Sorry we created this disaster, here are some worthless masks that won't protect you against this pandemic

>Sorry we created this disaster, here are some worthless masks that won't protect you against this pandemic

Thank you China my greatest ally

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I can imagine shitskins being smug about it that whitey getting help from chinks he is so super racist against

Bugmen trying to flex on us with this.
What's the best response to this display of chinky optics?

Burn it all

Unfortunately, the NPC world doesn't think that way.
China's "sacrifice" is glorified all over social media.

>he doesn't know the virus is a bioweapon created by (((them))).

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>Thank you China my greatest ally
Bro this wouldn't be out of character for you

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It’s propaganda

Digits and it crashes over the pacific.

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21st century trojan horse
what a timeline to be alive in

china strong

There is a great picture of China sending masks to Italy they received from France.
>China getting fucked by Wuhan virus
>France sends masks to China
>Italy getting fucked by Wuhan virus
>China sends the same masks they received from France to Italy with "encouraging" labels on the boxes

Disgusting propaganda.

Probably all bought by the government at a highly inflated price and likely useless too.

if jack ma is a real dude and not a scripted character then he actually does believe in people while elon wants us replaced with cyborgs jack still believes robots can never defeat or replace us. its not impossible this is a legit kindness move. it's just unlikely because he was scripted to lose that debate and make cyborgs look good and everyone in the news is just an actor on the world stage. alibaba social credit scheme is fucked though so i want to trust the guy, i always want to trust people but... nah dudes its all bullshit whatever. fuck

jack ma got cucked by the CCP out of his own company, where CCP agents got put in the board and made jack ma to resign, he says whatever the CCP tells him to say or he will get disappeared like other billionaires before him

Never forget
Never let the world forget
Never fall for optics stunts

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I mean its only to shit on whites. Everyone knows asians are way more racists to blacks than whitey but if you can gang up on whitey they will. Just compare likes. Asians jumped shit on whitey hype train.

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40 videos of niggers beating chinks? Nut such a problem

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nuke them of course. do it. I know you want to.

Chink bitch retweting chink propaganda too

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Exactly. This is meant to be a humiliation, not help.

Thank you China. Unironically. Don't care what these dumb inbred niggers think about you. Our medical staff need those supplies.

Show them our powerful collection of BBC porn

Asians are backszabbing rats who try to deceive people they are victims of racism and opression to shit on whites while living in our countries. They are just like any other nonwhite parasite.

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At the moment, keep them, wait for the second wave, then send it back. "Don't worry, we got you bros. :)"

They sure love to share their made up stories with other shitskins. Repeating shitskin memes about whitey culture etc. Hypocritical most racist race of snakes asian faggots

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I wish once this blowover Trump triple downs on CHINA forcing Biden, establishment, commies and MSM to defend the chinks

I want the chinks to get anal fucked.

New Conspiracy.
Aliens dropped these masks off.
Government is lying about when they arrived in the countries afflicted. It's actually rocks that look like masks. That emit death rays. We keep sending them back and forth.

i guarantee you 100000000000000000% those are all infected
fucking cap this, the second this shit is getting distributed infections will skyrocket

Literally the 2020 version of Smallpox Blankets used by colonists. I hope Trump admin or any state admin isn't stupid enough to accept these masks that could be contaminated

>Thank you China my greatest all
checks flag
citation needed
I'll give you top five, howboutdat

Checking for it crashing on Trump's adrenochrome

The EU abandoned Italy and its the chinks who sent them doctors and medical materials they needed. The chinks are flexing on the entire western world

>works at starbucks
>got a checkmark

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That's the opposite of what they're going for. They're trying to convince us that they have things under control so investors won't pull out and businesses won't divest.

So who will ask for them "donated" mask right leaning or left leaning burgers?

Chinkoids are FUCKED

We should starve China to death. NAVAL BLOCKADE CHINA. They are already dealing with African Swine Fever and Armyworm

...........that like getting shot and the shooter hands you a band-aid...fucking gooks

Buying masks from Taiwan.

>Bro this wouldn't be out of character for you
Neither would us liberating them...

I read the article for more detail. Chinese from China sent some masks to Chinese expats in Italy. This was not government action from Xi but some Chinese on local province level. The mask is going to someone's Chinese relative or friend in Italy not directly to Italian doctors

How would a blockade stop them?

Rule of thumb:
If someone calls you their "friend", then they aren’t really your friend.

Probably all contaminated with the kung flu

>Hehe gweilo, here are some perfectly fine coronavirus covered mask

how the fuck did stupid amerisharts for this simple trick

You’re wrong man. Chinaman is a full of sympathy and generous.

Google SARS escaped Beijing lab twice

For once I hope FDA or whoever is in charge of the ports tells the freight ship to not be allowed to dock. This is literally biowarfare.

Watch this, yankie

>What's the best response to this display of chinky optics?
Try not turning from mutts into niggers before your just a flu season is over?


Propaganda piece. Not medically licensed to practice in Italy. An Italian family would not be able to sue a Chinese doctor for medical malpractice if Italy let's unlincensed Chinese doctors into the system. This isn't Doctors without Borders shit since they actually get vetted

Show them this. They still need kits.

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plot twist: all the mask are infected with corona

China is truly the powerhouse and the voice of conscience in the world.
There is alot, that the rest of the world could learn from China.
Solidarity and all of my love to Chinese workers and the bravehearted glorious leaders.

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I already mentioned how this was like accepting smallpox blankets

how come in these times even the biggest nutter seems plausible

The Chinese are being oppressed by their communist government. They need liberation. Wow. Just typing those words gives me a blue veiner. Any other Ameribros feeling it? The liberation boner? Feelsgood.jpg.