Why do Germans keep backstabbing other European countries?

Why do Germans keep backstabbing other European countries?

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they can't help it.
they're the worst race on earth.

fuck Switzerland

When are they NOT ruining europe?

I thought Switzerland was a stronk independent country who don't need no one else????

>letting your own country collapse to help others
Why are you such a faggot OP? Why are you in favour of globalism? Switzerland should have been making it's own equipment in the first place

Will the mountain jews learn something from this that's what's most important.

I could understand they blocked *their own* equipment being shipped, but these bastards, being an hub, are blocking shipments passing by, i.e.: hospitals/contractors bought masks from china, masks are shipped to germany first, germany blocks them.
Like the old times in N.Africa, when they stole our gas to escape.
It's like germans would rather have their cities flattered and women raped before changing their ways

Really makes me wonder too. Even ended up fucking Asia indirectly by encouraging Imperial Japan to attack and “liberate” us from the West by raping, killing and imprisoning the people.

Swiss jews raiding our supermarket for weeks because they want to save some shekels, so fuck them

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>declares war on Germany when they fight for their country
>blames Germany if they take precautions in favour of their people

You could have joined us, no perish like the dogs you are

i would add : The Reformation and the first industrial welfare state - Otto von Bismarck

Germans killed jews because they don't like competition. I'm surprised they're not more hated on here.

>6 million.
>Never forget.
Whites must pay their respects by becoming minorities in all their countries by 2100.

seethe more about the deathrates

To Austria as well.
Fucking Piefkes.

God damn it Austria, your women are so hot.

Idk what’s about me, but I fucking love Germany

Based germans

Since when we need medical supply

What you mean, just hang out a few flags. There is your medpacks

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It's about that time again.

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Add Prussian education a.k.a modern school brainwashing

Also karl marx was german

Fuck Switzerland tho. Where is your WHO nothingburger now faggots?

Germanic tribes are a cancer upon Europe.
If it's not the krauts it's the bongs.
The southern parts of Europe that brought civilization to the world need to rise up again and subjugate the northern barbarians.

I don't think we produce any masks here, so we need the shipments coming through germany from chinkland etc.
It was a "mistake" and the masks have already arrived here days ago.

aside from that, I feed off of mad niggers seething over switzerland. keep going.

Which Temple was this posted from...

wasn't he prussian? but yeah lots of jews came from germany

This might kill eu. People will see how is eu useless in times of crisis. First its immigrants now this. In the end nationalism is natural to humans so i am finw with germans looking after themselves first but everyone should stop pretending multiculturaism and globalism works

fucking gay Trump tried to steal vaccine from Krauts

This is really showing how much of an union of false friends the EU is.
There was no help from France or Germany to Italy.
There was no help from Germany or Spain for France.
There is no help from the North to the West.

What a useless institution

Because Germans are selfish cattle.

>Ah, the European Union
>The values of solidarity, fraternity, unity.. defenders of the weak and less privileged
until there's a fucking pandemic then everyone else can GET FUCKED LMAO

the EU finally is cracking at the seams and it only took a little chink virus

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>This might kill eu
God I hope so

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it's in their DNA, now you know why we always tried to destroy them

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We had bought masks through transfers. "Someone" went there, paied in cash and stole them from us. Someone fucked us. That's the world guys, now we are seeing how much fascist every country in the world is shen facing disaster

The story seems to be that it didn‘t go to regions where there was actual demand at that time. Now it is different, but I think germany was thinking about itself first, which I never really witnessed in normal times.

masks are useless though, just stay at home

Amerimongrels are the worst. Luckily they will be largely exterminated by corona chan.

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same with austria, they withhold a 250k masks truck for hospitals at the border that were in a storage located in germany. every fucking time the germans are fucking with europe. be it refugees, nazis monarchies the eu itself and now the virus. i think we should cancel out germans capability to properly lead a country, they are reliable in industry but besides that they are incapable to adapt to new situations.

>Why do Germans keep backstabbing other European countries?
Why does a chipmunk store nuts? Why does a bird fly? Why does a bear hibernate? Why does a Jew subvert its host nation?

ad eternam Germanicus, mundos Destructor


Be nice to germbros they're just very very autistic but they mean well in their own weird way

If they are hotter than 36.6°C - it's bad.

Lmao. This

>I don't think we produce any masks here

I think too, there's no mask manifacturer in CH. We have Ruag making the NBC ones tho.

Measures are taken because the sickness kills old people.
Why do you think your boomers imported shitskins? To fund their pensions.
Your democracy has a problem with old peoples selfishness.

revenge for ww2

Huber + Suhner not RUAG sorry.

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You can remove your memeflag, american.

fuck the mountain jews

Not if u have the right mask. I don't want a mask for myself but for whom is helping the sick.

Why do all european countries fall for the same german shit over and over and over again?

Hehe. Dobra, tovaris.

this, swiss are satanic kikes

you know switzerland isn't in the union right

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not cool

>fucking over other European countires
>by keeping medical supplys we need in Germany
uh ok nigger