How do you read the bible?

I just bought a "common English" Bible, but it's fucking huge, and the text is so small. Do I HAVE to read the old testament?
There's no way all the people who claim to be Christian has read ALL of this.

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Hehe American reading

The Old Testament is the Torah (boring jew stuff) the New Testament is where the good shit is, start there.

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Read matthew, daniel and the revelation

What you need is a goal. Entire Bible in 1 year. Last half of Exodus is brutal, but after that it goes by very fast.

P.s. if your Bible doesn't have the word "Palestine" in Joel chapter 3 verse 4, guess (((why))).

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Samuel Judges Chronicles Kings are filled with action.

Start at the New Testament, read one of the gospels (the first four books), skip the other three, then finish the New Testament. That will give you a good overview.
After that you can read the other three gospels.
Once you've done that, then read the Old Testament and skip over all the "Ahab begat Ishmael" shit.

Read one book at a time.

you can read a summery of it here

you can also check out some apps and such for kids, they will still get the main message across so it can be a good start

the new testament is the one that talks about jesus
the first 4 books in particular (the gospels) are the life of jesus, and everything else after is basically the writings of paul
all gospels are basically the same with small differences
if you only read one i'd probably recommend john as it goes the most into how christ is divine, but the others are also good

keep in mind not everything you read will be translated properly, you can look at what is said in greek for a better understanding

>no way everyone has read it
no, most deff haven't
reading and interpreting the bible has mostly become the job of priests
still not as bad as judaism and islam tho

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Book of John was written for unbelievers, start there

Read one chapter a day. It's not that much at all and gives you room to reflect on what you read. In no time it'll be finished.

So this is why christians believe such stupid shit and make such backwards decisions.

You can read the holy Bible in one month if you read 30 chapters per day. Doing that it's pretty rough though. Start by doing 10 chapters per day. It will take 30-40 minutes or so. And yeah, read the whole thing.

Final tip: if you hit a sticking point, download an app that lets you speed up/slow down mp3s, and listen to your chapters on 1.5x speed while following along.

>how do you read the bible?
you pick and choose the fairy tales that sound "cool" and reinforce whatever your pre-inculcated misconceptions on life are, and Bob's your mother's brother and lover

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Start from the Old Testament, read like one book a day until you are finished. Do the same with the New Testament, and also, read the KJV, since after all it's the most widespread version of the Bible... although, there are like 6 books that are missing from it.

there are also audiobooks for free / internet videos
if you'd rather listen to it

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the most interesting part is the new testament, but yeah you should read it all. and reread it. it's not a playstation achievement, it's a continuous work of patience and reflection to elevate your soul.
not that i have done it lol, but i know it'd be better than another day on pol

Are there any christian sects that openly disregard the old testament? Based, if true.
yes, there's a map of "palestine" in the back.

The New Testament references people and concepts in the Old Testament a lot so read and study the New, go back to the Old to get the full meaning. "Why was David important? How is Christ (messiah) a second Adam ? Who is Moses and what did he teach ? Etc."

Also you should look up Southern Israelite on Bitchute to make sure that you don't fall into the whole lot of corruption there is today.

First of all, get a copy of the Christian Orthodox (Eastern Orthodox) bible, since that is the original new testament which wasn't trampled with by Catholics and other heretics.

Then use some glasses bro.

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Just read Matthew - that covers pretty much all the Jesus stuff and Jesus is pretty much the only reason anyone actually reads the Bible so that's pretty much all you need.
Pretty much.

oh sheeeeit
I might have to try this.
I always like the idea of reading the actual book with a cup of tea, but this will make the process so much more easier.

You got it backwards. The jewish stuff is where it's at. Reads like a good fantasy book.

The OT is the original stuff. Stories about tribal warfare and rivalries of desert peoples who became delusional about their own importance. The NT is the universalistic spinoff the Eurotrash built upon the leftist subcult of rabbi Yeshua and his following of losers.
Reading the OT you'll realize what kind of pressures gave birth to the totalizing abrahamic mindset, and the NT will tell you why slaves and other trash of Roman society made rabbi Yeshua popular.

Lmao, love your post.

> Has the word of God in his hands.
> "Seems like a lot of work to read all this."

No, not many Christians have read it all. I read it over the course of a year by tackling a little each day. It's actually split up to be read like that. The bible isn't one "book," it's many books in one.

No, disregarding the God of the Old Testament and implying he is obsolete or different from the New Testament God is an ancient heresy known as Manicheeism.

And I'm not talking about the map, I'm talking about the word "Palestine" missing from Joel 3:4. If it's not there, guess (((why))).

OT has all the good shit worth reading
If you're going to skip more than the super long recordings of family lineage then don't bother reading it at all

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I _have_ read the entire bible at one time. most of it is boring historical detail-oriented "put you to sleep" material. Some of that is useful information but most is not, unless you like to nit-pick rules and geneologies. I think that was the point, though...

So do whatever you want, right?

pic related

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>Are there any christian sects that openly disregard the old testament
not that i know of
the new testament builds on top of the old one
there are differences of interpretation tho

and some non-denominational could argue that some books in the old testament don't belong while others do (like the dead sea scrolls or the stuff about lillith)

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Show flag Jew

The family lineages are so detailed... plus they talk about humans living for hundreds of years... that they must be code for something. They are so bazaar.

It has stories about Giants, and dragons, and apocalyptic madness. It also says we shouldn't have started mixing fibres in our clothes and i kinda agree - look at the world today.

just checked, it says philistia

> Are there any christian sects that openly disregard the old testament
OP is literally doing a calculation in his head to reduce his reading. "Oh, maybe if there's a sect that disregards the old testament, I can just read the new testament and join that sect." So American.

no u

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Read the post again, you retard. What kind of Jew calls his own tradition delusional and totalizing.
Biblical monotheism is pure invasive cancer, in all its branches.

The bible isn't a literal story. It's all allegories. I can't believe most Christians believe it is a historical account. Like with the Giants, they are allusions to the primordial Gods of Greek Mythology called the Titans. These primordial Gods represented a more savage and primitive form of Godliness. And that's what those early stories about the giants were about.

I highly recommend studying Greek mythology alongside studying the bible. The resemblances are uncanny.

> What kind of Jew calls his own tradition delusional and totalizing.
A Jew.

Don’t read any of it, it’s a Jewish book.

so would you take seriously people who practice hellenism?

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Now ask yourself why that is. The 1611 KJV is also called the Authorized Version. The KJV is also the ONLY Bible to have the word "Palestine" in Joel 3:4.

No, I'm saying from a theological perspective. The writers of the bible clearly knew about greek mythology and used some of the concepts to convey their ideas. The bible was written by man under divine influence, but still, man must communicate by using what he knows. Knowing what the writers of the bible knew, trying to understand their way of framing the theology, is important to understanding the Bible in my opinion.

What's your point?

The family lineages are actually incredibly interesting if you're well versed and crazier that people as early as the Sumerians kept detailed records in stone with nearly identical kinds of life spans recorded

The stuff about the Nefilim being from the stars and fucking/mixing with humans is crazy too. More reliable or less edited versions of the bible like Hebrew also say we're "made in the image of the gods" with gods clearly being plural. Yahweh was just one of them and makes his commandant of "no worshipping other gods" make a lot more sense

And the opening of the book of Ezekiel sounds 1000% like how modern UFO sightings are reported

But OP apparently hates reading so much he wants to skip the entire OT so I didn't even bother bringing it up

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Mormon detected.

Just want to add that you are a blasphemer. Repent sinner!

Not talking to you, kike. Leave the thread. Telling this guy "the Bible isn't literal. Jesus didn't LITERALLY rise from the dead". Cancer.

The bible is not a collection of stories, it is a single coherent story and a message about mans fall and Gods solution by sending Jesus Christ the messiah as mankind's savior. He died to pay the cost for all sin past, present, and future, so that we can know God and be regenerated to the immortal creatures we were supposed to be.

>how do you read
what did the mentally ill, incel zoomer mean by this?

First of all get a King James Version of the Bible, second find one with text that is easy to read. This is a big pet peeve of mine because a lot of Bibles have tiny text or text that bleeds through the page in front of it. If you can’t read one page without straining your eyes, get another Bible. Again, get a “King James Version” of the Bible (not New King James Version) a KJV(King James Version) Bible.

First watch this video:

The reason reading the Bible is hard for you is because you don’t have the Holy Ghost, that is step number one, watch the video above.

Second, read the New Testament first (Matthew -> Revelation) because a lot of the Old Testament is explained in there, where as if you read the Old Testament first you might get confused.

Happy reading OP

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just checked some bg versions (including the official bg patriarchate website version)
with the exception of the "new translation" and the "easy to read translation", which didn't even include the sentence
they all say "филиcтимcки" which translated to something close to philistines
and this is what you get for the original language

>the book of Ezekiel sounds 1000% like how modern UFO sightings are reported

Correct. Jesus rose from the dead in the form of his teachings. He didn't actually raise from the dead.

please join me in this heartfelt prayer for all anons that clutter up the board by starting threads that are in clear violation of the page 1 stickies

dear lord god in heaven,
please smite every faggot that posts offtopic shit here with coronavirus that wipes out their parents, grandparents, wives, and children, but leave the OPs of such threads alive to ruminate over the errors of their shitposting ways.
in the name of your son jesus h christ we pray

No, user. You must understand that I don't care what Google brings you. The translation committee on the Authorized Version of the English Bible worked full-time, with prayer, for 6 whole years. 54 people, many who were fluent in Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and Arabic and whatever else.

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Remember Yashua The Messiah talked of The Law, the Old Testament. The New Testament didn't exist during his earthy existence.

Ive read it 3 or 4 times and im not even religious

>tries to argue rather than simply proving me wrong by showing flag

Jew confirmed

>"Jesus didn't LITERALLY rise from the dead"
You are on your way to hell. Not only hell, but GREATER damnation for trying to teach this unstable soul blasphemy.

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Start with the NT and get a King James Bible

I would just read a chapter every sunday at church while the preacher was deoning on about why open boarders and communism are good. I would tune him out and just read a chapter. Finished it right quick.