> Europe closed down
> laughs in herd immunity
> Europe closed down
> laughs in herd immunity
How does herd immunity even work?
>everyone gets it
>develop immunity
>spread stops cause nobody can catch it anymore
Immunelets are sacrificed
It's pretty much "let evolution take it's course".
>Sweden volunteers to be a human testing ground for an experimental Chinese bioweapon
Many get it
Virus has to mutate to survive
Muh herd immunity
From this Baptism of Fire we will reclaim the world. These events are already redpilling a lot of people
it literally doesnt for viruses which dont cause gained immunity
such as this virus
She definitely fucks niggers and afghans
So that means the Nigs can finally inherit Sweden after all the frail white Swedes die?
Why not. We have passed the threshold. We are already dead, unless something drastic happens. Mass disease and economic collapse might just be the thing that drives the foreign hordes out.
pretty much
A virus can't mutate "to survive" it just mutates. Beneficial mutations (infectivity, rate at which it copies itself, better shell) thrive while harmful ones (such as high host mortality) die off. The virus will become less deadly as time goes on.
Heh based I'm gonna leave my house this morning no fucks given lockdown cucks btfo
It is used with vaccines, herd immunity is never used with live viruses and a lot of people dont develop immunity to Corona after they recover
In some cases recovery of more critical cases will have lung fibrosis which usually kills people within 5 years
It will be fun to watch the already crumbling Swedish health system try to deal with hundreds of thousands of infected every week, run out of meds and say "oops, sorry guys", because most of the treatments being administered use at least 1 form of HIV medicine, which are not mass produced to attend this sort of demand and are usually expensive
This shit's gonna be bad
Yes, do it, go buys stuff, take a bus ride around town
It doesn't, a lot of people die and the epidemic is not contained.
>you can get it multiple times
>herd immunity
its just a nicer way to say "we cant do anything about this monstrosity deal with it"
Sweden is done, our country is ran by bunch of retarded degenerates. Perhaps in the top 3 most corrupt EU country.
Oh Sven, have fun getting sacrificed on the altar of diversity.
Sweden will unironically be the country that will be the strongest after the crisis since all our boomers will be dead which are a huge burden on the taxpayers
Argentinian chimping out due to quarantine against security guard; enjoy you pervs
based swedes finally not being cucks
No, im not part of the herd.
Regardless of boomers being gone the tax money will end up frozen/spread out, our tax system is utterly corrupt.. free healthcare shouldn't cost us up to 65% tax, entrepreneurs/businesses are destined for failure beforehand.
>herd immunity develops
>Die from AIDS since the virus reks your immune system forever
>Also go extinct as it makes you infertile
What a genius fucking Idea UK and Sweden maybe it's for the best with you brainlets
BASED, remember to support your local business and go to work. We will both be the new world leaders post Coronachan
Herd immunity? You mean like we have with the flu?
>Give everyone airborne HIV
>Everyone now has airborne HIV
They do this so they can blame corona for their failed economics and politics.
When everyone gets it without restrictions. The weak die, the strong survive and bingo immune.. except this virus has been seen to reinfect those who had it before in both China and South Korea..
Ah well what’s losing about 5% of your population worth.. not much really
Eat shit faggot
When that doesn't work and you people die of the disease I'm going to buy up your houses for cheap and rip out the bidets.
Not having to pay welfare for boomers is great but you’ll still be full of refugees and paying welfare for them
>herd immunity in country of 10 million people where you import at least 130k people a year from outside the herd
How is that supposed to work?
Doesn't herd immunity only really work if you got a legitimate herd with clearly defined who is part of the herd and those that are not?
The herd immunity way is receiving some serious backlash
The problem is that there are about 25 herds in our country.
that this is what our government thinks is the right thing to do makes me think it's the wrong thing to do
>thing it's a good idea to import thousands of niggerarabs in your country
>think it's a good idea for everyone to get infected
Overloads health care services initially making them unable to deal with more severe cases of corona, other diseases, health conditions, accidents and the like resulting in way more deaths than anticipated. Assumable develops some form of immunity for the disease which will not help at all once the virus mutates like they always do.
No we dont thing that
you cherry picking eastmongo
you become a sheep and they give you the vaccine
It's a pitty I don't have the original of this picture...
Those flatten the curve pics are always so terribly optimistic
I mean, both curves will cross the threshold, the first being the guy torn apart by complete societal collapse and the second one having face-paint and a sawed-off shotgun while she washes her hand.
Are you happy or sad to be on the
>leave them to die list
The advisers on this is going to get lynched if there's a fraction of a percentage higher mortality among wahmen or rapefugees.
I will personally go guard the border and shoot every swede nigger i see trying to cross it.
Everyone gers sick and then the virus dies out because there are no new people to infect, same concept as vaccines except you get sick instead of getting a controlled ish harmless version of the virus like you get with a vaccine.
Lots of people will die
She will bring geopolitical changes we never expected
All the negroes in köpenhamn agrees with you.
Fuck u cuck dane
force gambling.
Embrace corona milkers
God bless the NHS, I'm sure they can deal with this. Don't bother trying to slow the rate of infection, the NHS can pick up the slack. Stop worrying!
They know and have come to terms with that.
And have made a list of who get's medical help and who doesn't.
It's starting, 3 deaths today
now kiss
You could say that of any swede
I unironically had the virus for 2 weeks but I'm fine now. Sweden stay winning
They are bankrupt. They can't afford to have senior citizens.
This is a godsend for them, they can kill of all the old retired Swedes, so the can afford to feed the parasites.
t. hypochondriac
Do you realize that blacks are immune to corona?
Our taxes are so high because the boomers are the majority of health care expenses nigger. If the boomers died out healthcare cost would probably go down by 90%
Boomers are the only ones who still vote for S if we don’t count women so if they died the conservatives would win easily
>If the boomers died out healthcare cost would probably go down by 90%
We'd still be paying just as much taxes though because the state never cuts down their spending, it only moves it around.
Less spending on boomer healthcare is more money for refugees.
Can't be infected if you've been cremated alive
This, it doesn't matter
Every refugee/boomers could leave/die the tax % would remain the same
Perhaps user, I guess I was being a bit too optimistic. They’ll probably like you say spend it on refugees, homo shit and feminism. I just want the welfare state to completely collapse unironically and go back to when family and was responsible for welfare and not the government
Wait, did you guys fall for the herd immunity meme too? Glad to see Bongland isn't the only one getting POZZED
Does bongland still test people for corona user?
Me, my dad, and my mom all had it. It was longest fever that all of us have ever had. Seems like hell of a coincidence that all of us started to show symptoms literally in the same week as it arrived in Sweden.