! - ! - ! - ! H A P P E N I NG ! - ! - ! - !

Good Morning!

NRW is Kill!
Shopping Malls empty, Battlefield in ALDI, it is 9 o'clock in the moring.

>NRW is about to get shut down!
>Borders under Heavy Control!
>Army about to deploy into the city. Exits to the motorway (Highway-autobahn) are partially blocked.
>Regional Trains (Regio.-DB) no longer stop in other Regions.
>No more toiletpaper, kitchen towels, canned food, flour, sugar, salt or tuna (any kind of tuna).
>Gas stations overcrowded and overpriced!
>Schools of all types closed, for small to large courses including IHK.
>Events, offices, leisure activities, clothing stores, discos, bars, electronics stores, downtown, all closed.
>The police make more control trips.

Have a nice day!

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heavy ass rumors of paris and east france on martial law tommorow by 18.00

mach mal lieber nen kraut thread

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I need this in Thuringia. Don't want to go to late shift.

based kraut showing us a infographic.

Isn't westphalia the cucked part of germany too?

I hear Schulz and his phenotype exist there.

Where can i see the aldi battlefield?

Yes pleaseg uys buy all teh shitty JA! canned foods so they can restock tomorrow.

You people are so fkin retarded. Its pretty chill in Cologne here, no idea what youre on about.

Some retard harz4 people buying shitloads of empty calories because their facebook group posted some fake shit again.

Fucking sheeple.

>Battlefield in ALDI

>Army about to deploy into the city

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polskis always gettin down to business lol

user, I

I am also interested in this

Don't you fuckers run here.
We're full.

WW3 incoming. Time for Europe to kill itself again. The EU has failed at peace. The virus is making everyone desperate and suspicious. A lot of people are blaming Italians. It's time to die, lads. "Fuck the virus, we'll kill each other instead!"

lol no.
Ill go to the supermarket now and tell you how it looks

t. cologne dude.

germany still has an army? isn't that fascist?

Imagine Corona-Chan blitzkrieg on the krauts

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Dead Munich when?

Redpill me on this region. Are they french mongrels?

Ach soooo
Hau kan I getz mein Bier now?


>Ill go to the supermarket now and tell you how it looks
Send pics!

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da sind doch übertrieben viele kanacken wie ich gehört hab

I was in ALDI, i saw it first hand. You are full of shit mr.NothingBurger, i wish people like you would die in a Fire!
As soon the Aldi emplyoee put out the towels for the kitchen, everyone, freaking everyone jumped on them! I got two packs! And this was at 8 a clock in the fucking morning!
You underestimate the amount of people who go shopping! But here you are, telling everyone to calm down! The actually threat isn't the corona, it is the majority going crazy as fuck and there are many fucking of them!


Don’t be mean!

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>towels for the kitchen
what do they use them for??

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yes, nrw is pretty much berlin

Our Aldi here is least affected by the crowds. I am going there tomorrow.

Berlin is a white ethnostate i comparison

yeah thats pretty much what i said you mongo.

People are panicky animals and thats the real danger here. now stfu you pussy.

I have an answer to both

Go back to r*ddit

This is a German crematorium to get rid of corona bodies



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only difference is that Berlin is even more "hipster"
NRW is kinda gritty and sad.


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>NRW is kinda gritty and sad.
So is Berlin desu

Würde ich jetzt nicht in dieser verdammt langen schlange and der tankstellle stehen, ich würde zu dir rüberkommen und deinen verfickten arsch aufreissen du dummer hund.

Good thing I busted out from there last week.

>The actually threat isn't the corona, it is the majority going crazy as fuck
True this. It's the only reason the virus even worries me. People are dumb motherfuckers and ironically the media hiding the truth for so long is only going to make the panic 100x worse when the fire is under their arse

It's also shitskin central.

Who knows the situation in dusseldorf? Havent gone outside today

North-Rhine-Westphalia is the center of German industry.

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Döbeln, Sachsen closed as well. Going into the Baumarkt to stock up on dog food today. Will update later.

All schools closed here as well.

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As far as i know the hitcharts of most infected goes like this

I live in NRW; PLZ 475XX
Everything is normal. Nothing special. Just the toilet paper is gone (and cheap rice/noodles, only the expensive ones are still there) but other than that, everything is OK.


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This is where the fun begins

Deploying the army nationally is not an easy process and will not happen in the foreseeable future. There are no inner-german border controls. Gasoline prices are at an all-year low. The shops are still open. Of course there are panic buyers, but not nearly as bad as you make it sound.

This is where I live, near the durch border, see Everything seems normal so far.

yeah this, where's the warfare

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cologne is a messestadt ( tradefair ) and also an importantt stop for all the chinese tourists who booked romantic tours across germany. Their busses all stopped right in the city center daily. I knew that for weeks but I did not even try to talk about that to anybody.

is the kvb still running?

Carnival region. Same in NL.

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bow before your capital

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>chinese tourists
Oh shit. Munich and Rothenburg on der Tauber are doomed.

its the capital that will bow

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think about it. only ONE non-symptomatic tourist had to be in your town. chances are pretty high we had at least one of them weeks ago.

im baking

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get wrecked NRW

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I m about to get into the city center of Cologne now. Wish me luck.

just came back from Rewe, business as usual, few shelves empty like TP but that has been like that for days since hoarders come in early in the morning and buy it alkl and they restock sometime around noon.

Literal nothing. Sun shining, birds chirping, children laughing. go outside for a change you mongos. jesus.



Make sure to stock up brother.

Don't be caught with your pants and learn from the italians mistakes.

Yeah. Ehrenfeld. All chill just a few Harz people buying shitty discount cans pretty much.
Bahn is doing saturday fahrplan but other than that.

we will remember you

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Was für eine Scheiße ist das denn Bitte ?
War heute morgen beim Netto, abgesehen vom Mehl ist alles reichlich vorhanden.

I thought saturday shedule was planned for wednesday? Weird. Whatever. I NEED to go to the center to get a bike. Without a bike I m fucked for the coming weeks. No car. No nothing.

Kek I live 5km from nrw, you guys are the Autistic dutch as we call you

Yup. Family who believed me too late is going shopping every day now because everything's empty. Acquaintance of my friend has corona so I hope I'm not starving or dying. JUST.

My whole body is burning up, am I infected anons?

This is a nothing burger. Op is gay and this thread is shit.

What is more alarming, why are so many nrw anons here?

I thought nrw was nazi free?



Allen kommt beim Netto!

Tomaten, 1kg von 1.9999999 JETZT FÜR 1.99997

yy it starts on wednesday true i forgot.
well you can "walk"
And the city is full of these weird rent bike thingies. And just buy a used bike on ebay ors omething youll spend shitloads if you buy a good one in the city centre.

Who said I m a nazi?

If you knew how many people here vote pro köln and afd you would go crazy.

No, you are just in love

stop biting bait post user, didn't you notice all the (1)'s"muh nothing burger"shills flooding in here?


Me and the other cologne guy basically confirmed its business as usual here..

Join us with your NRW doomsday glory.

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The worst thing about corona is that it's become a morbid hobby of dull-witted, bored plebs with no other responsibilities in life than their own self-interest. God I wish the virus discriminates welfare recipients, against single mothers but we all know conscientous, productive and crucial members of society are most at risk.

>Battlefield in ALDI

Ohne scheiss mann. War 10 nach 8 bei aldi und der komplette büchsenfrass + der gesammte reis war weg. Klopapier wurde auch langsam dünn. Aufn montag, 10 minuten nach ladenöffnung. WTF

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Im in

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fuck how would you talk sense into someone who refuses to self quarantaine even tough an employee has tested positive for corona and two colleagues will go into quarantaine who share the same workplace as the person that refuses to self quarantaine ( i.e. just call in sick to not have to touch the possibly contaminated workplace and so on )
i am argueing with the person but the person says i would be hysterical when i am only stating precautions and if it wasnt serious the government would not allow to get a certificate of sickness via telephone ...
how do you talk reason into people

show xer this

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Warum lügt ihr Fotzen.
Es ist alles wie immer.
Also geht jetzt arbeiten und Steuern zahlen.