You better have your going outside license.
You better have your going outside license
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britbongs btfo ovey
welcome to agenda 21.
i told you fuckers that phase 4 was terrifying.
Oi do you have a loicense for being outside???
Goverment should put in jail all these retards who don't understand that they should stay in home so uncontrollable level virus outbreak won't totally fuck-up everything around.
wow life just got so shitty on planet earth
I dont even have £1000 so ill have to take the jail
>refuses to self quarantine
Good. Because there is countless low iq shitskins that will go out stealing
For years now jews have been demanding that various things be shut down, especially the internet, so as to combat all the “hate” and “anti-semitism” running rampant. Now they have the excuse to shut down almost everything – the economy, public gatherings, internet sites they don’t like, etc. – all under the guise of fighting the coronavirus. Many places in the world are already under martial law, which is the ultimate shut down.
If there is any reality to the coronavirus, and it’s not just a combination of the regular flu and 5G, then it is a bioweapon brought to us by the same people who unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world. They appear to have been planning this all for a long, long time. They can use the Coronavirus as a scapegoat for the economic crash, so that people don’t blame the (((bankers))) like in 2008, as they make out like bandits.
They are running the old problem-reaction-solution model to further their agenda once again, but this time it seems like they are going all in. They are creating incredible chaos in order to institute their totalitarian order. This will give them the opportunity to finally get rid of the pesky first and second amendment in America (along with other rights) and remove the last vestiges of freedom remaining in other countries around the world. They are playing for keeps.
If things keep going according to plan, everyone will need to be injected with a vaccine and microchip, just like in Bill Gates’ ID2020 program, or else they won’t be able to get their food rations. Everyone will be on lockdown, food and supplies may have to be delivered by Amazon, robots will be rolled out in a big way since they cannot be infected, and no one will be able to meet with each other to discuss the situation or protest. We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance.
Cant pay the fine either kek. All homeless go to jail.
I was with you until you said 5G
>tfw no english license
Herro fren ri ruff ru rong rime :}
>Hazmat suit
>No gloves
There's no point of having a quarantine if people violate it dumbasses. I'm surprised the fine is not 5,000 punds so nobody fucking dares. You can't isolate the infected if retards run around infecting people all the time.. Idiots who don't get this are just the absolute worst..
and the flu gets a pass......
We've had the same thing here for past few days. Anyone who came from abroad recently has to self quarantine for 14 days, if they break it they're fined 1650€.
In an emergency they can shoot your nigger ass. And they'll shoot a few white people too, the stupid ones who don't respect quarantine.
>Authoritarian countries force people to quarantine
>Infection rate drops
>"Free" country lets people come and go as they please
>Mass death
>In an emergency they can shoot your nigger ass. And they'll shoot a few white people too, the stupid ones who don't respect quarantine.
I fucking hope they can shoot someone for breaking quarantine. Look. you do a lockdown to identify and quarantine the infected to prevent anyone else being infected.
It totally defeats the purpose to lockdown for 14 days, if someone is running around all the time infecting other people.. Then those 14 days will be totally wasted. So yeah i'm almost like they SHOULD be shot for breaking the quarantine on purpose when they know they shouldn't.
Take your meds schizo.
This will only be enforced on whites
>>Authoritarian countries force people to quarantine
>Infection rate drops
>"Free" country lets people come and go as they please
>Mass death
This is why you have martial law. Because an emergency situation there is no doubt that the most effective structure is authoritarian military like control. The only reason every nation is not an authoritarian meritocracy. Is the potential for misuse and that human beings are assholes who need to be kept in line with checks and balances. If humans were perfect and only did good things for eachother. Every nation on the planet would be an authoritarian regime. Because it's the most effective and competent way to run a society.
a story as old as time itself
Coincidently Wuhan was a 5G testing ground
Stabbings in the streets should drop drastically in London. Will domestic violence rise?!
The funny thing is that it's true. Here in Italy you do need a loicense to be outside and your documents with you.
If it happens in the UK too it's even funnier. What a time to be a British cop!
Don’t get tested
boot lickers and political demigod cucks love this shit.
You Reap What You Sow /sheeple/
The plan was always to lock down the old and sick while the young got on with things. The plan has not changed.
This is good. Every country should be doing this right now. Fuck your freedom.
>All homeless go to jail.
That's like a step up in the world for them
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
EVENT 201 pandemic exercise
california has done the same for 65+ and boris should bring it down to that too.
want your pension? want treatment? stay the fuck indoors. if they ration ventilators old fucks who wouldn't listen to science should be at the end of the line.
That's cute. It's 50k here and the police are doing random house checks and encouraging people to dob each other in.
U av a loicense fo them coffz m8?
How much do they pay you worthless cunts?
Willfully infecting or risking to infect someone else should be a punishable crime. Go to comiefornia where it's legal to hide your HIV status you faggot.
Your nose is showing.
Imagine being so fucking stupid. It's a potentially deadly virus. If they don't quarantine it, they can't stop the rate of infection which will overwhelm hospitals so people don't even have opportunity to be treated. Then they might aswell just do nothing and you might get the disease and expect to die.
But to you it's more important to run around like a fucking idiot, than to prevent that. It's like talking to an idiot literally too stupid to understand that you're trying to help him. Because
>muh freedom.
Why do you think martial law exists. It's for things like this. Or do you want to pretend this was just invented yesturday. Its people like you it's hilarious. Because i can understand easily the philosophy and mindset between things like in USA like the 1st and 2nd ammendment and these things. I don't pretend they are set in stone, or try to find some way to avoid following those principles. Like many do with all kinds of things they try to find holes in it. Because i understand the principle of it, the mentality the philosophy. That way i understand why those things are there, cause they make sense. Same way that martial law became a part of a constitutional republic that didn't want authoritarian government such as british royalty. Because in an emergency situation military doctrine is far more efficient at solving the situation, than partial democracy or similar, which is ridiculous for it.
Infact in a perfect world where humans only did good things for eachother. Every nation would be a meritocratic authoritarian regime. Because it's the most effecient way to order a society. Infact the only reason we don't have that. And have idiotic things like democracy instead as lack of a better alternative. Is because humans can't be trusted with this as a default. And have abused it through history.
But when it comes to emergencies, you need this kind of leadership form to deal effectively with such situations. And after that, red tape restored.
Do you also not understand. If you quarantine an entire country in hope of stopping the infection, this hurts businesses and everybody. Now then, that being the case, it's not something you do for fun. So when you do that. And then you have some jackass thinking he can run around, making it completely irellevant for almost everyone else in the quarantine.. It defeats the whole purpose. Everyone in that country should be pissed at that fucking guy or girl.. What the fuck are they doing, when this retard is just running around as he pleases anyways.. infecting away and whatnot..
brought a tear to my weeping eye user. great redpill
it's a shame so many weak faggots have entered this place in the recent years and diluted the skepticism
so many demanding big state responses or even the agenda 2021 depopulation that [[[they]]] crave
anons would do well to listen to this post, and look up 'event 201'
so much for herd immunity
Oh boo fucking hoo anglo. This is the only way to deal with any virus that has no cure. This is how historically plagues etc. were also dealt with. I'm totally onboard with the possibility that someone release this in china on purpose or china stole it from a lab or similar. But that doesn't change that this is the only fucking way you can deal with this kind of thing without a cure.. You try to contain the rate of infection which means you quarantine everyone with the disease, so nobody else gets infected! This is exactly why the bubonic plauge and other such things killed so many people. Is cause in the past this was EXTREMELY HARD FOR THEM TO DO..
There's a thing called being overly sceptical, and pretend as if this virus is a fucking hoax and really nobody is dying or sick whatsoever..
>so much for herd immunity
Herd immunity. Are you fucking kidding me with this shit. Sure.. find me 30 million americans willing to play russian roulette with their own lives in the hopes that somehow they will form natural antibodies to every strain of this virus. Then i can give you herd immunity. let's start with you? Not interested you say? OH I DON'T THINK ANYONE ELSE IS EITHER..
Stop infecting people you COOFer
its already $5500-$20,000 fine for disobeying quarantine here.
>Every nation would be a meritocratic authoritarian regime. Because it's the most effecient way to order a society.
cry harder faggot
i'm gonna go for a walk in the sunshine, visit a couple of shops, shake hands with friends and get on with my life
enjoy your stash of toilet paper but please stop impinging on my fun
>mental health insult bot arrives just in time
>unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world.
If you actually knew what stuxnet did you'd realise how stupid all of this sounds.
I'm not crying whatsoever, just talking sense as per usual.
And it most certainly is the most effective way to organize a society. The only reason we have red tape and individual rights and all these checks and balances is that human beings are not good a lot of them and can't be trusted with authoritarian power. They end up not doing the absolute good and best thing to those whom they are supposed to serve as leader for. But end up doing bad things towards them. That's the only reason we have idiotic shit like democracy instead. Of sitting down having a vote about whatever to do. non meritocratic no matter how dumb you are you can vote. And other such managing forms. It's for lack of not being able to do it authoritarian style.
Ideally every government leader should not be elected by vote but by meritocracy. By credentials and various tests of merit. And then have massive authority in deciding what to do. And only act to do the absolute good towards people of that society. But in reality, people are assholes who can't be trusted with that kind of authority. So you have this kinds of stuff we have instead.. And then you have martial law and things like that as a contingency like if there's an emergency it switches over to authoritarian control temporarily, because it's more effective to deal with any kind of situation than the more slow moving and error prone democratic way.
I'm totally against jews and all this other things you mention, and also have said even from beginning that i suspect this virus originated in a lab where it was experimented on, and then accidentally got out or someone let it out on purpose.
But that doesn't change is that the only way to deal with it right now is to quarantine to avoid spread of the infection. Better to quarantine only few people and identify all who are infected and asking them to self quarantine. Is far better than having millions upon millions fucking infected, spreading it even more!
Yea, but if I can't go out, I can't work, and if I can't work, I can't pay back the Jews I owe money to, and this means the quarantine laws are anti-Semitic.
Kool, fuck off to your country with that.
>Yea, but if I can't go out, I can't work, and if I can't work, I can't pay back the Jews I owe money to, and this means the quarantine laws are anti-Semitic.
Haha. Nice one. Yes i mean this is not something anyone is interested in doing for fun. Least of which jews.. The very reason this has spread so much is that chinese covered it up for a full month before they admitted it in january. And then pretended it was a normal flu to not have people isolate china and crash their economy till they had dealt with it. Which we now know ofcourse china lied.. for financial reasons! If they had said..
>we have this crazy virus, we don't know what to do about it, not seen anything like this type of 'flu' virus.. we need to shut down our country and it is important that nobody else in the world gets it, or it might come back to us if you get it we need to quarantine ourselves from you aswell..
This is very problematic when you have global supply chains, but a virus doesn't give a shit if you find it inconvenient to not be able to travel and things like that. It's same reason trump delayed it, it's same reasons w.h.o downplayed it for 3 fucking straight months this thing was allowed to spread. And now we know china has been lying about the numbers, because anywhere else than china this thing is fucking exploding. So obviously china was covering up their numbers of infected and casualties. There's no way they didn't.. And i see why. Cause everybody would have gone.
>sorry china we are pulling the fucking plug till you have neutralized this..
That would have one sidedly decimated china. Now it's decimating everybody.. brilliant. Thanks guys..
I mean we have to do this quarantine and hope that we get most of the infected, and then do a double take and get the infected we miss in 2x 14 day takes, that fit with incubation period. To try to track down anyone been in contact with anyone infected. And then put them under quarantine aswell.
Prove literally anything you're saying
>Yea, but if I can't go out, I can't work, and if I can't work, I can't pay back the Jews I owe money to, and this means the quarantine laws are anti-Semitic
Valid point, fren. Valid point.
>Kool, fuck off to your country with that.
I am in my country my country is in lockdown, so is germany. Border is also closed between germany and denmark. Since primary infection of danes was some of them were in certain areas in germany, they have traced the infection back to that, so there's a tremendous job in the works of locating everyone who has been in contact with someone infected.. And hopefully they will manage to get all of them. Which is also why it's important that anyone who has any symptoms turn themselves in for testing. Otherwise they'll have to do this shit fucking all over again in a month or so.. Nobody can be interested in that. They are trying to prevent many people from getting sick and dying because they become so many that there's not doctors and hospital slots enough.. They need you in ICU can't put you in a normal hospital slot or you'll infect the entire wing.. The italian medical chief recently died of corona virus.. the people treating this are dying aswell. This is not something that is very safe to be around. So they are trying to save your ass, from whatever this idiot virus is and who released it or whatever it is. So stop complaining, just a little bit.
The problem is they should have done this in january not wait till march.. Then there might not even be any infections at all in europe, or in USA perhaps..
>Wears Zodiac
>Doesn't wear the fucking gloves so he can work his smart phone
What a muppet.
i will never forget the 6 gorillion quarantined israelis
>we are on phase 4 and this guy is still trying to figure out phase 1
Oh how I wish I had the ignorance and bliss of an NPC sometimes.
its the same here in Spain, theres no one in the streets
>have no food
>go outside to get food
>get jailed
holy fuck england is cucked
If there was small government or no government society would be anarchistic. Do you really continue to follow this absurd notion that the government is out to get you? Take off the tinfoil hat my God.
No, this is not what it is burger. If you are suspected of being in contact with someone who has been tested positive for corona virus. You might be adviced by health authorities that you are instructed to self quarantine. Since you might have the virus. Therefore you are NOT GOING TO GO DOWN IN THE SUPERMARKET 2 MINUTES AFTER RECIEVING THAT MESSAGE.. If you do they will fine you..
It's only in those cases.. Where you are instructed to self quarantine since you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive. As they are trying to trace down the sources of origin etc.
Friendly reminder there's an army of paid "coronavirus is gonna wipe us all out" UN shills here who deserve to be lining a ditch.