Americans have a 50/50 chance of dying once they catch covid-19. Dispute this please. PLEASE.
Wait wut?
Other urls found in this thread:
we can't math good
you have zero chance of dying if you drink plenty of fluids and up your sodium intake.
There's a very good chance that hundreds of thousands of americans have already gotten this and recovered.
What is basic math problem. 50% of solved cases not all. out of 3,660 cases only 69 died. that is 0.5% death rate. About the same as bad flu.
I blame the people who made the site for the dumb categories.
The current flu hitting us has already killed 20k here, and they panic over SARS 2.0 because they were told to
Corona is economic virus not biological. Bulgaria is on full lock down with half of the country in no pay leave. But you still gotta pay taxes, credits, landlords, food. Most small local business going under then the Judeo-Americans will take over. GG
Closed cases.
Well when they die the case is technically closed.
> totally inadequate testing so only hospital worthy cases are recorded
> 'virus free' status can take months so will trail weeks behind deaths
Im far, far from a nothingburger fag but mortality rates at this point aren't particularly informative.
>be american
>be obese
>have diabetes
>gets corona and dies
obviously you either die or not
the mortality rate is currently 50%
that is true
it does not tell you the entire story though
most importantly it only describes what happens if your illness becomes so bad you need to go to the hospital
on top of that most of the cases in the usa so far came from those nursing homes in washington
also the cases are really concentrated so theres a big strain on the hospitals that are treating them
and lastly the doctors in the usa dont know how to treat it yet they are still learning
it is better to look at the numbers from italy
italy is at around 40% mortality rate
again this is only describing what happens to people who become sick enough they need hospitalization
the cases are very concentrated so it puts a strain on the hospitals
if your town or city already has positive cases it is too late your town or city can expect italys mortality rate
if your town or city does not yet have positive cases the best thing everyone can do is to stay home and slow down the spread
if everyone stays home the hospitals wont receive as many patients all at once
americans can't afford to get tested so American numbers are useless
{add any country name poor people} can't afford to get tested so {add any country name} numbers are useless. Here tests cost 200BGN with average monthly pay of 600BGN. And free ones are for severe cases only.
You're gonna be shocked when you learn what exponential growth is.
holy shit you're a retard
total infected (unresolved cases) are not used to determine either CFR or mortality.
Working USA case fatality rate:
73 / (73+69) * 100 = 51.4% working case fatality rate
Working worldwide case fatality rate with china's fake numbers:
6,525 / (6,525 + 77,782) * 100 =~ 7.74% working case fatality rate
Working worldwide case fatality rate without china's fake numbers:
3,312 / (3,312 + 10,020) * 100 =~ 24.84 % working case fatality rate
mortality is dead / total population * convenient number in units of "per convenient number"
this i recommend bleach
>Example calculation
>Assume 9 deaths among 100 people in a community all diagnosed with the same disease. This means that among the 100 people formally diagnosed with the disease, 9 died and 91 recovered. The CFR, therefore, would be 9%. If some of the cases have not yet resolved (neither died nor recovered) at the time of analysis, this could lead to bias, undercounting deaths and underestimating the CFR.
>If some of the cases have not yet resolved (neither died nor recovered) at the time of analysis, this could lead to bias, undercounting deaths and underestimating the CFR.
infected total that are not recovered or dead do not get counted in the math
juice own bnb
Hey, chin up feller! You dont have to pay for dem poor leeches, and you dont have socialism either!
The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".
WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.
WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined
New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections
28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again
28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected
27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"
27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant
26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again
21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"
19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says
14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier
31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"
Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition
Virus invades nervous systems
By your calculation we need to be shoveling piles of dead people by now. Come down Shizo. Its a slightly deadlier flu that will not kill you but your economy.
Explain s Korea then schizoid
Very cool ccp sources as well
Every country looks like this in the first week or so, and then as they start testing more people, instead of just people with severe symptoms, the mortality rate drops dramatically.
The numbers out of Wuhan, and South Korea looked like that initially too. Please stop being retarded.
its a pandemic in its early stages, and growth is currently exponential. the experts are agreeing it will infect 70%+ of the population over the next few months.
the spanish flu did not start wiping out europe until the 2nd and 3rd wave; it was especially devastating because it got treated as a nothingburger when it first appeared. for historical context.
also, new york city already has plans to use their prison population to dig mass graves for coronavirus:
>New York Prison Labor Makes Hand Sanitizer, Prepares to Dig Graves if Coronvirus Worsens
fact 1. 99% people who contract the virus will not pass or fail the test for the virus because they will not take it
fact 2. jews control the media
Other flues have exponential growth in death and infection as well you dumb cunt. Stop overusing the term you just learned from your shitty middle school
It not uncommon to be reinfected by a virus you fucking sperg. Also there are at least two strains floating around. It's going to happen but it doesn't happen often. They'd be able to tell. Take a fucking xanax and cuddle your toilet paper.
just a flu bro
You're going to look really retarded when you realize global infection has already peaked since China had it for months before January
>I posted a picture without context, therefore it's the plague
I agree. But the real shit show will be the economic impact. Even if we survive everyone will be broke or his money worthless. I have already suspended my employees on sick leave. But after that its no pay. One of them has credits pouring form his ass. How long before he goes MAD MAX on the local supermarket? And this will be a lot more dangerous since he will be spreading the virus and causing chaos. Sore I will help him out for another month with food bot if this lasts 6? yaiks
>china's fake numbers:
Stop spreading bullshit.
China's number correlate exactly with Italy and other countries. American media is very very well known to lie, American media is literally owned and operated by the Biblical tribe of liars.
>a-at least I have muh healthcare
the chinese did door to door temperature checks, welded people inside their homes, burned the bodies without family permission and no burial/funeral, etc. the west will not respond the same way. and the gooks lie about their numbers, everyone knows this. it's a comically extreme outlier from the world data.
wuhan for example still has no cars on the road or people on the street, even after quarantine has been partially lifted. it's day time in wuhan right now and here is a live stream of it:
this city has like 3x the population of new york city and there is no one on the streets. wuhan is usually the epitome of rat race. ameriburgers and europeans aren't treating it the same way so it won't slow down here.
The west other than Europe is also far more sanitary than China. It's SARS 2: electric boogaloo and you're acting like a panicked retard.
Our first outbreak was a nursing home. This is like when election results come in and the first precincts reporting are in the ghetto
Idk I’m not a doctor but I don’t really give a shit. I’m going to place my modestly sized penis (roughly 6.5 inches erect and reasonable girth) inside of a very pretty blonde girl. I’m going to do that at least like two times daily Possibly more since I will be staying at her place during the outbreak. Don’t worry, I’m white. Honestly I’m pretty excited cause I’m pretty much an average guy but she’s really hot. Cute feet too. See pic
Those are fat man feet, larper
click the post i linked you.
the virus is scary as fuck on its own and you're right, the collapse + economic impact will be worse. it's inevitable at this point. most businesses in my area have shut down already. the state just shut down all bars and restaraunts.
Then explain this
It's free for anyone with the most basic insurance which would be far over the amount of tests any country has given. No one is getting tested though because it's just a cough unless your an old faggot, and the neets and commies don't have brain or jobs so they aren't getting tested just bitching on Twitter about free health care.
South Korea is probably the best example given how widespread testing there has been. With their sub 1% mortality rate.
>Check out this jewtube video claiming to be the *ONLY* Wuhan live cameras
Schizos need to go back to the asylum
God I hate you trannies. Kys.
>Skinny boipussy ass
>Ring finger longer than index
Man confirmed
Those are a gay mans ass checks, LARPer
See you on the road when the raiding parties form faggot
This is a solid advice
sanitation doesn't matter much when nothingburger fags are basically superspreaders/typhoid mary's. it's being predicted 70-80%+ of america will be infected, in 12 or 18 month projections. one example:
>The current flu hitting us has already killed 20k here, and they panic over SARS 2.0 because they were told to
The difference here is that with current statistics you are more wrong than you even know.
if 20k people have died from the flu, 20 million have been infected.
Only 1,000 die for every 1 million.
or 1(AT MOST) for every 1,000.
for the novel coronavirus, 30(AT LEAST) die for every thousand.
You are probably only testing the people with bad symptoms and there are plently of infected people with no symptoms
jewtube and jewbook censor corona news already. Italy has stopped their death counter. Yas Forums links are banned from all social media. We are on full information lockdown. And to think I took a mount off the internet to only discover yesterday going to the store the biggest happening of my life.
But the despite the distopian jew propaganda people will not start killing each other. Here people are already organizing and helping the ones in need. Shopping for old people that do not have money and can't/must not go out and so on. This might end up changing people for the better at the end. As a bonus we will kiss consumer society good bye.
cases mean they are cases that haven't been recovered or failed
After all of the news of the United States not reporting cases, you judge the infected (and by extension the recovered) rates by the officially reported numbers.
The only number that the official figures have a good idea of are the deaths, and even those are probably under-reported as up until now COVID-19 deaths were almost certainly being reported as regular flu deaths. The death rate is higher, and the infected/recovered rate is WAY higher.
There you go.
Man butt faggot. Post pussy or boobs larper
>Business insider
You're going to be shamed with all the other happening faggots in a few weeks, watch and learn
month* outo-correct
link me a wuhan camera stream that shows a bustling, crowded city then. if you're a shill you'll just call me a shizo and have a meltdown, if you're not you can surely link me a stream of your choice?
I call bullish on the 1,809 deaths in Italy. it rose 100 per hour for 6 hours and for the past 12 hours no new cases. hmmmm
>Memekike injects his pointless made up numbers
The number of deaths globally is 1/3 of the u.s. flu deaths so far this year. Fuck off, kikel
Even if the whole population of the US got infected the worst outcome from the only country with numbers we can trust, SK, is that close to 2 million boomers die. Big deal
My household seems to have already had it, the city here said 31 cases as of Friday.
My doctor actually told me that most people around here had the virus last November and December. They thought it was the Norovirus at that time.