"Corona Deniers" CENSORED

It's now de facto illegal to call bullshit on the CoronaHoax.

>Tweets from Sheriff Clarke suggesting this was a Jew hoax (or "Soros" hoax, actually) were mocked by everybody
>Mike Enoch and rest of AltRight joined in with neolibs and neocons, saying Sheriff Clarke is dangerous for questioning media
>Defenders of the Jews started the #CoronaDenier Trend
>Sheriff Clarke's Tweets were immediately censored

Protip: It IS just a flu. But how are the Jews going to be able to vaccinate every white baby by mandate if people don't believe their lies?

Attached: corona.elites.altright.agree.jpg (1180x438, 232.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:





>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”


Yeah he's not wrong. This is just another chinese hoax like global warming to destroy US industry.

Get educated retards.

how the fuck does kike Enoch still have a twitter account?

(((Charles Lieber)))

How the fuck are we supposed to know who to trust?

I would honestly prefer if people carried on like normal, personally. This quarantining stint is going to damage my future financial prospects and probably yours too, whoever you are reading this

>Inb4 but at least you won't die of kung flu

That's only if it's as bad as it's being made out to be. I'm pretty sure (((they))) want to make us feel this way to cripple the economy.

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>Banning any discussion by people who don't believe in coronachan

I thought you guys were crazy but if they're banning any discussion of this then you might be on to something.

The time has come. Anarchy NOW!

Attached: OIP.f7POsJ6XYvh9J_-f-WVvmAAAAA.jpg (300x320, 27.82K)

Don't need to call it a hoax, Australia just found a cure. Sorry guys it's over

It was known for a month at least. "Australian scientists" discovered nothing. There were in vivo trials in China already, not just your virgin "oh I think it could work"

>makes intelligent point about how we must not let ourselves be gripped by terror and hysterics
>jews clamber out of the woodwork to call him crazy and demand he be silenced
oi vey you're only allowed to listen to the panicking CIA propagandist heads on the MSM. panic! panic! go crazy in terror and fear! it's all orange man's fault, vote for the senile pedo who is controlled by China!

Fuck off deepstate you just want to blow up people before you get v& for life

Yeah, why would you make reasonable accomodation to stop spread of a virus, moran

White man saves the day, once again. Big surprise.

this is over when the Jews say it's over

and they sure af don't want it over yet. not until every white baby is being pumped with long jewish rods full of their jewish love juices

Attached: Vaccine_Torture_3.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

A little while ago. An E-mail was dispersed by Stratfor. Referencing an entity known as "The Most-High". Demanding that all world governments do a U-Turn on policy. This virus, is basically to establish global, democratic governance. To enforce, the new rules set for humanity. Who is under quarantine until we reach the space-age.

Your first assumption was correct.
Absolutely fucking batshit crazy on a level with flat-earthers.
Yas Forums attracts these kinds of faggots like flies to a turd.

fuck sake, we'll never hear the end of it


>you must always do the opposite of what neocons do
A broken clock is right twice a day. Consider it a nothing burger or whatever, don't tell others to group together when it definitely COULD be a problem.
Personally I think the whole thing's overblown purely because we live in a first world country so it shouldn't spread THAT far, that nigger is telling people to act like a third worlders.

That would make sense because Jews have a high risk of being neurotic and schizophrenic.

Coronavirus is a fucking flu. There are plenty of treatments. There was an over the counter antihystemine that had fantastic success with SARS. Then, there's vitamin c, vitamin a, sunlight, and heavy hydration.

This is all a Jew scam.

Sheriff Clarke's posts were deleted by Twitter.
My account, when I was arguing w/ people hashtagging and mocking "#CoronaDenier", was censored in a bizarre way I've never seen before:
Twitter suddenly said my phone number was invalid

100% of the things that your government legally obligates you to believe are false.

It's an iron law.

Trust your instincts, look at your surroundings. At most what do you see? Bare store shelves, just proves paranoia and mass marketing of the corona virus is doing it's job, you see anyone dropping dead all around you, you see and kind of chaos or anything? Beleive the virus, just don't believe the hype

take your meds

Here's the great Del Bigtree on how easily SARS was to treat, and its transferable to corona:

Attached: corona.mania.png (574x523, 314.26K)

Feel free to add to my compilation

Attached: boomer virus compilation.png (1749x2481, 1.7M)

rabid defender of the jew elites hates #CoronaDeniers

Take your meds schizo

1984 is here, resistance movement when?

Attached: trumpmartiallaw2.png (480x280, 184.51K)

Come to think of it I haven't heard anyone cough or sneeze around me recently, I've barely heard anyone even clear their throat. I myself sneezed the other day. That's literally it

obvious pedocrat hoax

the only people losing massive amounts of money from this crash are the kikes. the FED also gets exposed as a scam to normies. you gonna make me believe this coronahoax spam came out of nowhere organically? youre all on the payroll of FED kikes

>rabid defender of jew vaccines rages at skeptics of jew elite. demands uppity goys take jew pills like him

no. go pop your viagara, limpy

Attached: AltRight_Vaccines.jpg (1807x1440, 1.47M)

>100% of the things that your government legally obligates you to believe are false.
This is true.
Also did you know that every insane thing you read on the internet must be true as well.
Take this faggot for example:
>user unless people are dying in plain view all around you then its obviously nothing to worry about.
or this one:
>Gee I haven't seen anyone sneeze around me lately. Could it be that all the people who have it are isolated/admitted and... naah it must be fake

If this board were a country I would not hesitate to nuke it.

>the nigger's literally crying about it being an attack on capitalism
Fucking boomers I swear.

these women with the gloves and needles are why knives were invented

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

The Jews are correct, and their vaccine will, properly, be made compulsory for every white baby.

Like you, I support the Jews, the media, and ZOG. They love us.

BROKE: Jews want white genocide
WOKE: Jews achieve white salvation

Attached: Conservatives_Jew_National_Review.jpg (1320x882, 428.99K)

I am not saying get vaccinated or buy into the media hype you intergalactic faggot.
I am saying be sensible. Both the panicers/hypers and deniers are all as bad as each other.
brb going to kms before I post any more.

Big Brain Centrism is for pussies

Take a side:
>Entire Establishment pushing Coronahoax

Attached: flu.vaccine.fake.ontario.minister..webm (360x440, 1.47M)

If they're isolated from me then there's no reason to shut things down for 2+ weeks, for starters.

Also, only one of our countries has actually used nukes before, so suck it user

He makes a new one every 2 months

like Richard Spencer and Ramzpaul, Jews don't gaf about his abstract ramblings about "capitalism" and "liberal democracy".

they're completely impotent businessmen at this point, more than happy to merely perpetuate their middle class lifestyle by being low-level political pundits and social commentators

why would the jews gaf about them?
(they all virulently support compulsory vaccination, btw)

Attached: Anti_Vax_Farmers.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

It isn't JUST the fact that people aren't dropping like flies around me, it's also the fact that there doesn't even see a single person with so much as a cough or the sniffles in the past almost 3months now
*Cue the sickly crisis actors*

Ah yes. I see the mass detainment of conspiracy theorists has begun. Y'all are actually retarded.

It doesn't matter, they'll have a brand new yearly needle to stick in you, before ya know it.


>live in one of the "COVID hotspots" with radiating lines around it when they show the US map
>Channel 7 has hot Jewess reporter camped outside of local mega-hospital (complete w/ facemask costume)
>Jewess reporter claims it's "chaos" in the hospital, clearly implying people are dying left and right
>My mom is one of the top nurses at said hospital
>Says it's completely normal, except for a whole bunch of CDC bureaucractic bullshit they have to deal with all the time
>Year-to-date deaths are exact same as 2018 and 2019


Attached: Capture.jpg (703x352, 143.55K)

On one hand, I do believe it's just a virulent flu. Nothing to really get insane about. And definitely not something to surrender our rights to the Jewish overlords over.
This feels like a test of our resolve. How much are we willing to submit to a distant govt over a flu-like virus?

On the other hand, I really like the idea of having a few weeks off from work. I'm financially stable, I can easily apply for unemployment if they lay us off while this insanity goes on, and I have a lot of cash available if need be.
Additionally, while I'm not concerned about the virus itself, I am worried about people. And therefore, I'd rather be home than at work with my family and my firearms.

What do guys?
Do I talk about how retarded it is to let the feds and states lock people down and usurp the constitution?
Or do I play along with it so I can have a few weeks off from work and play vidya from the safety of my home, surrounded by my guns and hoard of prepper food?

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This. For all the panic in supposed to feel, there's only 40 cases in my state... Like wtf? Were shutting down the country over this?
It feels like a total scam.

stay home if you can. enjoy solitude.

>jews trying to kill as many people
>jews convince people that earth is flat when it was found out by pagan greek mathematicians thousands of years before

Same thing, just jews being jews trying to psyop to save israel and the greater USA.

Countries like Singapore, Taiwan or Japan have had a mortality rate that's basically like the seasonal flu (but arguably by taking some extra measures).

It's only a problem in third-world countries like California, France or Italy.

This has been obvious since New Year's (outside of the bizarrely high fatality rate in Wohan proper).

There's no doubt that the "It's just a flu, bro" people were CORRECT. It's not even debateable.

The question is why the Jew elite have made this their biggest project since WW2? What is the endgame.

It's very, very simple. There can be only one ending to this: compulsory vaccination of white children.

Attached: JewishVaccination.jpg (1920x1469, 1.11M)

>going to damage
>going to
It's already over, fren.

There as this old show, M*A*S*H, about the Korean War (where we also fought with China). Anyway, one episode, they ran out of this stuff called Primaquine. Said it was the cure for malaria, but were stuck with only Chloroquine until they could get new Primaquine.
I dunno if relevant, but it makes me think.

>The question is why the Jew elite have made this their biggest project since WW2?
The additional down-the-line consequences:
a) Lung-scarring,
b) Reinfection,
c) Decreased Fertility,

What are the consequences of these three things?

Is it possible that there's some DNA modification implanted in this virus that will be a kill-switch for activation by another, different disease? -- I mean there are those creepy Georgia Guidestones.

As it should be. Don't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater, and don't convince normies to go out in a pandemic. The virus is real, you stupid, stupid fucks. Don't you get it yet? Yes, they're taking advantage of the situation - but that doesn't mean the virus isn't fucking real as well. It's kinda brilliant - it's just deadly enough to force the lockdown, not so deadly to threaten their interests. But hey, don't believe me? Feel free to go to Chinatown & eat some bat soup or something. You'll see. Welcome to the new reality.

So the Jews are doing this to SAVE us weak gentiles and to INCREASE WHITE FERTILITY.


BROKE: Jews want white genocide
WOKE: Jews achieve white salvation

Attached: Nazis_on_Jewish_Vaccines.jpg (600x587, 270.94K)

you cut-and-pasted your post from an Andy Friedman editorial in the NYTimes, didn't you?

Attached: corona.mania.6.jpg (1159x802, 143.65K)

It is debatable you absolute brainlet. People are sick in my area, right now. Today. You faggots are like a week behind us, so you'll get to see it as well soon enough. This is their endgame - they have tons of bioweapons, why not drop one? Simple as fuck. It's not one or the other, superflu or lockdown, it's fucking both.

But yeah, the vaccine probably comes next. And you'll get it as well - as I say, the damn thing is real. It's actually game over.

You're trying way too hard to look contrarian, you'd better served on reddit, here you just come off as a jew brained zombie.

No, I don't read the kike news.

This. I’m pretty much fucked now because retards believe the fucking (((media))). It may have legitimately ruined my life, I hope the (((media))) thinks about the the pissed off young men with a lot free time they just created.