Coronavirus un France

Hey guys, here is a message I got yesterday evening from a girl I was dating lately.
She is a M.D. At the Riviera-Chablais hospital in Switzerland.

1st part:

‘Voici Les dernières infos du chef de clinique à Necker en médecine interne.
Paris sera en confinement absolu demain soir.
Les trains vont être progressivement réduits.
Voici un mail qu’il a reçu en interne de l’hôpital (sms suivant)

Bonjour à tous,

Comme vous le savez l’évolution de l’épidémie de COVID est particulièrement inquiétante.
Les nouvelles données de modélisation sont très robustes et les projections sont parfaitement cohérentes et bien pires encore que nos scénarios pessimistes.
Il est devenu déraisonnable de prendre les transports publics et nos déplacements doivent être réduits au strict minimum. Le télétravail et l'annulation de toute réunion est obligatoire. Le confinement est donc la règle sauf pour ceux dont la présence physique au travail est indispensable (ce qui est exceptionnel au sein du CRESS).
L'hypothèse actuelle est qu’en l’absence de confinement, 30 millions de personnes seront atteintes en France avec un pic dans 50 jours.
Seule une mobilisation citoyenne massive (avec au moins 50 % de l’ensemble de la population française en confinement strict à trés court terme) permettra de réduire le pic de l’épidémie. Les chinois ont réussi ce confinement drastique mais leurs décisions ont été plus précoces et plus autoritaires.
Il est de notre responsabilité d’acteurs de santé Publique de :1) respecter ce confinement, 2) de faire prendre conscience à nos proches de cette impérieuse nécessité, 3) de porter ce message au quotidien (distance de sécurité , etc) car nos compatriotes n’ont pas encore compris la gravité de la situation.

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Other urls found in this thread:

translated because op is a faguette

‘Here are the latest news from the head of the Necker clinic in internal medicine.
Paris will be in absolute containment tomorrow evening.
The trains will be gradually reduced.
Here is an email he received internally from the hospital (next sms)

Good morning all,

As you know, the evolution of the COVID epidemic is particularly worrying.
The new modeling data is very robust and the projections are perfectly consistent and much worse than our pessimistic scenarios.
It has become unreasonable to take public transport and our trips must be kept to a minimum. Teleworking and canceling any meeting is mandatory. Confinement is therefore the rule except for those whose physical presence at work is essential (which is exceptional within the CRESS).
The current hypothesis is that in the absence of confinement, 30 million people will be reached in France with a peak in 50 days.
Only a massive citizen mobilization (with at least 50% of the entire French population in strict confinement in the very short term) will reduce the peak of the epidemic. The Chinese have succeeded in this drastic confinement but their decisions were earlier and more authoritarian.
It is our responsibility as public health actors to: 1) respect this confinement, 2) make our loved ones aware of this pressing need, 3) carry this message on a daily basis (safety distance, etc.) because our compatriots have not yet understood the gravity of the situation.

Sounds like France may get their population rolled back to 2008 levels minimum (assuming 3% death rate).
Maybe closer to 20 years if we assume an Italy situation.

For the last time, French is not a world language like Spanish or English


Seriously posting this was probably a mistake if they gonna quarantine the whole of Paris, the next evening, and you announcing it could lead to a massive fuck up...

Death rate is more like .3%. Only about 10% of infected ever get tested or go to the doctor in Italy. Hell, Ohio openly stated it thinks there are already 100k cases there alone.

2nd part of her message:

Le système de santé sera bien sur extrêmement sollicité et ne peut qu'être très largement débordé ce qui est déjà le cas dans le grand Est. Les messages selon lesquels seules les personnes agées et ou ayant des comorbidités sévères ont des syndromes de détresse respiratoire sont faux.
Nous partons sur une durée de crise en mois et d'une gravité sans précédent. Vous devez bien sur rester en contact avec vos responsables d’équipes et avec Stepanie ou moi-même si nécéssaire

Philippe Ravaud
Pr Philippe Ravaud / Directeur
[email protected]

Centre de Recherche Épidémiologie et Statistique Sorbonne Paris Cité (CRESS-UMR1153)
Inserm / Université Paris Descartes
Centre d'épidémiologie clinique
Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu, 1 place du Parvis Notre-Dame, 75004 Paris
Secrétariat :+33 (0)

this, but still its 4chin


Instant fuck up incoming.

This means less white boomers and more shitskins in the country. This is good, it's high time old white people fucked off of this planet.

It's too long, I didnt read it. I hope there wasn't any important information that could save my life.

The healthcare system will of course be extremely busy and can only be overwhelmed, which is already the case in the Great East. The messages that only the elderly and / or those with severe comorbidities have respiratory distress syndromes are false. . We are going on a crisis duration in months and of unprecedented severity. You must of course keep in touch with your team managers and with Stepanie or myself if necessary

Bad news for you sweetheart

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Putain les francophones pensent toujours que le francais est une langue internationelle comme l'anglais. Write in english baguette fucker

where are you?

This virus is a nothing burger and nothing more than a seasonal flu

>the messages that only the elderly are heavily effected are false
Why? Any proofs?

Thank you for the translation

Near Geneva, on the French side of the border ( Annecy )

I couldnt tell you user, all I did was send it through the translation software.


Annecy is a pretty big hotspot isn't it? I have a friend /classmate that lives there.

yeah I was asking the frog actually, but he doesnt seem to care

Australia found the cure

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We're fucked. I got an information pamphlet at work this morning. All it contains are week-old best case statistics and the usual "just wash your hands". I finally got my own office though, which is nice.

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Kind of, especialy a small town nearby ( La balme de Sillingy )

Some young people without comorbidities have died already, like the chinese doctor in Wuhan. happend in France too.
You can find more informations with Google.

There is even more in Switzerland (in percentage of the population) especialy since a lot of fagot came back from the fashion week in Milano a few weeks ago.

Is it burning to the ground? Because I think they tried that one already.

Thank you for your service. Fr*gs will never learn to not speak that gobbeldy-goop when communicating with humans.

>Some young people without comorbidities have died already
As expected. 0.2% mortality rate for young people menas that some will die, nothing new here

The problem here is that the number of them who need artificial ventilation is not so small, even if you are young.
If to many peoples need respiratory help at the same Time, there will not be enough machines for everybody and the morbidity will rise like in Wuhan during the pike or in italy.

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Someone cough on Macron please

In Europe, you won't get tested unless you're basically on the verge of death. In Poland, for example, you're told to just stay home for a week unless your condition is beyond any reasonable doubt, critical.

>a lot of fagot came back from the fashion week in Milano

kek seems appropriate

This but i hope the announcement of the confinment is a fake, it would be the worst error ever, people are going to flee an infect everywhere like Italy.
We need an instant locking of the country without warning

I don’t know how trustable is this message and wich strategy is the best, But we have to flatten the curve.

If to many peoples are sick to fast, the Health system will definitly be overwhelmed.

sadly this is true, you should not tell people and lockdown everything. Then you let them slowly go if they're not symptomatic.

Bfm announce a macron speech tonight, its pretty sure it will happen

This is true. Finland already told that they are now only testing people over 70 no matter if you have symptoms or not.

Death rate for younger than that is so much lower that they don't get tested even with symptoms. This will also mean that infected count given by Finland isn't been accurate after 14.3.

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Might be true for Paris and maybe for some other places where the hospital are overwhelmed

Il y a de nombreuses rumeurs de confinement imposé avec l'appui de l'armée.
Macron va déclarer ce soir à 20h la loi martiale, les militaires auront pour ordre de tirer sur chaque boomer qui achètera plus de 2 paquets de PQ

Are the french worried about their Gay Demons Points?

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it is infuriating that they are themselves responsible for this, they spend months doing propaganda about how it was just the flu and not very dangerous and now they are complaining about the fact that people do not take this seriously.

Also not closing the border at the begining was completly dumb

Why ? better be prepared

Interesting. Why do non whites flock to white coutries? to escape the shitholes their people and culture created.

Imagine no food supplied by evil whites to all of the 3rd world - The mass famine then back to huts.

Sure you could live off the existing technology and infrastructure for a while, but in less than a year it would be the shithole they originated from.

Because people are going to flee quarantine zone like they did in Italy, spreading the disease.
This kind of thing should not be made public before the act

because white country are the best

Yas Forums in france is not really popular also any people can predict the fact that france will be put in a lockdown like in italy.
You do not have to be a genius to see that we follow the same path.

Apparently Wuhan hospitals are full, and not accepting patients. On the other hand its also Jennifer Zeng posting it.

To clarify, Wuhan has been in quarantine for over a month now.

Most of the population are not geniuses, we both now it, pic related is paris yesterday.
Its not only on Yas Forums, BFM keep saying the tonight speech is going to push confinement, they act irresponsably as usual.

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>quarantining paris
how many white people are left there?

non whites flock to white countries the same way that material and wealth from non white countries flocked to white countries.

Yas Forums deserves to be privilege with prime quality informations !

lol what a bunch of bulshitt.
We are buying the material and most of these country would be much way poor if they did not sell them. Also a lot of thing are producted in the white world like america.

It is not white fault if you are not able to build a stable country. Ireland or finland was fucked way beyond most african country and can still create a first world society. Same for south korea or hong kong.

For those who want a good source of informations concerning the evolution of the pandemy :

Low IQ subhumans are just intellectually incapable of creating and maintaining any functioning civilization.

Wow. If true, this virus is a rocket and we are all too late.

>Was planning to buy more supplies tomorrow to avoid the monday rush
>There may not be a tomorrow

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Wikipedia got nice regions by regions stats for each countries too

I buyed 1month of supply mid february, the cute cashier looked as me as an alien, even my family kept repeating i was stupid.
Now they will beg for some toilet paper.

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He is correct the here in Germany the death rate is much more real, because we are still also testing young people to some degree. Maybe 0,3-0,7 death rate.

Best figures we have are from South Korea, and the death rate is more or less like the flu

Das rite, French people stole all the uranium from Africa, and they dismantled the African nuclear power plants to build their own

>not so small
Sure because even roughly one percent below 40 has at least one severe precondition. The realty is some people below 40/30 will need oxygen maybe 1 percent and one or two in a thousand will need mechanical ventilation.