Why India's cases so low?

Despite being near to China and second largest country in the world, the numbers are still no where near the First World Countries.

The Government closed international travel and suspended visas just a few days ago, so infections may have spread across.

Few States aren't even prepared for the medical testing and treatment but is desperately trying to impose isolation and quarantine.

Currently all schools, colleges, restaurants, Shopping Malls, Entrainment Parks, etc are closed down in major metro cities to increase isolation of healthy people.

But people in suburban and rural areas are still ignorant and moving freely across the area. They still think this is just another "viral flu" that will just disappear in few weeks.

Due to rise in censorship since few months, everything is in damage control mode. Political and Social opinions on Sensitive Topics and Reforms are heavily discouraged and some people are doxxed and attacked for voicing one.

What's happening? The numbers don't add up.

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because your kind are the slaves that the jews need to kepp things running when they kill all the white people through this plague.

From bathing in and drinking from water full of fecal matter.

su-poo immune systems from all the street shitting

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now's not the time india

Hong Kong don't trust you at all, India is been one of first countries where HK forbidden fly

Goodness me, could it be because curryniggers have street shitting tier healthcare?


Its because Indians create a strong immune system by bathing in cow shit and because they drink cow urine for those special proteins.

Because your country is already so fucking filthy even Corona-chan is scared of it desu

even corona-chan doesn't want to fuck poos

>LARPing this hard
I was already informed that Yas Forums is just a few delusional 13 year olds' fighting to be the next Reich. Well, wasn't surprised at all.

the serious answer is,
The average age of urban India is low. Because it's mostly young labour/workers that come to the city to work. The virus may have already spread but it's mostly asymptomatic in young people, so we don't know. The old Indians live in villages which are miles away from the nearest highway and nobody goes there. The sources of infection was Buddhist holy site at Bodh Gaya where East Asian tourists came cuz it's their Mecca which was immediately closed when the virus first started. The other ones were locations where white hippies went (usually from European nations) which were also immediately shut down. This leaves a small portion of the population, usually rich ass people living in urban areas who travel as the source for infection.

This. Take the brown pill mateys


Does all Government Hospitals have testing kits available as per the demand of testing and quarantine?

It's Nurgle's turf and he doesn't allow weaker diseases.

How many tests have you poos done?

because indians are used to eat their own excrements

Also no way to test. Poor people will drop like flys and no one will give a shit. Italy stopped reporting deaths. In 12 hours no new deaths after 50-100 per hour. The gobberment in full panic covering up mess.


Poo-piller American suburban white guy who moved to India years ago. Its great being here during this time. I would hate to be in America now. Im living in a small mountain village with plentiful vegetables, grains and water. Everyone is peaceful and the community is very tight-knit and loving. India is really the best place.


Strong immune systems from bathing in shit.

KEK, I guess there immune system must be pretty good


Are you a sex tourist?


Immunity to everything from constantly being around poo

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>curry pooder kills corona chan

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Your choice of words makes you seem Indian. Not a suburban white guy. We’d never say “during this time” or “plentiful” in standard discourse

There's so much misinformation it's laughable. The real reason is that India was literally the first foreign country to respond to the Corona virus and take measures to control their borders. The acted literally one week after China announced the virus.

they already have the cure

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Disgnated shitting pajeets are to poor for healthcare and so they just die of chinkvirus and unreported.

you're not testing , its obvious is obvious


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Beat me to it, but I'm pretty sure it's an intentional shitpost.

Wrong the real answer is spicy food. Also see southern Italy and Mexico/Latin America

Those who said India would become a superpower in 2020 were not wrong then.

I’m in Agra today (foreign tourist). Given the huge numbers of foreign tourists this place normally gets its surely here, but it begs the question why has nobody noticed?

p.s Taj Mahal still open. Not empty by any stretch but pleasantly uncrowded today.

>first world countries are so fucked up they will be poor af by the time we get to summer
>india becomes superpower

Very similar to the original "designated" poster except without the hilarious bit

Because India keeps all their contagious illness statistics in a loo

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because india doesn't get many chinese tourists and they are the ones spread the virus.

also, rich Indians don't travel to the west in January-Feb since it's cold there and Indians are shit at handling cold

the cold saved us boys



its the same as how there is no rape statistics in India, truly a mystery.

Just because they took action quickly it doesn't mean it was effective. People go in and out of India all the fucking time.

>rich Indians

I have no idea what that means, what is a rich Indian?

Poor country= stronger respiratory system

BTW they better not close restaurants (or Swiggy/Zomato) or ill starve.

you keep forgetting the virus spread from china not canada or australia.chinese and indians hate each other so there is not much travel among these countries.

You may laugh at this, but their immune systems must be so strong they're immune to 90% of diseases. First world countries have AIDS in comparison.

Perhapse it means that a pajeet can into toilets?

top bantz, Romania

Tip top kek

are you guys pretending to retarded? that's not how viruses work.

Got it your retarded to boot.

Some shitskins get all the luck

They shit in the street and there’s 93 gazillion of them. 400k pajeets could have died and nobody would notice.

Don't bother elaborating, it's funnier if I don't know

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No testing. Deaths ascribed to something else.

They do not have the ability to test at a large scale

Plus like 65% of indias population is under 35 , where as a country like canada only roughly 44-46% of the population is under 35, it must also be considered that they probably wont be going to hospitals for illness very often as one of the leading causes of death is diarrhea in india.

Thats bacterial not viral you retards.

True. This is what I figure has been protecting India. It does still get *some* Chinese tourists though (I’ve met quite a few all backpacker types), in addition to Koreans, Italians, etc. There’s no way they kept it all out, and you’d think it’d spread like wildfire here given hygiene and density.

we have toilets. Relative wealth.

India is so overpopulated that they wish coronavirus show up there...but it doesnt lol

You wipe your ass with the same hand you eat with. How could you not have an amazing immune system you filthy fucking monkeys

literally me
> Work in top software company
> Make Iapprox. $70k
> Rent is approx. $550
> Save approx $3k every month because cost of living in India is dirt cheap

Please elaborate, are you saying some Indians are so wealthy they have entire streets inside their homes?

All the fucking shit you brown niggers consume and bathe in

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top kek

Small mountain village in India
>has internet

Fuck off Pajeet. Your not fooling anyone

>we have toilets
Possession doesn't imply utilisation

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perhaps. Make of that what you will, this entire thread is for keks anyway.

Because it strikes only white countries. You know, colonialism and stuff.
Honestly, it's a control grab and covid is just a psyop.

litrealy me
>CEO at apple
>make 6 gorillion
>have 10 houses
>gorillions in savings
Nice try pajeet nice try.

A strong immune system also helps with viral infections. Theirs is constantly in overdrive mode so they recover from flus and colds more quickly.

Even if this is literally it. I'll choose death over the ways of the poo

Oh and hold desu what kind of a retard would rent with 70k a year obvious larper.

finish high school

Their spicy food that burns the covid19s before it gets to the lungs

Oh and the ritual they're doing here is called "Pooja". India and faeces really do seem inseparable for some reason.

There is an extremely strong correlation with Chinese travel destinations and the virus. That is why Africa & SA have much lower rates. India to my knowledge is not a popular, there might be some but nothing like the hoards in Florence. The only oddball country with a high infection rate is Iran, probably Israel getting a hold of the virus and shipping infected Palestinians there.

>taking anything on here seriously
Are you a newfag? Every thing on here is a literal shitpost except for the odd redpilled thread. Most of the traffic on here is blacked porn or other Jewish tricks.

how about have some piss cocktail?

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The Jews would never do something like that
