Gday lads

>Police to force people into self-isolation in NSW coronavirus crackdown

>"""Australians"" urged to dob in their mates

>ASIC issues emergency rules, ASX falls 7pc on opening

>Thousands of international passengers ordered to self-isolate after landing in Australia are allowed to take domestic flights WITHOUT being quarantined - as the number of coronavirus cases hit 299

>Coronavirus is causing panic buying, but what does that mean for Australia's food security?

>Reserve Bank flags further measures amid coronavirus fears, ASIC restricts number of share trades large firms can make

>Coronavirus Australia: Queensland researchers find ‘cure’, want drug trial


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Hi Jordies


What's it like to be a failure?

Got tested on Saturday lads, ended up in the ER because of chest pain, need to find out my results to know if Corona has come to stay.

My father is also in the hospital very sick with a kidney and lung infection.

What's it like to be Australian?

I heard gunfire about 20 mins ago. No it wasnt fire works or a back firing car. It was gun fire.

Do you think there’ll be reprisals against the chinks for Wuflu or will it get memory holed?

Probably niggers attempting to nig, and getting taken down


who coronabux?

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How is the hooker market affected? Are prices down?

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memory holed until the next time. Those dirty animals will keep doing it

Nawh m8, you're mistaken. Aussies guns are outlawed so it couldn't have possibly been gunfire.

Fuckin Wh*te dogs. We're gonna take your precious nazism and use it remove you kikes from our once great nation.

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"Unfortunate" fact #3
>Non-White immigrants in Oslo committed every rape from 2006 to 2010. 80% of the victims were Norwegian women.

Library of Hate

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Just towelies going to the aloha snackbar.

You lads swallowed the gympill yet?

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Me. What are you doing with yours?

Not yet bro, be patient

bats x gates x gooks = corona

The opposite, prices are up

kek loving that gif

probably sit on it for now

Nah gyms closed

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Ask yourself? Wanker.

What is it, $750?

yeah 750 from the 31st of march

Who else here /outback/

yeah. Afternoon on the pokies I reckon

>t. Abolf Hitler

Oh really? Where abouts?
Don't let the gains goblin steal all your gains.

Yeah but you've got to be on some sort of neet bux to start with

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What was so great about it?

it works

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Fuck oath mate

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Oww this meme is ingenious!
>We need to stop immigration
>because immigration is colonization
>muh first nations abos
Pure meme magic

Did mummy call bedtime?

she said wash your hands after playing with your peepee

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Best way to get corona isnt it?

Not my OC but caught it a few months ago, going to get stickers made and plaster the city with it. Watch fuckwits seeth.

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cunt I know youre full of absolute shit. If you reckon you feed an sas cunt for being a puppet of israel and he doesnt stove your fucking face in it either means 1. youre full of shit and that situation is literally fantasy or 2. he knows your a complete little squid loser who has arms like a fucking pencil and can only look at girls on the internet so he feels fucking pity for you and just pays you off as pathetic. If you honestly dont respect the cunts willing to sign their lives away in defence of the nation youre cooked. you live in bullshit fantasy land about "if we were getting invaded id do this". you would do fuck all cunt except piss your pants and hide behind the real men while they went to fucking work.

How is invading the ME and helping shlomo build his greater Israel helping us from not being invaded?

>she said wash your hands after playing with your peepee
Shouldn't I wash them before I play with it?
Don't wanna corona my cock.

Fark me, I didn't think of that. I'm not sure now

good idea

>cases hit 299
how soon?

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Buy bush land in Tasmania and stockpile firearms. Come and join the homesteading redoubt. I'll be waiting for you in van diemen's land

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We're at 360/5

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375 now

What's your sauce? bno must be slow

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21 yo zoom zoom on youth allowance. I'll get it, right? Might buy a new bike. God knows my fat cunt ass needs the exercise.

you better do it cunt, make the news and all.

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Calm down kike. No larp, brothers been over in UAE and fuck knows where my cousin is, he doesnt tell any of us. I literally sit there and tell him to his face that he is working for shlomo because I mogg him flatout, just like I would mog you too mate.
I'm finding it fucking hilarious that you are trying to defend your treacherous actions of advancing the grater Israel plan like the useful idiot you so obviously are..
>If you honestly dont respect the cunts willing to sign their lives away in defence of the nation youre cooked
Please rabbi, tell me how you are defending this nation by going oversea to fight for shlomo? Like I already said, if it looks like were going to get invaded then I'll be first in line to pick up arms. You are so obviously buttblasted at the fact you ignorantly signed away your life to fight for Netanyahu.
>You'd just piss your pants
I know youve constructed this faux idea Ive the person you are talking to to ease your mind and make you feel better about being a jewish puppet, but its just not the case mate.

hasn't even begun and the shop are nuts with empty shelves

This is more or less what im hoping to do whennall the boomers die and the price of property plummets.

That, and squat some dead peoples homes to eventually own.

Go in with a mask, rubber gloves, long sleeves, glasses, glen 20 to lube the buttons with, and then just be really fucking careful after coming home to wash and disinfect yourself

I plan on doing the same

Pretty much this. Ill be front of the pack if we're getting invaded. Anything else and whoever is telling me to die for some cunts vanity game overseas can eat a fucking dick.

>if it looks like were going to get invaded then I'll be first in line to pick up arms.
Join the reserves then cunt, don't be a pussy

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