Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Quarantine Edition

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>Election analysis 2014-2019

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Last thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:,RtKtcCr

get comfy, Krautbros, we're in for a long haul and not all will reach it alive!

>you're here forever
Thank the lord. Kraut threads are a highlight in these trying times.

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and quality returned as if by magic! last two breads were a pleasure to participate in

Now that my German friends are in quarantine, they can finally make a baby.

Swedistan is doing the fast one
>it would be unfair to those who have no children so...
>schools won't close
>no work from home
>no quarantine measures
>nothing at all
>won't even report infection numbers, because "what does it matter at this point"
finally found a fast way to commit national suicide. good riddance

Is that real though? They aren't canceling school because lonely wine cat lady would be offended if you didn't kill your kid?

Yeah, it's way better now.
Seems like China is going full guh
Means we'll get more entertainment out of our precious DAX today

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>Die gesuchte Seite ist leider nicht verfügbar
bro, you 404'd me!

That 5-year chart looks so juicy. My morning boner is about to return.

Link works for me. Try a hard refresh (CTRL+F5).

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Otherwise pic related.

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yup, wörked now. thanks, reading now

So comfy. We purchased a hof in October. We're spending our time in the sun planting our garden today and trying to stay away from people right now. We still need a few more cases of water and maybe a little bit more food for me to feel a little more secure, but I'm going to stay calm and measured about it and not panic. Good luck to us all.

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>knock knock
Lehman Bros. 2.0

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lol, not even close to reality - first, they had much worse epidemic than they reported, even if they are out of it, they will suffer from both theyir own quarantine measures, and now because Europe gone into lockdown and coomsuntion will go down drastically
in short, this all is just beginning. the negative feed loop just began.
13,5% down my ass :DDDD

Long term lung damage

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>mfw homeoffice

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I hope you have minecraft tools to protect that spot of eden you have

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Only of the melee variety. I pray it doesn't come to that.

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Is that nigger actually a police officer?

then you need to acquire ranged. and quick. it will come in handy in variety of situations, hunting being one (inb4 no hunter's loicense - lol)

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So the free meals for school children gig is starting today, turns out children meet their school bus driver's and they give them 3 days worth of breakfast and lunch, then on the 23rd, they get 5 days worth of breakfast and lunch.

meet their school bus drivers at the school bus stop*


Weiterbildung(en) fallen flach, Prüfungen fallen flach, mal gucken ob Kolloquium der Masterarbeit auch flach fällt. Komplett das öffentliche Leben in NRW lahmgelegt. We quarantäne now.

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kann mir jemand das auf englisch übersetzen? ich verstehe das letzte bisschen nicht

> Denn bei einem unendlichen Fleiße und einer großen Feinheit der Arbeit, nebst der zierlichen Form einiger Teile, als der Füße, Beweise von einem geschickten Meister, deuten die Figuren auf eine Zeit, wo der Kopf kaum der sechste Teil derselben gewesen sein wird, und die Schrift kommt ihrem pelasgischen Ursprunge und der ältesten griechischen Schrift näher als auf andern etrurischen Werken.


I know, right?! A Gender studies lesbian with a broke dick 90's rapper? What could possibly go wrong with this picture.

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Reporting in

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I hate when people play her on Total Mayhem.

>not enough stamina to fuck or jerk anymore
>cum is almost sterile

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Kek what goes around comes around

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boomer boss wasn't having it, "The market fluctuates all the time! It's NOR-MAL!" "I-It's just the oil, Saudi trade deal!"


Smart money is gone already, most of the critical CEOs resigned. Bezos sold off a ton of Amazon. Hope you still have a job when the market is done gutting your boss kek

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Yeah heard that Bill Gates stepped down, don't know of anyone else. The rumors are that we should be back payed for lost wages.

sag mir der nigger ist da nur reingeshoppt

NRW is Kill!
Shopping Malls empty, Battlefield in ALDI, it is 9 o'clock in the moring.

>NRW is about to get shut down!
>Borders under Heavy Control!
>BUNDESWEHR about to deploy into the city. Exits to the motorway (Highway-autobahn) are partially blocked.
>Regional Trains (Regio.-DB) no longer stop in other Regions.
>No more toiletpaper, kitchen towels, canned food, flour, sugar, salt or tuna (any kind of tuna).
>Gas stations overcrowded and overpriced!
>Schools of all types closed, for small to large courses including IHK.
>Events, offices, leisure activities, clothing stores, discos, bars, electronics stores, downtown, all closed.
>The police make more control trips.


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Hamburg shut down yesterday afternoon

-Jeff Bezos has sold nearly $4.1 billion worth of Amazon shares in the past 11 days (dated February)

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>Komplett das öffentliche Leben in NRW lahmgelegt. We quarantäne now.
no, not really. plenty of people outside,working, in the parks etc. just stfu you mongo.

>>BUNDESWEHR about to deploy into the city. Exits to the motorway (Highway-autobahn) are partially blocked.
>>Regional Trains (Regio.-DB) no longer stop in other Regions.
>>No more toiletpaper, kitchen towels, canned food, flour, sugar, salt or tuna (any kind of tuna).
All not true can you shut the fuck up shizo?
Rewe is fully stacked to the brim except toilet paper.

I'm fluent in English for over 15 years, I read English books daily for over 10 years, all my video games and tv shows are in English

but my English is not good enough to translate this, I barely can make meaning of it in German.

Söder live,RtKtcCr

Willkommen im Club ;/

I just informed my parents and they think it has something to do with "them being child molesters and Trump wanting them jailed" and they are going into hiding? A lot of Jewish Israeli brands there, so they know the JQ.


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Uni Bochum hat schon komplett dicht gemacht.

lol at that tiny ded cat bounce

Because with an infinite diligence and a great delicacy of the work, in addition to the dainty shape of some parts, like the feet, hinting a skillful master, the figures point to a time when the head would hardly have been the sixth part of it, and the script comes closer to its Pelasgic origin and the oldest Greek script than in other Etrurian works

>this is your life on judaism

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Kikes are well-connected and tend to have an information advantage. They pulled out because they knew the market is kill. Took the gains and fat separation packages before everything went to hell. No coincidence all of this happened early February when the market was still peaking.

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the figures are neatly crafted, the proportions are indicating that they were modelled after people with a small build and the lettering indicates a very old age even in comparison to other "etruischen" works

Good morning, Germany!

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Yeah, she worked once at the board of trade back in the 70s, was a really hard job to try and get into, and of course dealing with money, noticed it was all "large nose, curly black hair" "people".

I've been waiting for you. IT'S REICHZEIT.

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>tfw Judengold again

*Arisierung intensifies*

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No. The nigger is the face of globalism. And I don't buy this *hurr durr marketing targeting crap*. In Spain you dont see a White Hispanic ads as much as niggers yet we exist in huge numbers. Same in Germany, I see Arab and Turkish women less in ads compared to Negresses. This is clearly some sick mindgame.

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Während der Quarantäne dürfen die Ärzte Euch nicht krankschreiben.
Krankgeschrieben für 7 Tage per Telefon werden nur die, die Symptome aufweisen.
Wenn ihr Euch freiwillig gemeldet habt, seid ihr Verdachtspatienten.
Verdachtpatienten dürfen die Wohnung 2 Wochen lang nicht verlassen.
Verdachtpatienten werden durch die Krankenkassen NICHT bezahlt.

Ich wiederhole: Verdachtspatienten werden durch die Krankenkassen NICHT bezahlt! (Müsst ihr mit Chef klären.)

Oh well, Anschluss gonna be really painful this time ... and lots of wörk! So much kebab to be removed ...

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lmao fuck off fake nigger

>The nigger is the face of globalism
Cataloniman nailed the Jew on the cross or however the saying goes.

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Yeah now srsly what where they anyway?


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>still no general quarantine
Merkel is gonna wait until all ICU beds are full and her boomer voter base is dying in the streets, isn't she

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Endlösung der Rentenfrage.

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Dived deep into that topic and there are multiple theories:

- Jews own the ad agencies and due to that push niggers in a way to normalize them to the population they want to wipe out. Let's be real here, Turks don't really want to shag it up with Germans or others. They like to live among themselves. Niggers want to breed with any non-nigger they can get. Hence you can scalp off a certain percentage of the population that way. If you calculate in education, expensive lifestyle, whore culture each drawing a percentage this accumulates...

- niggers are the lowest common denominator. *Hey if niggers like it, it must be so easy it's for everyone*

- virtue signalling *look we wuz no racist*

- someone started it and the others are just copying it


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thank you anyway, friend.
well yes that's the general meaning, but i need the exact translation. anyways, thank you user.