/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2140

► Detected: 173,023 ► Died: 6,663

Argentina shuts down borders, schools

Venezuela under lockdown in 7 states, affecting 12 million

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Denmark shuts down borders

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Finland only testing high risk cases

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

10:49: 1,053 new cases and 129 new deaths in Iran.
10:20: 172 new cases and 1 new death in Belgium.
09:44: 99 new cases in Austria.
09:26: 125 new cases in Malaysia.
08:30: 7 new cases and 1 new death in Bahrain. This is the first death in Bahrain.
06:28: 50 new cases in Israel.


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Other urls found in this thread:


based bill

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Its just a flu bro.

>Dead: 6,663
lol, still only 6,663.
How many days has it been stuck at 6,663? Four days? Five days?

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Attached: Madrid is not locked down This is its main train station this morning What is[...].png (901x1234, 925.33K)

movie list

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Yas Forums nooooo don't fucking do it. It's not worth it man

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Beating polish user to the punch

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Rate my PrEP boys

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I don't want to live in a society anymore.

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>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”


And this, is to go even FURTHER BEYOND

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They won't even shave their greasy hairy asses, do you think they'll give a shit about nothingburger airborne AIDS?

Fuck off already, faggot

When will we see the first videos of people droping dead on the streets in the west?

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brits are disgusting


the end of capitalism is, perhaps, the start of something beautiful

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So spain will be the next italy right? I fucking hate the spaniards so fucking much for what they did, so in my eyes they deserve it. Hasta la vista, you spanish fucks.

Looks like you got your wish.

I have seen this picture a few days ago
how did anons rate it?

they will be missed

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This whole thing is getting weirder and weirder every day. Something big is in the making, and the virus is not the main thing that is happening. I can't point my finger on it. And I do not know whether its results will be good or bad in the end, I only know that the world as we have known it will never be the same after 2020.

>Maryland had 5 cases last Monday
>Currently 32 cases today
We're dead



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Gary the lockdown have begun

Just slav nigger

mice are gonna love you

What the fuck is wrong with normies?
Just stay at home and go on the internet you dumb idiots.
>muh social life

How many people run the bill mitchell account? He tweets >400 times a day on average.

That's nothing is you see Benidorm yesterday night full of bongs party hard or Mosso in Catalonia closing club full of people across the coast

I've heard a lot about chloroquine lately. Even if it is a miracle cure, how big of a supply do we have? How quickly could we make more? If it would still take months to mass produce and distribute we are still looking at a shitshow.

can someone please post the list of alias name?
need it for .. science

Ridiculous shit posted everyday. How man minutes has it been stuck at 137 "cures"? Four minutes? Five minutes?

Bill Mitchell is actually an really advadced A.I.

7 month old girl infected in Poland

Will they announce the interstate travel ban in the US today? It'll take 15-24 days before it starts affecting the exponential death count. By then the US will be at 2,000-16,000 deaths.

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It already is the next Italy.

Thats sad. I always thought Estonia was a shithole before coming here. Now its a place I wanted to go visit. Guess that won't happen now.

aussie scientists have been shitposting about cure and vaccines since the 1st week of the outbreak, kek

>What's he doing?



Attached: We now have a critical mass in terms of the economic sudden stop, says elerianm[...].png (892x990, 827.76K)




>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here


>being scared of the flu

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Blessed Gary post

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Japan is exactly like this.

I wonder how many more countries are doing the same thing?

kill yourself

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> I always thought Estonia was a shithole
it still is

This is the start of eco-fascism.

herd niggers out

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I can't wait to live in an introvert world when the wu flu kills all these obnoxious extroverts.

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Saving the market, all by himself. He can pamp forever

Fuck off

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Fuck you Eestii!

>everyone wears masks
>disinfectant at the entrance is mandatory
Based chinks gonna survive the Franz

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BTFO retard. There also is no such things as "Australian scientists" that anyone can take seriously.

get your money out of the bank so you can spend it while it has any value

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No i mean like, i know it is, but its a place I want to visit now.

>pic unrelated
wake me up when this is the future

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rate my hazmat suit

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>all asian countries nearing china have miniscule numbers except japan
>europe is fucked

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They can produce quite a large amount, think of the effort of put into production of weapons during WW2, that’s the scale we’re talking about here.

This is it, boys. The happening we’ve always wanted is finally here. Now it’s time for me to take care of my family and stop shitposting. Some of you guys are alright, don’t come to Yas Forums tomorrow.


The Bag

maybe you can visit the aftermath and claim this land


How many rolls of toilet paper have yku purchased user??? The happening is cancelled.

doomers out


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because they have obedient citizens that are less individualistic + they already experienced the SARS epidemic in 2003

Monkeys CAN'T be reinfected with the coronavirus, scientists find amid fears patients could 'relapse' after recovery


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I swear if you fuckers and the frogs don't drop dead in the hundreds like the wops maybe I'll join the herd as well.

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How many kids 20 years from now will learn they were conceived in quarantine?

He's going to need to attain ultra instinct if he wants to save the economy, and even that might not be enough!

We're too far up in our asses to make it.



really makes you think

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>has only infected .002% of the global population
Do you think we'll get to a point where media "just a flu" pundits get lynched?

That's a lie, neither of those apes are people

Me me me me me me me me!!!

lol, not even a coherent argument user, it’s over mate, pick up your toilet paper and bend over for Ahmed.


Who LONDON here ?


>I'm the bag

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which one of these is the best with the coolest concept/apocalyptic world

Watch another disease "naturally mutate" and starts a new pandemic in few months/weeks.

A lot. There will be a whole corona-generation.

They actually believe the fucking official narrative ONLY boomers get infected and ded.

It´s great.
Those are all multi-kulti green assholes anyway.

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Great Depression 2: The Viral Boogaloo

>post yfw monkeys can't be reinfected but humans can

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Alright bros, I have my theory here regarding the US. I think we'll know if I was right or not by the end of this week.

Orange man and his entire cabinet know the severity of this situation. The media is working with the government believe it or not. They want to be able to have elections this year.

The current downplay of the severity of this virus is to allow the national guard to secure vital infrastructure points (nuclear plants, oil rigs, dams, etc) throughout the nation without the nationwide panic that could cause catastrophic casualties. There was a reason universities closed quickly, there was a reason why the major sports teams closed shop so quickly-- while the rest of americans are on board with people like bill mitchell.

College dorms, hotels, walmarts, raceways, basketball and football arenas, etc are ALL going to be quarantine zones and fema camps.

The news will be released soon enough but only when the government gains control of the infrastructure that they see necessary.

Your thoughts?

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The band on the titanic played as long as possible.

The mainstream media will do the same.

People keep shitting on chinks but the ones outside of their shithole have mostly passed incubation period and know how bad shit can get from direct sources in China. I literally just came from the supermarket and while the nothingburger locals were buying cheap booze and coofing on each other the chinks were all in mask and prepping. I would trust a chink more than a Russian at this point.

Agreed. Like what is actually going on. The range of theories has my head in a whirl. Im the least concerned with the actual virus. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

>chinks hoarding all the masks before everything got out of control
>"Why are you so racist? There's no pandemic. Now let us travel."
I'm getting the impression that the chinks went to all around the globe. Spread their disease, bought all the masks and then flew back home with all the equipments.

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>4% mortality
>half get treated easily
>media inciting panic like never before
>governments act in tandem with the media spreading panic
>banned public events
>restricting travel
>millions of businesses affected

I'm gonna need someone to explain to me what's really going on. If you're a JIDF kike you can fuck right off.

faggot. If 6 you get coronavirus

Heil el digitos, I feel the exact same way user.

Colombia has better health care than:

>United States

Get fucked.

Source: worldpopulationreview.com/countries/best-healthcare-in-the-world/

why are they saying those things?

Nothing more embarrassing than watching an actual boomer try and be funny on social media

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>Report unusual behavior.
>Barricade you homes.
>Avoid all contact with infected individuals.
>Wait for official instructions.

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Lol we can’t even get fucking isopropyl alcohol on the shelves. America is a shithole hollowed out over decades by Jewish financiers and their enablers

So it was fucking AIRBORNE AIDS all along, who would have known that the gookies would make literal aids in the air.

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>official instructions
good cattle

I've never finished evangelion because it was overrated but Komm Süsser Tod is one of my favourite songs during the Chinese Plague.

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Nice cultural enrichment ad.

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That's really hard to believe considering people die by the dozens sitting in the waiting room or waiting for ambulances that never come

Why did Italy ate that much dick?
300 die daily.

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The HIV medication as treatment bit has been going on for weeks.
Did you guys just copy paste other nations' research and call it your own?

Same, plus their markets are still stocked to the brim with rice,noodles and ramen
But most importantly herbal tea

how come the elites all flying to whitey to get treated huh mutt?


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heavens no.

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4% is fucking huge

jesus fucking christ

agreed, I have the same feeling

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Isnt Japan basically doing a keep calm and carry on for the great of our Olympic economy?
Im not convinced they got a handle on this.

Rate my supplies.

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Fuck the paracetamol

>treated easily
lmao good luck treating anyone at all after you healthcare system collapses

Not as many as you would think. I know you're super convinced it will but you're wrong. Nobody is going to fuck you. Even at the end of the world.

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true enough.

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Bill Mitchell is a faggot

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advanced equipement is not quality healthcare for the average joe.

> have sneezing, coughing, runny nose and sore throat


Lmao, stay seething turd worlders.

Inside you are two niggers,
Both are niggers


You can't just force people into global government. It has to seem like the only logical step in order for people to accept it....


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Hmm, how long do canned fish last until they expire again?

the synthwave version that someone just made is grat youtube.com/watch?v=_N66Hud_Tq4

Anyone got the numbers for Spain today? I fucking hate spain so much so I want to be updated.

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Here is my fan theory. There are 2 major types of Corona chan weaker and more lethal. China released the weaker type on itself first knowing that it is a vaccine for stronger type and a political cover for them. I mean they can say they are fucked too. Then they spread the more lethal strain all over the world with travelers.




>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”


Attached: nothingburger.png (329x292, 162.91K)

>gets infected
>20% chance to be severe and must be ICU'd
>there are only limited ICUs in the country
>60% of the population gets infected
>hospitals overwhelmed
>people is kil
>original 4% CFR become much higher without treatment
>also kills unrelated people that needs ICU
>pneumonia survivors got their lungs fucked and became healthcare parasites for the rest of their life
>some of them couldn't even return to the workforcce
that's what happened

I think most of you are pussies. You talk about how most of normal society hasn't experienced hard times as though because you all sat around shit posting, watching gore threads, and wallowing in your self pity that means you're qualified to talk about hard times. The satisfaction that some of you have that you have a mask and medical personal do not is sick. You don't even have any useful skills because you've sat hunched over at your desk either accumulating body fat or letting your muscles deteriorate (and being able to doom preach and buy supplies off the internet because you don't have a job or a social life is not a skill). I would guess 90% of you are scared children and instead of proactively trying to help in these trying times you'll pat yourself on the back for your selfishness because "muh society rejected me". A lot of you are as selfish as boomers. If you have actual skills and are contributing then obviously this post isn't directed at you. And inb4 society is a selfish animal so why shouldn't i be one too? How about be the change you want to see in the world

As long as it isn't liberalism, I'm fine with it.

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>canned fish
have fun with your low tier mercury poisoning

So he's carrying a double nigger, but he's also a nigger, so how many niggers are inside him though?

not a cure but treatment that you will need for the rest of your life

fuck off

Well played

Not going to make it.

The complications rate is still around 15-20% meaning 4 out of 5 who get this virus don't have issues fighting it off. Still high sure but not world ending.....

Is there a collection of useful guides that might come in handy, for all sorts of shit, if shit hits the fan?
So if internet goes out I have some shit to consult. If electricity goes out I'm probably fucked anyway, so freezer goes out, so how to take care of that?
Don't have masks or generator or solar cells or anything, so shit.
Maybe stuff like how to make simple medicine, or preserve food, or grow potatoes, etc. Shit.

almost looked like a cinebench r15 score

anyone seen this new pandemic documentary on netflix? released this year and has a lot of sinister foreshadowing about this outbreak as though it were planned.

>no-one knows anything until everybody knows everything
Don't go by what they are saying. Go by what they are doing.
Do countries lock down over seasonal flu?
Does the stock market crash?
Do governments pump billions and billions in to try and stop it?
Do airlines self-terminate flights halfway and turn back for flu?
Do countries tell their elderly they might have to spend the next 4 months under self-isolation over flu?
Watch what they DO. Then ask yourself
>What could possible be so bad that, were I in charge, I would be forced to take all those measures?
See you on the other side, brothers.

This. It’s like a new global 9/11. World will change after this.

I want off this ride

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The united states is a third world country.

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Btw if you are well off it's time buy your own ICU and put it in your basement

>AIDS is in the air

If you are excluding zombie, the most original concepts award go to Deranged or Perfect Sens/Blindness. The three are about a very specific disease, in the Korean movie it's the first approach at rationalizing zombies with that parasite forcing insects to drown and the two others are about loosing your senses and the government response to it. Also Pontypool is a very unique """zombie""" movie.

If you are looking for something high on the apocalyptic scale, excluding post-apocalyptic movies, I'd say The Flu. Post-Apocalyptic it would be Virus (Jap movie).

If you are looking for the same but from the point of view of a single person, Containment and Right at Your Door. And for Post-Apocalyptic, Carriers.

sure thing buddy, try curing brain cancer with your witch doctors

one thing is for damn sure, if we just sit back and watch, it wont be us that has a say after the decade of happening.

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>worldwide capital for plastic surgery
If your tit and ass implant docs can switch to actually treating health I can imagine you're pretty well set. People underestimate the value of doctor to population ratio. U.S. and Canada are about 60% that of Western Europe

3 years since the manufacture date.

fuck you bill

Does anyone have info on trump spraying "antidote" thru chemtrails? Trying to do a deep dive but not getting much. Also why is no one talking about the supposed 5G connection??

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This cure is more of a treatment made from already existing drugs for off label use. It will take a few months but it will be used on the most serious cases (compassionate Care clause)
Expect this to be an unofficial treatment used in extreme cases as first and transitioned to the general, mild cases later

sudoku yourself

>Be American
>Have to shoot your classmates online

do you also buy your own nurse


You know I'm not scared of getting this and dying or having long term health issue. I'm more worried that I'll survive but probably lose my job, parents and a bunch of other stuff but the world will still keep turning and they'll still demand that we continue working and paying bills despite the system basically being dead.

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Darwin club just went viral.


fuck you

If you have your own ICU the nurses will pay you.


Governor Madrid Community give positive for Coronavirus.

>Just a Flu

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You just look like a hoarder organize that gross

you can't manufacture fish dumb cunt

Cause it's utter nonsense.

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Fuck off Nurglite, you've already sold yourself earlier in your tweet.

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Y'all retards still don't believe it's just another political spectacle being played? NWO coming soon

euronext is kill

>Worker and women's musuem
Makes sense, cunts don't work

>someone coughed at my general direction
i have it

Feels like a war without soldiers.
Watch another disease appears "unexpectedly" in few weeks/months. Did you know there's a "controled" outbreak of H5N6 in Philippines? Welp.

>le gas mask
>le who needs a filter anyways
fucking normies
>you have to feel bad because it's a little, cute girl
>oh noooes
i guess if it was just some random average guy it would be okay to not give a shit

There are two main sets of theories (with variants) that are currently mainly competing in my brain: 1: This is the move to finally install the NWO. 2: This is the move to finally destroy it and end globalism. Pick your poison. There is a third theory, but it's too schizo to post it.

probably massive underreporting and/or no test kits

Its like a shitstorm waiting to happen.
Looks like how Italy was before things went tits up.
Allways its these deluded cunts making it spread.

You're a projecting little faggot who thinks his life experiences are shared by everyone else.
This board is filled with veterans, police, and a lot of working class country kids and of course there are the shut ins that ad the spice.

>he thinks fish grow on trees
you fucking moron, fish comes from factories

There is a difference between humans and monkeys user. Especially if it was created as a weapon against humans.