Biggest failure of a presidential, and yet idiots on Yas Forums will defend him over random mexiniggers that are here illegally but still work twice as hard as they could imagine for jobs they dont want and for half the pay. Unreal. Republicans are retarded.
Biggest failure of a presidential...
I used to think it was just a meme that people defending him here are /ptg/ shills. Now I'm starting to think it's true... I mean let's be real, most people here who liked and supported him in 2016 probably thought Ben Shapiro was pretty cool too. Come on, we can all admit it. Then the more we looked into him, we realized that he was just a fat brainlet all along.
Republitards, especially rural white retards, seethe when a mexican steals their low skill entry no education requirement jobs because they are too dumb and scared to go to college.
bait thread sure but I do find it hilarious how fast liberals forgot about George W Bush. Trump is a dopey clown but Bush fucked this country beyond repair.
shut up leafnigger
Seething incel retards.
Trump will win and you’ll cry all over again.
imagine thinking he's not doing an amazing job.
Not really. He’s shit. But look at the alternative. I’m not voting for bleached Obama.
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
Cope low IQ countryside nigger
White Americans BTFO
Funny how all the “whites” I work with are lazier than spics.
You do realize republicans are richer, smarter, have better families, and are better than you in every way.
I think the whole thing's funny. "Blah blah free market" -> injects $1.5 trillion into the market. It's gonna be funny watching the pandemic rip through your joke of a country. The rest of the world is laughing at your honey boo boo ass president.
>Biggest failure of a presidential, and yet idiots on Yas Forums will defend him over random mexiniggers that are here illegally but still work twice as hard as they could imagine for jobs they dont want and for half the pay. Unreal. Republicans are retarded.
The boomers maybe, not you destined failures lmao
lol, kick us when we’re down, that works so well. morons.
TRUMP 2020
>the economy is bad, we should vote for a communist!
Cope. You’re a typical leftist failure.
He has connections to Tesla though. Isn't his family super connected to the Black Mobility?
Maga 2020 fuck you still lol.
My high paying job that I got thanks to my EDUCATION, something illegal spics have a hard time getting, says otherwise. Keep coping bricklayer
Gets rid of the pandemic office > pandemic rips through your country. Calls it a hoax then declares National Emergency. Mike Pence PRAYS for it to stop. You live in the shittest country.
>I made another MIGA thread, tee hee, that orange cheeto won't beat Bernie/Biden this time!
And who cares about New Zealand? Fix up your own country before attacking ours. American Steel!
Leafs act like it's their duty to make the most abhorrent posts possible.
>implying Trump deported anybody
Ok Jude
They don't remember him becuase they were 5
Not even but dude. It actually sad the amount of wh*te late 20 hipsters on here with ginger beards and glasses defend this peeled orange.
Blind voting Republican every time, unreal stupidity. Cant believe these guys have the same voting power as me.
He's lonely tonight. Ignore him and really sink it in.
Unfortunately this country is going to shit thanks to peeled orange man. Life imitates art. Remove pandemic office, pandemic comes. Cant make it up.
LOL. Our country is waaaay better than your backwards ass joke country. The world likes and listens to our prime minister. Even Boris fucking Johnson pointed and giggled at Trump with everyone else.
>will defend him over random mexiniggers that are here illegally but still work twice as hard as they could imagine for jobs they dont want and for half the pay. Unreal. Republicans are retarded.
listen to this JEW whine and squeal like a pig!!!
While he simultaneously advocates for SCAB workers and lcaims he's on the side of the workers and unions and Republicans are the ones electing rich people and not him and his dem friends whom are fronting a guy that has 60 billionaires backing him....most likely they are all jewish fags too like Bloomberg
>Blind voting Republican every time, unreal stupidity. Cant believe these guys
as if the Dems don't simultaneously support Goldman Sachs and get funded by them and then whine about healthcare rights not responsibilities
All rights and no responsibilities
Then you call for death panels but then when we set them up for Corona Chan you guys will attack it as Trump's fault....hey you wanted death panels.....well here it comes're getting exactly what you asked for, free testing and free death panels
good fucking riddance
all you had to do was listen
you should have listened
It is though. We can be your punching bag and the villain of Yas Forums. Deep down you know what we make this site a little more fun.
>this country is going to shit thanks to peeled orange man.
fucking retards can't even see how they are fucking themselves in the ass every time
so it must be Orange man's fault for my Low IQ REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>still work twice as hard as they could imagine for jobs they don't want and for half the pay
That's the problem you brainlet - now if a low skilled American wants a job he has to work extremely hard at a shitty job and doesn't even get paid well for it because of he complains they'll just hire a Mexican to do it.
Why would you think that's a good thing?
Mate Shapiro was a never trumper
"Cope" "Seethe" "Snowflake" "Reeeee"
I like how you idiots can only speak in catchphrases like Big Bang Theory.
>Gets rid of the pandemic office > pandemic rips through your country.
just a coincidence i'm sure
totally not staged and or fake
and fear mongering BS
This is all true but it doesn't make their grievances any less legitimate.
ok groomer
Mate it was the Fed injecting money and trump doesn't get along too well with the Fed.
>Remove pandemic office, pandemic comes. Cant make it up.
yes we can make up viruses and infect people with anything we like so long as they get the same symptoms we are looking for we live in a world of millions of chemical possibilities
the govt has simply sprayed people in the past and created epidemics to see how it spread
no reason a private company couldn't just do the same....heck you believe in Contrails, you wouldn't know any better fucking children and low iq midgets wouldn't know shit
The statue on his right looks like a T-Rex. I can see a T-Rex face on the flag also, by the eagles head. Awesome!
He still took credit for it
>Believes what he hears from the news
You have to go back
Will another mass shooting shut down your country?
what Trump needs to do is fumigate the bunker ventilation systems of all the globalist elites that went into hiding after they unleashed this shit, hey nobody would even know it was being done to them since they think it's a conspiracy theory, a great time to get rid of elite establishment leftist fuckheads
That's right, all news lies. That's the best thing about conspiracies, you just get to dismiss anything you don't like as a shill or fake.
Cope. You don't have anything. You're a leftist failure, raging at the world because you have failed.
Probably, because it's not meant to be normal like it is in your country you fucking idiot.
You do realize you are objectively stupid.
Its npt you who decides what work i want to do and you have no fucking idea if i work hard or not, you fucking retarded spic can you be more entitled? Fucking kill yourself i hope the local cartel skins you alive at least you wont have a turd colored skin.
Im so glad you faggots are never allowed here at least the mussies have a sense of humility.
Go watch his speech where he "calls it a hoax" and get back to me champ.
>nooooooo NOT MY PRESIDENT reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You are your parents biggest failure.
You should have been aborted.
Maybe it’s not to late in some states
I realized I was giving you way too much credit in my previous posts, you're probably a fat NEET with no skillset whatsoever. Keep coping drumfptard
> assumes I'm a democrat
I'm from a country where you get to have more than two parties.
He will just try to defend it with stupidity
You are so dumb. You fall for fake news so easily. You can't even do a simple Google search. He never called it a hoax
This is why leftists fail at everything in life - they have no brains. Subhuman low IQ failures.
all that guy had to do was unleash a biological
and then leave and nobody would have ever even figured out he did it, they would just find an island of dead people like jim jones and wonder how the agent got there
Bro you're an incel loser. That's why you're so full of rage. Get yourself together.
" ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.’ That did not work out too well. They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. … They tried anything. … And this is their new hoax.”
Holy shit you are so dumb. This is hilarious.
What was the "this" he was referring to?
You have no idea. HAHAHAH YOU ARE SO DUMB.
Literally says hoax dickhead. Fuck you people are dumb.
He was a retarded WoW player not part of a chad jap cult with knowledge to create sarin.
Lol okay simp. You can fuck off back to /ptg/ or TD now, you've already proven to everybody in this thread you're an absolute moron and drone.
What was he talking about then sport? Even Pence had a go at him for cooking this whole thing.
What's "this" bro?
I miss when obvious kike shills were bullied and banned. I was spoiled by 8/pol/. Die kike.
Holy shit you are dumb. HAHAHAHA oh my god. I bet you have trouble tying your shoelaces.
LOL your incel rage is hilarious. You will never have sex and you will always be a loser.
But you're still here proxyhohol Russian. Misinformation spreading much?
>Trump accuses democrats of politicising coronavirus
Well there you have it, BTFO by your own source.
Ok Bernout
LOL so saying politicising the corona virus is a hoax? Your splitting hairs. Daily Signal, wow, what a great source.
why is it so easy to break MIGAcels?