Anyone else excited but scared at the same time?

and entertained watching the biggest happening of the decade unfold before your eyes? this is like 9/11 tier happening, kids being born right now will be asking us on Yas Forums in 20 years what the corona pandemic was like. you zoomers will feel like us boomers, wise and nostalgic as we recall the 80s and 90s to you

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Notice all the chinks stick together

dawn of the dead...

Who the fuck goes through one roll a day ?

Is this a new zombie flick?

>Scared and excited
Every day of my life.

>Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 6 gorillion rolls per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 24 pagillion rolls a week. Over 666 kagillion a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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1 roll a day

How fat are you?

>this is like 9/11 tier happening

This is absolutely nothing like nine eleven, nine eleven was an American debacle this is the Spanish flu nigger.

He probably just means that the jews are responsible.

>everyone huddled up
>not a single person wearing a mask

yeah, i think this is epic

People who are "excited but scared" desu

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so you're saying its worse than 9/11?

Why are they all wanting to buy tyres? Surely food and water are more important.


Fuck you, you goddamn Toiler Paper hoarders.
Today was the first day I no longer had toilet paper in the house, Decided to go to the nearest costco and found out all the toilet paper was gone.
Because of you toilet paper fags, it was the first time in my life I had to use my hand to wipe my ass like a fucking Injun!

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> A lot empty shelves in my local area.
> Long lines at gas stations.
> Panic and uncertainty in the air

This feels like a combination of Y2K and 9\11 except I'm no longer in grade school. I'm so excited!

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i mean in terms of happening level. everyone is going to remember this year for the rest of their life

>s, it was the first time in my life I had to use my hand to wipe my ass like a fucking Injun!
dude wtf why didnt you just go in your shower and rinse off your butthole

Make wet wipes they last long

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>tfw my tp is triple ply and I only use about 8 squares a day
>my 6 rolls will possibly last me 4 months

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Terrified. Planning to take the day off tomorrow and stock up. Also all the Yas Forums lurking has gotten to my head.

With everyone staying home future corona-boomers will be a thing. White genocide averted.

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>this guy thinks we're using the TP for our bungholes
No one tell him what it's for.

dont need TP if y'all just man the fuck up and hold it in

Lol. Yesterday I drove my mom to buy food. There is no panic or nothing. Shelfs are full. Reporting from Surgut.

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what are we using it for

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Excited and entertained YES.
"Scared" only of the fact that good things of that scale don't really happen, so this will probably end way sooner than it should and won't cull enough of the population.

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>kids being born right now will be asking us on Yas Forums in 20 years what the corona pandemic was like

Or they could just read the archive of every Yas Forums post to experience EXACTLY what it was like.

I'm not you fucking faggot. no one is. just like everyone forgot about the Islamic terrorist attack Nice truck driver that killed 86 people. I doubt people even remember they changed their fucking normiebook profile pictures to French flags
literally NOTHING in my life has changed. NOTHING. the one exception is all of fucking Yas Forums is just cancer fucking covid-19 threads that I couldn't even give less of a shit about even if I tried. and everyone will forget about this farce like they did with Kony 2012 or whatever gay fucking faggot bullshit the media tells the brain-dead masses to think about
you're an utter fucking faggot if you think this fucking common flu is going to be remembered by ANYONE

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actually, correction, no you're right I'll never forget Corona2020 the same way I still think about Kony2012 because it reminds me eternally just how utterly fucking stupid modern day white people in the West are, and is the greatest argument for why democracy is a fucking joke, and always has been, and that the punishment for all panic buyers, horders and preppers after all this is done is brutal rape by nigger
I'll never forget this. ever. I'll never forget this stark reminder of the idiocy of the masses (you)

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Get a load of this guy


Why dont americans wear masks and why are those "carts" so massive? Is it to carry all the calories you obese cunts need to eat to sustain your bloated selves?


Noice pasta retard

One of my employees goes through an entire roll per day BY HIMSELF (And yet, somehow still manages to smell like shit). My wife and I go through a roll every few days, depending on the brand. If you get regular Scott (the 1000 sheets per roll type), it will last you much much longer than that.

is he based or redpilled? i need to know

Well ya, surviving the Soviet Union will do that to a people

Absolutely disgusting

I hope untold millions will die.

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>Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves.


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Bro what the fuck

Plus this requires toilet paper which he just said he doesn’t have. How does tape keep it sterile? This shit is fucking demented

I work with the public.
It's just great.

>i'm so scared of this pandemic that im going to crowd together with a bunch of other people and swarm the supermarket
fucking normies are so fucking retarded they really dont use their heads do they. if you need to do a panic buy of supplies maybe the supermarket during peak hours isnt the best idea maybe just pop into a convenience store in the middle of the night and grab a few cans of beans

they just see other people doing something so they do it too. why even have a thought process when you can let everyone around you do your thinking and just copy them. fucking npcs

coofers are not going to tell them these stories though


>for the rest of their life
so for the next month or so

>all these dumbasses buying like crazy when the supply chain companies say they can supply this surge in shopping for months on end.

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No it’s gonna be just like swine flu

try your best to prove them wrong

>water supply gets cut

This is the best new corona pasta

>the biggest happening of the decade unfold before your eyes
The decade is young

CDC recommends at least 1 roll per day per person be used.

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>imagine bragging about fucking your own asshole with a stream of water

>implying you wouldn't

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It's already killed more people.

The clogging that will happen will be wonderful.

I'm totally ready to sit back and and watch the world burn, I have supplies to last over a month from when things go critical, I have masks and gloves, googles, canned food and even a little TP.

Worst case if this goes on longer than a month from the "critical" moment, I can restock with protective clothing. Hope you lads prepared when this stuff was still in China, because this is going to get rough and if people are going to die, I don't want it to be good white lads like the ones on pol.

You lads better still be standing when all this virus shit is passed.

Dude you live in the middle of nowhere

Shop till you drop Goyim
The Stock Market needs yoooooouuuuuu!

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He means "big world changing happening".

good, the American goy is worthless filth and the degenerate cancer of the western civilisation

I'm happy to be completely online for my work so I don't have to waste time commuting. I've been getting more projects done at home. By the end of this my home will be perfectly clean and organised. Staying home will also save money and my sleep is so much better. I'm morbidly curious to see how this plays out outside but I'm pretty comfy. I hope that this will make people take hygiene more seriously but I won't hold my breath. I do feel a big change.

well aint this a good time to own a water well.