Is the UK this retarded
Is the UK this retarded
I think Dr. Yasmin needs 50 tons of dick in her ass
UK is some sort of forefront experiment on (previously predominantly) white society. It really seems like that. Like (((they))) can test whatever on shitholes, sure, but they also need high-end guinea pigs, and that's where the UK comes in. I guess just checking how much shit exactly (((they))) can get away with, not with half-human savages, but with actual people.
When is Yas Forums going to come out and admit that they were emotionally swayed by fake news videos on twitter and hyperbolic death figures from /cvg/tards into thinking this nothingburger was anything significant?
There are what, several thousand corona related threads made up to this point? Embarrassing. Get a life schizos, China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control.
imagine living in a country who's symbol is a serpent.
The UK has finally found out what happens when you inbreed and let foreigners rape you into the sodding ground. The USA will be next. This could work but may also backflow
The irony is coronavirus will probably integrate much better than anything else UK has allowed in
This, my fetish is literally brown arab bitches and i would tongue her clitoris to orgasm if you know what I mean
Trying to kill the immigrants they let in. I'm sure.
Yeah we are, and what are you going to do about it faggot
Sounds like a good plan. Crowded urban agglomerations are likely to be worst affected, making the deaths more "diverse". I wish they'd do that here, cut our population right down. Due to the poverty and infrastructure limitations, mortality is expected to be closer to 10% rather than the 2% Sen typically. That's 130million unnecessary cunts dead. Traffic is almost bearable now that. there's no one commuting, I wish that'd go on forever.
Old people don’t accrue more debt but migrants will
Sounds like you’re getting 277k more replacement immigrants
What do you mean? Can you elaborate?
That's false, retard.
Stop spreading lies, but as always, it's true that memeflags are shitposters.
Italy had a death-rate of 6% since HOSPITALS ARE FULL. It does not matter that it's easy to cure if NOBODY CAN CURE YOU. You're retarded, and I hope nobody soffers for your stupidity.
checked and fpbp
UK is an obese country
would it really only be 300k deaths
I would gently spread the lips of her vulva and use my tongue to stimulate her petite yet prominent clitoris until her toes curl and she moans with pleasure, if you know what I mean.
The UK is the worst nation in the Anglo sphere, and arguably the worst in the world. I'd rather be with the muttiest of mutts or the most simpering of Leafs than be with the English. They fetishize authority to a disgusting degree, they trade whatever freedom they have for the slightest feeling of security, they worship the people who rape their children and shriek and holler at anyone who is revolted by their actions. They whine and complain, nothing is ever good enough for them and whenever you help them, they betray you. They have some authority they created crush your skull for the sheer reason of wanting to exercise their power, and stand back smirking with a smug, satisfied grin, "he deserves it" they reassure themselves. But worst of all they pretend that this isn't the case and roll all their shit down hill to us.
The whole cursed islands can burn, and the Queen and her blighted offspring can die drowning in their own shit for all I care.
Apparently so, but within a week they will be on full lockdown just like the rest of us, except their healthcare system is gonna be Italy-levels fucked because they dragged their feet
>unfulfilled Brexit promises
>aging population needs pensions
>housing shortage in London
>election not for 5 more years
Nice du bs, but I think that eventually everyone will be on level of Italy, simply because everyone is dragging their feet (See Germany or France). I think that UK will have something terrible, but at the same time I hope not.
>but I think that eventually everyone will be on level of Italy
not true. Italy is just super incompetent. I remember there was this one Italian guy here like 2 weeks ago who said that there are more cases in Italy than the rest of the EU because Italian healthcare is the best, top kek.
Fatality rate of less than the yearly flu.
4% mortality is out of reported cases. It doesn't take into account unreported with little to no symptoms. the estimate is 70% are not reported bringing the mortality rate down to around 1%.
2 million critically ill and how many ICU beds do they have?
think about it
Because Italy is giving the ICU beds to the people under 40
There were more cases in Italy since we were doing more controls than everyone else, and that's true, but the problem is we do a lot of export towards china.
Italy is super incompetent but if you read some data you'd see that its Sanitary System is kinda good compared to rest of the EU.
Another problem is the government re-opening things trying to mantain a facade, but it's the same thing Germany and France are doing right now. "It's a flu don't worry pal it will go away". The sooner everybody is closed in their home the better, and Germany and France will follow since they didn't learn anything from Italy.
UK is fucked.
Germany is doing exactly the same. They are projecting 70% infected
Urban areas affected most
Where do most shitskins/dune coons live?
London about to be ethnically cleansed.
Pretty based plan if you ask me.
If you have that 50% of people get it, and 20%, so 10% needs hospitalization, what do you think will happen when bed are full?
Germany and France is.
Anyway, let's keep doing what Spain and Italy is dong because a bluecheck said so.
Hush your dirty lips, colonial.
> Dragging their feet
> Meanwhile Denmark is on partial lockdown, gatherings banned, a million people sent home from work, schools and universities closed
> With only 3 deaths so far
> Borders closed
> Based Germany reverse-closing THEIR border to us, no retarded hoarders mingling in Fleggaard
I hope that these measures will curb the outbreak, we are litterally a couple of weeks ahead on the action scale compared to where Italy was when it started to shutdown
fucking retarded
even more so than Merkel
I think I need further clarification
being as retarded as you should be punishable by death
And that is just the first [hase.
UK retards don't know this virus stays with you for life like Herpes and re-emerges from time to time.
Based pajeet
>0.7 death rate
England is the biggest nanny state in the west, totally cucked population
>5.5 million hospitilized
How the fuck do they plan on caring for 5.5 million extra patients on top of all the patients they already have? Not to mention that plenty of people will need care for injuries or other shit that can happen at any moment. Too many brain dead people that just look at the mortality rate and think about nothing else
Well, I guess this situation shows which country is white, and what country is savage and 3rd world.
Economy may be good or bad, but how people treat each other...
good joke mutt.
>How the fuck do they plan on caring for 5.5 million extra patients on top of all the patients they already have?
All signs point to that they simply aren't planning on doing that at all. Elderly will have to die in their homes if they get it.
But Germans society as whole is disciplined. And people are talking private distancing actions, that are the best solutions. Government or medical support will not work if people won’t think for themselves.
This is why Germans have so low death rate. They can cure those with problems, because people doesn’t spread this like fucko’s.
Everyday I'm glad that I left that shithole to move to a good country.
>270k deaths
>Strict quarantine for months leading to the collapse of the economy, rampant crime and eventually the collapse of states
Well? And no, there's no other way to actually prevent it from spreading. No slowing it down either once it gets to like 50k sick per country. And it will
> Uses total case estimate to estimate total mortality rate instead of total population
Laugh all you want, the Brits are gonna be the first to find vaccine and get this shitstorm over with. No country in the world will get out of it with zero casualties but nonetheless,
im optimistic about their post brexit future
Mortality rate != Case fatality rate
Sure it's going to work as planned, nothing can go wrong there
They may be lucky tho, because the virus die off from heat and UV, and spring is coming.
But the government decision, was fucking savage.
I don't know why the media is ripping on the UK exclusively when Mama Merkel suggested the same thing.
>0.7% mortality rate
we will have the same death rate as lock down countrys with out the economic impact
Yas Forums lockdown fags are circle jerking because they have a false sense of safety making it worse
enjoy your surge cases multiple times after lock down
you can't weld people in
Go blow a dog you stupid fucking chink
>brtain does something
nanny state
>britain does nothing
nanny police state
you are begging for lockdowns pleb
The UK is like an attempt to marry worst of the US's hyper capitalism and Europe's high socialism, has been for decades.
Correct, it's probably no coincidence that the BDSM capital of the UK, with it's own special provisions that allow it to operate legally whilst other areas of the UK can not, is down the street from the houses of parliament.
Nonces, Buggerers, and Thieves - the lot of them