Are you having regrets yet?
Are you having regrets yet?
yes, being born was a mistake
I shouldn't have listened to your mother when she said she wanted to start a family.
>Are you having regrets yet?
That would imply I would never vote for this George W. Bush clone.
You panic like a retard if you want. I’m eating popcorn with my bare hands. Trusting the plan.
Nothing is gonna happen.
>but boomers
Do you really feel sorry for them?
This is quite literally the best event in decades.
Everyone is affected
I really do have regrets for supporting Trump. I became really disillusioned with the system under Obama. I'm sorry. I thought he was the lesser of two evils, I realized a while ago I was wrong. Doesn't excuse the wrongness of the other side, either, but yes, I used to make memes for Trump (on my own accord, not a paid shill) and now I really do regret it.
No refunds kike
>Nothing is gonna happen.
it already is ya fucking retard
not at all, and i wont when i help reelect him for another 4 years. i hope you have a stroke over it OP, go suck another dick faggot.
Why would he take responsibility for an economic downturn caused by a pandemic from China? Is he God?
>and i wont when i help reelect him for another 4 years.
how will you vote for him from your house under martial law shut down under ccovid19?
>i'm not a paid shill
doubt, kys
>Why would he take responsibility for an economic downturn caused by a pandemic from China? Is he God?
His handling has been a disaster. South Korea is doing 60,000 drive by tests for the coroavirus per day. In the US we have 4 tests for every 1 MILLION AMERICANS
Sorry for laying out FACTs for you.
>media blames literally everything in Trump
>"REEEEEE why isn't trump taking responsibility?!??!!"
This house nigger twaddle has turned into white noise. Watching the press conference where some screeching cunt was screaming for Trump to take responsibility for a fucking flu bug was stupid and seeing the kikes try to use this for propaganda just makes me want them all dead.
What is happening exactly?
Oh don't tell me "muh economy", some shortages won't kill countries, off with you boomer.
Hahaha what a fucking orange faggot
Can’t wait til the day of the rope comes for this obese manchild
No man. I'm really serious. I'm not a paid shill and I'm not trying to be satirical or trolly. I really fucking do have like massive, massive, incredible, deep, fucked up regrets about supporting Trump. I mean, I have some kind of guilt issues in my life. I feel responsible for a lot of things that I'm not responsible for. And I voted for him in 2016 and supported him and now like every fucking day I'm just feeling sick to my stomach about it. You won't believe me, I understand that, but I'm fucking not making it up, I really wish I could go back in time and take that shit back. I compromised my own views. I was never "a conservative". I just saw him as the lesser of two evils, and so I sort of threw myself into supporting him because I thought he would be less-bad for the country. I regret it so much now. I wish I had just held on true and strong to my values that I've had my whole life, which aren't really left or right, but more just anti-government broadly.
>t. kike
>Not gonna lie, former trump voter here
>I really fucking do have like massive, massive, incredible, deep, fucked up regrets about supporting Trump.
S M H, I am not.
It’s not your fault, we all thought he was the anti-establishment scorched earth renegade that was going to depoliticize government. He did what he does best which is scam the shit out of people. Just on a much more impressive scale this time.
When this all blows over, and the economy bounces back, will you give him credit for fixing everything?
>In the US we have 4 tests for every 1 MILLION AMERICANS
And there's no mass death from your pussy Chink virus, so who gives a fuck?
Who gives a shit. If you really supported trump and now you suddenly dont then you're a brainwashed CNN cuck fag. If you cant see that trump is the last person in DC standing up for our rights then go get your transgender surgery and join antifa and hopefully when the civil war breaks out and you get terminated.
what a bastard
Still better than fucking Hillary.
He died for teh lulz.
Go fuck tour mother, you’re too easy to spot and
Why would I be? Trump has been an objectively good president and this disease is going to wreak havoc on people I hate.
Explain to me why I should feel an ounce of regret for supporting him?
>Trump fighting for you rights
>Trump quarantines the country, uses google and wal-mart to herd Americans like cattle
Fuck off you Zionist piece of shit
Thanks user. I really do appreciate this comment and reassurance that it's not my fault cuz I'm not making it up about the intense guilt feelings.
Nah, they still sucking David’s cock till at least November.
>S M H
>using Twitterspeak on 4chins
I’ve made a shit ton of money off drumpf, I work in stonks dipshit, doesn’t mean I’m happy having my principles violated or that he’s been good for the macroeconomic picture in our country. The bill for all this is going to come due at some point and in the meantime society is more fractured than ever. Cope more faggot.
>*gets quarantined*
Kill yourself
Suggesting waiting in line for a government handout is the same as a bunch of fucking idiots swarming a grocery store.
>intense guilt feelings.
Kill yourself jew
>Are you having regrets yet?
i regret not murdering all faggots like you in your faggot sleep a decade ago.
>I’m happy having my principles violated
OK boomer lmao
I believe you buddy. 2016 was fucked, we had no options that were truly good for the country but the way we went seemed like it would work out at the time. I made the same decision. If it makes you feel better your vote doesn’t matter anyway when it comes to deciding who wins, it’s just an expression of your opinion and the odds of your vote deciding any outcome, even if you happen to be in one of the small number of deciding counties in one of the 3 deciding states, are closer to 0% than 1%.
Lel nope
It's a JIDF circle jerk episode
The only Jew is you, Mohel
He's way slower and comes off weaker than just last year. The impeachment thing seemed to drain him. I'm happy with his term but would have given a young Democrat serious consideration. Too bad Yang and Tulsi were personalityless bores.
You can't be this retarded.
No I don't care about the elite at all. They all need to die.
Sure thing xir
I voted for him in the primary, that's where much of my guilt comes from. If was even just a "between him and Hillary" it wouldn't have been as bad. But I went and voted for him in the primary. I should have tried to stop him back then. I should have voted for anyone else. It must have been some sort of temporary insanity.
>omg you can’t shut the border that’s racist!!
>omg why didn’t DRUMPF do anything1111???
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
Oy vey don’t talk bad about my Trump
Nope. I blame everyone who enabled the elite that pushed globalism and made us vulnerable to this and I blame the Illuminati who are manufacturing this economic crash to unseat trump.
stop him from what exactly whats he done so terrible thats not the same business as usual that all presidents do? he has not gone full court press against your rights and the implementation of communism like hillkunt would have but aside from that whats to complain about? fake ass commie trannys shit eating faggot bitch niggger, we dont empathize with your feeees and start singing the same song of faggot solidarity how would your dumbass ever think that tactic would work. get fucked bernie shit.
Lol your intense kikery isn't fooling anyone
Cry harder, shill. His approval rating hasn't even twitched.
>whats he done so terrible thats not the same business as usual that all presidents do?
That's exactly the point. He's just the same as the rest of them. I hate him. I think he's maybe even worse because of what he stands for, culturally. And he has done a lot of fucked up things, like kick hundreds of thousands of poor Americans off their foodstamps, and I know conservatives celebrate that, which is a part of the true darkness of them.
Yep, more Dreamers need to die from Corona.
yeah yeah he is not leftwing enough for you got it. i haven't heard of one case of anyone getting kicked off foodstamps, and why would that matter given its not the fed govs job to give you free shit.
I'm voting Whig/Center Alliance.
>But your vote doesn't matter then!
I'd rather do nothing than actively make things worse.
Yes, he didn't do anything on immigration.
Having control of the borders would be very handy right now.
I also regret not bring a bucket to super Tuesday when all the Bernie Bros starts crying hard when Andrew Yang announced he was supporting Biden.
>b-b-b-but muh super socialist combo!
Oy gevalt muh economy Trump please put us in FEMA camps
>he has done a lot of fucked up things, like kick hundreds of thousands of poor Americans off their foodstamps
>fucked up
>starving parasites into getting a job
kek. Where do you think you are right now?