This is not a meme. Taking raw garlic is proven to boost the immune system and help it fight off various types of disease including viruses.

It works both as a preventive measure and when you are sick.


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so.y is better

Look into Lion's Mane mushrooms as well.

Fasting for 48-72 hours can completely repair and boost your immune system.

>posting an Italian staple
>semi trustworthy memeflag
Fuck off. Claim your anime wifus lads.

Because you can throw it out in the back and have a bunch of it.

>not eating for 3 days will boost the immune system
Nigga what?

Take cold showers.


raw garlic is a bitch to eat. sure 1 or 2 cloves is easy but try 5-8
the acid inside burns the fuck out of your gums and tongue

Garlic capsules

When I get a cold I usually cut a few cloves into small pieces and swallow it with water. The day after I feel almost no symptoms and the day after I’m completely fresh.

But I guess (a potent) pesto works aswell

Whenever I have a cold I usually take 5-6 cloves in the morning and then 5-6 again before going to bed.

Garlic and onions will save your life. Immune booster and makes you smell so bad people will want to stay as far from you as physically possible.
Eat enough garlic and your sweat starts to smell of it when you excersize. Shit is cash.

If Garlic made such a difference then why is Italy so fucked

You can swallow a clove whole, like a pill and let your stomach acid break it up, you don't need to chew.
Ginger is also dope. Tea takes 20 minutes to cook but it's like drinking a health potion in Diablo.

>This is not a meme.
>posts meme

garlic pills/capsules dont do shit

Youre meant to slice it or better grate it to break open the cells walls somthat allicin can be made. I dont think it works the same in your stomach plus your stomach doesnt digest cellulose so some of the cell walls will remain intact.

Yeah onion and garlic makes my ball sweat wreak, i think thats why the french smell like shit

They don’t eat raw garlic. When garlic is heated, the beneficial components break down.

this user knows what's up. allicin is made by the combination of two other chemicals inside the garlic that must be mashed in order to extract and react. Allicin is extremely unstable and you can't cook it and it dissipates / breaks down after 1 hr

you have to eat it, that's why garlic caps are a sham

Yes they do lmao

it needs to be crushed or chewed

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props for spelling that
also amazing thread

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Apart from stuff like pesto it’s very uncommon to find raw garlic in Italian dishes.

>trips of the void

Italians eat garlic (or was it French) in any case there are lots of dying in Italy right now

To any Zoomers who may not be familiar with cooking or raw garlic be careful. Take a little piece and stick it in your mouth like chaw. It'll burn the shit out of you. Now imagine that but on your insides.

Russian penicillin

raw garlic is nice but unless it is cooked it can be over powering unless you are used to eating it this way. All you have to do is increase your intake of fruits and vegetables and there ya go immune system strengthened.

Don’t be a faggot, eating raw garlic is fine. In fact, most foods are good to eat raw. Mushrooms, all veggies, beef too.

Wtf are you for real

When garlic is heated the components break down. It needs to be raw. Read the thread.

Garlic and honey equals double whammy. Dip you raw garlic in honey. It's not that bad.

Heat destroys allicin. It has to be eaten raw if you want anti bacterial / viral properties.

you can safely eat a few raw cloves throughout the day without any negative effects. ignore any retards that say to cook it

Old news? In russia we eat it raw all the time. especially when you're sick.

It's even better if you take it as a suppository

Yes. When I start feeling the tickling in my throat I start taking garlic. The day after I feel almost nothing. Last time it happened my brother got sick at the same time and he was completely useless for 5 days but I was fine.

Mushrooms veggies and beef won't chemically burn you if uncooked. Don't be a faggot, do a plug of raw garlic.

Garlic is poison, don't be stupid.

Took my vitamin C. Took my garlic. Took my chili pepper. Took my Zinc. Staying in the sun. Petting my cat.
My immune system is, like you OP, a virgin.

lol at this post

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Damn I got schooled on garlic.
Thanks lads. Stay healthy, stay smart.

What about D3? Most people are deficient.

You get it by suntanning in actual sun

soak garlic cloves in honey for a day or 2 and let them ferment a bit. the reaction makes the garlic like 100 times more potent. it will also store in a jar in your refrigerator for years like that. whenever you feel yourself getting ill, eat a clove or 2.

Stay away from my croatian medicine. But raw onions also.


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I knew the benefits of honey but I never tried mixing it with garlic

What sun?

see Also, taking deep breaths and enlarging your lung capacity, also doing sport now that you're indoors.
If you get it and your immune system is 100%, you won't feel anything.

True, but it just decreases the amount. Forcing yourself to eat something that can be overpowering when eaten raw will more than likely turn the person off to eating that food entirely. Once turned off to it you aren't getting any of the benefits from the food. It is better to eat the foods you want the way that is most enjoyable so you keep eating it even if you do lose some vitamins and minerals in the process. It is better to get something than nothing at all.

chop it, put it on a slice of bread, eat it.

Raw garlic is what it is. You just have to do it. Maybe flush it down with a glass of milk if you think it’s too much

Ye, all fermented things are good for your gut microbiome, your gut bacteria play a role in immunomodulation. Also need plenty of prebiotics like raw potato to feed them with some resistant starch and onion / garlic provide inulin.

I just grate it, put it on spoon then swallow it with a mouth full of water. I only do 1 clove every 10 mins though because it gives me stomach ache. I dont think eating something that gives you stomach ache is great but i only ever take it when im getting sick its not an everyday occurrence so it will be fine for the short term.

garlin + bread = no stomach ache.
Why don't you include it in your food raw? Or why don't you make a garlic sauce? You only need water for it.

I’ve been eating a clove every day. Good for your lungs too.

Speaking of fermented stuff: motherfucking kefír.
That shit is dope, I go out of my way to buy it nowadays.

I eat raw 3 cloves daily. I usually crush and dice them, mix them into a spread or top my food with it

With a bunch of butter. The oils in the butter seem to make it taste much better and burn less.

Careful now, garlic can be poisonous if taken too much.

please nobody do this, major choking hazard :(
mash it up and put in capsules

The trick is to swallow the mashed garlic with apple cider vinegar, which is so gross you don’t even notice the garlic.

Because it makes your sweat smell like shit, i want to attract women not repel them

garlic is extremely toxic especially raw but fuck me if roasted garlic isn't the best thing ever

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Raw garlic+Toasted rye bread with salt

correct. Also you could toast bread, add butter, then chopped tomatoes with garlic.
You can also do with oil + water and mashed garlic a pretty good sauce, which you could use it to eat your food ( as a kid I used to drink that after the meal).
I'm still a fan of pickled peppers, as I found out that peppers really do a shit ton for my immune system.

Just find a girl that smells just as garlicky as you.

Ginger is the path. Everytime I get a cold or flu I munch on that shit in all forms possible. Whole, liquid, gas, plasma all day. When I wake up, all is pretty much gone. It may not save you from corona completely, but it sure as shit will make it less severe. Boosts immune system like a bitch.

Sure are a lot of fucking retards on this board.

Put it on a cooked hot dog
, a ham & cheese sandwich.apiece of Pizza...be creative and eat it raw !

You can make your own sauerkraut or i like making fermented grated carrots with garlic and coriander.

>want to attract women
>herd immunity
Well it's up to you, I'd isolate myself really soon if I was you. Brazilians in the UK and the mutation will make it a 15% mortality rate.

It would have to be a french girl with a hairy bush

That makes it doubly bad. Try topping your food with it or mixing it in hummus or a cheese spread even, you'll get a taste for it

No thanks.

No we don't you dumbass

Read up fag

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Toxic? Nah son I eat the raw all the time.

Remember....chop, leave for 15 mins ...so the allicin is produced....very important

Wrong VPN

>garlic is extremely toxic especially raw
Absolute nonsense

crush & chop fa-m

Apparently it's this massive ball of fire in the sky that makes warmth and light, I think it's a myth myself

Rub your penis head with the crushed garlic. This will make you immune to corona.

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whenever i get a migraine i mash up a few cloves into almost paste and shove it all in my mouth and chew it until my eyes water and i want to throw up then i swallow it and by the time i dont feel like theres fire in my mouth i forgot i ever had a migraine