Hungarians went full retard (?!)

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has unequivocally placed the blame for the coronavirus outbreak in Europe on immigration and affirmed that Hungary has been ahead of the curve in understanding the dangers of migration.

In an interview regarding his country’s response to the coronavirus threat on Hungary’s Kossuth Rádió Friday morning, the Prime Minister was asked why universities were being closed while public schools were remaining open. Orbán stated that it is because “there are a lot of foreigners there,” noting that most of Hungary’s early cases of the virus were found among Iranian students.

He further explained that it was not possible to separate the foreign students from the Hungarians, so he thought it best to close the institutions altogether.

(On Friday, however, the Hungarian government announced that public schools would be closed as well starting the following week.)

“We have seen that it was mostly foreigners who brought in the disease, and that it is mostly spreading among foreigners,” Orbán added. “It’s no coincidence that the virus first first appeared among Iranians.”

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*Ring ring*
Uh, hello? Based department?

Considering that it was brought in by foreign students who refused to self-quarantine and had to be dragged into the hospital by police even after they tested positive, he's objectively right.
I just hope the government will cut back on their retarded exchange programme after this, I'm sick of seeing darkies at uni.

full based

based Orbán

>Oy vey goyim, stagnate your economy and fuck your own economic growth because of your stupid phobia of brown skin

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>“We have seen that it was mostly foreigners who brought in the disease, and that it is mostly spreading among foreigners,” Orbán added.

Oversocialized travel retards brought it here. You can get it without immigrants if people have sufficient resources to bring it in from other countries.


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Based hungAryans.

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Well the coronavirus definitely didn’t originate in Hungary, so he’s not wrong.

introduced pests bring diseases.

>oy vey goyim turn your country in a brown shithole otherwise the natives win!

>brown skin stimulates economies
Oy Gevalt!

Rabbi fucking PLEASE

>Oy very goyim, import Africans from their third world shitholes who have not created a functioning society in thousands of years, it'll boost your economy!

>Considering that it was brought in by foreign students who refused to self-quarantine and had to be dragged into the hospital by police even after they tested positive, he's objectively right
Is this true? Link?

I'm ok with this

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Yeah, I'm thinking based.

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Nah Mate it was defo Chang and the gang.

The Hung aryans literally never let us down, simp or cuck.

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He's the only anti-globalist politician that is taking advantage of the situation. The orange retard-in-chief sits there and does nothing, and so does british goonie-sloth PM. Imagine being a fucking qtard boomer sitting on Yas Forums who has posted "it's 4d chess" for the last five years and watch your candidate not take advantage of the situation to stick a knife into globalism and instead do the exact opposite and hand over ammo to your enemies. The anti-globalist far right needs to purge normiecons from their ranks.


Based. Gloablist open borders policies caused a world wide pandemic. Commie China caused the outbrak in the first place.

Communism + globalism BTFO THE FUCK OUT

Found the shill.

>tfw hungary's greatest king is half romanian
his mother got vlach'd

Anyone who claims HungAryans are not white goes directly in the oven.

It’s just a meme you syrup drinking nigger.

just put them out of their misery or send back

No foreigners no spread.

gg hungary.

Hungary is the greatest country on earth

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>Disease doesn't originate in Hungary
>No one from outside of Hungary is let in
>No one in Hungary gets the disease

This is simple shit and he's 100% correct. Now you have to show your real flag.

Such a king

He saw a ripe opportunity and took it.

>full retard
>every country on earth closing their fucking borders
>""""refugees""""" mostly unaccounted for and who knows what kind of diseases they are carrying
>medical system in most countries already on the brink of collapsing without the additional wieght of useless immigrants

>literal niggers and arabs bring it in
So Orbán is still based as fuck? What a surprise

>oy vey just let people die! What about my precious spread!

heres your aryans bro

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Godfather to the people. Survival is paramount. We who are about to die solute you.

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well he's not very wrong
one of main reasons why Italy is in such state now is that they've been using fuckton of chink workforce in construction. Enjoy your globalism while it lasts.

The Italian outbreak happened because of Chinese migrant workers in Italy so he's not wrong

Based Orban telling it like it is. Dirty refuges bring plague.

It would have appeared either way.

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I love that guy

Yes, gone full retard indeed.
He should have also blamed tourism.

dunno, man, Orban sounds based and you sound like a faggot


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he's not wrong, original sars didn't spread this much because globalism wasn't that much of a thing nearly 20 years ago

Dudás Ildikót sunáznám, nemazé

Foreigner here, I'm actually thinking about staying here until all of this is over. No, I'm not Iranian.
Seems like Hungary is the best country to be at right now.

he is right

which brings the question why did he not close the borders instead of quarantining the population?

>tfw when romanigger

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nationalism has its redeeming qualities, but lets not pretend he is not corrupt af. Would I take it over the bunch which is merely corrupt? Yes I would, but let's pretend he is based

learn your place subhuman

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>be romanigger
>call anyone subhuman
Romanians are Gypsy crimals, the 2nd worst things that happened to Europe after coronavirus and the great plague.

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Oy vey, Hungarians are rejecting the global plan from Israel, they MUST be retarded.