources instead of even the most basic academic/expert policy papers.

do germans even have real combat experience?


Usually I can here the jets nothing at all day or night just rain

the chemtrails were keeping the rain away

>no source
Another slide thread?
What is going on.

they are just here to keep everybody safe. No need to worry, goy

Attached: france.jpg (1024x1001, 161.41K)

Cut your fingers off so you can't embarrass us any more.

It seems fraudulent and of homosexual persuasion.

Imagine calling a car with tracks and a turret a tank.


Attached: 1582819092118.jpg (447x691, 173.34K)

Poland, keep an eye on your ass! The Krauts are at it again!

its the „Defender Europe 20“ training

Ive noticed much more sunshine in New England this spring. Last spring was c-trails then afterwards an even blanket of grey EVERY DAY from February to June. It made for a short and cold Summer.

>something happened in 2016 that changed the game.

Attached: dondon.jpg (600x475, 173.6K)

>just a training bro

SA & SS, heil!

They did not surrender. They collaborated.

holy shit how come everyone on this board is a brainlet?

I think this is what is going to happen in the US too.

All that muscle is there to do is reinforce the mass immigration of dysgenics into Europe.

Where before the people could protest or even fight back to a limited degree, now there will be UN soldiers on every street corner. Turning a blind eye to rape and terrorism, but cracking down hard on the slightest misdeeds of white Europeans.

This is to act as a stopgap until an EU army, raised largely from these invaders, can be levied and put in place to continue and conclude the great replacement.

However this may get Interrupted by Russia according to the Siener, and most of those troops will be wiped out as the Russians push across Europe, only to be stopped in Spain.


It's easy to tell apart clouds formed by chemtrails than natural clouds.

>Based but not redpilled

that pic is from years ago, 2017 at the latest

Absolutely BTFO'd

Attached: 1496804339250.jpg (268x284, 16.85K)

germany is already an occupied state

fuck off meme flag shill gay ass nigger

Attached: 14915473_1103343049721388_8828078652281515972_n.jpg (906x604, 68.06K)

No, we have a website

>some random ass image from a Chinese site

There is a Vid on polish kikebook of them being transported. I think they were suppose to be used in that big training operation that was canceled due to the virus.

a long planned exercize its rral but nothing to worry about
its a test to check if everything still works when they would have to help euro allies in case of invasion and so on

France could destroy Germany in one day and fuck all their women while drinking wine the next morning.

fake and gay

yeah, it's just a coincidence

they spread the virus user
eu cant survive it and they are here to ensure it

Attached: Jupiter trojans.gif (500x500, 2.18M)

Based, but bluepilled

You're lucky that de Gaulle kicked the americans out before the boomers led by jews kicked de Gaulle out of power and put a Rostchild banker president who immediately enslaved it to the banks since 1973.


>1 post by this faggot

Diamond has videos of things like the port authority being completely empty but because of filesizes it can't be uploaded here.

Chemtrails are fucking real, everytime I look at the sky I don't see these weird ass lines. This is something that happens only in the US and other European nations it seems.

Extensive list of geoengineering patents

cunts who thinks chemtrails are natural should die, they just waste our oxygen

Attached: ch2.jpg (756x567, 22.17K)

Martian law world wide

>RT chemtrails

Yeah come to think of it i dont see them in gookland

Imagine calling yourself european with more niggas than whites

I hate the Americans so much.

>they just waste our oxygen
What little untainted oxygen we have left :(

No way, is South Korea ""subverted"" too? Seriously, I never, never have seen these weird lines in the sky in my entire life. I thought this was a problem of the US and some European nations

Is 3/16 (3+1+6) when the boogaloo goes into full swing?

fake and nigger

die europhags get tank niggered (again)