What do we do if we actually get infected? What supplements and shit should we take?
What do we do if we actually get infected? What supplements and shit should we take?
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(you) can take deez nuts
I havent been infected yet, but my plan so far has been to COOOOM. I end up getting infected im going to COOOOOOM even more. I will likely die COOMING
You should already be taking vitamin c twice a day. This mobilises your macrophages, which are your first line of defence. They try and kill anything they don't recognise.
Next, anything that works to slow HIV will work on this as they use the same mechanisms to spread inside you. I'd recommend:
Vit D3
Acetyl l cartinine
Just pledge allegiance to the plague god, dumb-dumb.
From someone who thinks they got it and beat it, instructions:
Drink lots of water to give your immune system extra irrigation to flush out virus hulls, indulge your tiredness and sleep all day, to communicate to your body to allocate all glucose to immune system protien folding trial and error discovery to create immunity. Stay away from stimulants or depressants like caffeine or alcohol as those create problems and redirect the allocation of energy in your body. Eat high energy foods but don't gorge, your immune system runs on glucose just like your intestines and brain do, so don't starve yourself (depriving your body of immune fighting ability) but don't over eat, as that will create problems for energy consumption around the nanotech in your stomach and large/small intestine. Your lungs are going to fill with fluid and you'll have projectile phlem during coughing so take turns sleeping on your left side, right side, back, and then stomach. Medical patient outcomes cite the highest survival rates by sleeping on your stomach, the shape of your lungs can purge liquids when your torso faces down rather than up. Keep stress to a minimum as stress is your body's energy management system and you want all the energy going to the protien folding in your IHC/MHC system.
The environment plus natural selection has to do a "Ticket Check" once in a while. If your immune system isn't 38th century nanotech, you do not get to live on this plague invested planet.
If yours dint work OP can try mine
Some people were saying masturbation helps fight off Corona-chan.
Between that and not ever going outside i'd say Yas Forums is pretty set to get through this.
1 Gallon of jäger within 2 hours and don't puke will kill the germs as your body decomposes building up toxins
you take them before you get infected, you dont try to treat yourself with vitamins thats too little too late.
take 5-10k iu of d3 a day
take 2-3mg of c a day (it must be spread out)
take zinc as the directions indicate
This is your best preventative dose. You can raise the C if you want but if it upsets your stomach lower it. I also dont think its neccisary, the massive C doses the hospitals have been using effectively were delivered IV, there is a limit to what you can absorb normally, its better to just take it constantly through out the day in smaller quantities.
Seconding vitamin c and d3. Also zinc but probably dont overdo the zinc.
My plan is to gobble vit d and c plus zinc. Get as much sun as possible and eat as much healthy shit as possible.
Gummy bear vitamins desu
does it matter if it's tea or water?
no, but try to not drink tea with caffeine
yeah a general multivitamin is also a good idea
there was that one report that claimed potassium helped so maybe eat a banana
Also, if you are taking antihistamines for allergies, try to stop. Antihistamines weaken your immune system a little. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that does not do this. a study showed with 2 grams a day it lowered blood histamine levels by 40%. So replacing antihistamine use with vitamin C has multiple beneficial effects to your immune system.
How much Vitamin C and what kind?
If you have it, would and OTC expectorant (flu medicine that breaks up phlegm) be advisable?
Vitamins C, D, K2; zinc acetate; and keep a box of N-acetylcysteine and a strip of chloroquine for when the coofing gets too much.
vitamin c
some say its too late but i remember years ago reading studies that show it reduces the length and severity of an illness by up to 20%
but then i saw a headline for a more recent study saying vitamin c doesnt do shit.
science is corrupt as fuck but i think the older study is more likely to be true at least according to anecdotal experience. i used to work in a hospital and everyone there including the doctors would all do the c when sick and ive done it since and will continue to do it. comparing the length of sicktime before i started taking c to after it really does seem to be about 20% reduction but of course my personal experience isnt worth shit so whatever.
lay down, take it easy, drink lots of fluids and stay relaxed.
vitamin DDDDDDDD3
Literally just coof and drink water and you'll be fine. Unless you have and underlying conditiin, like you are a degenerate smoker.
eat cummies from feminine penises
100 CCs of Feces my dude
Inject marmite to asshole
What ever it is your normally take when you have a cold. Stock up on vitamin c, drink tea with lemon flavour added and honey. Stay hydrated. Not sure if it's a meme but consider multi collagen type ( 1, 2, 3, 5 en 10)
Vitamin C
Also, position yourself upside-down somehow to allow lung drainage, as pneumonia will be your greatest threat. Use your PC's display settings to change your monitors to landscape(flipped) so you can watch stuff while upside-down.
Vitamin C. At least 3000mg per day.
The white blood cells are the body's defense mechanism so I wouldn't do anything to obstruct that behavior unless you're not getting oxygen in or co2 out.
>Drink lots of water
>Your lungs are going to fill with fluid
or don't drink water and they wont fill with fluid
next time just drown yourself
Ive been taking what I usually take during these times:
Vit C + zinc supplements (something like 200-500% DV for VitC and 100% DV of Zinc)
And then 5000iu of Vit D3. Taking these first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and also dont eat for at least an hour, preferably longer.
I make sure not to eat so that my body takes full advantage of the vitamins since I thought its proven that certain carbs/fats/whatever deter vitamin absorbtion. I could be wrong but so far Ive been perfectly healthy.
Pic related is my plan to prevent and cure.
Vit c
CBD for the cytokine storm
good luck and god speed
You fucking autists only care about your health when it is too late, should have read the science and changed your diet and lifestyle long ago
Vitamin c and d and plenty of rest and relaxation
The time release vitamin C capsules were a lot easier on my stomach.
how the fuck do you get chloroquine without prescription?
I like the chewable c vitamin
OP don't listen to the fucktards telling you to dose on vitamins.
1. Tamiflu (Oseltamivir)
2. Chloroquine
These are both anti-virals. The first is designed for use against flu viruses, but has been shown to work against coronavirus. The second is anti-malarial medicine, and has also been shown to work against coronavirus.
Can you actually get your hands on either of these right now? I fucking doubt it. I couldn't find any even a month ago, let alone doing it now. They're both prescription only too.
Both drugs need to be taken immediately after getting sick or they won't be effective. They are not vaccines, they help interrupt the viruses ability to replicate but will not cure you - they just make the fight easier for your immune system.
t. 125 IQ and not a fucking retard like most of the other posters in this thread.
If you want to take vitamins go ahead but don't pretend it's anything but a placebo.
From my understanding vitamin c doesn't do shit unless you mega dose and do it every few hours.
Take a multivitamin, and an omaga-3 pill. Omaga-3s are good for your heart and lungs. I suggest taking a multivitamin because some vitamins like vitamin D need other things in order for your body to process properly.... Also the best form of vitamin D you can get is through Sun light.
All of you vitamin c mega dose fags will get kidney stones. At least use liposomal vitamin c so it actually gets absorbed and doesn't have to go through your kidneys.
k2 would prevent kidney stones, so it's all gucci gucci goo.
Vitamins alone won't save you. But they are really important in building up you bodies defenses and over all health.
Retard logic. It still has to go through your kidneys, no mater what meme vitamins you take on top of it.
im constantly sucking down liquids i am immune to kidney stone
Buy PrEP, it's an anti-viral used to make you immune to HIV. It's the only things that's been tested to work agains corona chan.
>liposomal vitamin c doesn’t go through your kidneys
Uhhhhh what the fuck
Liposomal vitamin c is absorbed more readily from the gut because the liposome structure allows the vit c to bypass the normal absorption channel. If anything liposomal megadosers will be more likely to get stones because the high doses will actually reach the blood stream instead of going straight through the bowel and causing diarrhoea
Vitamin C, D, Selen, and Zinc, eat fermented foods, such as sauerkraut or kimchi once in a while, they help build the good bacteria in your system.
Dont forget to go outside once in a while, sunlight is good for your immune system.
Thank you user. You're a very good user. I like (you). You're my fren.
Wrong, prep was in the early cocktails they used but it’s not thought to be effective. The HIV drug being used for coronachan is Kaletra (combination of lopinavir and ritonavir). Kaletra will probably also work as PrEP if you like unprotected gay sex though
>What supplements and shit should we take?
The solution to everything for the eternal consoomer.
You should be in a fasted catabolic state for as long as possible when fighting off diseases.
just eat food and drink water. if your body cant beat it just die b
Vitamins are just organic molecules your body doesn't naturally produce but still requires for optimal function.
We normally get vitamins through our diet, but diets can be (not necessarily ARE) deficient in vitamins. Which vitamins someone may be deficient in would require blood tests and examination. A lot of people are taking vitamins that they are already getting enough of.
The single most common vitamin deficiency is Vitamin D.
Some vitamins can be overdosed and will cause liver/kidney damage and potentially kill you. Do not go off eating dozens of vitamin pills like an idiot.
There isn't any solid proof that vitamin C, or other vitamins, will help against coronavirus. Just a lot of rumormongering and what looks superficially like blatant marketing scammers and snake oil salesmen.
>eat food
>3000mg per day
What a retarded piece of circumcised jewmerican jewslave ZOGlet piece of retarded mutt.
Vit D is the only one with protection against respiratory infections
Sermorelin acetate, SC injections
your flag must be socialist
Chaga tea
Green tea
Red bell peppers (vitamin C)
Having a vitamin D level on the high end of normal range protects against respiratory infection.
Vitamin C may have some benefit.
Zinc definitely does decrease cold duration through immune-boosting and direct antiviral effects; don’t take it for long after symptoms resolve as it can cause a copper deficiency (they compete with each other for absorption).
Vitamins in general are pretty cheap and considering that coronavirus can potentially put you in bed for a week or more (and rarely kill or disable you) I think a stack of vitamin C + zinc + vitamin D is completely reasonable if you get a sniffle. If you want to get crazy, add in some elderberry and garlic.
Alpha brain from onnit that's o-n-n-i-t and enter keyword "Rogan" for 35 percent off your next purchase
Your dick must be cut.
>over dose vitamin D that keeps calcium in your blood causing hypoglycemia and kidney stones and failure
>the overs dose on some vitamin C to give your body more calcium
>then take some zinc to help the effects of vitamin D
you people are absolutely fucking stupid and would drink bleach
Garlic is an extremely effective antibacterial, antiviral and immune system stimulant. It should always be your first resort when you get sick regardless of what you think is making you sick. It should be taken raw and like most plants, it has beneficial enzymes that are only released when it's damaged in specific ways (crushing, cutting) so let it sit for 15 minutes after chopping before you take it. Generally 1-2 cloves once or twice a day is more than enough.
Drinking water with it helps absorption/bioavailability
These are all baseless assertions with little to no actual evidence.
I am not about to predicate my life on the assertions of anonymous retards, scammers, and snakeoil salesmen. In this thread, I told people what FACTUALLY works.
If you want to dose up on vitamins I'm not going to stop you, but there is very little evidence it will do fuck all against coronavirus. This thread is full of the modern day equivalent of bloodletting and prayer.
>drink bleach
He doesn't know.
You dont.
And all online sources are out of stock.
Looked yesterday
>over dose vitamin D
Virtually impossible. Trials have been done with people taking as much as 200,000 IU of vitamin D a day for months with no ill effects.
>overs dose on some vitamin C
Also virtually impossible. Your body lost the ability to naturally produce vitamin C because we've spend the majority of our existence as a species getting massive amounts of it from our diet. I'm talking about in the range of 20-30x higher than the current daily intake recommendations. Even if this wasn't the case, vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which means you just piss out any excess.
>make your piss more expensive
great plan, user
Oh yeah I do that still.
I drink like 24oz of water along with the supplements. Forgot to mention that
Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic Acid in its pure form. Sodium Ascorbate is a mineral salt of ascorbic acid; it is milder and has less acidity. Below references to Vitamin C are in its Ascorbic Acid form.
Dr. Richard Z Cheng, MD
>Youtube blocked my interview of a Wuhan family saved from Covid-19 with Vit C.
>How to take Vit C by mouth to prevent Covid-19 infection
How to Take Vitamin C to Prevent Getting Sick:
>Take 5-10 grams of vitamin C powder a day, divided into 2/3 times a day
>Add to a cup or 2 of room temp or cold water
>Don’t use hot water because it will oxidise Vit C.
>Drink it slowly, over a period of 2 – 3 hours. If you drink it too fast, it may cause diarrhoea.
>Don’t use plastic or metal cups, use glass.
>Use less for kids (3 – 5 grams a day).
>If you get sick allow body to absorb as much Vitamin C as possible, 2 – 3 grams every 2 – 3 hours. Most of the time, it should clear the infection.
>No direct correlation between Vitamin C and kidney stones.
>Vitamin C, Titrating to Bowel Tolerance, Anascorbemia, and Acute Induced Scurvy
>A method of utilizing vitamin C in amounts just short of the doses which produce diarrhoea is described…”
>Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus
>Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
>Expert consensus on comprehensive treatment of coronavirus disease in Shanghai 2019
>Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia
aftr you've Sha out half your body weight through the Eye-Of-A-Needle
Remember to top up your Electrolyte Salts
You might as well jump off a tall building like the faggot you are. It's HIV. You will get reinfected within months, if not weeks.
Mind over matter. If you don't mind death, coronachan don't matter.
Also, remember that you want natural forms of these vitamins, not synthetic ones. This means you want vitamin D from fish liver, vitamin C from fruit powders, etc. rather than some kike shit made in a lab which is NOT the same and if NOT beneficial to your body.
>vitamin supplements
Wow sure are a lot of fucking retards around here.
can't wait to laugh when all of you die because your mentally handicapped poison diet makes everything worse.
>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.
>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.
>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.
>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.
>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.
>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.
>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”