Jewish serial rapist of vulnerable Aryan woman who got what he deserved ?


Innocent man set up and wrongly jailed without real evidence by damaged whores, goldiggers and the feminist press ?


My own view is that convicting people with no hard evidence sets a very dangerous precedent. Feminists have been trying to reverse the presumption of innocence for decades, and now they have succeeded.

That said, i do think this scumbag did a real rape on Rose McGowen, and probably others through mind control hypnosis that her childhood satanic cult put into her through trauma programming. Its basically a type of mk ultra than allot of celebrities are under and treated as slaves

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Jewish serial rapist of damaged whores and goldiggers.

Thats who he is. I dont pity that kike or his victims who sucked cock for career advancement but propably he just went overboard with the violence due to a sense of impunity.

>My own view is that convicting people with no hard evidence sets a very dangerous precedent.

Its amazing how many posters just take his side and assume a billionaire hollywood jew would never lie about raping the goyim. He was filthy rich and had great lawyers. If they put him in for rape the evidence must have been really strong.

Entire hollywood is cancer btw, good people dont go to work there

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>evidence must have been so strong

I doubt it. Cosby was convicted with virtually no hard evidence, this could be the same

try to separated your hatred for these guys and your opinion that they probably did it from if they should have been convicted or not

did they deserve to bhe convicted ? probably

should they have been convicted ? not necessarily

feminists have hijacked the judiciary and are sending people down on the basis of accusations and media lynchmobs

Bad because it wasn't a long enough sentence

He deserved it. Hopefully he suffers in that bitch. Remember, Harvey’s kind are the #1 enemy. ALWAYS celebrate when the enemy suffer even if they are innocent

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Both him and his “victims” deserve to be shot in the head.

TEAR UP THAT GOYPUSSY, BIG BAD HARV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>this could be the same

You dont even know anything, just assume that a millionaire kike was the victim because of "feminists" lol.

Whos in charge in America, jews or feminists? Feminists are just a tool for people like weinstein, who literally financed feminist activists himself. I also dont have access to court files, only my assumptions, but I assume that a rich well connected hollywood jew going to jail for anything, not to mention being innocent, is so unlikely that they must have had something big on him.

>feminists have hijacked the judiciary and are sending people down on the basis of accusations and media lynchmobs

All sorts of interest groups hijacked the judiciary. Feminists, jews, trannies, militiamt minorities, pretty much everything except white interests. You have way inflated view of feminist power. They cant even get the trannies out of womens bathrooms because men in wigs are "more oppressed". They are just a tool for jewish oligarchs like weinstein to fuck up goy society.

Thats why I think its so unlikely that a man from the REAL ruling class of America went to jail with no strong evidence because of supposed "power of feminism

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also, millennial fuckwits and bulldyke feminists alike think this guy offering parts in exchange for sex is what makes him a rapist

thats not rape, its prostitution. Those woman where giving him sex in exchange for hundreds and thousands of dollars and global fame, and positions where they would extremely wealthy and famous for life. Thats far more net cash than even the most elite of escorts. If a woman, or a man, wants to prostitute like that then its their decision

This issue is rape (this is what happens as the left has successfully twisted the meaning so people no longer know what it means). The question is did he force sex on a person. Forcing sex is usually physical but not always. Slaves who have mk ultra can be placed under hypnosis and raped while they are basically passed out and thats what this guy did to Rose McGowan

This is not the same as whores having sex for hundreds and thousands of dollars and lifetime fame and fortune and then regretting it and calling rape afterwards, which is what allot of them do. Distinction needs to be drawn between these two things

all the alt right guys have problems but anglin is correct about trs and wignats

the point is to make the arrest and imprison him.

>also, millennial fuckwits and bulldyke feminists alike think this guy offering parts in exchange for sex is what makes him a rapist

Lol you think that a millionaire hollywood jew right from the heart of ZOG (hollywood is the main propaganda factory) was taken down by "millennials and feminists".

You are insane if you think this is the power dynamics in America. Theres no point in talking to you. Go to r/mgtow or sth

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OP to be honest i don't care weather he did or he didnt. I just like the idea of a rich privileged lil white man losing all of his money/power.




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He's a fucking disgusting Jewish pig but he got hung over in kangaroo court by a bunch of feminazis and their duplicit nazi government

This shit has set the precedent that you can be trial for rape at any time for any circumstances, this is bad fucking news for every man out there

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prostitution is degenerate but if it should be legal or not is up for debate

thats not what he was convicted for tho

while i do think this guy raped some woman and got what he deserved its also true that bitches lie

allot of them call rape after regretting whoring themselves despite having hundreds and thousands of dollars and golden mansions and worldwide fame and rocket cars and million dollar notes to wipe their tears of regret with

>Jewish serial rapist of damaged whores and goldiggers.
its both.

Present your polish mamarians or get the fuck out

Meryl Streep supports him being a rapist like all the Jewish people do because he didnt rape Jewish women which is illegal.




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Bad, no wonder movies suck balls lately. Social marxism is cancer.

Its all fake and gay. He was retired and won’t see a day in prison. Whole metoo was a psyop.

>(((23))) years
must laugh




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everybody says he was a great director, but i cant think of one good movie he produced

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>wasted life
you're 67 years old

Innocent. Shut up. What has happened to this unfortunate man is atrocious and could happen to you next!

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Bad, but only because there was zero fucking evidence of anything that he was accused of outside of testimony of people who had everything to gain by testifying against him. Anyone watching this that isn't terrified that the same thing could happen to them, just on a slightly smaller and less public scale, is an idiot.

anyway its impossible to have an intelectual discussion here because most you conflate concepts and cant understand basic logics


they where convicted of rape not being involved in prostitution which he obviously was

Was a sacrifice, like MJ. The nigger loses its value if he learns to think for himself, and becomes a human being. MJ stated that the kikes rise people to power and ruin them. It's some kind of a ritual, or they just get jealous/scared.

Every man and his dog knew how business was done in Hollywood all those years ago. If you're a young, pretty, aspiring actress, you had to spread your legs. At least it offered them an easy way into the industry. 90% of the women that did this knew what they were doing and they weren't forced.

Now we're in the #MeToo generation, they can dredge up these experiences from 20-30 years ago because if they would have done it back then, they would have been met with "Yeah... and? You chose to do it."

These women have had their cake and eaten it too.

She is a Jew

Bad. As much as I cheer an evil kike overlord doing time, this sets a horrible precedence for other men. Now you can get screwed by women for consensual sex whenever they change their mind.

reminder that 4chans hero Trump also went to pedo island

TEAR UP THAT GOYPUSSY, BIG BAD HARV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Was surprised to see jailtime. Did he rape someone? I thought they were only going to rape his bank account for sexual harassment suits.

>Did he rape someone?
Didn't you know? If you have sex with a woman and she regrets it 30 years later that means it's rape. It doesn't matter if you have proof that she wanted it, stated that she enjoyed it, and even initiated more of it. It's still rape because a woman's word is now the highest standard of evidence possible.

It was a jew versus jewish lawyers.
You can't think of this case as "blame the jew".
So you have to figure out the truth. He has been convicted with no evidence, and for "rape" of his girlfriend who kept dating him for years after.

He's a piece of shit for sure but this sets a terrible precedent.

Anglin: post ten pages of detailed argument

Hmm, looks like the cops sent a victim with a wire to get him to admit it on tape.


I'll always take a woman's side over a man. Women throughout the course of history have had a tumultuous time mainly due to toxic men. It's about men get a taste of their own medicine! I never want to see the past treatment of women reoccur which is why fighting for women is crucial. Empowering women while taking the power away from men in general is critical




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He let us all see J.Law's buckeye. He isnt all bad.

stolen fucking valor, A FUCKING NAVY SEAL AT THAT.
I hope that nigger is being raped by demons in hell right now


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Well boypussy now heh.


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One more jew behind bars for what's effectively the rest of his life, this is a good thing.

only the incels are seething because it wasn't them getting blown

Who’s the lady




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on one hand he is a kike, on the other rape is a meme

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This. Perhaps he was guilty, but you need evidence to convict and as far as I’m aware all they had was testimony. It’s possible he’s innocent of all the rape charges. Sets a very bad precedent.

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He should've been raping American anti-Semites from Yas Forums, could do this board an immense favour.




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Because prostitution isnt rape.
There is zero rights for men no more at this point.


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Can someone draw a picture of his mutilated penis