How do we fix the modern day white man ?

How do we fix the modern day white man ?

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I bet this guy regrets giving that interview. They fuck him over so badly

I just do not understand how he did not see it coming.

He fucking deserves it. If you want to profit off a disaster by hoarding essential materials and selling them at high prices then you better be smart about it because its a dangerous game. The same social forces that you want to profit from: panic, desperation, hopelessness, no other options may make people just lash out and go after you. People that panic over the health of their family may pay 200$ for a six pack of hand sanitizer or bash your head in.
He gave that interview to smugly rub his plan in peoples faces and they fucked him up. He's too dumb for war/disaster profiteering. He should have kept a low profile and only sell on the internet not to attract attention. He propably thought "the free market" was real

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kek, he was crying because pizzas were sent to his house

Not only a dickhead, but a retarded dickhead for thinking he could complain and play the victim in public

I hope he hangs himself from the fiscal pressure

He probably thought
>those frightened sheeple are going to irrationally flock to me and beg to buy my supplies

instead of thinking even for a moment
>what if those frightened sheeple respond with irrational anger?

>Man takes risk to get rich
How is this a bad thing?

>man takes risk and fails when people off whose misery he wanted to profit fuck him up

Hows that bad?

Why did he agree to star in this article?
Reeks of psy-op

He should have sold his items in bundles.

The guy is a retard

Huh true, maybe the govt wanted to orevent profiteering and hoarding

he conducted a free exchange with his money for another willing party for their goods

you are not entitled to the money/goods/services of others

how can it be acceptable? he was not causing harm, forcing no one to do anything

his money is his to do with as he chooses as is yours to you

he engaged in a voluntary exchange with another party

anything to exert force over such a thing is only

>respond with rational anger

force of violence or threat of violence by way of government for less prudent/careful/wise/intelligent mob of masses to take what isnt theirs

I bet he doesn't even own a gun.... At the end of the day, horde all you want, if shit goes down, you won't stop my 9mm of 7.62mm. You do know this is all engineered by /k/ so we can finally take over.

he caused no harm
you argument, again, amounts to nothing more than

There’s a follow up article today where he donates all of his hand sanitizer.

how are you entitled to what doesnt belong to you?

>he was not causing harm
kys amerimongrel

you can try, and will fail, to state what harm he was causing

to cause harm one much initiate force against another

just because you want what isnt yours is no harm to you

If retailers were allowed to raise the prices he wouldn't be able to do this. If those were $10 a bottle I doubt he would have been hoarding.

Price gouging during crisis is illegal


But if retailers can raise the prices, it prevents hoarding douche bags like this guy.

>10 posts by this ID
>eternal mutt arguing in favor for the eternal jew
cold day in hell I guess


By force ofc, as always. Assuming this wasnt an anti hoarding psyop, the people who didnt like the guy's business plan forced him to stop. Lessons?: free market isnt real, dont believe burger "muh free markets" state ideology it will only make you look like a retard

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>more bullshit that we just made up
t. nyt

>take whatever I decide I deserve by violence
>only jealous, cannot succeed without force of government or the mob of the masses using violence

>civil person disputes such course as evil

>somehow kikish

>based opportunist taking advantage of retarded sheeple who were too fucking to see the coming storm, heed the warnings and prep for the imminent collapse
Honorary Jew, I say. God forbid anyone but AMAZON and the other corporations be allowed to price-gouge hand sanitizers - that'd be kikery, wouldn't it now?

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that is how you kiss civilization/prosperity/freedom good bye

when groups/mobs/government decide to exert coercive force by duress (violence or threat of it) over people engaging in free exchange

you are an animal

>too fucking stupid**

>honorary jew

jews do not succeed fairly

this desu

Guy deserves a David star medal

You sound like the type that goes around shouting “might makes right” only to get your shit kicked in


What kind of pathetic cope is this?

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various fallacies
nothing but gibsmedat

there is only one universal:
if you give it up you plant the seed to give up civilization

you want something really bad to decide force is acceptable to take it
not justifiable
if you can use violence against me anyone can against anyone

Thats how things always work, you are just deluded.

Stores jacked up prices of TP and shit as well. Where's the outrage

He admitted to clearing entire stores across 2 states, filled a fucking Uhaul truck with it all, and boasted about the ×1000%-×7000% mark up and the "crazy amount of cash" he was making, and he did it all AFTER the POTUS declared a national emergency. Even if the feds didn't want to fuck him, Tn has some pretty real anti-price-gouging laws. He broke many laws, bragged about it, and is going to feel the social and legal ramifications for some time to come.

that is:
you either have the rule of man
(no force/violence)
or you have the rule of the wild
(kill or be killed)
choice is yours

>Honorary Jew

thats not how they have always worked
nor does it at all make it ok

free exchange
no harm
he voluntarily traded his money for someone who voluntarily traded their goods

you are not entitled to others money/goods/services

the degeneration of running to a mob of any sort to take what isnt yours is, as ive said, the cancer-seed that is the end of all civilization/society/prosperity/freedom

Equal rights equal fights

We will know in 2 weeks to a month if the lack of sanitizers, wipes, and other medical supplies had an impact on his state. How can you conclusively say he caused no harm? It comes off rather shillish, but there is zero reason to shill for this dick, care to explain it to me?


>various fallacies
Like what, you being unable to accept that that’s what will happen?

Remember that story posted often in nig hate threads? How an aid worker helped a smart nig villager buy some flour, make bread and try to sell it on a roadside? then a village elder comes and says "hey, you have bread! Family needs bread!" and just fucking takes his loaves because reasons?
That is you, hating the guy trying to raise himself up by being entrepreneurial. You are the niggers keeping other niggers down. Pathetic.

lol, the surgeon general of Tennessee "aided the donation" and had the sherriff raid the storage units to take all his shit

>mental nigger parasite

>We will know in 2 weeks to a month if the lack of sanitizers, wipes, and other medical supplies had an impact on his state.

cannot matter
what doesnt belong to you does not belong to you
what is his is his and what is yours is yours
he is not responsible for anyone but himself

>How can you conclusively say he caused no harm?

he did not take away the freedom of anyone
he did not initiate force of any kind

>but there is zero reason to shill for this dick, care to explain it to me?

again, your side boils down to:
use of a mob to take what isnt yours

So everything big business, wall street, and big pharma does is AOK with you?
Should a pimp legally be able to pimp out prostitutes? Voluntary exchange and all. I really wish lolbertarians would grow the fuck up and graduate high school already.

it is too late for your retard lolbertarian ancap (((argument))) the state of Tennessee already confiscated all of his supplies

no refunds

>im going to take what I want by violence

>maintenance of civilization by absolute honor of free exchange and not interfering with the freedoms of others

among ad hominem, red herrings, etc etc

At the hospital they charge you $300 for a bandaid, but God forbid some guy tries to make a buck on idiots who didn't stock up when they had the chance.

no, because force of government props them up

and that makes it ok
if they can use force then anyone can
i can murder you for instance, or vice versa
and its ok because someone justified to his/her self

price gouging during catastrophes is nigger kikegolem behavior

also see:

>The truth is now as hominem
Wonder if you’ll feel the way you do now when things actually go to shit.

oh right
your going to take what you want at the point of a gun
but the one being wise and prudent is the nigger kiked

Do you disagree with anti price gouging laws then?

Could Bill Gates or Deblassio start buying all the ammo he can just to keep it out of your hands? Do you draw a line anywhere or are you the free market version of a communist; free markets would fix everything but they haven't been truly implemented ever.

Also you definition of harm is not complete at all and narrower than your pencil dick.

if government wasnt here I would murder people like you without warning, I will buy your sanitizer at the market price of a bullet through the skulls of your children

get ready for the raider future you retarded kike

do not hide your kikery behind feigned virtue you putrid little faggot

>now also equivocation, among others
go look up what ad hominem means

>Wonder if you’ll feel the way you do now when things actually go to shit.

the most able among us like him are the best prepared

>wise and prudent
Yet you’ll cry when jews say the exact same thing. You’re a funny guy

Fuck off boomer.

>you are not entitled to others money/goods/services

absolutely this

this man was protected by the holy shield of free exchange. he was entitled to profit and the divine powers that be should have allowed it so.

>the most able among us like him are the best prepared
Okay, then that also means you’re best prepared to stop people from taking what you have.

>being so brazen about price gouging in a crisis where people will adjust their morals accordingly
>wise and prudent
pick fucking one retard

in a free market if people will not have someone doing such things then those people will find themselves unable to conduct business at all

besides they would not have anything like the wealth they do, probably none at all, if not for the tyranny of government making them and their nepotism/etcetc possible


except the state took his goods, which means God allowed his goods to be taken without recompense

>Fuck off boomer.

Eat shit, MIllie!

It has nothing to do with the sanitizer. People like you should just be put into gss chambers.

The nigger kike screams in pain even as he strikes

you seem to perceive some mutual exclusivity

the whining mob since ages past has created the beast that is government to its current size and mentality around the globe

what is right and wrong does not change because people whine about/demand what isnt theirs


He’s probably an autist that un-ironically posts on here.

boomer detected

The fuck is that?

theoretically, the hippocratic oath could be applied to everyone. it's basically the foundation of tort law I think. financial harm is harm, arguably.

In truth, the only things that "belong" to you are things you can defend with violence, just as you are equally entitled to everything that you can claim via violence.

Rights are a fucking meme. They only exists within boundaries of civilized societies. And those societies are kept in check by the monopoly on violence the power of the state holds. In this case, the state decided to go "fuck this scalper faggot" and poof, his rights no longer existed.

He honestly believes that people are just gonna barter and trade for goods when things go south. He legitimately thinks people aren’t going to kill him and take everything he has just because he believes in the free market

this guy gets it

parasitical scum like this, in increasing numbers, is what brings any great civilization down

no matter how great it may have been in the past (look at the USA in yesteryears), sufficient numbers of whining liberal minded animals cannot be fought off forever

how can you be entitled to what isnt yours?

Look what happened. I heard he decided in the end to donate it all. Looks like he was made wise and prudent after being punished for his incredible stupidity.

user I get it. You legitimately believe that you’re safe from people taking your things. Best hope you don’t advertise what you have.

>hur dur people can’t steal because it’s illegal
if someone price gouges in this situation he deserves to have his head bashed in.

avarice is a heinous sin you filthy kike, you will die very soon and then you will burn in hell forever

Only the Jew may profit from disaster.
It's in the Talmud.

be serious

only 3 kinds of possible harm:
theft fraud and assault
anything beyond is liberal whine trying to abdicate personal responsbility

>And those societies are kept in check by the monopoly on violence the power of the state

which is the center of the problem here

>violence makes violence ok

>the free market would not allow abuse of the citizens by corporations
The fuck are you huffing boomer?

planet earth just called, it wanted to remind you that you live there

actually the surgeon general of Tennessee "facilitated the donation" by having the local sheriff raid his storage units and taking all his shit by force

>Go through dozens of stores in communities he doesn't live in to buy up supplies
>Not causing harm
He was legitimately fucking over several towns with his jewery.

Source? That’s hilarious

I’m not saying it’s okay, the fundamental problem that you’re having with this thread is that you’re trying to prescribe how the world should be whereas everyone else is describing how it is

that is how civilization is supposed to work
only animals/kikes/nigs cannot stand it nor succeed in it

yes, the rabid mob decided to use force to subvert the freedom of another because they felt entitled to what isnt theirs

rabid mob, just more gibsmedat

sin !=crime
if we are going to trying to run the world on what anyone wants kiss away all peace and prosperity right now
that is how africa works
see how wonderful that is

>Oy vey, id's anudda shooooooaaah-it

Good. Hoarding and price gouging is worse than theft.