No I don't want them in Africa. If they're going to exist it all it should be for the benefit of whites otherwise they're better off just not.
Why let niggers have rights when they could be our slaves?
Cool blogpost Rabbi
>we wuz gonna send em back
okay but you didn't faggot
you suck their cocks after they fuck your wife
Liberia or bust. New Jersey, and her colonisation societies, were ahead of their time
Mutt's law
Liberia was a failure. You were too pussy to send them all back.
So millions of faggots don't suck nigger cock?
Because the south started a war to keep them, jackass
Nice deflection, muttbrain
okay and the south was defeated and then the north could have sent them back but they didn't cause they love niggers and want them to be free to mongrelize the white race
deflection from what? your faggot meme designed to deny the truth of the faggot nigger lover problem? saying "mutt's law" doesn't change reality
nogs needed to be considered free citizens in order to be eligible for the banking scams, same reason jew controlled countries keep importing immigrants despite not having the need or resourced for them: putting more people into banking schemes.
plus having slaves would reduce the need for the white man to work, and when a person is not worried 24/7 about how to survive from a paycheck to another he may spend his time in problematic activities such as informing themselves
Because their dicks are bigger than yours
no they aren't you tiny penis chink
bigger than yours maybe you Asian subhuman Canadian faggot
everyone thinks you have corona virus
Yes they are you tiny weeny
Even eurococks are bigger than yours!
You're the muttbrain, user
Reminder that far from agreeing to the requests of the colonisation society to remove darkie, southerners were working to spread their subsaharan pets into Kansas, and farther west, before being stopped
self reported fake "studies"
the niggers just made up any number that they wanted to
it was a survey"not a scientific study
>Using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite in the conversation
Hell is destructive !
you have a tiny Asian penis you chink bitch
just kill yourself now
just kill yourself you bat eating freak
so what? they would have been slaves and poised no risk to whites and any nigger who touched a woman was lynched
there was no problem
sorry I don't believe in your sandnigger Jew religion
>imagine believing in superstitious fairytales like a retarded nigger
Why have niggers be slaves when we could NOT have niggers?
Hell is destructive !
Hahahahahahhas you small dicks faggots
When you‘ve done worshipping BBC come and worship BEC (big euro cock) you fucking amerimutts
Because amerimutts love BBC
t. tiny penis Canadian Asian male
the world's largest dick belongs to a white American man
you are Asian and have a micropenis
prove me wrong, Chang
He's a muh southern heritage jackass. Southerners are nearly inseperable from the darkies they enjoy watching and listening to. Probably they'd be happier being sent to Liberia along with the subsaharans.
Hey, good idea
It’s the AVERAGE size that matters
So cope harder
Don't want more filthy nigger slaves, just want them dead. Dead niggers is a solid plus for whites.
>prove me wrong,
So you amerimutt faggot want to see the dicks of other anons?
why does it matter to me when my dick is bigger?
okay tiny penis Asian male
you just posted a chart that says you have a tiny penis, Chang
You won’t be coping this hard if it was
Niggers as slaves means they might breed with the women.
no it doesn't
that never happened in the Old South
any nigger who fuck tried a white woman was lynched
Slavery means that only the strongest survive which means that amerimutts being BTFO‘d by the very same black master race they themselves created
>Slavery means that only the strongest survive
how so? slaves were fed quite well
how the fuck do you think you need to be strong to pick cotton
>master race
the very premise is contradictory
niggers are inferior to white people and you have a tiny Asian dick
prove me wrong and post your home address
OP We are blaming the chinse now. Got to play to your op or your going to get paid. Way to go off script.
you wouldn't be trying to spread lies about niggers having bigger dicks which is a hoax if you didn't have a tiny Asian dick and corona virus
yeah we want to track you down and find out why you're such a nigger penis loving chink faggot
post address or you admit you're inferior to white men
they never said they wanted to "send them back" it was "free niggers" / destroy the 13th
I dont want slaves, I want niggers, mulattos, and quadroons to be sent to Liberia.
Slaves mean niggers live here, slaves mean niggers escape and rape. Slaves mesn having to feed and house niggers.
Fuck that gay jew bullshit. Deport them and shoot the jew slave traders that bought and sold them
okay say why did Union cucks give them rights and making forcing them to leave unconstitutional and why should you be able to decide whether I have the right to keep niggers as slaves?
The union was a pack of queers. But that doesn't mean I want you importing niggers, even as livestock. Slavery isnt good for the job market, leaves fellow whites impoverished and technology doesn't progress at a natural pace.
The African slave trade was a scam from the beginning, it was a trojan horse by Jews.
so why not just keep niggers as slaves and have a universal basic income for whites?
>Still not learnt his lesson of what slavery has bought the USA.
it wasn't slavery that brought the problems it was freeing them
you faggots are beginning to have the same problems despite barely having slaves
it wouldn't have happened if union cuckolds wouldn't have freed them
Mutts would have 5.5 like UK if not for the snip at birth
how come you get cucked by Arab men with circumcised dicks?
>despite barely having slaves
Think we had more slaves than you. But we weren't retarded letting them loose in our homeland, we took them to the Caribbean to labour.
youre an actual delusional nigger
and now you let those Caribbean niggers migrate to the UK
there wouldn't be if Union faggots weren't cucks
I have no sympathy for niggers
if I see a nigger get disemboweled I feel nothing
the Confederates were based and the Union were cucks
simple as
because brit genes are completely ruined. America has a weight problem, UK has a genetics problem, one is much simpler to solve. Brits are fucking ugly and disgusting, everyone thinks that.
neither were based, the issue is they werent drowned in the atlantic and the jews who bought them hung.
We're letting all kind of racial garbage migrate here, same as you
>muh jooz did slavery
if whites didn't do slavery then what hard evidence do you have that whites are superior to blacks? I am proud of slavery because it proves whites are superior.
and all of that in spite of barely having any slavery so much for your shit hypothesis that slavery caused all of our issues