Now that we have prove that the whole west hate us despite us civilizing them, what are we waiting to leave the cuc...

Now that we have prove that the whole west hate us despite us civilizing them, what are we waiting to leave the cuc.ked eu

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USA decides when you leave, just ask the UK.

I don't hate you, I might move there or to Spain in future myself. Actually I'm just finishing a paper on Roman law. But EU is not at fault for anything, it has greatly benefited Europe. I say change can be made inside the system.

Fuck off D&C chang


Europe is a joke for us. Fuck Europe. Fuck the world.

Your language is FUCKING ANNOYING. The best part of Italy are the ruins of past civilizations which people actually gave a shit about when Germans were operating them.


We only hate you from take us away Cristiano Ronaldo
Related CoronaChan, in a few weeks french, Spain and Uk, will be worst

Ecce homo

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Thanks for spaghetti and Fellini, now fuck off.

We will be in talks with italy soon...just wait.

The Euro is what fucked us the most, should have never entered that fucking german scheme, it destroyed our economy, which wasn't the best but was in a great place compared to the last few years. Fuck the EU and fuck that unfuckable cunt, maybe she'll get coronachan in minecraft

>when Germans were operating them.
Amerimutt education at its finest, go choke on a burger or have a stroke or something, you know, your national sport

Rome lives forever

Of course it's all because of EU, nothing to do with your government being incredibly incompetent and corrupt.

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it's not this stupid corona- the euro has been disaster for italian economy. and eu just says, 'it's ok, free movement, italians can go where there's work'.

I pray to Jesus that the E.u collapses and Italy purges itself of the african invaders. It would be such a blessing to be able to move back there and thrive. My current nation is hell on earth. It's such a dismal life in frozen canada , land of the sodomites and whores

>(((EU))) doesn't help
Why are you surprised Itabro
We literally told you they were shit and didn't give a shit about the nations
They're a nationless bureaucratic organization parading as the fathers of Europe

It is time for us to take over the world.


The handling of this epidemic proves that, through hundreds of years of miscegenation, you're not the same people as your acclaimed ancestors.

I can relate pasta bro. I love you guys though, always have. You guys are the europeans aside from the dutch who I still respect. You guys honestly need to leave the EU though and focus on getting independence for your regions.

Our government is shit, but the economy would have been at completely other levels were we wise enough not to fall for that kraut trap

I probably have more austrian blood than you Wilhelm, fight me

>when Germans were operating them.
Wtf are you talking about mutt?

It's the truth, and even if we get to leave we'll become like Ireland, with our institutions existing just to sign the papers sent by tech corporations so we could get 0.5-5% of their revenue in return with virtually no advantage for the average citizen.

dude you dont even have basic hygiene

I’ve visited your country once and the anti EU sentiment was very apparent and that was in 2013 or 2014 from locals I met in Naples and Sorrento before all the Brexit stuff. I always thought you guys would leave first. Good luck pastabros.

You will be richer and more independent if you have the ballz to leave.
It wont be without a fight tho!
They wont let you leave easily, just ask the UK.

Ikr the fact croats are still around says a lot about that

problem UK has is its ruling class is worst of the worst, worse than the eu, worse than US, they are jews bascially, often literally.

We don’t hate you, we love you
Hang in there bros

Literally anything bad happens and Eurosceptics will go

>Bohoo muh EU didn't save us

Your country would be a lot poorer and shittier without it and you're neck deep in denial or blind as bat soup if you don't see it

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>your government is incredibly incompetent and corrupt.

Everyone knows this, but the European Union dominated by France and Germany has been an uninterrupted ass-fucking for us, from the migrant crisis to the fact that we are ruled by joking nations such as Luxembourg or Lithuania.

Shut up nigger and fuck the EU

The German people never wanted the EU. Though Germany is powerful within it, it's just another layer of the post-war order forced on europe. Luckily the US is becoming too politically unstable to enforce such things... hence the system falling apart at the seams.

chimping out


Dirty piece of shit country couldn’t stay clean enough to avoid another plague and somehow becomes the example for all the west to follow? LMAO

Yes they are the worst. The original zionists and the original freemasons, and satanists.

Imagine actually being happy to be Italian

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I'd rather save Ireland.

This, and most part of the EU actively tries to dodge the bullet of an Italian bailout.
Just look at that retarded Lagarde speech, they don’t want us in.

fuck your civil*zation ahMED

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Slowly watching Italy become a third-world country from my chair here. EU is in trouble. War is most likely coming. Italy is fucked. UK looking very smart.

You didn't prove anything, anyone with a brain already knew.
Piddini will keep voting for more EU and to suck the cocks of other countries and nothing short of a civil war where we genocide them will change this.


EU better give us a lot of fucking money for how harshly we've been hit by this virus. If they don't then why the fuck are we in it?

Italy has to at least leave the eurozone and the banking union.

I like you but you cant depend on anyone else, they will always be unreliable

>UK looking very smart.
Ye they are looking really smart with their "herd immunity". Chances are the brits get fucked harder than any other country and become an actual african tier country. Seeing as they decide to implement african tier strategies to fighting a fucking virus which doesn't go away at all with herd immunity lmao

Maybe if you'd spent a little less time criticizing countries like mine for our strict immigrations policies, and a little more time figuring out how to secure your own borders, you EU niggers might be fairing a little better.

EU has never given us a single cent. It has only taken from us.
Why we are in it? Because a share of our population has mental illness. I'm starting to believe that it is genetic.

Italy isn’t the problem, it’s a beautiful country. Italians however are a plague.

No one despite us. A son of a biatch brought this mess here and we are facing it like big men we are. We will go through it but we will remember friends and assholes.

>imports infected chinkoids into europe

FUCK shitalians, who once again like retards won't do anything about their massively cucked "government"
what the fuck is wrong with your pathetic country and importing subhumans...

italians made italy, you stupid chink chong

Italians are not Romans

You never will because your corrupt mob run government wants the EU gibs.

You guys will come through stronger for this.
Keep beating up the immigrants who cause problems like this for you. Kick them out.

Are African invaders still landing in Italy, Italian anons? Just curious

And who are the Romans? You? Loool. Shut up and let adults talk.