Why the Italians Yas Forums? Why is it Italy, nation of very nice pasta people and nonna's who are getting fucked with this virus? Why couldn't it have been a nation like the UK or Germany? It's unfair, Italians are such nice people.
Why them Yas Forums?
That's what traitors get user.
Italians are coalburner race traitors
i miss my favorite Italian camwhore too user :'(
The Italians started voting in racist parties, stopped helping refugees and discriminates against Africans, this is Allah's punishment to the pasta eaters
Italians are very unhygenic people.
Cause they're not as organized, they don't have a grip on their shit and their shit will get fucked.
They put up a feint resistence to the wave of African invaders by not leting the boats just land freely. This is their punishment.
We've realized we're not white, that's because we can be racist. Allah should have helped us.
Their culture. A lot of young people live with their elderly parents so they get sick when they're out and about, come home and give it to their relatives, and there's not an obvious place to move elderly people so they just have to stay home and hope their children and grandchildren don't bring it to them
>tfw No Italian Granny Girlfriend...
i just hope Valentina Nappi is ok
Brazilians are literally not even human.
Their fucking army PAID the Talibans in afghanistan to not be attacked.
Of course they didn't told anyone and when the french took their place in the area we were attacked constantly and underprepared because we thought it was a peaceful region.
Fuck italians
based taliban eradicating mutts and their jewish masters
While I don;t want to see another Western nation have a wave of this new virus instead of Italy,I have to agree with all else you say Yas Forums .
That lady is ugly/half black and her pasta looks like shit
>nice people
Not hugging chinese strangers might have helped
Fuck you apologize
>tfw there are innocent loving pasta grannys dying
Why would Jesus let this happen
The Italian fashion industry (situated in the north of Italy) uses lots of Chinese labor. Chinese labor brought the virus to Italy. Italian fashion industry is also filled with socialite retards who go out a lot, so they also spread it locally. It's as simple as that. Blame globalism and cosmopolitanism.
This is rapture. If you live past this epidemic you are in the end times and God didn't see you worthy to collect your soul before shit really starts getting bad. Good luck to whoever survives.
>center of spy networks
>every nigger has to visit vatican mecca
>pizzagate pedopriests plus slaves
>retarded sluts, spics, niggers of all kinds gather and visit and vacation there
they were starting to pull away from the EU and uncuck themselves, now they are being punished, it's that simple
That's why the bat fears the macaco
An extremely, EXTREMELY bad death count would be 1% of the population. Like imagine 3 million US casualities, 10 million china, 1.3 million Mexico. Well thats still only 1%
This isnt end times, far from it
Are you insinuating that this was purposeful?
Fuck Italians. Italians are the niggers of Europe. They're loud, obnoxious and entitled. Their little brats run around in stores and restaurants like they own the place, and their parents won't even try to keep them quiet. The men are wimpy faggots who start a discussion at the slightest inconvenience, but they'll curl up into a ball once shit starts to get physical. If you sit in the bus next to Italians, chances are you'll have permanent hearing loss afterwards because they basically shout all their 'babada bidaba badaba' at 120 decibels.The only good thing that ever came from Italy is their cuisine, and even that is so internationalised and overused it's boring by now. Oh, and don't get me started with all the EU subsidies these little fucks get, since they call themselves Europeans but have none of the work ethic (and manners).
Fuck Italians. If you want a pleasant Meditteranean experience, try Greece. Greeks are chill as fuck and always very pleasant to be around with.
>Italians are such nice people.
Have you ever even met an Italian?
You mean Turks?
I think Austrians are really the niggers of Europe to be honest. Every Austrian woman I have met here has been a whore and all Austrian men are pussies.
still mad lmao
with a disease that has its origins in a chink chemical weapons laborytory. u tinfoil idiot.
the temple of God is in italy
>They're loud, obnoxious and entitled.
Sounds like our Puerto Rican problem
Austrians are literally mentally ill USAbro. I swear to you Austrians are like Germans but even more robotic and evil. They are all like serial killers. Stone cold, no emotion, efficient, calculated killers. Their women love foreign cock though.
That's seems accurate. God states that only his church will be taken before the 7 years of tribulation. Considering no one is really true Christians anymore I think 1% of the world sounds about accurate.
What in god's name are you babbling on about you South African fuck?
>coalburner race traitors
This coming from Brazil lol.
Don't worry, our elderly can be pricks too just like everyone else's
to defeat Fiat's hold on the American car market.
Get better Italy. You are my favorite country to visit. Everyone is so nice and affectionate, and your food is unparalleled.
>memeflag coward
Nothing that matters to you, heretic. Move along.
Might get you pastabro's to start slamming your women and procreate at a decent rate.
Mamma mia, looksa like they imported Chinesa workersa for their sweatshopsa.
Eat shit faggot
What's happening in Italy is a mystery. But not if you are informed about the nature of the virus. Have you seen the videos and satellite photos of the mass graves in Iran? The massive amount of bodies burned in China? These people don't test every corpse and people die everyday. As more and more people die, we will get even less data. The reason why Italy has so many cases is because its a somewhat civilized country with a western government that is somewhat transparent and advanced, the real numbers in places like Iran China Russia and other such shitholes are very high. x10 the confirmed cases in most countries for a more realistic number of infected and dead.
Based. This x2.
Very true, you bring up good points. Estimates from the epidemiological studies I read put the Chinese numbers at 52x worse than what is reported. They are apparently (not 100% sure) cremating people who were still alive. It would not be a surprise for me...but now they are declaring things are better. I am very amazed that Western media reported Chinese numbers like it's reliable.
why so mad sven?
>kike spewing bullshit shill doomporn talking points
You know, for a board that always cries fake news at literally any happening the media have got Yas Forums hook line and sinker with corona panic, and the cvg LARP tards posting literal fake figures and studies to further troll them
The collective i.q of this board has to be in the mid 80s, you've all been duped by the biggest nothingburger hysteria in the entire history of this board. Fucking kill yourselves morons.
Based austrobro. Fuck shitalians
The media here says that Italians didn't take the virus seriously, neither did Spain. Probably because there was so many people and commie media saying that it was "just a flu"...
>Every Austrian woman I have met here has been a whore
Got any stories?
Let's hope it wipes out calabria and every calabrian on earth
You have to go back ahMED
>be ahMED
>you try to infiltrate whites by trying to convinse everyone that you are white with multigenerational ahMEDkikery
>try to mooch off whites, get whites blamed for your shit, bypass the flak other non-whites get when trying to fuck/marry/take white women, slither your christkikery/civilization shitskin lifestyle/slow boiling white genocide attempt/etc to whites
>you also start to WE WUZ as ancient southern europeans n shiet
>apollo gets angry that you WE WUZ as his children and sends a plague that kills shitskins
>Start dying
>Whites know you die cause you are a shitskin and only shitskins are affected and dont care that you die
>Other shitskins think you are white thanks to your multigeneration effort to infiltrate whites and dont care that you die
kys kike
>k-kys k-kike
no u