21 years old dies from COVID-19 in SPAIN

Corona chan is startint to kill young people in Spain, at first I tought this was just a boomer remover and thats why they were so panicker.
But this virus seems to be killing young and healty people.

Attached: DEP.png (578x658, 349.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No longer Boomer Remover. It's now also a Zoomer Remover!

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

god isn't real. I'm only 20.

Attached: epicurus.jpg (640x960, 135.16K)

A bliss for Millenials?

what a dumb diagram


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RIP btw

>Then why is there Evil?
Because man ate from the Tree of Knowledge

I mean, I do think this will eventually start to kill younger individuals but it CLEARLY says that he had a prexisting condition

man wanted to know evil
now he knows evil
>but nooooo this wasn't supposed to happen
fucking lol

Wow one person died
Show me a beach full of corpses and ... I’ll still feel nothing

>1 roll a day

Yes, i had read the new and it says he had leukemia

I thought niggers are immune?

You claim that god is not real, notuing about christianity. What if god is real and he doesnt give a fck or is evil :)?

If I recall correctly it has 0.4% death rate or something among 20-39 year olds.

0.4% isn't zero.

then why call him god

Normally there's a comorbitity

I wonder how many of these kids dropping dead are degenerate drug users.

It looks like the European strain is a new one that’s deadlier to young people

People aren't as healthy as they think they are.
Smokers with poor nutrition and lifestyle gonna get hit hard.
I wonder how vapers will be?

all knowing god puts a tree of knowledge in the garden of eden, says dont eat, even though he knows they will, for what reason then?

>evil exists

What we consider "evil" is fucking nothing. It's like when parents forbid children to eat cookies before lunch and kids think that parents are monsters for doing that

so dumb. stop posting this forced shit. i bet its only you and your two trannie buddies who force this shit meme on us. go back to your discord, faggot

so jewsus approves of people murdering abortion doctors?

Yeah, compare THAT ONE Zoomer who died compared to the other dozens of the elderly who died in Spain alone. Or in Italy, where almost everyone who has died is over 65. The mortality rate up until the age of 50 is 0,2%.

Your diagram breaks at does God want to prevent evil. The no answer isn't singular like the others, and presenting it as such is disingenuous.

Looks like China lied about that too
>50% of ICU patients below 50
Apparently in France too, but couldn't find a source that wasn't a tweet or "alternative news"

Because word god doesnt mean someone who is good or caring but someone who created you and has unlimited powers

No one but Jesus can speak for Jesus.


Not to downplay. But last words in that tweet is the guy had an underlying health condition.

Post yfw gex x inherits the earth

He had leukemia since week ago, but still a relevant case

oh my god what are you eating 1 roll a day wtf



>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”


Post-purchase rationalization

One of the ugliest people I have ever seen and I mean that

Go back to shitter pls ty

because otherwise the garden of eden would have been boring
just adam and eve fornicating and eating stuff with beasties

*The average American uses one roll or day

My fiance and I use about 1.5pr week

seen this pasta circulate for a while now, only newfags take the bait.

So sick of corona threads. That's all this board consists of now and it's boring as fuck.

It's okay user, your beloved blacked threads will be back soon enough.

>i decide for myself what the morals of the world are
>i decide what is good and what is evil
>if i do something good for me it can't be evil for others
you're such a dumb nigger im surprised you even figured out how to post that shit

Allfather did not make, but he shaped the universe, and will due trying to make it even bwtter. He made us in his image, and protects us from evil.

Dud i want muh weed, why dis country so fucked about substances?

I thought all the pasta was sold out.


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"Tenia una patologia previa"

Which means he had a previous condition.
Fckoff with your young and healthy lies.
God I'm sick of all this BS


*tips fedora*

Only brainlets think omnipotence gives you the capacity to manifest logical contradictions. You can't give people free will while denying them the capacity to exercise it, and good and evil do not exist without free will. It's a nonsense point by a bottom of the barrel thinker.


legal weed turned colorado into a nigger and retard-infested hellhole. fuck off, nigger faggot.


1 post by this ID.
gtfo of my /pol

remember when Yas Forumstards was saying corona will kill only asians.

Muy guapo. Qué lástima

>le epic funny xD

>still think God is constrained by human "logic"
>while human couldn't even explain what is 85% matters in the universe and inventing "dark matter" mumbo jumbo

any actual source

Yeah go get drunk with your Supa Dorai and enjoy your head exploding the next day, fucking normie jizzsucker

why are these the only parameters to consider? what is the first cause?


>tfw as im reading this boomer colleagues in my office are discussing that it's just a cold, that people should just sit it out

hope they die

i don't drink either. also dudeweed is normie-tier. it's not the 90's anymore, retard

Evil is more like non-existence, like a tear in a garment that is otherwise whole. Human action in Eden created that tear, so the basic premise of your diagram is false.

Atheist arguments always fall flat because they do not understand what they are talking about. Why do they never take up Aquinas or Augustine.. they specifically dealt with those questions. It makes atheist arguments fundamentally dishonest.

He probably had aids and was a smoker

What other ailnesses did he have?

>China lied
Maybe Westerners panic so hard, they exacerbate their cases and end up in ICU. Could also be the fatties, the diabetic, the AIDS, etc.
I don't get why you retards can't see how lavishly and unhealthily we've lived our lives.

Then I take it back. Respect.

>wew lad

>starting to kill young people
You're two months behind the curve.

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Here you go, user.

Attached: too big a guy for (you).jpg (640x851, 142.75K)

Man leukemia is blood cancer, his immune system was shit.

Not white don't care

whites are immune bro.,


mashalla mashalla