/pol humor thread

while we sit home lets keep the spirits up to avoid mass hysteria

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Other urls found in this thread:


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With that chin, she should marry Jay Leno

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ah yes the famous black vikings


The funny thing about the Harambe incident is that in all of recorded history a gorilla has NEVER killed a human. Niglets kill gorillas all the time so statistically Harambe was in more danger than the niglet.

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almost everyone, including Bernie, Hillary and Obama, from 2007 and earlier would be a hard right extremist by modern standards

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>And there are whites that are African, does that make Africa a white country?

Kimbo Slice got his ass beat by a white guy, Sean Gannon


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You either beat your kids to death or rape them till their dead so whats it matter? Have your ugly mongrels

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Ouch, it's hard to believe there are people on Yas Forums that actually think like those serfs in the image.

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There are like 500 gorillas left in the world and a lot of the reason why is because niggers, of which there are over a billion, eat them. We shot the wrong simian.

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Anyone got the webm of old mate landing on the bollard asshole first?

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She has more gum then the bottom of a higschool desk.
Bug gums are unforgivable.

Life let him live awhile longer to really feel that

did he make it

ahh the good ol' days.

Operation Eland. It was a ruse and massacre, not a battle.

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How's your dad?

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>textbook leftwing attempt at a meme
You need to so a 360 and kys back to plebbit you ultra gaping schlomo nigger

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This is reddit


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wtf is that
a guy jumped to his death and landed on a pole?
is this even real

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>Pull up keyboard

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But the intoxicated man CAN give consent? Shouldn’t that make them BOTH rapists? I hate double standards.

unfortunately, it's real gross too
>nurse pulls it out on tv
this would get anyone fired in teh USA


Man drunk Women most effected

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Why is there always 2-4 memeflags shitting up these threads in one way or another? It's always some stupid nigger twitter shit, or awful boomer memes from facebook, or gay "woke" bullshit masquerading as counterculture.

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Theor logic is still flawed and inconsistent

>Russian store

I read this guy died in the ambulance, why are they still doing what I assume to be artificial respiration? Also it's kinda fucked that the dude holds the thing up like a trophy.

you see, the thing is, that women don't have any agency and cannot control themselves, because they are only marginally human.

Another homeless animal gets euthanized

This one should be the page announcement

Nerve gas?